
Breastfeeding Twins

Just found out I'm pregnant with twins! I'm so excited but now I need to wrap my head around this.

How have you breastfed your twins?
Has the milk supply been an issue and how did you help it?
Did you get help and, if so, where from?
Thanks in advance!
Expecting Double Trouble, April 2016

Re: Breastfeeding Twins

  • I am actually nursing my 5 week old twin boys right now. My supply has been good. I am able to pump a couple ounces a day on top of nursing them. I have been tandem nursing them for the past 4 weeks and love it. I would suggest using the LC at your hospital as much as you can and try to tandem fed asap. It will save you tons of time. You can totally do it. I made lactation cookies a couple days after we got home from the hospital just to ensure my supply got well established. I also tried to pump 3x a day for the first 2 weeks. Your supply gets established in the first 2 weeks so if you work hard for just that time you should be good. Also keeping those babies in as long as possible will help. If you can avoid the NICU and nurse from day one that would be best. But if your babies end up in the NICU you can pump and get them on the Breast eventually. It will just be a little more difficult. What you can do during your pregnancy especially at the end is take care of yourself and take it super easy. Some twins just come early and there is nothing mama can do and that's ok. My boys came at 35.6 and we have a great nursing relationship. Congratulations btw!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I nursed my first set of  twins til they were 2.5 years old. We did have supply issues in the beggingn but by 2 months, I was fully producing and they were off bottles. It ws a struggle but well worth it! 
    Fraternal twin boys born 1/12/12 at 36 weeks
    Identical twin girls expected in March! 
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  • I breastfed my twins for 18 months and didn't have any supply issues! I watched YouTube videos to figure out the logistics of tandem feeding and found those helpful, although I much prefers solo feeding. You will find out what works best for you! I hardly ever pumped either but I know a lot of ppl do In the beginning to up their supply! It also can depend on how early (if any) your babies come. Good luck! I loved breastfeeding!

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  • hayleydeeehayleydeee member
    edited September 2015
    Congratulations on your pregnancy!
    I never got the knack of nursing both babies at the same time. But I know people do so successfully (using the "football" hold I believe).
    Supply wasn't really and issue. But in those early days when I was trying to establish my supply I felt like I did nothing but nurse, 24/7!
    Every three hours (around the clock) I'd nurse one for half and hour, then the other for half an hour, and then I'd pump for half an hour. Then by the time I'd gotten the pump all clean and situated, I'd have just about an hour before it was time to start over again!
    So plan on having some help around the house!
    I did get help with nursing, the lactation consultants came around while I was in the hospital (you might have to request a visit) and we also have a local lactation center where I went for appointments a couple of times.
    Married 07.07.07. Mom to 3: Ruby 11/08 and Oliver & Austin 12/11
  • Congrats! I'm breastfeeding my 3 month old twin girls now! It's difficult to get the hang of, but easy once you get into a rhythm. In the hospital that first day, I fed them separately to learn their feeding habits. Starting the second day, I started feeding them together. I just put them both in the football hold. They love being able to look at me and each other. I highly recommend a good twin boppy pillow. My favorite for breastfeeding is called "my brest friend nursing pillow". That allows for multiple positions for one or both babies. There's also the twin z pillow. It only works in the football hold, but is useful for so many different things. Daddy can put them in it to bottle feed, they can do tummy time, learn to sit, and just chill out. I have both and love them for those reasons. My supply has been great. I've been back to work for almost a month, so the girls have gone through some of my freezer stash already. I still have over 300 ounces frozen though. I am usually able to freeze 8-10 ounces extra a day. I haven't used anything to help my supply. The best thing you can do is just feed often and pump. I used the help of the nurses and the LC while in the hospital. They were the key to my success. And you don't have to quit working before they're born. I had a scheduled c-section at 38w2d. I worked up until the day before, and I'm on my feet 8 hours a day. You just have to be smart and listen to your doctor. Good luck!

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Just finished feeding my 4 month old twins!!! I tandem feed most of the time but on occasion I like to feed one a a time... In the beginning it was pretty difficult bc I had to build up a supply. My LC had me pumping every hour and then the girls would eat the next hour then pump then feed etc. and after the girls would finish I would pump for 5 minutes. But after 2 weeks of this I was overproducing and now I have an awesome freezer stash for work hours!!! I won't lie to you it was extremely difficult those first few weeks and I almost gave up multiple times but now it's just normal and I don't even think twice about it. And I LOVE it!!!
  • Thank you everyone. I was worried it wasn't possible but you have all inspired me! Thank you for your practical advice. I will definitely talk with the LC and persevere through those first tough weeks. Did you all just breastfeed and pump or did you formula feed as well? What did your sleep look like in those first few weeks? Hours? Minutes?
    Expecting Double Trouble, April 2016

  • I exclusively breastfed and didn't need to use formula. I hardly ever pumped either because I stayed home so I didn't really need to. I don't think the first few weeks were that bad, but Ya they woke about every two to three hours. Best advice I can say is to keep them on the same schedule! When one wakes up in the night, wake the other and feed that one too even if they haven't woken up yet. One up both up! That way you aren't literally feeding all night long!

    BabyFetus TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Exactly what pp said. They ate about every 2-3 hours day and night. I exclusively breastfeed and pump. No formula needed since I pump enough for when I'm at work. It is very possible. You'll do just fine!

    Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I pumped for the the first 2 weeks just to get my supply up. After that I didn't pump until week 8 when I went back to work and still to this day I only pump at what would be their scheduled feed times. When I'm with them we BF. Night time has actually been nice for us at about 6 weeks they started sleeping pretty decent throughout the night. They do about a 6 hr stretch eat and then will sleep for 3 more! The first few weeks are EXHAUSTING but I promise it does get better!
  • Thank you all :) I'm feeling much more prepared for breastfeeding twins.
    Expecting Double Trouble, April 2016

  • Thank you all for this positive breastfeeding post! Most of the stuff I've seen about breastfeeding twins has been very negative about exclusively breastfeeding, i.e. You'll probably have to give them some formula or let someone give a bottle so you can rest. I know there will be more challenges than with one, but give us info to succeed! Not prepare us to fail. I nursed my son for 2+ years, I really want to nurse these babies!
  • I'm just weaning my 2 year old twins. They never had a bottle. Tricks are to feed when they fuss especially the first couple months to get your supply up. Eat a ton. I was at about 4500 calories. And drink lot They will each drink about 25 ounces so 50 ounces plus what you need to stay hydrated. You can do it!!
    Married to my dream husband
    Mom to 2 year old BG twins (Incompetant cervix, cerclage, and LOTS of bed rest)
    Pregnant with our next!
    I nurse my three month old twin boys and also supplement with formula. They had trouble latching in the hospital and I had to pump and feed them with syringes, it was hard. I ended up giving them formula to supplement because they more weight than they should have when we got home. It was hard at first because I really wanted to exclusively breastfeed them but I'm ok with it now.

    I give them bottles and nurse them either before or after. I also nurse them when they are fussy or in between bottle feedings. They are healthy and getting the nutrients from the breast milk and the formula. Within the last few weeks I have gotten them to latch without nipple shields & that makes life a lot easier. The LC I've been working with is really supportive & I think LCs are amazing & recommend you getting in touch with one in your area.
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