Just found out I'm pregnant with twins! I'm so excited but now I need to wrap my head around this.
How have you breastfed your twins?
Has the milk supply been an issue and how did you help it?
Did you get help and, if so, where from?
Thanks in advance!
Expecting Double Trouble, April 2016
Re: Breastfeeding Twins
Expecting Double Trouble, April 2016
Expecting Double Trouble, April 2016
I nurse my three month old twin boys and also supplement with formula. They had trouble latching in the hospital and I had to pump and feed them with syringes, it was hard. I ended up giving them formula to supplement because they more weight than they should have when we got home. It was hard at first because I really wanted to exclusively breastfeed them but I'm ok with it now.
I give them bottles and nurse them either before or after. I also nurse them when they are fussy or in between bottle feedings. They are healthy and getting the nutrients from the breast milk and the formula. Within the last few weeks I have gotten them to latch without nipple shields & that makes life a lot easier. The LC I've been working with is really supportive & I think LCs are amazing & recommend you getting in touch with one in your area.