July 2015 Moms

Fill in the blank....

Something no one told me about post partum is.........

Re: Fill in the blank....

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    That there's a chance you'll get sick and be unable to function well.
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    That the baby can be born sick and it's terrifying. I never expected that.
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    With my first I was shocked at how much pain I was in. I had to sit on my Boppy I was so sore down there.
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    How common it is to get hemorrhoids!!
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    How every time I stand up from sitting on the couch I will pass gas! When will I regain control of myself down there?!?!?!
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    How painful recovery would be, especially after an episiotomy and just how difficult breastfeeding is (not like the movies for sure!)
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    @ecloho yes, that!! I'm a STM and never had that the 1st time! It was odd.
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    That every time I needed to use the bathroom I would have to go in the shower because I couldn't physically sit on the toilet due to the immense pain of a level 4 tear.
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    How difficult breastfeeding could be and that it may not work out. And what a failure I'd feel like if/when it didn't work out.

    The same thing happened to me. And I got so depressed because of it. But we should be proud of what we were able to do. Make beautiful amazing babies! I'm sorry you went through this too it was and still is a terrible feeling.
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    @lovermyboys I totally agree! It takes my breath away every time I see my husband being a daddy :x
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    carlyyo said:

    How difficult breastfeeding could be and that it may not work out. And what a failure I'd feel like if/when it didn't work out.

    The same thing happened to me. And I got so depressed because of it. But we should be proud of what we were able to do. Make beautiful amazing babies! I'm sorry you went through this too it was and still is a terrible feeling.
    Yeah, I'm still upset about it. I felt as though my body had betrayed me. But, I realized what a silly thing to say. This body created a life, sustained it for 9 months! My DD was born full-term and healthy. We are truly blessed to have our LO's.
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    That three weeks later I still hurt when I poop. That the pain and swelling down there would be so awful. Mainly that breastfeeding would be so so hard. I didn't expect it to be easy but it really sucks.
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    That recovery can actually be relatively easy with little pain but the thought of having sex again will be terrifying. (I'm terrified that it's somehow gonna hurt like hell but also be hotdog/hallway scenario)

    I snorted when I read this! Scared the crap out of my little guy as he was nursing at the time.
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    That breastfeeding is hard! I thought she would latch right away and things would be easy. In reality, it is 2 weeks later and half of her feedings still involve her kicking and screaming at the beginning. Also, nobody told me that my boobs would leak so much! For the first week I was going through several shirts a day because I was leaking so much! I still leak through every night and usually have to pump in the mornings just to relieve the pressure.
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    How much more I could love my husband. Seeing him be such an amazing daddy makes me so grateful and just fall in love with him more.

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    That going back to work could be terrifying. Not bc I'm leaving the baby but bc I don't know how my husband is going to handle him all night long without my help. I just worry a lot!
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    That breast feeding would be enjoyable & easy for me!
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    How horrible my MIL would be to my husband because the attention isn't on her for once
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    How hard breastfeeding would be. And how much a newborn would cry and how little sleeping they actually do (at least mine)
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    How lop-sided u would feel after nursing!
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    ashleytiffashleytiff member
    edited August 2015
    @nmfranklin00 Dude, I feel soooo bad when I get frustrated with his crying.

    @Ckorines I haven't not laughed at any of his farts
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    @ashleytiff farts make me giggle. Sharts are the worst.
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    eyi715 said:

    How much you will miss your life before baby, giving up yourself to be the mommy of this little person was the biggest shock for me, but then feeling so guilty for feeling that way and then cry at the thought of life without your baby.... If that makes sense.

    It totally makes sense to me, it's such an interesting change process moving into motherhood, I miss parts of life but in a much deeper way, my life feels so much more real now, like it's just begun. :)
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    That trips to target will never be the same.... Waahhhhhh :(
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