November 2015 Moms

Decreased fetal movement

So I did search, and didn't really find anything that was recent that pertained to this issue; unless my phone left out posts...but here goes:
He has been pretty active for the last 2 months. We've been able to see his kicks for close to a month now, and they were starting to get pretty strong. But the last 3 days he hasn't been moving too much. He'll kick a handful of times a day now, and he'll roll to one side once or twice a day...I'm 23 weeks and 4 days. I know its a little early to be counting fetal kicks, should I call my doctor tomorrow, or just wait until the my appointment on the 20th? Or wait a few more days watch what happens and then call the if there's no change? Has anyone else experienced this?

Re: Decreased fetal movement

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    I've been experiencing the same thing lately, I am also 23 weeks and a few days. I called my doctor and they told me to go to the ER. The nurses at the ER let me hear the heartbeat and told me that at this point it's still too early for regular movement. If you're really worried you could always just go there, if your insurance covers it. Also, I found that buying a Doppler to use yourself at home eased my worries of the baby moving less.
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    I've posted about this before, I forget the name of the post. So far this kind of thing has happened to me twice. Once around 20 weeks and again around 23 weeks. The first time I waited it out and baby took 3 days to go back to regular activity. The second time I called Dr. I was told that still early for regular movements and that all should be well as long as I am feeling something at intervals of every few hours (particularly when baby is most active- after eating and before bed) which I was. Baby was just lazy, less kicks less intensity but still clearly there. I was told to call in if movement stopped altogether or any sign of bleeding. Currently (just started week 25) I'm noticing a pattern- one busy day then one lazy day which midwife said was normal. I was advised not to start the kick count til 28 weeks.

    That being said I was comfortable waiting the first time but chose to make the call the second time. Do what will make you feel better, Dr office is used to these kinds of things. Be well!
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    I agree with PP, call your doctor.
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    Was just googling this today! I read that sometimes babies find a comfy position and don't want to move too much. My baby girl kicks a lot and for the past three days hasn't at all. I tried to drink some cold juice and lay down today and I felt some small kicks. But I totally feel you because it's hard not to worry! I'm waiting until my appointment Friday but it can never hurt to call the doc.
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    Thanks guys. It's the middle of the night here; so I'll probably call in the morning. It seems like all the important things happen on holidays, weekends and at 2 am! Haha. Glad I'm not the only one, and y'all have had good outcomes :) it eases my mind a bit :)
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    I really would try not to worry about it, you're still pretty early to be feeling consistent movement. If you don't feel lo at all then I would contact your doctor, but if you're feeling them some, then I would try not to be concerned. I am 27 weeks today and even now there are days were my lo will be super active and then the next I won't feel him as much and I noticed a lot of it depends on what position he is in.
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    Drinking something cold and sweet, then laying on your left side can make your LO start dancing. But feel free to call your midwife/OB. I experienced this a few weeks ago and they had me come in so they could check his heartbeat and do a quick ultrasound to make sure everything was ok.
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    If your Dr hasn't told you to start kick counts yet then it's probably too early to be of concern particularly because you are still feeling movement.
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    I was like that at 23 weeks, at 25 weeks it was the same, at my 25 week midwife appointment she said they don't focus on counting kicks/consistent movements until 28 weeks.
    I have a Doppler but wouldn't use that as a 'everything is ok, no need to call anyone' if I felt something was wrong. However, I'm 27 weeks now and still get excited when baby kicks, in the sense of it doesn't happen all the time. I'll start paying more attention to consistency next week at 28 weeks.
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    I had this same issue last week (around 24 weeks). I called my doctor to see what they thought, and they sent me to labor and delivery for fetal monitoring just in case. They strapped the fetal monitor on, and could tell that baby was moving quite a bit without me feeling it. I have an anterior placenta, so that's part of it. They also thought that baby could've turned in a way that I couldn't feel as much arm and leg movement. In any case, I'm glad I went, it was definitely worth it for peace of mind :)
    Fur daughter: 02/2011
    Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
    *formerly kayemjay*

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    I have a doctors appointment today for this, I am nearing 27 weeks and starting last week I had a sudden onset of nausea and vomiting, noticed the past 3 days decreased movement. Just kicks here and there...not the usual 20+ minutes of acrobatics. My OB wanted me to come in.
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    I wqs told that around 24 weeks baby sleeps lots 14 hours a day and its normal to not feel movement as much. Im just about 25 weeks and the last week baby girl hasnt moved as much sometimes i only feel her once briefly throughout the day. If its really stressful on you theres nothing wrong with going to the er as many times as needed. I went for stomach pain i was having that ended up being normal and the dr even told me if something feels different its always okay to take the trip.
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    I am 26w2d and have noticed this the last few days. As others have said, they don't ask you to start monitoring until 28 weeks. The babies are still very small and are doing a lot of growing. They might also be active during the night while you're sleeping. I wouldn't worry about it!
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    I would always rather be the paranoid mum who worried for no reason, than the mum who second guessed her instincts and something was wrong. Call your doctor, it probably is nothing and probably is a bit early for you. But it's always better to be safe with issues like this
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    It's funny because I'm 23 weeks 4 days along too. For the past 3 days I've been feeling very very little movement too and freaking out about it. I have an appointment on the 17th.

    I talked to my doctor who will be delivering my baby and asked her how much fetal movement I should be feeling at 23 weeks and she said "not to much really, maybe jabs every now and then. But thats it. The baby's still really small."

    Im trying so hard to wait until my appointment. I hate waiting I just want to know if my baby's okay.
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    This has happened to me a couple times and my doctor told me not to count kicks or movements until 28 weeks. She said sometimes they can be in a position where you can't feel them as much, or they are a little lazy that day. I'm 27 weeks now and occasionally I still notice this. Yesterday, she was not active at all but the day before she squirmed all day. Starting to think they just wear themselves out on their active days sometimes or are going through a growth spurt! :)
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    This has happened to me a couple times and my doctor told me not to count kicks or movements until 28 weeks. She said sometimes they can be in a position where you can't feel them as much, or they are a little lazy that day. I'm 27 weeks now and occasionally I still notice this. Yesterday, she was not active at all but the day before she squirmed all day. Starting to think they just wear themselves out on their active days sometimes or are going through a growth spurt! :)

    Thats what i was saying to my fiance today. Its like she naps for two days then is up and a little psycho all day then naps another couple days and so on

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    I called my OB office for the same issue (I was 23+3 at the time). I had been seeing movement and feeling it really strongly and suddenly it felt much weaker and less frequent.  The nurse who got back to me actually suggested doing a kick count not as a diagnostic (she also said they usually wait until 28 weeks to get concerned) but to reassure myself because it likely would still be 10 movements in 2 hours if I was laying down and drank cold fluids at a time the baby was normally active. She said that if I was still concerned afterwards I could come in just for my own reassurance but that the baby probably just moved to a different position. She did emphasize to me that the strength of the movements does not matter, just the number.

    I can feel the baby move a lot more now a few days later.  It seems like he might have been vertical when I couldn't feel as well (light movements down low and up high on my midline) and that I can feel him much more in breach (feeling kicks on either side).  Good luck!
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    I experienced this decrease two weeks ago at 23 weeks and freaked out. Called my doctor and she reassured me that as long as I'm feeling her once a day all is ok. Apparently, "normal" is once per day until 32 weeks! That was shocking to me because I feel her countless times per day ordinarily.
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    Hmm I feel like around 23 weeks seems to be a common time people are noticing less movement. Which is reasurring somewhat. But I wonder why. Must be a growth spurt?!?

    Whenever I start to freak out lately about movement I go right to the store and buy OJ and a candy bar.
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    I'm sure it's all fine but it's better to be checked out than regret not going later. I'm around the same time as you so generally have an icy drink or something sweet to see if the movement increases. I'm probably more cautious as had a stillborn in my last pregnancy so I always get checked out by OB if the sugary/icy trick doesn't work.
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    3mily15 said:

    I experienced this decrease two weeks ago at 23 weeks and freaked out. Called my doctor and she reassured me that as long as I'm feeling her once a day all is ok. Apparently, "normal" is once per day until 32 weeks! That was shocking to me because I feel her countless times per day ordinarily.

    Once a day?! I've never heard that before!

    My only advice for anyone reading is to concentrate on your own babies movements. Doctors recommend figuring out what is normal for YOU. It won't help comparing yourself to other women, some feel their baby all day every day and some just mild movements. It can be affected by so many things (maternal weight, placenta position, baby's size...) so its incredibly important to get to know your own baby and what they usually get up to.

    For what it's worth, in the UK they tell you to start kick counting at 26 weeks (as this is considered viability and in an emergency baby has a chance of survival) and they say around ten movements a day. That can include wiggles, rolls, hiccups, anything you know is baby. But again, the key is actually consistency for your baby and if you're worried- please please please call a doctor because heaven forbid anything was wrong- you're not working with a very long timescale and noticing problems earlier can save lives.
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    Also keep in mind that baby sleeps a lot in utero just like when they are newborns. My pregnancy info app said it's very normal to not feel baby move a lot during the day as they develope a sleep and wake cycle. It's pointless to worry if you are feeling your baby everyday.
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    This happened to me around 25 weeks. I had about 16 hours of NO movement at all, and was panicking. Thankfully when I got home from work I was able to use my Doppler and hear LO just fine. I mentioned this to my Ob at my appt last week, and she advised me to always call with concerns. You can always call the after-hours service for your provider and they can tell you what steps to take. My OB said sometimes the baby just needs more sleep but to always think about what you may need to do first- like rest, eat or hydrate. I notice LO is much more active when I'm super hydrated. Also, maybe your little one just turned around or is kicking against your placenta.
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    I'm 27wks 5days. I've noticed that if I get hot at work or outside, my lil boy doesn't move for quite a while. It's usually that night when I'm trying to go to sleep that he'll start moving.
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    My baby was super active and kicking all day every day it seems like , then for two days straight I felt NOTHING. I started to freak out and scheduled an ultrasound, but the next day she was back at it and has been kicking consistently since :) so I think that may be normal ?
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    hlaverett88hlaverett88 member
    edited August 2015
    Mine has been doing this same thing! Last week every time I was still for more than a minute he would go nuts! For long periods of time too. But these past two or three days he Hardly does. I start freaking out because he doesn't move as often. Then he does a small wiggle and comforts me like "hey mom I'm good"
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