July 2015 Moms

Friday Randomness

Ok so since last week, my world has been crazy. My dad went to the er & was released but got way worse & went back to Houston & right back in the hospital & is now in surgery for a bulging disc. My sister & her husband are separating & thats a mess... no wonder my kid doesn't want to come out! Saw my doctor today 40+5 & in the last 3 weeks I have dilated from 1/2 to a 1. Soooo I got the eviction note today, start cyotec Tuesday & pitocin Wednesday. How are you ladies?

Re: Friday Randomness

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    babydubabydu member
    edited July 2015
    I am 40 + 1 today, 2 cm and 70% but her head is really high up, my eviction notice is Thursday, doc said I have a favorable cervix so I just have to start pitocin Thursday morning instead of starting my induction over night. Hopefully little miss comes before then!
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    edited July 2015
    I'm 40 + 3 today. I was telling you ladies before that my OB has been out with a medical emergency for the past 2 weeks. I thought for sure that the covering physician was going to induce me today because when I saw her earlier in the week she was making a huge deal about my bp but all of my bloodwork came back great and ruled out pre eclampsia. She told me that if I was her patient she would have induced me already, but since I'm not her patient and my doctor is coming back next week and she knows that I want a natural birth she is letting me follow up with my doctor next week on Tuesday. Thank God! I'm praying this little boy will come out on his own so I don't have to have this same conversation with my dr next week.

    ETA: Looks like I'll be having an August baby. :)
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    40+3 today. Got a sweep booked at 41 and induction date on 10th Aug. Just feeling a little bored now. I've washed everything, set up house, stocked up the freezer so just sat around waiting for our baby!

    Sounds like you have a lot on your plate... I hope your dad is ok and that you are coping with all the stress. Xx
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    41 weeks. Started induction this am. Ballon catheter. Hubbie n i were laughing but as soon as that catheter went in, i was in tears. Worst contractions ever. Am not dilated so doc hopes i can dilate. Got epidural after 4 hrs. Feeling much better
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    Wow @KAR8706 sounds like you've got a lot going on!! Sending prayers your way!
    And congrats @ecloho!!!
    I am now 1 day overdue and actually feeling ok about it. Yesterday I definitely was NOT, so clearly the emotional roller coaster continues. I am feeling pretty certain that he won't be making his debut in the next 9.5 hours, unless something super dramatic were to happen, so also most likely having an August baby. Which would be the only August birthday on either side of the family , so I feel like that's special. ODS has the only September Bday on either side, so I just feel like it's cool that both my boys are set apart like that. And after saying all that, I'd still like to add that if I *were* to go into labor today and have a July baby, I'd still be 100% ok with that.... just sayin
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    So in love! Baby Owen is such a good baby so far. He is eating and sleeping like a champ! Finally starting to feel alright after having the csection which is a huge plus! Only took 5 day :( but I feel more up to leaving my chair more and actually doing things around the house. Owen weighed 9.7 at birth and yesterday was 8.15 so now we have to go back to the doctors next week to have his weight checked. My husband has been really awesome and supportive through it all and I couldn't love him anymore than I do at this time! I'm just over the moon!
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    40+3 today and I am just completely exhausted. I had a membrane sweep yesterday which did nothing so induction will start Tuesday night. Not thrilled about that, but hopefully I will have my baby girl on wednesday and it will all be worth it! Today was my last day of work and they informed me that they will no longer be holding my position for me and our plan that we set months ago for me to work from home for a while is no longer happening. So basically I am jobless now. It's not the worst thing since I wasn't planning to actually go back there, but husband is now freaking out about finances. I am just really hoping this blue moon will force this kid out of me tonight! I need something good to happen!
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    @WanderingHeart ..I'm sry to hear they aren't holding up to what they said they would do.
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    babydubabydu member
    @WanderingHeart I think there are laws that protect you from this happening, I would look into it!
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    This morning my doctor decided he wasn't going to induce me tonight and would rather wait one more week :-S to say that that conversation was disappointing would be a huge understatement. Baby is still up way high and is posterior making it hard for him to drop into my already weirdly shaped pelvis. I feel bad like my body isn't doing what it's supposed to. I have an appointment next thursday and if nothing has happened by then they will induce me with cervical ripening that night and pitocin Friday morning. My cervix is completely closed, no effacement, and baby can't drop. Not sure if it's the hormones but I feel like a failure :((
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