March 2016 Moms

Can you keep a secret?


Re: Can you keep a secret?

  • mb0112mb0112 member
    What are your plans for telling who/when?

    I told my husband a day after my first at-home test showed a very faint line. He could tell I was acting weird. Then I showed him the later, stronger positives and clear blue "2-3 weeks". No cute announcement for him, haha! Have not told anyone else. At 5 weeks it still feels way too early and no major symptoms yet so we will see how it goes.

    How are you doing holding such a big secret inside?

    It's been ok so far (less than a week since my first test) but it will get much harder if MS hits. I have some major events coming up including being a bridesmaid in 2 weddings so I hope I hold up ok and don't get forced to spill the beans in a way that steals attention.

    Anything to amuse us about nearly spilling the beans?

    Not yet but probably will at a bachelorette party soon (not drinking, normally would).
  • What are your plans for telling who/when?

    I told my husband by telling him, "THERE'S A SECOND LINE," right as he was waking up. That earned me a nice WTF face. We'll probably tell family and close friends in a couple weeks, I just want to make sure I get to 5 weeks or so before blabbing.

    How are you doing holding such a big secret inside?

    I am a secret-keeping master.  My H on the other hand is dying a slow death as we speak, I'm sure.  He is the most godawful secret keeper to ever have walked this earth.

    Anything to amuse about nearly spilling the beans?

    Not yet! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • What are your plans for telling who/when? I told DH the day I got my BFP. We are waiting until we hear a heartbeat to tell our parents. We will tell family and friends after the first trimester. We will announce on social media after we go to the anatomic ultrasound.

    How are you doing holding such a big secret inside? It's a little hard right now, but I bet it is going to get harder as the weeks go on. I already have a countdown of when I am allowing myself to tell our parents. I'm glad I have TB. 

    Have you anything to amuse us about nearly spilling the beans? My incident happened two days before my BFP. I was shopping with friends in a city that was 3 hours away. We went out to lunch. I had plenty of leftovers, but it was going to 7 hours before we got home. My friend just suggested keeping it with me in the air conditioned shopping malls. I told her I didn't want to risk it and said "I'm really paranoid" but it almost came out as "I'm really pregnant."

  • Gk2688Gk2688 member
    What do I do at girls night, where everyone will be drinking and watching my glass like Hawks?
  • I told DH "you need to come look at this" after taking a 4th test. The plan is no one else finds out until about 12 wks - Labor Day weekend. Then a mad rush to tell everyone as fast as possible because none of them can keep a secret. I'm thinking I'll order a short that just says "preggers" and wear it to gatherings until everyone knows.

    I'm hit and miss keeping the secret. Half the time I'm dying to blab, the other half I'm glad we haven't shared. There's been a lot of pressure since we got married so I'm counting this as silent payback for constant badgering.

    I've almost slipped a couple times because so many people I know are pregnant. Tonight at dinner with my sister whose little man is 6 weeks I almost brought up Qs I have about maternity leave. Couldn't even cover, just pretended to lose my train of thought. Ugh, 6w2d to go.
    image     image
  • We are so torn over when to tell people. We had close friends who got pregnant a month before us but lost the baby. It was so hard and we are scared of something similar happening, so we wanted to wait until my first trimester was over. The problem is right at my 13 weeks, we have two family weddings. We don't want to steal the spotlight from them, but if we wait until after the second wedding, I will most likely have started to show. Plus, we are already having a hard time trying to throw suspicion. My sister-in-law apparently has been on baby watch the last few months to see if I've stopped drinking, which I find really creepy! We're exhausted with the all the excuses we've had to come up with to cover my not drinking and ms. I just want to tell close family before both weddings and ask that they not spread the news so that the focus can stay on the brides and grooms. So frustrated with nosy family!!!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I've told more people than I should have :/ 
    My DH and my mom. Then I told my friend but she has 4 kids so I needed someone to talk to. My DH wanted to tell his mom so I agreed. Also one of my husband's co-workers' wife is pregnant so they formed a little future daddy club. 

    Everyone else I'm waiting until 10 weeks, I hope!

    Me: 29 DH:32
    Married: 9/29/12
    BFP: 07/14/2015
    TTC#2 since: Jan 2018
  • zephyrlt said:

    We are so torn over when to tell people. We had close friends who got pregnant a month before us but lost the baby. It was so hard and we are scared of something similar happening, so we wanted to wait until my first trimester was over. The problem is right at my 13 weeks, we have two family weddings. We don't want to steal the spotlight from them, but if we wait until after the second wedding, I will most likely have started to show. Plus, we are already having a hard time trying to throw suspicion. My sister-in-law apparently has been on baby watch the last few months to see if I've stopped drinking, which I find really creepy! We're exhausted with the all the excuses we've had to come up with to cover my not drinking and ms. I just want to tell close family before both weddings and ask that they not spread the news so that the focus can stay on the brides and grooms. So frustrated with nosy family!!!

    I know what you mean! My dad's wife has been watching my alcohol intake for months. And mom isn't much better. They are basically forcing me to lie if I want the chance to announce on my own terms. [-(
    image     image
  • What are your plans for telling who/when? I took a pregnancy test on June 28th and got my BFP.  My husband and I love to play scrabble, so I sneakily brought the game into the bathroom and pulled out the letters to spell "pregnant". That afternoon, I convinced him to play with me and about halfway through the game, I put the letters down. He didn't get it at first, but when it finally sunk in, he was SO excited!! We have told my mom and and father-in-law, but I am not in a huge rush to tell others.

    How are you doing holding such a big secret inside? It's been much easier this pregnancy. I have been having more fun NOT telling than spilling the beans!

    Have you anything to amuse us about nearly spilling the beans? Not yet...I am sure it's bound to happen!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I am having such a hard time not telling. We found out a week ago, and told our parents within a couple of days. I also told my two best friends and a couple of coworkers to help me throw people off at fairly frequent happy hour events. We are going to a winery today with some friends, and I don't know if I can lie well enough to keep the secret!
  • I currently am sitting in a hotel room with my in-laws on a big family vacation. DH is the only one who knows so far. It's so hard to not shout it from the rooftops! Our first 2 pregnancies we told early on, around 5 weeks or so. With this one being a surprise baby (my boys are 11 and 8!) we are being extra cautious. We plan on telling our boys around 9 weeks after our first ultrasound, and then close family about a week after that. Facebook world and work will be after first trimester. MS had been the hardest thing to hide so far. I fear my 11 year old is going to figure it out soon!
  • My first pregnancy ended with my daughter stillborn at 38 weeks in March. I just found out earlier this week that we are pregnant again, which is what we wanted. This time around I have a different outlook on who to tell and when. We have told both sets of parents and siblings. We are also telling close friends. Basically if I would share with the person if I ended up experiencing a miscarriage then I am fine sharing of our fantastic news! Everyone wants this for us as much as we want it!
  • Well when we found out with home pregnancy test it was 7:30 in the morning I told my husband right away while he was sleeping :) at the same day I took a blood test to be sure and when it was positive I called my mother to come over, that day I spilled the beans to her and at the same day my husband told his father, they were both crying and exciting :) the rest I didn't want to tell but in 2-3 days we needed to tell the rest of the family because there was a vacation in a week that we were planned to go together and I would act weird and be stressed so my husband forced me to tell so everyone will be leave us alone:) first I didn't want and wanted to wait till 12w but then I saw his point he was right so it was a nice vacation for me:) I will wait to announce for the friends and the rest after first trimester!
  • I have no idea when we'll make any big announcements, but we have told our parents, my siblings, and a couple of our close friends. My sister is due one month before i am so it would be kind of fun letting the rest of our families in on the news together somehow.
  • My DH was with my when I tested. I had been thinking AF was coming and wasn't prego but when it never came we suspected I was KU! We just found out friday (4 days ago and it seems surreal!) 

    We don't plan to tell anyone yet. Once we have our 8 week appt we will tell our parents and siblings. The hardest is that my BIL lives with us right now (in the future nursery!) and for the next 4 weeks I will need to keep it quiet!
    Me: 32 DH: 31
    TTC #2 since January 2018
    Baby #1 DD  Born 8/25/2016
    BFP: 8/11/18 Due: 4/26/18


  • Since we're not telling anyone for a while, I'm just super happy when I get to buy baby stuff (only pregnancy creams, so far), or when I had the 1st doctor's appointment, because the people in the stores and the doctors/staff are the only ones I can show my huge pregnant smile to :)
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I told my SO, two of my very best long distance girlfriends, and one local BFF. It's a surprise, so I needed their help to get through the shock of it. My SO told his best friend, who told his wife (who is also expecting in March).

    My plan is to tell my parents and his mom after my Dr appointment in about a month. It's so hard! I'm also pretty sure my coworkers are going to figure out something's up as I'm no longer pounding caffeinated beverages at all hours of the workday.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I only told DH, BFF and one girl at work. However my 3 year old straight up asked me why there was a baby in my belly. CREEPY!! I just ignored DH said its too early to tell her

    2004- DX with PCOS

    6/2011- Gonal-F + Ganirelix + Oviderl and Crinone= BFP

    7/7/2011 Beta #1 119 Beta #2 563 Beta#3 4178

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • maxmcjmaxmcj member
    We're waiting till after first scan to tell anyone... can't wait to tell our 3 year old little boy... who's been asking for a brother or sister for about a year now lol xxxx waiting for scan .. wish it would hurry up xxxx
  • edited July 2015

    We are going to be waiting for a bit before we tell anyone. This is my 4th pregnancy, with none of the other 3 being viable past 7+ weeks so we're a little more apprehensive about sharing the news than others.

    We'll be camping Labor Day weekend with my BIL and his family. Fortunately (well fortunately for when it comes to keeping a secret anyways - unfortunate because we love them!) they live about 4 hours away so we won't see them until then and I'll be past 10 weeks so I figure they will be the first people we tell in person as it would be very out of the ordinary for me not to partake in activities such as boozing and skiing.

    As for our moms, I want to do something special to tell them but again, we live 4 hours away. We will probably tell them around 8 weeks? It's kind of an arbitrary number I guess. Undecided on the timeframe for now. I have a little design experience so I found something I liked on Etsy and changed it up a little to be more my style and will turn that into something kind of like this to send my mom (her first grandchild so a little more special).

    Only Thing Better Than Having You As A Mom is Our Baby Having You As A Grandma Photo Board; Baby Announcement; New Grandparents Gift

    For MIL, this will be her 11th grandkid and she is kind of over them lol so I am not sure that we will do much more than calling her? We will tell them both before Labor day so they'll be the first of our family and friends to know.

    As for my friends, I'm really not sure. There is a little college reunion in the works for about halfway through October for our school's homecoming, but we moved out of state so it would be quite the drive to participate and I'm not sure I can wait that long to tell them the good news. I gchat with one of my closest friends every day and it is torture not sharing that.

    I do have a question though - my only real childhood friend (she lives in Vegas. We are the kind of friends that don't talk often, but still very close) is my best friend and I know they've been trying to conceive for a little while. She knows some of my past struggles of loss and infertility so I know she'd be happy for me, but I don't want to gloat since I know how it feels like for everyone around you to get pregnant when you're not. When do you guys think I should tell her? No way she would find out from anyone but me.

    Annnddddd end novel.

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

  • What are your plans for telling who/when? Right now I have only told my BF and my work BF. We will probably tell my dad once I have my first doctors appointment, other than that I plan on waiting until 10-12 weeks to tell everyone and our 3 1/2 year old because he obviously can't keep a secret.

    How are you doing holding such a big secret inside? I am super excited so its hard to wait but I had a MC before DS and I know how hard it is to tell a lot of people you have had a loss. 

    Have you anything to amuse us about nearly spilling the beans?...Not right now. DH almost told our DS right after I told DH but he stopped himself. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • mb0112mb0112 member

    We are going to be waiting for a bit before we tell anyone. This is my 4th pregnancy, with none of the other 3 being viable past 7+ weeks so we're a little more apprehensive about sharing the news than others.

    We'll be camping Labor Day weekend with my BIL and his family. Fortunately (well fortunately for when it comes to keeping a secret anyways - unfortunate because we love them!) they live about 4 hours away so we won't see them until then and I'll be past 10 weeks so I figure they will be the first people we tell in person as it would be very out of the ordinary for me not to partake in activities such as boozing and skiing.

    As for our moms, I want to do something special to tell them but again, we live 4 hours away. We will probably tell them around 8 weeks? It's kind of an arbitrary number I guess. Undecided on the timeframe for now. I have a little design experience so I found something I liked on Etsy and changed it up a little to be more my style and will turn that into something kind of like this to send my mom (her first grandchild so a little more special).

    Only Thing Better Than Having You As A Mom is Our Baby Having You As A Grandma Photo Board; Baby Announcement; New Grandparents Gift

    For MIL, this will be her 11th grandkid and she is kind of over them lol so I am not sure that we will do much more than calling her? We will tell them both before Labor day so they'll be the first of our family and friends to know.

    As for my friends, I'm really not sure. There is a little college reunion in the works for about halfway through October for our school's homecoming, but we moved out of state so it would be quite the drive to participate and I'm not sure I can wait that long to tell them the good news. I gchat with one of my closest friends every day and it is torture not sharing that.

    I do have a question though - my only real childhood friend (she lives in Vegas. We are the kind of friends that don't talk often, but still very close) is my best friend and I know they've been trying to conceive for a little while. She knows some of my past struggles of loss and infertility so I know she'd be happy for me, but I don't want to gloat since I know how it feels like for everyone around you to get pregnant when you're not. When do you guys think I should tell her? No way she would find out from anyone but me.

    Annnddddd end novel.

    If you still consider yourself very close with the Vegas friend, tell her around Labor Day. She should be amongst the first non-parents to know because if the news is going to upset her, she'd be more upset if she heard it from someone other than you. Who knows if BIL's family might make a comment on Facebook or something after you tell them Labor Day.

    Someone on another board had a similar situation (Friend struggling with infertility) and it was suggested that she share the news early and through email, so the friend had time to process before responding. Not sure if I think that is the way to go, but something to consider.
  • Officially, only DH knows. DS has been told but he's 2 and more interested in racing his hot wheels. We live with my in-laws for maybe the rest of this trimester as we wait for our house to close (which is really taking forever).
    I'm pretty sure my MIL suspects because I've been picking at supper, sneaking in horse pill vitamins, and there's a massive jug of ginger ale in the fridge.
    I'd rather wait til October to tell folks just to have the first trimester and its worries behind us, but I'm still pretty sure my in-laws and maybe folks from church will put 2 and 2 together by then.
  • St0v3sSt0v3s member
    What are your plans for telling who/when? Of course DH already knows. We are telling parents, grandparents and great aunts/uncle after confirming with the doctor. We plan on sending them a pregnancy poem. And then telling our silblings via phone call anyone else will be told after the heartbeat

    How are you doing holding such a big secret inside? I'm doing ok. Mainly because I've already told my 2 best friends and I have someone to talk to me about it

    Have you anything to amuse us about nearly spilling the beans? I've been really sick lately due to a medication and everyone swears I'm pregnant and it's been hard saying no it's from the meds.

    Me- 25,DH-28


    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • I told DH this morning, but I don't plan on telling anyone else for a while.  I had a MMC in April and would like the whole world not to know this time around.

    I think it will be hard to keep it a secret, but at the same time it will be DH and my secret and that makes it worth while.
    BFP 2/11/15 (EDD 10/13/15). MMC 3/30/15 D&C 4/3/15 "We will always love you"
    DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16).  "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
    DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18).  "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
    BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21).  "Round 3 FIGHT!"
  • I told DH immediately, then I texted my two sisters and my mom pretty instantly. I told my BFF on my lunch break that day and another random friend who had just texted and asked what's up. DH told his favorite co-worker.

    We decided not to tell DH's family because they were not very supportive during our miscarriages. They also tell everyone (my family did too but they live further away so no big deal)

    However, the random friend I told is friends with DH's sister and I guess I forgot to mention not to tell. He assumed she already knew and spilled the beans to her. So DH called his parents super quick so he could tell them before she did.

    This all happened during the weekend we found out, lol. Since then I have told one other friend and also a co-worker. Today I am 4w4d. So I'm not handling keeping the secret very well at all!


    TTC #1: February 1, 2014
    BFP #1: 2/21/14 EDD: 10/31/14 MMC: discovered 3/31/14 (blighted ovum) D&C: 4/3/14 at 9w6d

    BFP #2:12/18/14 EDD: 8/27/14 Beta #1 (16 DPO): 50 Beta #2 (18 DPO): 54 CP: 12/25/14 at 5w0d

     Names | Blog | Chart

    Formally LisaG09

    "Everybody wants to be happy. Nobody wants to feel pain but you can't have a rainbow without the rain."

  • Getting married in a little under 2 months. It's super hard keeping this in. I'm planning on telling my mother the morning of the wedding.
    My fiancé and I are going to surprise everyone at the wedding with a surprise reveal during the first dance.

    Super nervous. Trying to keep it together
  • So far my husband knows, my grandma knows, a few friends and my manager. I work at an animal hospital so there are things I need to avoid such as X-rays, certain meds, anesthesia and heavy lifting. 

    We are leaving for vacation to his parent's lake house on August 8th and my first prenatal appointment is August 6th sooooooo we will be able to tell his parents on vacation. Trying to think of cute ways and thinking about incorporating our fur babies :)
    BabyFruit Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
    MC @ 5w Aug. 2011, MC @ 4w4d July 2015. Expecting again......stick baby stick!!!!
    ~Chihuahua momma~
  • mb0112mb0112 member
    venesssaa said:

    Getting married in a little under 2 months. It's super hard keeping this in. I'm planning on telling my mother the morning of the wedding.
    My fiancé and I are going to surprise everyone at the wedding with a surprise reveal during the first dance.

    Super nervous. Trying to keep it together

    What are you going to do?
    I saw a couple who pulled out an "it's a boy" banner and held the opposite ends of it for a photo at their wedding. Some of the more conservative guests raised eyebrows, but overall it was pretty cute.
  • What are your plans for telling who/when?

    We have told our parents and my two BFFs (who shared with their husbands, but we're okay with that). We don't plan on making it public information until we find out the gender, if possible. I wanted only the people who I wanted to be my "go to" people to know as I wanted to be past the first trimester when the chance of a MC is greater and as excited as I am, I am feeling kind of selfish about sharing the news with everyone. Knowing some of my family members and how people in general tend to give unsolicited advice when you announce that your pregnant, I just don't want to deal with that right now. 

    How are you doing holding such a big secret inside?

    As I mentioned, I am not quite ready to make it public information so it hasn't been hard for me. My husband as no problem keeping it a secret as he is not one to share his personal life, anyway. Our parents and my BFFs have promised to keep it a secret and I trust them.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Me: 34, Unexplained Infertility, Hypothyroidism (after being diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and radioactive iodine treatment; taking Levothyroxine for hypothryoidism) | DH: 33, no fertility problems

    ● IUI #1: BFN ● IUI #2: BFN ● IUI #3: BFP 7/11/15 - MC at 8 Weeks  :( ● IUI #4: BFN 
    ● IUI #5: BFP! 12/29/15, 11dpiui
    1/1/2016 Beta #1 HCG: 58  Progesterone: 49.5
    1/3/2016 Beta #2 HCG:154 Progesterone: 55.9
    1/20/16 Ultrasound #1 6w3d, HB: 114 bpm
    1/29/16 Ultrasound #2 8w0d, HB: 171 bpm

  • What are your plans for telling who/when?
    We have told most of our immediate family and really close friends. We're going to slowly tell others (going to a wedding this weekend and I'm a party girl, friends are going to, but the big revel will be around 10 weeks or so. You know Facebook Official  ;)

    How are you doing holding such a big secret inside?

    Not very well...I really want to tell everyone. I'm a talker and I like to talk about everything! Hubby and I aren't super concerned about the 3 month mark, but also don't want to try and remember who we told if we need to fill them in later. 

    Have you anything to amuse us about nearly spilling the beans?
    Ha! No...I shut her office door to tell my boss and she thought I was coming in there to tell her I  was quitting (long story, but a lot of recent turnovers due to life happening), but really no bean spilling. 

  • We have told no one...which is kind of hard. I leave for a cruise with mom and dtr in 10 days and I don't know how I won't tell her.
    His parents(this will be their 1st grandbaby) he is getting his mom a pandora charm and giving her the box and seeing how long it takes her to figure out.
    Daughter- I bought her a super cute sister necklace we are giving her. She will be told after both sets of our parents are told.
    Mine..idk yet I may just tell them? Or frame the US pic
    I have my first US and dr appt the day before we leave for will prob kill me not to tell her...I'm pretty sure she thinks something is going on though bc she says things to my daughter. Like "let mommy rest she's tired" she's also specifically washing her clothes and packing them to try and make them not smell (she smokes) because she knows it bothers me. She usually doesn't care.
    Whew that's a lot...we are trying to wait til 12 weeks (labor day weekend) and fb will be later and I already have that picked put 2 :)
  • Eeekkkkk my best gal pal just planned a visit to come see me and she is already talking about how hungover we are going to be. I'll be just under 9 weeks so I guess she and her husband will be the first people we tell face to face!

    Tv Breaking Bad animated GIF Tv Breaking Bad animated GIF

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

  • What are your plans for telling who/when?
    Because of a previous MC and my general poor attitude about people spilling the beans super early (no offense to those who do! We have IF in my family and that's why it is a sore subject) we would like to wait until 12 weeks (Labor Day) before telling anyone.  At that point, we're only telling immediate family.  I'm not planning on making any announcements on FB--when people see I'm rounder than normal, they'll figure it out!   I also have a birth defect concerning my uterus so I have the same risk of mc/fetal demise as in the first trimester throughout my entire pregnancy. It makes us a lot more cautious and it's especially hard to get excited about being pregnant after the MC in May.

    How are you doing holding such a big secret inside?
    Ugh, it's killing me!!!! My brother just had a baby and so did a good friend. I want to tell them I'm cooking up a best friend for those little peanuts!! Plus I've been nauseous almost 24/7 and totally wiped out.  It's hard not telling everyone why I'm in such a mood lately. 

    Have you anything to amuse us about nearly spilling the beans?
    We went camping with my entire family this last weekend and I was afraid of being harassed for not drinking.  Since we've been going through fertility treatments for the last 8 months nobody said much after I shot down their first comment, but on Sunday when we were packing up I was crying and freaking out because there was "too much dirt" on the things we were packing up! Can you say hormones?!?!  I blamed it on my period... I don't know if they buy it! My sister is especially suspicious!!  

  • DH found out basically immediately when I was able to get a hold of him. When I realized I was three days late and asked my doctor around what time do people usually POAS - he told me if I did it it would likely tell me I was pregnant. I couldn't wait until the morning so at 6:05pm I found out that was pregnant - and frantically tried to call my DH but he was at the gym! (This is our first). I sat on my bed and went, holy ?!@# now what? So I literally googled "I'm pregnant, now what?"

    Keeping this a secret is really hard. We have decided not to tell anyone yet until we pass the first trimester. When I hit 12 weeks, it will be around a Jewish holiday so I thought that would be a great time to announce it. I was thinking of making little place cards with everyone's name - and everyone would have a little "upgrade". So instead of it saying "grandma" it will say "great-grandma". I thought I would put the EDD inside the placecard. I'm making my parents, my DH parents, and my grandparents 1st time grandparents and great grandparents. It makes it that much harder to hold this in.

    Spilling the beans. Ok so this is hilarious and my FIL may actually know I'm pregnant. Two days after getting the BFP I texted my husband "just because I am so anal, I'm going right now to buy another pregnancy test just in case". Of course, as I sent that message - my husband was showing his father something on his phone in landscape mode...and the word "pregnancy test" ACTUALLY showed up in notifications. If he had the phone in regular vertical it wouldn't have shown those words. So I think my FIL is suspicious. Couldn't believe the timing of that one. For the time being we've turned off all notifications from our phones lol.
  • Ha ha I love your stories my fiance and I were arguing when I took the test he thought it was dumb I had grabbed one from the store when I wasn't even a day late (I just knew) so I peed. Nothing popped right away he went away to do something and sure enough the other line came up I was just like babbbbbbe there's another line...he thought I was kidding
  • DH knows and my smom because she was here visiting and I wanted to be able to tell her in person we will wait and tell everyone else after the first trimester will call or FT the rest of our parents and probably text a picture announcement to our siblings before making it fully public.
    I crossfit so I'll have to tell my coaches sooner than later as well :/

    October Siggy Challenge: Halloween
    DH and I at a Halloween Party in 2010 when we were preggers with DD
    Linus & The Great Pumpkin


    IAmPregnant Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • It hasn't been easy for us to keep the secret. We told our parents, grandparents, pastors, our 2 best friends and a good friend who is a double and will be with me at birth.but everyone else has to wait for our birth announcement! Which we will probably do around 12 weeks
  • What are your plans for telling who/when?
    DH: it was all very romantic. Me hardly able to talk cuz I was crying at 4am when I had to pee. Lol! We weren't trying, so we were pretty surprised. I was DO sure AF was coming, but day after day, nothing.

    Family/Very close friends: I bought a "Birthday Princess" shirt a few months ago. I found out the day before DD2's 1st birthday and quickly painted "Big Sister" on the back. Everyone was really surprised when she and I opened it.

    Everyone else: FB announcement. H and I are still thinking about how to do it. It will e the end if 1st Tri though.

    How are you doing holding such a big secret inside?
    I'm okay. Because those I enter act with most all know, it's not hard. I just have to remember to not over share on FB. My status has been very quiet lately. :)

    I plan to tell the school around 20ish weeks. That secret will be harder to keep...

    Have you anything to amuse us about nearly spilling the beans?
    DS1 let it slip to his friend and his mom. She asked me if I was capable if keeping it in my pants. I'm very temped to unfriend her. I know it's supposed to be funny- but it's not. I don't think it's that big a deal for my baby to have ONE same-aged sibling before I shut the baby-factory down. Grrr.
    Handfasted to my Best Friend 6/21/2012
    Tied the Knot for Good 6/22/2013

    Our Bunnies:
    James Edwin 1/5/2000 ♥ Annabelle Lynn 11/5/2001
    William Thomas 5/11/2004 ♥ Amelia Rose 7/25/2014
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

    EDD: March 26, 2016

  • my husband and I decided to wait a little longer til we tell our family ( I'm 7 weeks ) ..but you know that is very hard to do so I had to tell someone and that is my best friend!
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