Baby Showers

Champagne flutes as favors?

My baby shower venue did not offer champagne flutes just wine glasses and since I was planning on having champagne and a mimosa bar I felt the need to get champagne flutes. I ordered enough flutes for each guest but was not planning on doing anything with them afterwards. Would it be strange to give these flutes as a favor if I put a charm on it or a favor tag? I was going to get favors anyway just thought this might be a good idea?

Re: Champagne flutes as favors?

  • Are you planning your own shower?

    Honestly, I've ever been to a baby shower with party favors. A champagne flute seems strange. Or at least, more appropriate for a bachelorette party favor.
    Vive Les Frasers
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  • I kinda think champagne flutes have too wedding-y of a vibe to make sense as a shower favor. I would just get cheap ones, and pass them on to a friend some day when she's hosting an event.
  • Vik9Vik9 member
    Yes I am planning my own, I have my family members helping but my husband and I make more and I wouldn't expect them to pay over 100 dollars a person so I'm taking care of it.
  • Vik9Vik9 member
    Thank you for your opinion....gag. I guess you can look at this as a gift giving event but the money I am spending on my baby shower would pay for everything on my registry 10 times over. This is just a reason for my close girlfriends and family to get together. I would not expect to have anyone spend what I'm spending so therefore I am doing it myself.
  • Vik9Vik9 member
    I'm pretty sure I can call it whatever I want but thanks. I'm glad you are so on top of whats tacky and all the baby shower rules but I could really careless about anyones "side eye" luckily this wont be an issue with my friends and family.
    wassuphoes said:
    Vik9 said:
    Thank you for your opinion....gag. I guess you can look at this as a gift giving event but the money I am spending on my baby shower would pay for everything on my registry 10 times over. This is just a reason for my close girlfriends and family to get together. I would not expect to have anyone spend what I'm spending so therefore I am doing it myself.
    Then don't call it a shower. 

    Shower denotes gifts, and throwing a gift giving party for yourself is tacky regardless of how much you spend. 

    Have an over the top party, no one cares. 

    Have an over the top shower, people side eye.

  • So much unnecessary drama. At least you are throwing a nice party for your guests! We are at almost 50$ a person for our shower, luckily it's both sides of the family so they are splitting the cost, although honestly we have pitched in a little to help. I feel like a lot more "side eyes" come when people throw their own, and do it cheaply!!! Bring me a present, here's a cupcake, time to go lol!

    As for the champagne flutes, I see nothing wrong with them being a baby shower favor. If possible, maybe tie in the mimosa bar theme a little more so it makes more sense. Or you can get them printed with the date and event. As for sending guests home with dirty glasses, you could probably work something out with the venue to maybe collect them as people finish, do a quick rinse and set them out on a separate table with a sign or something cute saying, continue to celebrate at home when baby arrives.
  • If you're going to do a favor, go for something edible (but please, for the love of Mike, not those nasty tooth-breaking Jordan Almonds!)

    Champagne glasses with a charm are cute, but they're going to end up hidden in the back of a cupboard, gathering dust. Especially if they're personalized and not plain. If you're set on doing a non-food favor, a non-personalized (non-baby themed) candle, set of coasters, etc is nice. At my sister's shower, they got a bunch of pretty mirror compacts for everyone to take home, which I thought was nice.
  • Vik9Vik9 member
    Thanks for the response. I decided against the glasses, i will just keep them after since I bought them. I have looked into mirror compacts and might go with that. Almost every baby shower i have been to has given away some sort of favor so I thought i would do the same.
    If you're going to do a favor, go for something edible (but please, for the love of Mike, not those nasty tooth-breaking Jordan Almonds!) Champagne glasses with a charm are cute, but they're going to end up hidden in the back of a cupboard, gathering dust. Especially if they're personalized and not plain. If you're set on doing a non-food favor, a non-personalized (non-baby themed) candle, set of coasters, etc is nice. At my sister's shower, they got a bunch of pretty mirror compacts for everyone to take home, which I thought was nice.

  • I agree with doing an edible favor.  I'd happily accept that over some little trinket.
  • Vik9Vik9 member
    Thanks for your response, everyone on here was making it such a big deal about what I was doing for my baby shower! My family is pitching in as well but I just cant expect them to pay for everything. I think im just going to keep the flutes afterwards and hopefully use them later. 
    Kayciejoe56 said:
    So much unnecessary drama. At least you are throwing a nice party for your guests! We are at almost 50$ a person for our shower, luckily it's both sides of the family so they are splitting the cost, although honestly we have pitched in a little to help. I feel like a lot more "side eyes" come when people throw their own, and do it cheaply!!! Bring me a present, here's a cupcake, time to go lol! As for the champagne flutes, I see nothing wrong with them being a baby shower favor. If possible, maybe tie in the mimosa bar theme a little more so it makes more sense. Or you can get them printed with the date and event. As for sending guests home with dirty glasses, you could probably work something out with the venue to maybe collect them as people finish, do a quick rinse and set them out on a separate table with a sign or something cute saying, continue to celebrate at home when baby arrives.

  • Vik9Vik9 member
    modanz1 said:

    My wedding had a live band, unlimited premium bar and sit down steak dinner at a country club and it didn't cost $100 per person.  WTF?

  • Vik9 said:
    My wedding had a live band, unlimited premium bar and sit down steak dinner at a country club and it didn't cost $100 per person.  WTF?
    Yeah, meaning what in the hell are you serving that is costing $100 per person.

  • Vik9Vik9 member
    Does it really matter what the hell i am serving?
    modanz1 said:
    Vik9 said:
    My wedding had a live band, unlimited premium bar and sit down steak dinner at a country club and it didn't cost $100 per person.  WTF?
    Yeah, meaning what in the hell are you serving that is costing $100 per person.

  • I think that it would be best to select a different shower favor. But that is only because people often keep shower favors and may not want to have it used. In regards to you throwing you own shower, I think it varies depending on the social circles you participate in, how you were raised and where you are from. I wouldn't take the comments here too personally. Everyone has a different perspective and opinion, doesn't mean that you have to let it bother you. You and your family and close friends decided that it would be best to throw your own shower...that's fine. I've never seen anyone sided-eyed over an over the top shower unless it was a bust. I'm sure your shower will turn out great for you and yours and I hope you really enjoy yourselves. Side note: I suggest reading through similar threads before posting things. It helps you get a feel for the type of reactions you'll get in advance. You can also see what type of phrasing goes over with this crowd. Hope that helps and congrats fellow mom-to-be :)
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • fwtx5815fwtx5815 member
    edited July 2015

    Jonesy288 said:

    I think that it would be best to select a different shower favor. But that is only because people often keep shower favors and may not want to have it used. In regards to you throwing you own shower, I think it varies depending on the social circles you participate in, how you were raised and where you are from. I wouldn't take the comments here too personally. Everyone has a different perspective and opinion, doesn't mean that you have to let it bother you. You and your family and close friends decided that it would be best to throw your own shower...that's fine. I've never seen anyone sided-eyed over an over the top shower unless it was a bust. I'm sure your shower will turn out great for you and yours and I hope you really enjoy yourselves. Side note: I suggest reading through similar threads before posting things. It helps you get a feel for the type of reactions you'll get in advance. You can also see what type of phrasing goes over with this crowd. Hope that helps and congrats fellow mom-to-be :)

    If you were raised tacky, then sure, your social circle should be very accepting of it.

    ------------ quote box not working ---------
    The thing about etiquette in the states is that it doesn't matter where you live or how much money you make, there isn't really an excuse for not sticking to etiquette.
    Nobody is above the rules, or below them.
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  • @MyCousinVinny So was your comments supposed to just be rude and offensive, or was that a serious genuine response? I can't tell, as I don't know you and this is the internet, so text doesn't have tone; which is why I'm asking rather than making an assumption. It did come across pretty snide. 

    @fwtx5851 To be honest, until I got on the bump, I wasn't aware of all these rules hence my response. I admit, I could be wrong etiquette wise, but outside of weddings, I've personally never really experienced people agonizing over etiquette. I also never thought anyone cared about this that much, but I learned something new. Either way, if her family and friends know this is happening, would it really be bad? Also, where did this etiquette originally come from and who monitors it?  I'm seriously asking and not trying to be a smart ass. I just think that in this day and age people do what they want to do for their events. But I respect and understand your opinion and comment. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Jonesy288 said:
    I think that it would be best to select a different shower favor. But that is only because people often keep shower favors and may not want to have it used. In regards to you throwing you own shower, I think it varies depending on the social circles you participate in, how you were raised and where you are from. I wouldn't take the comments here too personally. Everyone has a different perspective and opinion, doesn't mean that you have to let it bother you. You and your family and close friends decided that it would be best to throw your own shower...that's fine. I've never seen anyone sided-eyed over an over the top shower unless it was a bust. I'm sure your shower will turn out great for you and yours and I hope you really enjoy yourselves. Side note: I suggest reading through similar threads before posting things. It helps you get a feel for the type of reactions you'll get in advance. You can also see what type of phrasing goes over with this crowd. Hope that helps and congrats fellow mom-to-be :)
    Great points and I love how kindly you word things :)
  • @MyCousinVinny ahhhh so you did mean to be rude, offensive and snide with your comment. Good to know. Thanks for the dialogue, but we don't need to interact anymore. I can deal with a disagreement and even how people choose to word things, but I'm definitely not interested in anything else you have to offer it if comes packaged like that. Totally rude from the jump with no reason to be. Anyhoo, have a good weekend and pregnancy, if you are pregnant.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Vik9Vik9 member
    edited July 2015
    Thanks for your comment, you are probably the only one that actually answered my original question. Ive tried commenting back a few days back but somethings been up with the website. I honestly regret posting anything on here in the first place. It originally started with me asking about favors but turned into me throwing my baby shower. I was not born in this country and most baby showers that I go to are pretty over the top so no I did not expect someone to spend that much on my baby shower. As i stated my mom and sister in law are organizing everything but I will be paying for the majority and thats my choice. People talk about being rude, classy etc but if you read their comments they sound like complete morons plus they go from discussion to discussion trying to bring people down. Anyway, I cant wait for my baby shower as tacky as it will be. And I did buy different party favors so I will just keep the flutes and hopefully use them for something later.
    Jonesy288 said:
    @MyCousinVinny ahhhh so you did mean to be rude, offensive and snide with your comment. Good to know. Thanks for the dialogue, but we don't need to interact anymore. I can deal with a disagreement and even how people choose to word things, but I'm definitely not interested in anything else you have to offer it if comes packaged like that. Totally rude from the jump with no reason to be. Anyhoo, have a good weekend and pregnancy, if you are pregnant.

  • @Vik9 glad I could help. Yeah, this board can be brutal. *Shrugs* Don't stress it. Enjoy your shower.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Vik9 said:

    Thanks for your comment, you are probably the only one that actually answered my original question. Ive tried commenting back a few days back but somethings been up with the website. I honestly regret posting anything on here in the first place. It originally started with me asking about favors but turned into me throwing my baby shower. I was not born in this country and most baby showers that I go to are pretty over the top so no I did not expect someone to spend that much on my baby shower. As i stated my mom and sister in law are organizing everything but I will be paying for the majority and thats my choice. People talk about being rude, classy etc but if you read their comments they sound like complete morons plus they go from discussion to discussion trying to bring people down. Anyway, I cant wait for my baby shower as tacky as it will be. And I did buy different party favors so I will just keep the flutes and hopefully use them for something later.

    Jonesy288 said:

    @MyCousinVinny ahhhh so you did mean to be rude, offensive and snide with your comment. Good to know. Thanks for the dialogue, but we don't need to interact anymore. I can deal with a disagreement and even how people choose to word things, but I'm definitely not interested in anything else you have to offer it if comes packaged like that. Totally rude from the jump with no reason to be. Anyhoo, have a good weekend and pregnancy, if you are pregnant.

    I've noticed it's the same few posters as well. They wait for the baby shower post to come up. It's almost like it's their way to let off some steam. Enjoy your baby & your shower!

  • ChiccoBeanzChiccoBeanz member
    edited July 2015
    @urby87 what type of etiquette do you follow where it is okay to blatantly make snide remarks about people and their families ? Saying someone is raised tacky or what have you is straight up rude and goes against etiquette, period. She could have disagreed without even saying anything that made implications about anyone's family, friends or social circles. There's got to be a limit somewhere. Also, I'm far from a white knight. But thanks for your useless two cents .

    ETA (I realized you didnt really read and then comment): Also, had you read what I said... I didn't say it was rude to tell the OP that.. I was referring to the way other posters chose to inform her. Having respect and common courtesy when you speak to others, even on the Internet is something I would think people who love to critique etiquette and social standards would basically do. But clearly I was wrong. It is also hypocritical to call me a Wk when you came to the rescue of someone being unnecessarily rude.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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