February 2016 Moms

Flame-Free Friday Confessions (FFFC)

kayjay44kayjay44 member
edited June 2015 in February 2016 Moms
Disclaimer: not necessarily flame free

KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
BMJ born 5.27.2014
MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
SMEJ born 6.5.2016
BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019


Re: Flame-Free Friday Confessions (FFFC)

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    I'm really wanting my leftover fish and chips from last night for breakfast this morning, LOL.
    Benjamin born on - 4/5/12
    BFP 12/31/14, EDD 9/08/14 ~ Natural M/C 2/21/14 at 11.5 weeks
    BFP 5/24/15 - EDD 2/4/16

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    mrs3615 said:

    There is a daycare/preschool right by where we live and when my windows are open all I hear is screaming kids all day long. It's annoying and I shut the windows and turn on the AC. Sometimes, other people's kids annoy me and I worry that I'll be a bad mom, but then I have friends with kids who say "I only like my kids" and I realize it's ok.

    I do daycare for a 2 1/2 year old who isn't potty trained (and thinks it's funny when she goes in her diaper) and is just so naughty. There are some days I can't even stand to look at her because she is being so naughty and mean, and I just worry that once my daughter gets to be that age I will feel the same way and be an awful parent.
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    mamaekmamaek member
    mrs3615 said:

    There is a daycare/preschool right by where we live and when my windows are open all I hear is screaming kids all day long. It's annoying and I shut the windows and turn on the AC. Sometimes, other people's kids annoy me and I worry that I'll be a bad mom, but then I have friends with kids who say "I only like my kids" and I realize it's ok.

    Haha same here. But I've been told by friends who already are parents that sometimes you won't like your own. And that's ok.
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    LMMamaLMMama member
    I am going to a wedding tonight. I'm not even particularly looking forward to it because I feel awful and the whole not drinking thing takes a lot of the fun away. But I'm really glad my mom is taking DD overnight. She's been really whiny and annoying over the past few nights. I'm looking forward to a full night of sleep without her.
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    ashcody2ashcody2 member
    edited June 2015
    Our 10 yr. HS reunion is tomorrow and we aren't going - I told my closest friends from high school I wasn't going because of the morning sickness, honestly I just don't want to go. Most of my actual close friends aren't going either since the majority of them live out of state anyway, so no thanks. 
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    I was just diagnosed with PPD and PPA the week before I found out I was pregnant. I was about to go on some mild anxiety medicine when I took a test just in case and... surprise! I feel really irresponsible, but am trying to make the best of everything. I am so happy I'm pregnant, but really struggling with the timing.
    imageimageLilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I don't really care for newborns. I mean they're cute and all but it's just a phase they have to go through to become real people. I mean, my own newborns were awesome, but other people's I'm like, "Yeah, they're okay."

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    Just looking at thread titles lately has brought my fffc.
    Measuring behind doesn't matter.... It's not exact.
    Loss of symptoms doesn't matter, consider it a blessing for the relief.
    No I don't want to guess your gender. It's a baby, you will find out more between 16-20 weeks.
    Seriously people pick up a book. What to expect when you are expecting or something.
    Grumpy mama courtesy of my toddler who was up too much last night.

    I can't help but feel bad for the moms who have actually experienced a loss when I read the should I be concerned with miscarriage because I'm not sick posts.

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                                               Happy Birthday Month to Me!

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    magnumJ said:
    And to add to your list - if you see a post has been redirected, don't post on it.

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    I'm rather jealous of those who have had their first ultrasounds... 9 more days until my first appt (I'll be 9+2)!
    28yo, TTC#2 since 6/2014
    Kiddo #1 = 10 cycles of trying, 1 CP and is now a toddler
    TTC#2 since 2/2017

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    DizzyMom1 said:

    I was just diagnosed with PPD and PPA the week before I found out I was pregnant. I was about to go on some mild anxiety medicine when I took a test just in case and... surprise! I feel really irresponsible, but am trying to make the best of everything. I am so happy I'm pregnant, but really struggling with the timing.

    I believe there are some safe options during pregnancy so you should talk to your doc. I wasn't ecstatic about the timing either. We tried to conceive with no luck for months. Then I hurt my back so we didn't try my last cycle but somehow I still got KU. Now I have to deal with trying to heal my back med free with all these damn body changes. Not fun! The whole timing thing will be a distant memory. All of this shall pass and in the end we will have one more blessing in our lives :)

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                                               Happy Birthday Month to Me!

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    My FFFC: I don't want to breast feed. Actually the thought just makes me cringe. I BF my DS for 16 months and it wasn't that amazing experience so many moms talk about. It was flipping hard. Every single step of the way and I'm just not looking forward to it again. Don't get me wrong, I still plan to BF this bean because I know breast is best, it's cheaper, etc. etc. but I'm just not looking forward to it.

    Pregnancy Ticker

                                               Happy Birthday Month to Me!

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    My FFFC: I don't want to breast feed. Actually the thought just makes me cringe. I BF my DS for 16 months and it wasn't that amazing experience so many moms talk about. It was flipping hard. Every single step of the way and I'm just not looking forward to it again. Don't get me wrong, I still plan to BF this bean because I know breast is best, it's cheaper, etc. etc. but I'm just not looking forward to it.
    I never loved it either. I was happy when it ended.

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    magnumJ said:
    And to add to your list - if you see a post has been redirected, don't post on it.

    Yeahhhh I totally did that earlier, I sorry :( 

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    g8trkim said:

    My FFFC: I don't want to breast feed. Actually the thought just makes me cringe. I BF my DS for 16 months and it wasn't that amazing experience so many moms talk about. It was flipping hard. Every single step of the way and I'm just not looking forward to it again. Don't get me wrong, I still plan to BF this bean because I know breast is best, it's cheaper, etc. etc. but I'm just not looking forward to it.

    I never loved it either. I was happy when it ended.

    Same here. I'll try it because I know it's better but it really skeevs me out. Ick.

    Feb '16 Siggy Challenge: Favorite Thing About Fall: Haunted Houses and Scary Movies! 

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    RN0107RN0107 member
    I'm not even going to try BF. I hated every second of it with DS. There's nothing wrong with formula. DS1 was FF and DS2 was BF. Baby and I were much happier when we didn't BF.

    MMC Aug 2010
    DS1 Jan 2012
    DS2 July 2013
    DS3 February 2016

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    I puked in the middle of my kitchen floor this morning. 

    I loved BFing once I got through the first few weeks and until my kid started biting. Next time, I might stop when the biting starts. the first time it happened, I thought she bit my nipple clean off.

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

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    My sister is in town and wants to hang out today. I rarely get to see her, but we are going on a trip together next week, and all I want to do today is read, catch up on some work, and try not to throw up.
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    I am choosing to come into work tomorrow just so I can avoid two bbqs for child birthday parties.

    Baby F.......02/02/2016
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    g8trkim said:

    I don't really care for newborns. I mean they're cute and all but it's just a phase they have to go through to become real people. I mean, my own newborns were awesome, but other people's I'm like, "Yeah, they're okay."

    I feel exactly this way and I really hope I like my own newborns!
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    I don't really care for newborns. I mean they're cute and all but it's just a phase they have to go through to become real people. I mean, my own newborns were awesome, but other people's I'm like, "Yeah, they're okay."
    I feel exactly this way and I really hope I like my own newborns!
    I love all babies, so I can't speak to this, but DH feels that way about other people's babies. He said it's totally different (for him at least) when it's your own.

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

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    My FFFC: I don't want to breast feed. Actually the thought just makes me cringe. I BF my DS for 16 months and it wasn't that amazing experience so many moms talk about. It was flipping hard. Every single step of the way and I'm just not looking forward to it again. Don't get me wrong, I still plan to BF this bean because I know breast is best, it's cheaper, etc. etc. but I'm just not looking forward to it.
    Yes!  I am going to do it again, but the first time was a pain!  And pumping when I went back to work?  Awful!  It is still a pain actually as I am unsucessfully trying to get my little guy to wean :/
    Pregnancy Ticker  

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    My FFFC: I don't want to breast feed. Actually the thought just makes me cringe. I BF my DS for 16 months and it wasn't that amazing experience so many moms talk about. It was flipping hard. Every single step of the way and I'm just not looking forward to it again. Don't get me wrong, I still plan to BF this bean because I know breast is best, it's cheaper, etc. etc. but I'm just not looking forward to it.
    Yes!  I am going to do it again, but the first time was a pain!  And pumping when I went back to work?  Awful!  It is still a pain actually as I am unsucessfully trying to get my little guy to wean :/
    Ugh - pumping. At least we have sweet new pumping rooms at work... I got to use them for a little over a month last time. I miss having pumping as an excuse to disappear for awhile or take a nap when I needed it.

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

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    g0lightly8706g0lightly8706 member
    edited June 2015

    My FFFC: I don't want to breast feed. Actually the thought just makes me cringe. I BF my DS for 16 months and it wasn't that amazing experience so many moms talk about. It was flipping hard. Every single step of the way and I'm just not looking forward to it again. Don't get me wrong, I still plan to BF this bean because I know breast is best, it's cheaper, etc. etc. but I'm just not looking forward to it.

    Not gonna lie. I'm scared shirtless of BFing because of this. FTM so the anxiety of it is worrying me because.. I love my boobs and I honestly don't know how I am going to do with it. I will definitely try but if its torture I will switch to forumla. It just is so nerve wrecking because I live around a lot of "formula is bad" people.. Which cracks me up cause I know I was formula fed and turned out completely fine.
    Married: 8/25/12
    Started TTC: 1/1/14
    BFP: 6/1/15
    Baby Girl Athena Born: 2/7/16

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    My FFFC: I don't want to breast feed. Actually the thought just makes me cringe. I BF my DS for 16 months and it wasn't that amazing experience so many moms talk about. It was flipping hard. Every single step of the way and I'm just not looking forward to it again. Don't get me wrong, I still plan to BF this bean because I know breast is best, it's cheaper, etc. etc. but I'm just not looking forward to it.
    Not gonna lie. I'm scared shirtless of BFing because of this. FTM so the anxiety of it is worrying me because.. I love my boobs and I honestly don't know how I am going to do with it. I will definitely try but if its torture I will switch to forumla. It just is so nerve wrecking because I live around a lot of "formula is bad" people.. Which cracks me up cause I know I was formula fed and turned out completely fine.
    I was scared of this too. I'm a pretty discrete and modest person (and also very anxious). By the time DD was few months old, I didn't care anymore and didn't really cover up (unless DD was sleeping or was getting too distracted). I'm still a little shocked how relaxed I became about it.

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

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    MrsJG3MrsJG3 member
    edited June 2015
    I loved breastfeeding my second but DS was a biter too. My IBCLC taught me a trick that saved both of us. Just as he would start to fall asleep or milk coma I would quickly slip in a pacifier. Since his biting was associated with dozing off.

    Every baby is different and so is each bfing experience. I formula fed my first and breastfed my next two.
    DD: 8  DD: 3.5  DS:18M
    Baby #4 Due: 2/4/2016
    Feb16 August Siggy Challenge
    Favorite TV Mom

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    MamaFroFroMamaFroFro member
    edited June 2015
    Oh pumping :( it would have never worked if I would have returned to work. Pump for 30 minutes and get half an ounce!? No thanks. I worked so hard to build up a stash of 20 ounces and it took forever. Our freezer broke and I lost all of it. I about had a breakdown.

    One of my boobs didn't produce milk so I had one huge boob and one deflated one for 16 months. Yep that was fun lol.

    I will still do it again though. As hard as it was and despite the challenges, looking back it was worth it.

    Edit bc block quotes aren't working for me

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                                               Happy Birthday Month to Me!

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    magnumJ said:

    My FFFC: I don't want to breast feed. Actually the thought just makes me cringe. I BF my DS for 16 months and it wasn't that amazing experience so many moms talk about. It was flipping hard. Every single step of the way and I'm just not looking forward to it again. Don't get me wrong, I still plan to BF this bean because I know breast is best, it's cheaper, etc. etc. but I'm just not looking forward to it.

    Not gonna lie. I'm scared shirtless of BFing because of this. FTM so the anxiety of it is worrying me because.. I love my boobs and I honestly don't know how I am going to do with it. I will definitely try but if its torture I will switch to forumla. It just is so nerve wrecking because I live around a lot of "formula is bad" people.. Which cracks me up cause I know I was formula fed and turned out completely fine.

    I was scared of this too. I'm a pretty discrete and modest person (and also very anxious). By the time DD was few months old, I didn't care anymore and didn't really cover up (unless DD was sleeping or was getting too distracted). I'm still a little shocked how relaxed I became about it.

    I was nervous about bfing too because I'm a really modest person and just didn't think I would like it. But I honestly loved it! I had quite a few issues with clogged ducts and engorgement and other things along the way but I'm so glad I kept going and breast fed my twins for 18 months. I can't wait to breastfeed this little one (that probably sounds weird but I loved the one on one bonding time with my babies).

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    If you can't park between the lines and you are close to my car, I am not going to be careful with my car door, especially if it's on the side where the car seat is.  My door may just slip from my hand.  Oops.

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    EssCap11 said:

    If you can't park between the lines and you are close to my car, I am not going to be careful with my car door, especially if it's on the side where the car seat is.  My door may just slip from my hand.  Oops.

    I hate when people can't park between the lines. But seriously, my husband just got a brand new truck and it's bigger so we always park far away because it really does take up the whole spot with not much room on either side. Someone honestly parked RIGHT next to us with dozens of open spots all around on the far end of the parking lot, then continued to door our truck. Lucky for us we were walking back to the truck and saw it happen. Not so lucky for him.
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    MrsJG3 said:
    Being a social worker made me realize that I don't really like people all that much.
    Yep. I was totally there when I was in that field. I lost all faith in humanity (worked with CPS/DSHS) when reading intakes for the children we worked with. All I wanted to do was come home and cuddle with my dogs because they can never disappoint!

    Baby F.......02/02/2016
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    MrsJG3MrsJG3 member
    edited June 2015
    Bfavors said:

    MrsJG3 said:

    Being a social worker made me realize that I don't really like people all that much.

    Yep. I was totally there when I was in that field. I lost all faith in humanity (worked with CPS/DSHS) when reading intakes for the children we worked with. All I wanted to do was come home and cuddle with my dogs because they can never disappoint!

    Me too! People used to say "you must really love people/kids to do this job." Um nope I really love animals which is why I don't work for animal control.
    DD: 8  DD: 3.5  DS:18M
    Baby #4 Due: 2/4/2016
    Feb16 August Siggy Challenge
    Favorite TV Mom

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