June 2015 Moms

Daily Symptoms... Weds 6/10

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                          ~~~ EDD for Baby #2  6/28/15~~~~

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Re: Daily Symptoms... Weds 6/10

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    Today is my due date and I feel awful. Had a nosebleed this morning, back ache when I finally got up, and can only lay on my right side without wanting to throw up. Wish there was something I could do to feel better.
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    Still sick with a horrible cold. My throat is killing me. Woke up with a constant pain on the top of my belly. I think babies head was jabbing into my ribs. I was in tears. Husband is working weird crazy hours. Now just trying not to cry all day and take care of ds and dd.
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    @KarasTwin I have anxiety for you due date buddy :) hang in there !!!!!
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    Started having a sharp twinge in my left lower back this morning that has come and gone. Now I've also started having a dull low back ache. I'm jumping at every change in my body thinking "is this it?!"
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    Tomorrow is due date! Im beginning to wonder if he will ACTUALLY be born on the "set date"... I am all sorts of crampy and im feeling so much tightness. Being a ftm, i have NO IDEA what to expect or how to know real labor.. Just wautkng for the "stop you in your tracks" pain.. Or something i cant talk through??? I am feeling alot of nausea too.. Ick. I havent had morning sickness or ANYTHING like that through my whole pregnancy. So its a new symptom.

    If he is, in fact, born tomorrow.. He will be the FOURTH family member with june 11th b-day. (Not distant either... My brother, my aunt, my MIL) also.. My best friends daughter shares the june 11 birthday. I will be in pure awe if he actually comes tomorrow. Haha it'd be toooo funny
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    I was so swollen last night and still a little today. I think it went to my wrist, so now I have a carpal tunnel pain. I also googled high amniotic fluid (I'm at 21 something and high is above 25) and now I'm a little freaked out. Moved my csection date up to the 22nd, which is probably a good thing with this fluid thing. DHs work is crazy right now, and I'm just so ready for it to be back to normal in a week!
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    Constipation! ! I'm starting to get irritated it's becoming uncomfortable dr said it's just a little while longer. Any ideas of things i can do to help WITHOUT causing labor??
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    klkonwiklkonwi member
    edited June 2015
    @mellymar pain in the Virginia all day long girl....... You and me.......
    So much pressure!
    My friend who is pregnant gets induced Friday and it's her 3rd. She's been texting me non stop bitching.
    I'm this close to saying STFU ...... You get your baby in 2 days. I have 1 week and 4-5 days left...... I know it's not fair of me to think this way but god dang it it pisses me off. I'm sitting in my 90 degree house .... Just shut your face.
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    I'm so bitchy....... Aggggh
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    I am still feeling off, can't sleep, weird hard stomach, random surges of energy, all of that fun stuff. My friends have a running like about baby only being allowed to come when they're all off, which is most Thursdays and Fridays, so I'm going to hope for tomorrow.

    So ready to hold this baby. Having him playing Spin the Bladder is getting a little old.
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    @klkonwi and yes, the both of us are without AC. It IS warmer where you are, so you've got it worse, but its been getting to 70-75 outside here, and there's really only one room in the house that stays cool(ish). The rest of the house gets stuffy and warm and humid and it actually gets warmer *inside* than outside. I usually don't mind it, but its just one more misery on top of all the others. We have some window units, but nothing for the TV room because it only has a sliding glass door, and it doesn't make sense to put them in the other parts of the house cause we are almost never in them. We could put the one in the bedroom, but once the ewok comes we won't really be able to use it, so I'm reluctant to put it in just to take it out again in (possibly) a few days. (Or, I'm reluctant to make DH put it in and take it back out again)
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    devyns2nd said:

    Day after delivery symptom: my feet are HUGE! I didn't expect to swell this much. Good news Is my heartburn is gone so everyone suffering just know that the end IS near. I expected it to linger and it hasn't.

    OMG!!! You had the baby??? Weren't we due date buddies (June 29)? Congratulations!!!!
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    Wooooooof... woke up and my belly is HARD, like much harder than usual. It's making me feel way heavier than usual too. So i'm parking in my recliner and waiting for this feeling to subside or for this baby to be born lol.

    I think I mentioned once before that my DH started a baby pool to predict when our girl is showing up. Well today is the earliest guess that was made. I'm pretty certain baby is not coming today but it's weird to think that she could be.

    That's funny! We also have a baby pool, and the earliest guess was today! I'm only 38+1, so it doesn't seem likely, but wow, it could happen.

    Yay, @LaurenAnn0405! Thinking of you today!

    @MJMum524, I'm sorry you're feeling so down. Ughhh...going past your due date is such a mental (and physical!) psych. I'll be praying for you.
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    Not feeling the pregnancy at all anymore.. Ughh I feel really bad to say it but I'm so tired and achy. I just want this to be over with. This morning I was so emotional and crying. I hope it's just the hormones and I will be back to normal shortly.
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    klkonwi said:

    @KarasTwin I have anxiety for you due date buddy :) hang in there !!!!!

    Thanks! I've got my list of questions ready for tomorrow. I'm leaning towards not having the version, but I am making every effort to educate myself and make the best decision for me and baby.
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    Constipation! ! I'm starting to get irritated it's becoming uncomfortable dr said it's just a little while longer. Any ideas of things i can do to help WITHOUT causing labor??

    Generic stool softener, drinking lots, prunes, raisins, fibrous foods....those are my go-to's!
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    Low back right side siatic pain and my sacrum is just locked up. Been icing it and stretching and resting. I had this before baby so I'm use to it, just miss being able to take an Alieve or a muscle relaxer. Going to a super easy prenatal yoga class tonight and then I'll take a Epsom salt bath. It's feeling better already.

    Took a Tylenol and a Unisom last night and slept 6 hours straight without getting up to pee. Also known as a miracle.
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    Still pregnant at 4 days late. Grumpy. Holy hell hip pain. Heartburn. I even went to target yesterday and nothing. Going for acupuncture later so wish me luck that it works. Ready to meet our little girl.

    @LaurenAnn0405 good luck!
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    Constipation! ! I'm starting to get irritated it's becoming uncomfortable dr said it's just a little while longer. Any ideas of things i can do to help WITHOUT causing labor??
    I've been eating a bowl of raisin bran each morning for the past 2 weeks, and I will say, I have been quite regular!  
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    Found out that I am having contractions, but I can't feel them at all. My back feels like it needs to be cut off from the rrst of my body. Gonna go hop in the tub for a bit and maybe it will get something going.
    I am also having a thick liquid leaking from the boobs. (Ftm so very clueless about this)
    and of course the usual: heartburn, swelling, soft stool and bathroom breaks every 10 minutes
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    Was on a conference call this morning with my boss when my water broke. I was like, "yeah, we are going to have to pick this discussion up another time. I'm going to the hospital. Buh-bye." Am GBS+ so currently hooked up to antibiotics in L&D. I am still only at 3cm so will start pitocin soon. Mostly just bored out of my mind right now.

    Ah! I'm super jealous right now, but you give me hope! Maybe my water will break soon! Lol.
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    Was on a conference call this morning with my boss when my water broke. I was like, "yeah, we are going to have to pick this discussion up another time. I'm going to the hospital. Buh-bye." Am GBS+ so currently hooked up to antibiotics in L&D. I am still only at 3cm so will start pitocin soon. Mostly just bored out of my mind right now.

    I kind of want my water to break somewhere public like work or target... For the story! Jealous.

    Good luck!!!
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