November 2015 Moms

Anyone gotten a private ultrasound at 16 weeks instead of waiting for 20 week anatomy scan?

FTM here and my doctor scheduled my 20 week scan for a month from now and when I asked if I could get one sooner she said absolutely not. My problem is my best friend is planning a baby shower for me in mid July so my mother can be there since she lives out of state. If I wait another month, I will find out the sex less than 2 weeks before the shower and my friend is waiting to plan it until we find out the sex. So my question is, did anyone pay for a private ultrasound around 16 weeks to find out the sex and thought it was worth it? My husband doesnt think so but Im so anxious and this is my first, Im just way too excited to be patient and I haven't had an ultrasound since 8 weeks and it was just a little blob then. Also Im sorry if this has been asked before, I honestly looked through the boards and tried the search bar and couldn't find anything, so if you don't have an answer to my question please dont leave any nasty comments.

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Re: Anyone gotten a private ultrasound at 16 weeks instead of waiting for 20 week anatomy scan?

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    If I want to have an anatomy scan I will have to go outside to get one. My midwife center doesn't offer them. I didn't even think about it with my last baby and no one ever mentioned it.
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    My friend did an elective and they told her girl. They had a name and started buying/decorating. At the 20 week scan found out it was a boy...
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    My high risk dr told me at 15 weeks
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    I got one this past Friday! It was a place called baby bumps. Paid 100$ to find out the sex, got 2 2D ultrasound pictures, & a teddy bear with the heartbeat in it! It was totally worth it. Loved every second of it
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    savm11savm11 member
    I got one done at an elective ultrasound place at 16 weeks and 4 days and it was the best money I've ever spent. We found out the gender with what she said was 100% accuracy (I made sure to go to a licensed tech, she also works at a hospital) and got some great pictures and saw my little bean moving and waving. I still have my anatomy scan at 20 weeks and will just get them to confirm gender then once I know the babes is healthy :)
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    I scheduled for one this saturday. I'll be 5wl 2 days but I've also been measuring ahead a few days. I can't wait. We are really excited. Plus it allows my out of state family to come out for the weekend and be a part of it.
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    Almg15Almg15 member
    Im going at 17w 3d because my anatomy scan isnt until 23 having a reveal party plus we have a lot of birthday parties coming up AND then the baby shower. So i figured id pay the $50 and just do a 3D.

    P.s. also im super anxious ;)
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    I have an ultrasound every 4 weeks bc I'm very high risk. So I'll have one thing 16w and 20w. Very excited!
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    tayzavtayzav member
    I had a private one @ 15w3d and it was definitely worth the money we spent. We're expecting a little girl and so excited.
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    Mine is tomorrow (16W5D)! But they offer them at my doctor's office, so I'm hoping the accuracy will be on point! It's nice not to have to trust an elective center (though I'm sure many are reputable). It's $65 at my OB's office.
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    khristennkhristenn member
    edited June 2015
    My doctor did an ultrasound at 16 weeks after I cried because he told me he usually doesn't do them until 20 weeks to determine sex, however the baby wasn't in a good position to see what it was. Luckily, my boss's wife is head of the maternity ward at one of our major hospitals and he got me a free private viewing the next morning and we were able to determine what the baby was. :) Free or not, I personally would have paid to see my little bundle, especially if I hadn't see him since 8 weeks. Its insane how much they change over just a few weeks!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I am!! Go on 6/10 and I'll be 16 weeks. We just wanna get the ball rolling with getting stuff done and my regular dr doesn't see me again for another 6 weeks. We figured why wait if we have the option :)
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    happylife7happylife7 member
    edited June 2015
    I got a private one at 16w due to in laws going out of town for a month and we wanted them there for the gender reveal as this is their first granddaughter. If baby cooperates, it is possible to find out at 16w. We found out we are having a girl and tech was as sure as they can be!
    Married: 6.28.14
    TTC #1: 2.1.15
    BFP: 2.23.15 EDD: 11.6.15  

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    We're going for one this weekend at 15+2. The tech is licensed, and they will even give you $5 off your scan if you mention her license number because they want you to know they're reputable. I have heard nothing but good things about the office and several friends have gone as well. I checked out their site first and looked elsewhere for testimonials as well before I booked. We're going because we haven't seen the baby since 7+5, and at that point, it looked like a caterpillar. My first pregnancy ended at just over 8 weeks due to a Blighted Ovum, and both SO and I could really use the reassurance from this scan. Of course we are very excited for the 20 week scan to see baby is healthy, but after living for 8 weeks as if I was pregnant the first time only to find out that I wasn't actually carrying a baby for who knows how long, the piece of mind this will bring us for now is priceless.
    Me: 28 DBF: 30
    BFP#1 07/10/14 EDD 3/14/15 Diagnosed with Blighted Ovum 08/18/14
    BFP#2  3/17/15 EDD 11/22/15
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I had a private scan done at 17 weeks because I am also to impatient to wait until the 20 week scan! My partner and I loved it, and are actually considering having another done around 30 weeks! So worth the money, you won't be disappointed! Just make sure you do your research on the facility you are using ahead of time!!
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    Elyse1384 said:
    Just my personal opinion here, but I only have ultrasounds my OB requests to ensure the health of the baby.  I just don't get this need to know the sex immediately.  Why the rush?  I know some folks here have mentioned timing for a baby shower, but why not just have a neutral theme?  You don't need all pink or blue baby gear (clothing, accessories, etc) and decorations.  My DH and I are team green and were with our son (we will be with every pregnancy).  It was fun shopping for boy clothing once DS was here!  We are thrilled with all the neutral baby gear we received that we can be reused. Our family was no less excited for us because we elected to wait until firth to find out the sex.  If anything, they had a blast doing a baby pool and having the sex of the baby as something to guess.  For generations before the medical field made it possible to determine the sex of the baby prior to birth, women accepted the waiting period and no one imploded for not knowing beforehand.  I feel like we've become a society in need of instant gratification. Now I'm saying this as someone who is ordinarily a planner.  I cope just fine not knowing the sex before birth because it doesn't really change anything.  None of us would love a boy any less than a girl and vice versa.  I know everyone is excited, but why not just be excited to be pregnant and hear that the baby is healthy?  It is such a rush after hours of labor to find out the sex and have that hospital moment where you SO runs out to greet eagerly awaiting family/friends and shout "It's a [insert the baby's sex here]".  Or... a phone call.  I know some prefer to visitors until later.  To each their own!  Again... just my opinion.  No offense meant to all the eager mommies to be here, but I struggle with understanding this need.  

    I think we share a brain. I have to have another scan at 30 weeks because my AS found that a kidney was slightly dilated, and I'm actually like "do I have to have it?" I feel like they over test and over scan to the point where they make us worry unnecessarily.
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    I had an elective one done at 13 weeks this time but more to get an accurate due date than to find out sex. As a bonus we did find out sex, which was exciting for us because with my first our anatomy scan wasn't until 24 weeks and by that point everyone and their mother was up my butt about knowing what we were having. We didn't do any parties or anything like that, just posted a picture and let everyone know that we're having another little man. I definitely recommend doing your research. I was able to find a women's specialist office at the local hospital that also did elective ultrasounds. The boutiques kind of give me the creeps.
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    I didn't think it previously necessary to spell out my entire life in my short post, but to clarify to the women who apparently need the whole story for the reasoning behind my emotions:

    We were told by the nurse at 4 weeks that we would find out the sex by blood test at 16 weeks as it can be done along with the down syndrome test. However we were then informed at 16 weeks that they no longer provide the gender blood test but try to determine it during the 20 weeks scan.

    I cried because my sister had already purchased tickets to fly half way across the world for a gender reveal party that she planned for my 18th week.  I think any women who had almost 100 people coming to a party to find out the gender of her baby, would be a little upset that there would not be anything to reveal.

    Yes, I know that this 20 week test is not to determine the sex of the baby but that it is done in addition to checking on baby's health. Yes, I checked on the safely of having another sonogram and I don't think that the head of maternity for women with high risk pregnancies would have done anything that would have jeopardized my child.

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    khristenn said:

    I didn't think it previously necessary to spell out my entire life in my short post, but to clarify to the women who apparently need the whole story for the reasoning behind my emotions:

    We were told by the nurse at 4 weeks that we would find out the sex by blood test at 16 weeks as it can be done along with the down syndrome test. However we were then informed at 16 weeks that they no longer provide the gender blood test but try to determine it during the 20 weeks scan.

    I cried because my sister had already purchased tickets to fly half way across the world for a gender reveal party that she planned for my 18th week.  I think any women who had almost 100 people coming to a party to find out the gender of her baby, would be a little upset that there would not be anything to reveal.

    Yes, I know that this 20 week test is not to determine the sex of the baby but that it is done in addition to checking on baby's health. Yes, I checked on the safely of having another sonogram and I don't think that the head of maternity for women with high risk pregnancies would have done anything that would have jeopardized my child.

    There's a lot I'd like to comment on here, but to keep it simple, even if you were getting a blood test at 16w (typically given at 10w), you wouldn't receive the results for 8-10 business days. So planning a party at 16w really wouldn't make sense in that case either, as you wouldn't know the results until 18w.
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    Peony1982 said:

    khristenn said:

    I didn't think it previously necessary to spell out my entire life in my short post, but to clarify to the women who apparently need the whole story for the reasoning behind my emotions:

    We were told by the nurse at 4 weeks that we would find out the sex by blood test at 16 weeks as it can be done along with the down syndrome test. However we were then informed at 16 weeks that they no longer provide the gender blood test but try to determine it during the 20 weeks scan.

    I cried because my sister had already purchased tickets to fly half way across the world for a gender reveal party that she planned for my 18th week.  I think any women who had almost 100 people coming to a party to find out the gender of her baby, would be a little upset that there would not be anything to reveal.

    Yes, I know that this 20 week test is not to determine the sex of the baby but that it is done in addition to checking on baby's health. Yes, I checked on the safely of having another sonogram and I don't think that the head of maternity for women with high risk pregnancies would have done anything that would have jeopardized my child.

    100 people....for a reveal 18 weeks.


    SCULLY!!!!!!!!! That gif just made my day!
    Me: 28, DH: 40
    Married 9/28/13
    DS born 11/12/15
    EDD 8/13/18
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    What kind of search do you do to find an independent ultra sound place?? I have never done this before and had insurance with my first 2 so it didn't really matter we just did it at the hospital.
    One area with 4 pregnancies I feal lost in.... Go figure
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    tayzavtayzav member
    @Cook3133 I think it depends on where you live, but the place I used is called Prenatal Peak. I live in California so I'm not sure if where you're at the name would be different. I would maybe just punch in Ultra Sound offices in ur Google search and see if anything pops up. Typically the private places have different packages you can choose from so depending on what you choose you can get pictures DVDs things like that. Good luck.
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    mamax6mamax6 member
    I went to peek a belly here in IL at 15 weeks. We were able to know that we are having a little boy! Even if u waited to 20 weeks there is always a chance the tech could be wrong so I chose to pay the lil bit of money to find out sooner.
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    I would be careful with getting to excited! I live in Asia where they do a scan every month and at my 12 week my doc told me at my next scan he could tell the sex. I was out of my mind excited and couldn't sleep the night before!! My scan was at 16 weeks 5 days and at first the baby wasn't cooperating but it finally moves so we could see between the legs and..."no penis yet" says my doctors. "So it's a girl??" I get excited. "No. Can not confirm at this time. Still have to wait another few weeks to confirm." Me: deflated. I guess it's better than being told something now and having it change later. But I'm sooooo disappointed. And I also have a baby shower planned by my expat friends before we all travel for summer so bring on the whites and creams I guess (I hate yellow and green). Wait til 20 weeks if you can! This disappointment was a really tough pill to swallow this week.
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