Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Not sure if I'm miscarrying.. freaking out.

I'm around 4-5wks, not positive. I'm supposed to find out May 13th at my next ultrasound.

On Monday, I started bleeding. It wasn't really heavy, but it progressed for a few hours before stopping. I went to the ER bc my OB is two hours away. They took my levels and they were 88.

I went to the OB the next day, and my levels had increased to 196. They said sometimes bleeding is normal, but I looked okay. Scheduled me back in three weeks.

Yesterday I began bleeding again at around 2:45. It was light, and it's remained light, but it didn't stop until around 12 noon today, when I used the bathroom and there were a few pieces of tiny tissue in the toilet. As soon as I did that, the bleeding stopped. I've been cramping, but not badly. I haven't bled heavy at all and now I'm just terrified.

I go in on Monday and I'll know for sure then, but does anyone have any advice or had a similar experience?

Re: Not sure if I'm miscarrying.. freaking out.

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    Mine was a missed miscarriage, so I didn't have bleeding until after my d&e. I wish I had an answer for you. I'm so sorry you're going through this.
    TTC#1 since Jan 2015
    BFP 2/19/15  •  MMC found at 9 wks  •  D&E at 11 wks (age 36)
    BFP 8/29/15
      •  CP (age 37)
    BFP 11/18/15  •  DD born at 41 weeks <3(age 37/38)

    TTC#2 since May 2017
    BFP 10/18/17  •  MMC found at 8 wks  •  Misoprostal at 10.5 wks (age 39)

    BFP 2/16/18
      •  CP (age 39)
    BFP 4/13/18
      •  CP (age 39)
    BFP 5/07/18  •  MMC found at 10.5 wks  •  D&E at 11.5 wks 
    •  Testing showed it was a girl with Trisomy 22. (age 39/40)
    9/5/18 Diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve (4-5 follicles, one ovary had none and was very atrophied)

    RE says the low egg count is likely causing my recurrent pregnancy loss. Less eggs results in more aneuploidy.

    BFP 9/24/18  • 
    CP (age 40)
    BFP 5/11/19  •  Fraternal twins  •  MMC found at 10w5d (Baby A 6w, Baby B 10w)  •  Misoprostal at 11 weeks (age 41)

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    Thank you, I'm sorry you had to as well
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    I had bleeding similar to that when I was 4-5 weeks. When I went for ultrasound the baby (turned out to be babies later) was fine. I miscarried at 9.5 weeks with no bleeding or symptoms at all. Though easier said than done, try to stay positive until you know one way or the other. Best of luck!
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    Thank you, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I appreciate you responding. Anything helps.
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    I had very light spotting at around 6 weeks. I had an ultrasound at 7w1d that showed a perfectly healthy baby and heartbeat. I was relieved. Then found out 9 days later that the baby had stopped growing 2 days after that first ultrasound. That time I was totally unprepared mentally, not that you ever are completely prepared for news like that. As a PP said, don't lose hope until you know for sure. But go into that ultrasound knowing that there could be something wrong. It will soften the blow a tiny bit if it's bad news and will be a weight off your shoulders if there is good news. That's really the only advice I can offer. Good luck to you no matter what happens.
    TTC since January 2015
    3/15/2015 BFP!
    4/15/2015 MMC  :'(
    2/25/2016 BFP! Hoping for the best!
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    I miscarried once at 11 weeks and once more recently at 5 weeks. If you miscarry naturally there will be no question, you'll know(at least that is my experience) Bright red, heavy bleeding...hope you have a happy outcome. Try to stay positive and remember you're pregnant until someone tells you otherwise.
    Praying this is our take home baby. STICK TURKEY Mommy will miss you everyday my beautiful angel. We love you Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers M/C on 1/05/11 at 11 weeks.
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    @breesterrr I wanted to check in and see how you are doing?
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    I started bleeding about two weeks before my incomplete miscarriage.  I went to the doctor and was told that everything looked fine with the baby. The baby  had a good heartbeat the cervix was closed, etc.   I was diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma,  which basically means you can bleed during pregnancy and that the blood comes from a clot that is in the uterus.   Went back for a regularly scheduled ultrasound and again everything was fine even though I was still bleeding.  Then on 02/27 I started feeling pain which I attributed to bad IBS gas pains that I get sometimes because that was what it felt like.  It kept getting progressively worse.  Ended up going to the ER about midnight on 02/28.  Found out incomplete miscarriage and the doctor estimated that the baby's heart stopped one day after the last ultrasound. 
    Bleeding could be anything.  Best thing to do is talk to your doctor about it.

    First Pregnancy
    • BFP: 01/25/2015
    • EDD: 09/28/2015
    • Incomplete MC: 02/28/2015

    Second Pregnancy

    • BFP: 09/11/2015
    • EDD: 05/25/2016
    Baby Born

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    @nerdymama15 im so sorry for your loss
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