August 2015 Moms

How did you know you were pregnant?


Re: How did you know you were pregnant?

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    I knew I was pregnant when my hips started hurting about a week before my missed period. It's the exact same thing that happened before I found out I was pregnant in June (MC in August).
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    I was so emotional that everything made me cry. Dancing with the Stars is where I hit a red flag. If they did good I cried because it was so beautiful, if they did bad I cried because they were trying so hard. Gotta love those pregnancy hormones! I chalked it up to it being the week of what my first baby (miscarriage) due date would have been. Then one morning I just woke up and was like Omg I am pregnant! Took a test and sure enough, I was 3 weeks.
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    I just had a feeling. It was the first month we were trying and a few days before my missed period I got up and didn't want coffee with breakfast (which is weird for me) and instead chose orange juice. When I went for my morning run, I just felt like something was different, so on the day of my missed period, I took a test and it was positive! I didn't tell my husband until the next day, after I'd taken three more tests. I kept thinking it couldn't be that easy. We were so excited. I've never seen my husband so happy about something since got married!
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    I can't explain it. I wasn't even a full day late and I took the test bc I just knew something felt different. I'll never be able to explain it.
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    I missed my first period in November but had two negative tests taken 5 days apart. In December after missing my period again I figured there was something wrong and was going to head to the doctor. But over Christmas I had spotting and thought I would take a test. Got an immediate positive! At the midwife two weeks later she confirmed the pregnancy was from November! So those two negatives turned out to be false
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    +hpt. I know, it doesn't make a very exciting story. It was thanksgiving and I was only 9dpo, but I wanted to know if I could drink. The hpt was super faint, so faint I thought I just had line eye, but then when I went to brush my teeth that night my gums were really bleeding, and I was like, "I think the test was right . Got a digital two days later and it was positive.
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    I tested 2 days before my missed period because I was getting ready to have a weekend out of town with friends, which often involved drinking as well as some smoking. I assumed that the test was going to be negative, and even though we were trying I was still surprised to see those two lines. It was our first month of trying.

    Looking back, I had been extremely bloated that week, and hadn't had any diet changes
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    I had two, but I didn't pay much attention to either one of them until after my pos test.
    First, while I was practicing yoga, I visualized cells coming together and forming a baby girl (team green here so no idea if I was right on the sex). I had been struggling with infertility and miscarriages so I didn't think too much of it. I wished for a baby all the time.

    Second one was that all of a sudden I was so bloated that I could feel my gut over my waistband when I sat down. I was super mad because I had been working out like crazy since my last mc getting ready for another round of fertility treatments. Big surprise that we were able to conceive this bub naturally!
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    We had recently moved in with my mil after dh had to relocate with a new job. I had been super irregular since probably because of all the stress, working from home with mil there all the time. I hade been temping just to see where I was in my cycle so that when we got our own place, we'd be ready to go. After getting a 2nd job at a grocery store to get out of the house and meet people, everything at the store started to be overwhelmingly smelly. I was 10 days late, which wasn't that unusual at the time, so I decided to take a test to wake up my uterus. The last few months my cycle had been really long and every time I took a test, my period would show up the next day. Sure enough, 2 lines super bright waving at me! Those hours until dh finally woke up from working overnight were killer!
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    With both my daughter and this pregnancy I "just knew" very soon after conceiving.  Then just like my previous pregnancy I got heartburn and could feel the pain from implantation about a week after conception.  The first pregnancy my husband thought I was nuts when I told him I just knew I was pregnant, and it took forever to get a positive HPT.  This time around he completely believed me even though I started to doubt myself when once again it took forever to get a positive HPT even on the FRER.   But I was right both times!  I think you're even more in tune to it the second time around.
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    I had an ectopic pregnancy in August and lost my tube. We did a round of infertility in November and I was to test in December. I had a gut feeling and tested early on Thanksgiving. A wonderfully perfect holiday it was!
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    We went out of town for about a week around Thanksgiving. I knew I should expect my period the week we came home. We got home Tuesday and that Saturday I realized my period was late. I've never ever been late. I took a pregnancy test and sure enough it was positive. I couldn't believe it! I was 4 weeks at the time.

    We stopped using BC in August but hadn't really been trying. So both DH and I were a little surprised. We expected it to take a bit longer.
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    I had just had a miscarriage at the beginning of October. Never would have thought. We flew home to texas (we were in North dakota with my husband's job) a banana split made me sick and I couldn't eat thanksgiving at all. When we flew home I was Miserable on the plane. I also had terrible cramps. I texted exactly a week after thanksgiving. Surprise! Since it was -10 outside I spent a lot of the next few weeks in bed!! I am so happy it's a summer baby though. My step sons are thanksgiving and Christmas, and it really messes with celebrating their birthdays.
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    Thought I was getting my period. My boobs hurt horribly and I had cramps but there was no blood. After being 6 days late for my period, I took a test and flipped it upside down thinking it wouldn't be positive. I brushed my teeth, flipped over the test, and almost fell over with shock! I was pregnant!
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    I was feeling so exhausted for a while and no matter how much sleep I got I didn't feel any better and I just off .. I remember having wine and it tasted so weird to me so the next day after work I took a test.
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    I occasionally like to have an alcoholic beverage or two at family gatherings. On Thanksgiving, which was the day before I was expecting my period I couldn't get myself to drink my glass of wine. It was like something inside told me not. I ended up missing my period which had never happened to me before. I waited a few days before I took the test & when I finally did there was my big fat positive
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    My boobs were aching in a different way than normal and my period was a few days late. We had been trying for 4 months and each month I'd get my hopes up so I decided to be patient and wait to test until I was actually late.
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    My hubby and I were trying. I was convinced after two months of not getting pregnant that it was going to take us a long time (it only took us one try for my daughter). I was walking through the grocery store about 4 days before my period was due and when I walked past the wine section, I went, "Oh, I want wine!" Then I thought, hmm, I haven't craved wine like that since....I was pregnant with my first! Went home, took a test, and sure enough, preggo!
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    I've always had "shy" nipples (they're inverted the majority of the time) and suddenly they were OUT all the time and felt like they had staples in them. OUCH!
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    I knew something was off but didn't think I was pregnant. My boobs started killing me, I felt like all I ever did was go to the bathroom during the day and I felt sick everytime I ate. Finally I took a test a week after my missed period.
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    I've actually always had late periods so I literally had no idea because I didn't want to get my hopes up!

    But actually, my boyfriend was very insistent that I was pregnant - I guess I was a little moody & he couldn't get over how big my boobs has gotten -& bought me a few pregnancy tests & they all came back positive ☺️

    I was almost 8 weeks along !
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    @katehenton623 Wow, twins! Congratulations! And how sweet that you're getting 2 this time around. Praying you have a great rest of your pregnancy and that those babies are perfectly healthy.
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    I stopped breast feeding in August. A couple of days before my pregnancy test I had some milk and discharge from my nipples. I was suspicious enoungh to take a test every other day until l got a positive


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    We had been trying for two months. Not preventing before that, but I was still BFing DS and my cycles were all messed up.

    Well, since I'm impatient I took a test at what I thought was 9DPO knowing I was probably crazy. Sure enough BFP :).

    I'm glad mine are close in age. We want to be early empty nesters and knew we wanted 2 or 3 kids.

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    I was preparing for a very large Christmas eve family gathering and I felt so incredibly tired and just "out of it".  I told DH when he went to town, to be sure and grab a pregnancy test.  When he came back, I took the test (it was 3:45pm), and it immediately showed positive. I was in incredible denial for about a month due to me having inconsistant periods and DH's sperm analysis showing such a small likely hood of us conceiving again. I finally seen the doc and low and behold we were pregnant again! It took another 2 months before I learned to be happy about it. (It was pretty devastating to find out we couldn't have more kids, and then suddenly after thousands of tests and procedures, it happens naturally). 

    Cody Lane - 4/22/2004
    Colten James - 9/9/2005

    Isabella Ann - 7/20/2012

    SURPRISE!!!  Emma Leigh - due 8/27/2015 (c-section date 8/7/2015)

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    @Miz_Liz, I'm sorry for your loss. I had a similar experience. We'd just had a late October loss, we weren't trying so soon, and AF hadn't even returned yet.

    I work in a large level-1 trauma center. I was working on a patient with full trauma gear: face shield, hat, lead vest, plastic gown, etc. Within 30 min I was pale, dizzy, and nauseated. I took a test as suggested by one of my nurse friends and the line was back!
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    HeatherLeaneHeatherLeane member
    edited April 2015
    I was the last to know. My dog Katie knew first. One day she just got really clingy and wouldn't leave my side and I couldn't walk out of the room without her following, which is unlike her. Our other dog Tanner caught on shortly after. Then the next week my boyfriend caught me standing in front of the fridge eating pickles out of the jar. He asked me if I was pregnant and I denied, denied, denied. Two weeks later I realized that I was late and took two tests, both popped positive within seconds. The idea took a few days to get used to but we are both so over the moon in love with this boy it is incredible. 
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    @linaproano thanks, I am sorry for your loss as well! We are very fortunate though to have gotten pregnant again so soon!
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    I could smell everything !! I remember coming home from work one day and I smelled nachos , I asked my husband if he had nachos in the oven. He said he had made some 5 hours earlier !! Another trigger was I was tired all the time which is not like me. Also with it being Thanksgiving I usually drink a bit with the family , but I wasn't too interested in drinking. Then I was 2 days late for my period and took the test !! :)
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    I cried when someone cut me off in traffic lol. Really!
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    My husband and I have been together almost 8 years now and were married May 2014. We decided during my period in mid November that I would stop my birth control and just quick preventing getting pregnant and when it happens it happens. After a couple weeks, I noticed that my boobs were sore but just assumed it was my body adjusting to not being on my birth control. I had Christmas break coming up and a few friends wanting to go out for drinks. I decided to take a test just to be safe; I didn't even tell my husband I was taking one. All of a sudden I came out of the bathroom bawling from surprise and excitement telling my husband that we were pregnant. He was as shocked as I was. Now we are 20 weeks and can't wait to meet our baby girl!
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    After a miscarriage in October I didn't really want to be pregnant. But my husband and I love wine and so I blew off my ovulation and didn't think it would happen. I was sitting in mass that week and literally felt my breasts fill with that pregnant-pain and I knew it. But I had one more wine night with a friend (just one glass) before I got my positive test. I still have thos tests in my drawer! And ultrasound pictures. It worked out! Finally.
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    I had been feeling off for a week but what I mainly noticed was how jumpy I had been. There was one night my husband walked into the kitchen and I literally screamed as if he had no right being there. It was uncontrollable and it happened multiple times if, heaven forbid, someone moved too quickly or did not announce their arrival before entering the room. It was so strange, I guess those motherly instincts were kicking in!
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    I couldn't eat my aunts cooking at thanksgiving and I love her cooking. I was also extremely exhausted
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    I went to use a bathroom at Alcatraz, and was on the verge of throwing up the entire time I was waiting in line and using the bathroom because it smelled so bad to me. It took a good hour before my stomach was back to normal. DH and I both commented on how I usually have a pretty strong stomach with smells, and I realized then that I had to be pregnant. I took a test a few days later, and sure enough it was positive. We were a little shocked b/c I had just gotten my IUD out less than a month before that. Happened fast, and we weren't event trying yet!

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    I had no idea until my best friend told me to take a test. I had no symptoms except sore boobs but thought that was just because my period was coming. I was talking to her about how tired I was but it had been a super busy month and I thought it had just caught up to me. She was like "umm you need to take a test". The next morning I took one and totally expected it to be negative. Put it on the bathroom counter and then started sorting laundry. I walked by it with my laundry basket and glanced over. Saw the word pregnant and dropped my laundry and screamed lol
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