July 2015 Moms


kela13kela13 member
edited March 2015 in July 2015 Moms

Re: Thanks

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    Bad idea
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    Very bad idea
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    I have friends who smoked their whole pregnanies and their babies are super smart and unaffected... to each is own
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    asherkasherk member
    edited March 2015
    From https://www.mothertobabyca.org/high-times-for-marijuana-clearing-the-smoke-about-marijuana-use-during-pregnancy/

    "Studies have reported associations between marijuana smoking and growth restriction and lower birth weight, particularly in women who keep smoking through delivery or late in pregnancy. An Australian study of almost 420,000 live births reported a higher risk for neonatal intensive care admission for newborns exposed prenatally to pot. Also, there are reports of abnormal responses or behaviors in the newborn period and this suggests a toxicity or withdrawal. The symptoms include exaggerated and prolonged startle reflexes (sleep cycle disturbances with high-pitched crying.) In a Brazilian study, exposed newborns were “more irritable and less responsive to calming, cried more during the examination, and exhibited more jitteriness and startles than the non-exposed neonates.” Pregnant women who smoke daily and/or through delivery, have a higher risk for complications in their pregnancy compared to women who quit in the first trimester."

    tl;dr: yes, it's a poor decision to smoke pot during pregnancy. i can refer you to the actual scientific articles that this article is based on as well, but i feel like common sense should have taken care of this one.
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    This post is unbelievable. I can't.
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    It's a category C drug so the risks cannot be ruled out. So is tylenol. I am definitely not advocating the use of cannabis while pregnant! I also don't think you should take tylenol unless you really need it...if your friend has gone 24 weeks without smoking she can hold off another 16. It just doesn't seem a worthwhile risk to take.
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    How dare a pregnant woman eat a cold cut or an over easy egg, but you are questioning smoking pot?
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    I have a friend who smoked her whole pregnancy, and we all waited, with bated breath, to see if the kid was normal. He is!! But I would never... Imagine the lifetime of guilt you would feel if he wasn't?
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    I just don't understand how you could risk it? This is your child. You get to grow new life inside of you. How could you risk hurting your baby because you want to smoke pot? How could you be so selfish?
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    Do not let people judge you for this post. Weed is such a healing drug and helps with an unlimited amount of things from seizures to morning sickness I've researched until I couldn't research anymore and there has been absolutely nothing found besides a very low chance of low birth weight. Also if you only take a hit or two every once in awhile it only takes about 4 days to leave your system I was a very frequent smoker before pregancy and also was having a unbelievablely hard time at probably 16-21 weeks and I'll admit I did relapse and as I got further along im not gonna lie I started to feel guilty but doesn't mean the weed didn't help me any less I was so stressed out ready to abort my baby and was having suicidal thoughts due to some circumstances I was in and the weed helped me keep a level head and realize that was not what I wanted it helped me through that depressed state. I feel as if smoking just to smoke and if you're smoking a lot that's probably not the best idea I just feel it's silly a big ol pregant lady smoking a bowl but like a previous poster said to each its own all cases have shown it won't hurt your baby I just hate having the what if In the back of my head. But to answer your question no I do not believe a couple hits off a j will harm your baby but that's just my belief
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    Very interesting reply @vandalaRose , your right there are always 2 sides. I am so thankful you did not abort!
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    I can't even. 
    Bobby Llewellyn born September 29, 2012
    Kade Wayne born July 23, 2015
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    Oliver Dean (Ollie) due December 17, 2018

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    This has to be a troll post.
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    @NittanyPA that's fine if you wanna be a closed mined person but she was here for advice and comfort like the rest of us so I don't believe putting her down and saying she lacks common sense is helping it's also not gonna stop her from smoking either way she probably will she just wanted some opinions . @Limebearer thank you for considering what I was going through and reading my post with an open mind no one comes here to be judged and I respect you for not doing so ! Also I would like to make it clear to everyone I'm not still smoking I had a momentary relapse and am back on the the right track I was simply stating she's not alone. But doesn't deserve to be ridiculed .
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    Holy shit.
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    Some people just are not meant to have children.
    Bobby Llewellyn born September 29, 2012
    Kade Wayne born July 23, 2015
    MC in February 2017
    MC in November 2017
    Oliver Dean (Ollie) due December 17, 2018

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    @vandalaRose , i myself am completely on the straight and narrow. My mother drank some, smoked pot and cigarettes when pregnant with me. I do have some problems, but we will never know if it was caused by my mom's decisions. After 5 miscarriages, i have not taken anything more than a tylenol. I am utterly terrified of doing anything with even the remotest chance of hurting my babies. I drank a sip of champagne at new years before remembering i was pregnant and i worried like mad till even my doctor told me to relax
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    I seriously think the weed messed with your brain if you believe it's okay to smoke anything while pregnant. 
    Yeah, I used to smoke weed, when I was like 15. 
    You are absolutely out of your mind if you're even considering smoking. Like please, let me have your child before you harm them more.  
    Bobby Llewellyn born September 29, 2012
    Kade Wayne born July 23, 2015
    MC in February 2017
    MC in November 2017
    Oliver Dean (Ollie) due December 17, 2018

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    I personally don't smoke and wouldn't while pregnant. My partner does. If he didn't have it, we would be up the creek without a paddle sometimes. He has issues but it's easier to smoke than take numerous prescription drugs. You have to weight the pros and cons of any drug. Talk to your doctor, family and friends.
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    I'm not gonna take the time and read your people's ignorant posts if putting people down helps you get over the fact that there are tons of women smoking pot while pregnant then go ahead take it out on me but pot saved mine and my child's life whether you chose to believe it or not and whether it be the right decision or not I live in a state where it is completely legal ! Why ?? Because it's a healing drug and has even helped my 4 year old cousin with epilepsy!! How would you feel seeing an infant having a seizure and taking up to 22 pills a day all to try using cannabis on him and having him for the first time not have a seizure for a whole month ! Keep living your lives with closed minds and when your kid develops a serious condition even though you did everything right during pregnancy and then see how cannabis cures and get back to me until then do not argue with me about what someone you don't even know should and should not do. She came for advice I gave her mine. How about giving her your advice with out calling names and talking down ? That's what this app is for isn't it ?? Not to get into arguments with people who comment on the post, the post its simply about the one who posted it in the first place getting advice but I see now that's highly unlikely with all of you being mean like it will help her not smoke just gonna make her not come back to the app and do things without advice of other moms or ftm.
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    I have several opinions on this but I won't go there. I would not smoke marijuana while pregnant...there is simply not enough research on the effects negative or positive on your unborn child.
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    I'm not gonna take the time and read your people's ignorant posts if putting people down helps you get over the fact that there are tons of women smoking pot while pregnant then go ahead take it out on me but pot saved mine and my child's life whether you chose to believe it or not and whether it be the right decision or not I live in a state where it is completely legal ! Why ?? Because it's a healing drug and has even helped my 4 year old cousin with epilepsy!! How would you feel seeing an infant having a seizure and taking up to 22 pills a day all to try using cannabis on him and having him for the first time not have a seizure for a whole month ! Keep living your lives with closed minds and when your kid develops a serious condition even though you did everything right during pregnancy and then see how cannabis cures and get back to me until then do not argue with me about what someone you don't even know should and should not do. She came for advice I gave her mine. How about giving her your advice with out calling names and talking down ? That's what this app is for isn't it ?? Not to get into arguments with people who comment on the post, the post its simply about the one who posted it in the first place getting advice but I see now that's highly unlikely with all of you being mean like it will help her not smoke just gonna make her not come back to the app and do things without advice of other moms or ftm.

    I wish the world could see that everyone opinion matters but it doesn't.

    This place is getting childish with ppl reporting others for no reason just bc they don't like other opinion. I'm leaving. I having better things to do with my life than deal with pettiness.
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    Trust me ladies I worked as a nurse in a newborn nursery and babies are most definately affected by weed. They do withdrawal with shaking and irritability. They cannot be easily consoled. They have trouble breast feeding at first and startle easily. Not worth it!!!! You and your baby will be tested and if caught child services will be called!!! Not worth it! Your baby is worth a little self control!
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    Please ask yourself: What would your medical doctor say?

    Please don't do drugs while creating a new life, that's a very unfortunate choice to make on behalf of your unborn child.
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    Here's a thought. Anyone who is considering smoking weed while pregnant? Go ahead and ask your doctor if it's okay. See what they say.
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    cls2015cls2015 member
    edited March 2015

    I'm not gonna take the time and read your people's ignorant posts if putting people down helps you get over the fact that there are tons of women smoking pot while pregnant then go ahead take it out on me but pot saved mine and my child's life whether you chose to believe it or not and whether it be the right decision or not I live in a state where it is completely legal ! Why ?? Because it's a healing drug and has even helped my 4 year old cousin with epilepsy!! How would you feel seeing an infant having a seizure and taking up to 22 pills a day all to try using cannabis on him and having him for the first time not have a seizure for a whole month ! Keep living your lives with closed minds and when your kid develops a serious condition even though you did everything right during pregnancy and then see how cannabis cures and get back to me until then do not argue with me about what someone you don't even know should and should not do. She came for advice I gave her mine. How about giving her your advice with out calling names and talking down ? That's what this app is for isn't it ?? Not to get into arguments with people who comment on the post, the post its simply about the one who posted it in the first place getting advice but I see now that's highly unlikely with all of you being mean like it will help her not smoke just gonna make her not come back to the app and do things without advice of other moms or ftm.

    Never once did OP say ANYTHING about taking medical marijuana while pregnant.  The answer to that would be "ask your doctor" (though a doctor would probably tell you to limit use as much as possible).  It is a class C drug which means it hasn't been tested properly yet.

    Nobody on here said anything about whether or not they believe that marijuana has health benefits for certain people.  Don't try to change the OP's meaning just to fit your rant.  

    I believe OP was talking about smoking pot for her own entertainment - apparently that's more important to her than the health of her baby.  
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