July 2015 Moms



Re: Thanks

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    Just because it's legal in your state doesn't mean it's not still a federal offense.
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    And I would test babies and your hair if I suspected that kind of abuse.
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    Goodness! The hostility!! If you don't agree with what someone says, you don't have to be mean and call them names. I normally don't respond to these kind of posts, but I couldn't help myself. I really don't care if you ladies bash me, but I think you are all being a little harsh. I know Dr's who tell preganant women who can't eat or sleep, me in the first trimester, that if you need to hit a SMALL bit of Marijuana to gain an appetite or get some sleep, you and the baby ARE GOING TO BE OKAY. Like stated in previous comments, it is a category c drug, there are no test to prove it will harm the baby. If it was really that bad, why would cannabis and Marijuana be used to help CURE cancer patients? It's just like smoking cigs, if you smoked cigs before pregnancy, they tell you to wing yourself off, not quit cold turkey. If yoy smoked weed before pregnancy, it's in hour system, you're used to it, you should try to quit, but you will be fine to hit the joint a time or two. Should you smoke weed every day? HELL NO. I would never smoke while pregnant and I havent, I quit every thing cold turkey. But like I said, we're all adults. She was asking if it was okay, you don't have to bash her and other for having different opinions. I come here for support, not to read things like this. I don't think people understand that words like this can seriously damage people.
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    audi681 said:

    Most of my friends smoke pot, and yes, most of the social circle I hang with are hippies. My husband's band has played at festivals (though pretty strange and creepy and degenerate places) that advocate the use of medical marijuana. In fact, when my husband was recovering from cancer he smoked pot to help him gain weight on advice of his doctor. I do not think there is anything wrong with recreational marijuana and I believe it should be legal and taxed. When my child is 18, I would much rather him or her smoke a joint at a party than take shots of vodka and drive (not that I expect to raise my child as a party animal, but teenagers will be teenagers).

    However, I can't even wrap my head around inhaling a carcinogen when pregnant. Of all those people that I know, who smoke pot, the vast majority of them are professional and intelligent people. Marijuana smoke is a carcinogen. End of story. There should be no rebuttal after that! I can't imagine that there could be. No anxiety, or mood disorder, or anything of that sort can be rationalized by inhaling a carcinogen while a baby is growing inside of you. Just have self-control. You know better. 
    Thank you!!! 

    Just out of curiosity...how many people on this thread have smoked weed before? I have a feeling most of us have done it at one time or another. I will be the first to admit I have and I actually liked it. I haven't smoked since college and I never made a habit of it but in college I definitely smoked my share of weed. This isn't an issue of is weed bad all the time...this is an issue of smoking it WHILE PREGNANT! End of story.
    Please excuse typos....auto correct hates me. =)

    Married 8.17.12
    DD Born 9.23.13
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerDS Born 7.15.15

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    *raises hand*


    I've smoked... one time last summer and one time 2 years before that and one other time prior to.

    Not a HUGE fan of it, but I don't mind smoking a joint in the comfort of my own back yard.

    But I'll be damned if I smoke ANYTHING while I'm cooking up my son.

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    Yes. I was a pothead. Also smoked a pack a day and indulged in the occasional glass (or six) of wine.

    And I quit all of those things upon getting pregnant. Hell, after I'm done breast feeding, I'll probably hit the reefer when my kid's at his dad's house.

    But not while pregnant. That's dumb.
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    1st off I have never smoked in my life so maybe you should ask a question before you make an ass out your self lmao ... Now it's her and her baby so I feel to each is own but yes I asked cause I wanted to know what others thought good bye
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    Me my self would never put me or my child a risk but I wanted to know if others thought like she did and I didn't want to just be like u are slow everybody have there reasons so who am I to judge but to all the people who are judging and have kids I hope y'all don't tech them that cause that's a bad traitTo have at the end of the day none of y'all names are God ...
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    @kela13 please specify who you were referring to as an ass. If you're gonna throw shade and start name calling, I'd suggest you be more specific.
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    Ckorines said:

    @kela13 please specify who you were referring to as an ass. If you're gonna throw shade and start name calling, I'd suggest you be more specific. </blockquote

    what I said was don't make an ads out of your self and that was to everyone who made a judgment that I was smoking smh but if the shoe fit you can wear it

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    I want to say something so bad, but no I am going to be nice, sit here shaking my head eating an ice pop and watch the train wreck happen.
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    audi681 said:

    You are right. I definitely don't want to teach my children to be judgmental. However, grammar/punctuation are high on my list of important life skills.

    Eta. I realize the irony of this comment.

    Ha I'm at work trying to type and read and text all at the same time so sorry if my phone auto correct
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    gotdiesel2007gotdiesel2007 member
    edited March 2015

    When she cries now she holds her breath and at times becomes limp. Her mother figured it was normal cause all she has to do is blow in her face and she goes back to normal. As soon as I saw this happen I told her to call her dr cause that's not normal!

    Please look up breath holding spells. My son had them and was certainly not caused by weed, or drinking or anything like that. He is as perfect normal little boys come. ;)

    I am also not saying that is exactly what it is bc I'm not a dr but a very logical and perfectly ok reason.
    DS #1 Born 01/23/09
    Married 03/18/10
    DS #2 Born 05/19/11
    DS #3 Due 07/26/15

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    To everyone who misunderstood what I was saying and or asking I was not saying it was okay in my eyes it is wrong but to my friend she see no problem in it so I was asking moms to be to see if anyone thought like she did I was not saying I was doing it I would never put me or my child in harm's way never I am a mother before I'm anything and plus I never smoked weed in my life . She feel like there is no wrong in it and so I was trying to show her how others felt and what others thought about how she feels but I see now everyone can be rude and there was nothing on here but judgement and to the ones who did explain how they felt with no judgement thanks we are on the same page .
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    audi681 said:

    You are right. I definitely don't want to teach my children to be judgmental. However, grammar/punctuation are high on my list of important life skills.

    Eta. I realize the irony of this comment.

    This shit is bananas. I can't even! (Your post made me giggle!) I'm usually not judgmental but I'm totally judging here.
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    @sekosmides what color would you like?

    Purple. And baby will take the blue one off your hands.
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    kela13 said:

    To everyone who misunderstood what I was saying and or asking I was not saying it was okay in my eyes it is wrong but to my friend she see no problem in it so I was asking moms to be to see if anyone thought like she did I was not saying I was doing it I would never put me or my child in harm's way never I am a mother before I'm anything and plus I never smoked weed in my life . She feel like there is no wrong in it and so I was trying to show her how others felt and what others thought about how she feels but I see now everyone can be rude and there was nothing on here but judgement and to the ones who did explain how they felt with no judgement thanks we are on the same page .

    I don't think anyone was attacking you...I could have missed a post. I think most people were just shocked that your friend would even think that it was ok. Also a lot of time  people say things like "my friend thinks this" or "or my friend wants to know" when in reality they are talking about themselves. Not saying that is what you were doing, but it is easy how someone could have thought that was the case in this thread. Especially since your OP didn't really say that you were against smoking weed. So I can easily see how people could misunderstand. 
    Please excuse typos....auto correct hates me. =)

    Married 8.17.12
    DD Born 9.23.13
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerDS Born 7.15.15

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Yes^, and let me apologize. I shouldn't have been snarky... Poor choice. I think you (Kela) missed that a lot of us were responding to a different comment, and not your OP. If you do want to get your point across, on a board that consists of all writing/reading, it is difficult to understand you if there is no organization to the post. <sincerely, not snarky.
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    @sekosmides what color would you like?

    Can I have blue? PEEZ? :)
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    @NittanyPA you're a..... Well, I would say a bad word, but we don't do that here.
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    LOL! MEAN! I wanted it :( WA


    Who are we thinking? OP, why DD? Man I got some catching up to do!

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    I understand weed is a healing soothing remedy for anxiety,depression,aches and pains... Unfortunately there is nothing saying it's safe for pregnancy and nothing saying it's not safe. As a soon to be mother like you who enjoys smoking weed I have not smoked at all since my husband and I found out I was pregnant. It's difficult for me to understand the fine line even being in California for after my child is born. I feel weird about being a mother and smoking but I also feel weird being a mother / father and drinking a beer In front of kids.... My husband does not smoke and I do (not while pregnant) I have had probably two drinks of alcohol my whole life and never touched a drug either (depends if you consider weed a medical drug or a drug) so it's something you need to decide... please consider holding off considering its your choice to smoke not your babies until you have spoken to a doctor and really weigh all the options.
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