August 2015 Moms

some issues

mrsalston84mrsalston84 member
edited March 2015 in August 2015 Moms
Some issues im having is the fact that now that I'm letting ppl know that I'm pregnant and I am pretty much showing im getting tired of all the constant and same whats the gender and was i trying or is my family excited.....or is my husband excited like why wouldn't he be like duh and im tired of the having twins jokes and im noticing that there are a few of my friends/associates that seem to be living vicariously through me or something. Like some ppl that have never contacted me on a normal basis is all of a sudden constantly checking on "me and the baby". Im wondering if it is my hormones tht is causing me to be so annoyed?? What are some issues that someone else is going through?? Or am i all

Re: some issues

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    Yeah this is exactly why I waited as long as I could to tell anyone I was pregnant. People get so fake!! Like really, you haven't talked to me in 6 years now your texting me asking me how I'm feeling? Go eff yourself. If we weren't friends before I certainly don't want to be your friend now.

    One of my friends/coworkers just had a baby in January and by the last month we all joked that we were just going to get her a shirt made that said "due January 25th, it's a girl, her name is _____" because she would literally get the same questions from every person all day long.

    So yes, it is very annoying, but you are not alone. People get crazy around pregnant women lol.
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    I mean that is a good idea maybe i should make a shirt and yes i never knew just how annoying it is and how repetitive the questions are and mostly it is the same freaking ppl.....ive never been pregnant and im like dang if i have ever done this to my pregnant friends or coworkers i am so freaking sorry.

    And yes the fake folks just about make me want to slap them....i be looking at them like really ppl like you are something else like all of a sudden we are going to be besties i dnt freaking think so. Ughhhh the frustration is
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    I work in retail so it's just downright obnoxious, bc now they think we are besties and giving their opinion on everything. I think I'm going to change my story to- I just fell off the weight watchers band wagon and am getting fat.
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    I feel your pain, mine has a lot to do with " oh wow you already have 3, why did you want another?" Like go F*** off, and the one that really gets my goat is "Well, was it planned?" it's none of your damned business if it was or wasn't. I was pretty mild with my two previous pregnancies but I have a feeling that I will be a super bitch with this one, to those who ask the dumb questions. God help them, a redhead, pregnant, during an Arizona summer... >:P
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    I think people are just trying to be nice and interested. I KNOW it can be annoying, but it is generally well-intentioned. My least favorite question is "How are you feeling?". I don't think anyone asks that when you are not pregnant. But I try to just smile and answer snd change the subject. :)

    As for someone who hasn't contacted you for a long time- maybe they see this as an opportunity to reconnect.
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    edited March 2015
    This is something I was incredulous about when I got married. A few people who, before, hadn't made any effort to talk with or spend time with me or my family for a long while... assumed that they were invited. "How come I wasn't invited??"
    Anyway, I get your "issues". It's weird how people suddenly want to associate with you in the fun times. But human.

    P.S. I agree with puccagirl177 though! It's easy to think "where were you?" but the best response it to take advantage of the opportunity and respond graciously. :)
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    Let me tell you! I get so annoyed people keep thinking I'm having twins! It's so annoying! I mean I do look like I'm 6 months pregnant but still I haven't had an ultrasound yet I will next week but I can't wait so I can shut everyone up about the twin thing! I used to have a flat stomach and it is big now and hard as a rock but still I'm not having twins ugh!
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    I would have waited until the kid popped out if I could have, but I realize how mean that would be to those that love us. I do get that. But I as well am getting so annoyed with people asking me how I'm feeling, we must be so happy, and telling me about their experience. It's constant. I'm getting to the point I want to avoid talking to people. Maybe it's hormones but it's making me cranky. The same questions over an over and over. Ugh. Self reminder: it's because they care... It's because they care.
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    I agree that some questions (e.g. "were you trying?") are just straight up rude and out of line, but others I think are completely acceptable and polite. Think about it this way...if you tell someone you are pregnant and the next thing that they say is, "Congratulations, what should we get for lunch today?" or something like that, you would probably be pissed and think they didn't care or were being an ass. There are limited things people can say once they find out and I think things such as, "That is so exciting, are you going to find out the sex?" "Wow, that's great, is your husband excited (to me this translates to, "does it feel real to him yet?")?" "I'm so happy for you, how are you feeling?" are all acceptable and polite ways of people saying that they are happy for you and they truly care. I've had MS for awhile now and so I appreciate when my friends, family, or anyone who knows asks me how I am feeling. Just my opinion.
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    As i read everyone's response i am grateful for the feedback and oyher ways of viewing things I guess part of it a side from the hormones im not a real social person at times i get real drawn back and in my zone so sometimes the attention just gets me but im working on it and trying to be nice and understand that ppl are expressing tht yhey care....but the ones tht have never neen there and is popping up all of a sudden I'm sorry I can't just accept it with open arms may just take some time or i may never come around some have broken my trust before and tht doesn't come back to easy.
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    Oh man, I thought I was a crazy person! Glad to know I'm not alone in being annoyed haha. Yes, people really are limited in what they can say and looking back I hope I came across genuine with my pregnant friends.

    I agree with babyrover.. Self reminder: it's because they care! But the irritating part is when they tell you things that you think you haven't heard before like 'make sure you're eating properly' and 'stay active' thanks tips, my professional medical team hasn't mentioned that.
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    I still haven't told people I work with for this exact reason. I know most of the time they are trying to be nice, but geez I'm pregnant, hormonal, hot, cold, hungry, & sick go away! I will never post anything on social media for this reason. I don't really care if someone I went to high school with 10 years ago knows if I'm pregnant or not. My friends and family know, and that's good enough for me. Most of the time people have the best intentions, but it's so repetitive it can be annoying. I'm holding out as long as possible at work.
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