February 2015 Moms

PP check in

tropicbreezetropicbreeze member
edited February 2015 in February 2015 Moms
rants/raves/questions??? Lay it here
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Re: PP check in

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    My bum hurts!

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    Mego04 said:

    My bum hurts!

    This. So much.

    I do have a question though that I asked my nurse but she just said it happens all the time. I gave birth on 2/11 (wed) and hadn't had a bowel movement since Monday. I still haven't had one because like @Mego04‌ said "My bum hurts!" They didn't tell me how many stitches I have just that it's a second degree cut. I took stool softeners and still nothing. I desperately want to go to the bathroom because I know the longer I wait the worse it will be. Any tips? It hurts to even fart so to actually have a BM is scary to me but should I take laxatives with how long it takes me to get out the bed and shuffle to the bathroom?
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    @HayleyBug55‌ I think it would be ok to take a laxative since it's been so long. I had the same issue and finally went yesterday. I personally try to avoid laxatives. My go to remedies are prune juice and Fiber 1 bars. Good luck! Hemorrhoids suck!

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    It took me 4 days PP and taking colace the entire time until anything happened for me. Just keep yourself well hydrated.
    I also had stitches just be gentle on yourself when the time comes and try not to push when you have to go. Also fill your peri bottle up before you go.
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    DHarpsterDHarpster member
    edited February 2015
    It took me about four days too, but I also went during labor (sorry if tmi) whatever you do, don't stop taking the stool softeners..I'm 2 weeks pp and I'm still taking them and it's still slightly uncomfortable. Not sure about the laxatives, I think I would ask my doctor before using them.

    edit: Spelling Is hard.
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    usmcwife89usmcwife89 member
    edited February 2015
    Keep taking the stool softeners! I'm 8 days PP now and maybe I'm just a lucky one.. But I have a second degree episiotomy and I have had 2 bowel movements without much discomfort. (Knock on wood!) definitely keep yourself hydrated and use your Peri bottle any chance you get! I also use a sitz bath 3 times a day and it seriously feels like heaven on my stitches.

    Edit: iPhone spell check sucks

    Edit2: lol! I wanted to add that the anticipation of the bowel Movement being so painful made me scared to go. Hearing all the horror stories made me practically hold it in. It wasn't until I was 4 days PP I said screw it.. Sat down on the toilet and seriously prepared for the absolute worst! I realized that the pain was because my stitches were dry. I hadn't used the Peri bottle much before then. Keep them moist (ugh hate that word lol) and youll feel a huge difference!!
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    Yes the anticipation is worse then the actual event. It really wasn't as awful as everyone made it sound, but maybe I was just lucky.
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    I drank coffee and had no choice to go. I found that if I lean forward, instead of staying up, it wasn't too bad. I also have a second degree episiotomy and it is not fun.

    I'm being discharged today but Paisley isn't. She has bad jaundice and since she was born I only get to see her every 2-5 hours to feed her. I cry and cry and cry all day long and now the water works are really going. Thankfully,since I'm breastfeeding I'll be what they consider a hotel guest. I can stay in the room they have me in but I can leave as I please and the nurses won't be taking care of me anymore. My fiance went home yesterday because he was feeling sick and didn't want to chance getting our baby sick. Hopefully he gets to feeling better because it gets real lonely in this room by myself .
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    T&P's for little Paisley! Hang in there momma! You are doing an awesome job.
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    @HayleyBug55 I'm sorry to hear your going through that. Our baby girl also had jaundice but we're fortunate enough that we could take her home, we had to do follow up doctor appointments and our poor little girl doesn't like to bleed well. I found myself crying everytime also. Just remember non of it is your fault and everything will be just fine :) you will soon be able to take your little paisley home :smiley:
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    Thank you ladies. As you all know and are going through , hormones are all out of whack! I really appreciate every single one of the ladies in this community ,including the "bad apples" that were banned. Everybody needs support and caring people to talk to and I definetly found that here!
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    The hormone flux for me got better the day after my milk came in. I hope it gets better for you too.
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    I've been very fortunate not to have much lingering save the bleeding, though everything hurt like the dickens for the first week. Stool softeners are lifesavers. @HaleyBug55, it gets better. DD had jaundice, too, and she's doing awesome now. Request those feedings closer to every two hours. Breast milk helps resolve the issue faster. T&p.
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    How is everyone doing today?
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    wittyacronymwittyacronym member
    edited February 2015
    I had to start supplementing formula for my little girl because she lost 10% of birth weight. We also found out that she has a healing collar bone fracture. Which would explain why she was so fussy the first week. I know that feeding her is the best thing but I am sad that I can't provide enough breast milk for her. ETA: hit enter too soon
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    Ts &Ps for Paisley!!!

    2wks PP tomorrow. I'm feeling more normalish but still sore. And I have hemorrhoids which is awesome. :|

    E is doing better at latching but it still takes her up to 5 min to latch sometimes. Its frustrating for sure but hopefully things will keep getting better from here on out.

    I''m getting really emotional about my mom leaving on Tues. She has helped out in so many ways. And she just looooves this little girl. I wish we could live closer.

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    @wittyacronym‌ I hope your LO feels better soon!
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    edited February 2015
    I've been getting the baby blues I am afraid. I feel so anxious all the time; I'm terrified that something bad is going to happen. I don't sleep except for when my husband is home to hold my LO. I'm just so terrified of SIDS or something bad happening! First time Mommy, I'm hoping this overwhelming anxiety goes away...
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    First off, make sure to check in with your doc. Second, take some time for yourself. Get out of the house, find some sunlight, do something you enjoy. Third, take some comfort measures. For example, I set an alarm to wake me up for the first feeding of the night so I can check on LO. The first few nights home, I did this for every feeding.
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    I want to breastfeed so bad but have had so many issues. My nipples look like they got attacked by a cheese grater (no joke - lactation consultant was horrified). I asked for a consultation while in the hospital at least 5 times and my nurse from hell ignored me (and of course she was there both days). I'm stuck pumping until they heal and then I can go back to the lactation consultant to work on her latch. Every time I hold her she roots around looking for my boob. DH is in charge of giving her bottles now since we are trying not to confuse her too much. I'm trying so hard to not feel like a failure but spend a lot of time in tears...
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    katecham said:

    I want to breastfeed so bad but have had so many issues. My nipples look like they got attacked by a cheese grater (no joke - lactation consultant was horrified). I asked for a consultation while in the hospital at least 5 times and my nurse from hell ignored me (and of course she was there both days). I'm stuck pumping until they heal and then I can go back to the lactation consultant to work on her latch. Every time I hold her she roots around looking for my boob. DH is in charge of giving her bottles now since we are trying not to confuse her too much. I'm trying so hard to not feel like a failure but spend a lot of time in tears...

    Please don't feel like a failure!! I did that to myself for 3 days until I realized, my baby is getting fed, he's happy and gaining weight. I have had to become an exclusive pumper because of refusal to latch, combined with thrush. You are doing a great job!
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    @HayleyBug55‌ YAY!!!! Nothing more exciting!!!
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    2.5 weeks postpartum and slowly but surely I'm starting to feel a bit more normal down there. Though I think I smell funny all the time. I shower everyday and all that but I swear I smell weird

    This. Yes.
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    3 week PP and I have never been so excited in my life to be in panty liners!
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    Today's lesson for me is don't ignore that little voice in your head saying something isn't right with your body. In my attempt to do several things on my todo list, I ignored the symptoms of mastitis and it hit me like a train around 8 this evening. My poor OB I feel like I have been calling the on call doc every week.
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    Today's lesson for me is don't ignore that little voice in your head saying something isn't right with your body. In my attempt to do several things on my todo list, I ignored the symptoms of mastitis and it hit me like a train around 8 this evening. My poor OB I feel like I have been calling the on call doc every week.

    @tropicbreeze‌ I was just about to get on here and ask about this. I've gotten some information off Goole but I wanted to talk to y'all to see if it's normal or not. My milk came in yesterday and all day today when I pump I get 3oz out the right breast and next to nothing out the left. It's extremely hard,more so than the right, and has a burning sensation. My OB is closed tomorrow but I'm trying warm compresses. Is this normal or does it sound like something isn't right?
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    @katecham‌ my DD had a hard time latching and I had this problem with my first. With this one I knew that there would be problems. Ask for a nipple shield. It protects your nipples and allows them to latch like they would a Bottle nipple. It's the only way I can breastfeed.
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    tropicbreezetropicbreeze member
    edited February 2015

    Today's lesson for me is don't ignore that little voice in your head saying something isn't right with your body. In my attempt to do several things on my todo list, I ignored the symptoms of mastitis and it hit me like a train around 8 this evening. My poor OB I feel like I have been calling the on call doc every week.

    @tropicbreeze‌ I was just about to get on here and ask about this. I've gotten some information off Goole but I wanted to talk to y'all to see if it's normal or not. My milk came in yesterday and all day today when I pump I get 3oz out the right breast and next to nothing out the left. It's extremely hard,more so than the right, and has a burning sensation. My OB is closed tomorrow but I'm trying warm compresses. Is this normal or does it sound like something isn't right?
    @HayleyBug55‌ warm compresses every time before you pump and try massaging too, especially if you feel a sore area. I don't know if you are on facebook, but there is an AMAZING group on there called Exclusively Pumping Moms PRIVATE GROUP. They have some really great advice and tips for any pumping needs. You can also try a warm/hot shower and massaging and hand expressing in the shower. After you get out of the shower, pump and massage while pumping on the side you are having trouble with.
    Watch yourself for a fever, flu like symptoms, and redness on the boob.
    I hope this helps! I'll edit the post if I can think of anything else.

    Eta: how many times are you pumping or do you have a schedule? If you are EPing, they say every 2-3 hours for atleast 15-20 minutes at a time, I just pump till empty.
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    1 week pp and loving every moment with my son Harrison. Not loving every moment of pp. I had a breast reduction when I was a teen and breast feeding was an epic fail cause I couldn't produce enough. Felt like the worst mom ever. The hormones are raging too, crying has begun. I'm so looking forward to not feeling sore down there too. To end on a positive note I couldn't feel more blessed to be holding my son right now.
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    Today's lesson for me is don't ignore that little voice in your head saying something isn't right with your body. In my attempt to do several things on my todo list, I ignored the symptoms of mastitis and it hit me like a train around 8 this evening. My poor OB I feel like I have been calling the on call doc every week.

    @tropicbreeze‌ I was just about to get on here and ask about this. I've gotten some information off Goole but I wanted to talk to y'all to see if it's normal or not. My milk came in yesterday and all day today when I pump I get 3oz out the right breast and next to nothing out the left. It's extremely hard,more so than the right, and has a burning sensation. My OB is closed tomorrow but I'm trying warm compresses. Is this normal or does it sound like something isn't right?
    @HayleyBug55‌ warm compresses every time before you pump and try massaging too, especially if you feel a sore area. I don't know if you are on facebook, but there is an AMAZING group on there called Exclusively Pumping Moms PRIVATE GROUP. They have some really great advice and tips for any pumping needs. You can also try a warm/hot shower and massaging and hand expressing in the shower. After you get out of the shower, pump and massage while pumping on the side you are having trouble with.
    Watch yourself for a fever, flu like symptoms, and redness on the boob.
    I hope this helps! I'll edit the post if I can think of anything else.

    Eta: how many times are you pumping or do you have a schedule? If you are EPing, they say every 2-3 hours for atleast 15-20 minutes at a time, I just pump till empty.
    @tropicbreeze‌ thank you! And I pump every 1/2 hours for 20 minutes. It's always the same. Nothing on the left 3oz on the right.
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    @HayleyBug55‌ I would deff. Give your dr a call when their offices open.
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    @tropicbreeze‌ it was mastitis. Did I spell that right?

    How are the rest of you ladies and your LO's holding up?
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    My LO is coming down with a cold. Poor thing. Meanwhile I'm both stir crazy and wishing I never had to go back to work. Ah, the paradoxes of motherhood I guess.
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    DD will be one week old tomorrow. I feel like we keep hitting roadblocks, but keep telling myself none of them are catastrophic.

    I had to be induced because of preeclampsia and they kept me in the hospital for 3 days because they still couldn't get my blood pressure down. They sent me home in medicine and monitoring and it is still high. I have a follow up with the OB on Friday.

    DD had major nursing problems and at 48 hours old was down 10% of her birth weight. I ended up pumping and dropper feeding her for a day and a half. At 4 days, she was still the same as 48 hours, so she hadn't lost any more. Her nursing is getting better and we have another weight check tomorrow so hopefully we are headed in the right direction.

    A few hours after we got home from the hospital, our two year old came down with a bad cold. Baby and I have isolated ourselves in the bedroom while DH (who is now sick too) takes care of the two year old. I pray the baby and I don't get it but it is crummy that I essentially haven't seen my older child in a week.
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    We had weight check today, he gained 5 oz back of the 8oz he lost - our pediatrician was very pleased. We also had a kidney ultrasound due to 2VC and will have the results tomorrow. My hormones are feeling more level at 11 days PP, I was a wreck last week - super overwhelmed. Feeding and sleeping have been going very well too.

    I hope everyone is hanging in there, the fun part hasn't even really begun yet :)
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    Ouch! I'm sorry @HayleyBug55‌

    We had a really rough night Monday, LO cried for around 6 hours and didn't sleep till 5:30 am. He was fine today until I gave him the nystantin. He got very fussy and spit up more then normal. I am taking him back to the ped. In the morning to see what our next plan of action is for this damn thrush. I suspect the sugar in the nystantin is too much on his system and DH and I gave him that and mylacon (sp?) drops for gas last night before his crying episode.
    Tonight, after his original episode from the nystantin, he slept as we haven't given anything additional.

    Sorry if none of that makes sense, I think I'm sleep pumping over here. Mastitis seems to be responding very well to the antibiotic so that's a plus.
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    Am I the only one who still has hip and inner thigh pain similar to when the baby was still in there? If I lay on my side for too long it's like I never even had her.
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