November 2014 Moms

3 Month Milestonews

MrsAdventureMrsAdventure member
edited January 2015 in November 2014 Moms
Alright ladies, tell me how awesome your little ones are! What have they learned recently? Bonus points if you add pictures!

Edit: words are hard >> also, lurkers are welcome to post here too. Just because you usually lurk doesn't mean you don't have a right brag about your baby.
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Re: 3 Month Milestonews

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    Pips will be three months this coming Monday. She is starting to teeth, much to my dismay. No teeth have broken through yet, but that's certainly not for her lack of trying.

    She has become quite the chatter bug, especially to her daddy. She babbles incesently to him.
    She's also trying to sit herself up. When she's reclining in her glider or bouncer or her car seat, or lounging on me, she try's to sit forward. If she's at the right angle, she can usually do it and gets mega pissed when she's strapped in to something and can't.

    She can roll onto her side, but I think that this may not be entirely intentional yet.

    And she's been trying to grab her feet this week, but she hasn't quite got the coordination for it just yet.
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    Omg @MrsAdventure‌ those pics are adorable! Gerald can hold his head up for the most part and during tummy time he is slightly lifting his chest. He can support his weight on his legs and he loves to try and stand up. He is also teething unfortunately. He's sleeping a little bit more through the night. Instead of waking up every hour he's only up twice. He's awake now for most of the day. He's really enjoying turning his head from side to side. And boy does he love to talk! Lol. I have a feeling when he actually starts talking we won't be able to get him to stop.
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    So cute! My little one is only 7 weeks, can't brag on this post yet!
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    @hjenni thanks! You LO has the cutest smile!!
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    Merrick is a little over 3 months now, he is grabbing everything, it all goes into his mouth lol. He has learned to roll, and scoots in a circle. He is learning his belly laugh and it is so darn cute!!! He is able to sit up and hold himself for a few seconds at a time now. He hates laying down!
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    My girl is almost 3 months, she is babbling away she sucks her hands in the cutest way everything goes in the mouth. She still hates tummy time although she is very good at holding her head. I just love playing and singing with her I forget that I have housework to do
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    My Mikey is 3mos now.....he's laughing and smiling a ton. He's drooling like a St. Bernard and keeps trying to fit his fists in his mouth.  He's pulling out his binky and tries to get it back in.  He's doing great with tummy time and pushing up.






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    I'm waiting for a real giggle, but she's a total smiler and very strong. She holds her head up beautifully and she wants to be sitting up any time she's laid down. She's a delight and a joy...such a peaceful little creature. :)
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    ColtandLeahColtandLeah member
    edited February 2015
    Urijah has been baring weight and supporting his head with reasonable control for a month. During a checkup, the dr almost picked him entirely up off the table when he grasped her finger and did not let go. She said he's a strong little boy. When he's lying beside me during nap time, he throws his arms out and rolls on his side towards me. He is extremely social and has been mimicking for weeks now. He'll smile, open wide, and stick his tongue out and has high pitched sqeal of a laugh. People remark about him being such a happy baby. We are truly fortunate.
    p.s. I didn't intend for so many pictures to upload and it isn't allowing any to be removed. Oops.
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    Ok my LO has been very active this past month. Still doesn't like tummy time but holds her head up well and even can push her chest off the floor. When on the tummy only a matter of time before she rolls back into her back. Also she scoots when doing mat time, turn away for a minute and turn back she's on the other side of the mat. Yesterday she did her first honest to god laugh. It was as I was trying to nurse her and she wasn't interested. She knew I was getting peeved. So she laughed at me. She's been babbling for weeks now and loves to have conversations with anyone near her. When in her swing or bouncy chair she is leaning forward and trying to sit up...strapped in at all times. She's been standing since week 4, very strong girl...maybe a future soccer player. Colic is almost gone...thank the Lord! Still avoiding dairy, garlic and onions for now. She sleeps pretty good at night, wakes up for two feedings but back to sleep almost right away. She does nap in the AM but cannot seem to get a handle on the afternoon nap. She's drooling tons and putting anything in her mouth. I tried teething rings the last couple of days...she didn't like them. My fingers are still better to chew on apparently. And today will be my first day back at work :(
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    LO is smiling up a storm! He is so happy. He also has started grabbing things and is trying to pull himself up to sit by himself. He babbles constantly and I swear he's saying "mom" haha  He's been sleeping 10 hours at night, but its in the rock n play so we are trying to get him in the crib but he just screams. I feel so guilty having him the rock n play since it goes against the AAP guidelines but its the only place I can get him to sleep.  My husband and I are going to spend the weekend trying to transition to the crib. I bought a pack of red bull ;)
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    @LRK14‌ we recently transitioned our daughter from a rock and play to her crib. We got a few halo swaddle sleep sacks and swaddle her real tight. First 2 nights were tough but she's back to sleeping 10+ hours a night most nights. Good luck!
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    Thanks @bkramer08! I will def be trying that :)
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    LO was 3 months on Sunday, last night she successfully rolled from back to stomach! I think she was very proud of herself!
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    My son will be 3-months next Wednesday and for over a week now he sleeps entirely through the night! Bedtime begins at 9PM and he sleeps all the way through until 7AM. So happy I don't have to do 4AM feedings anymore! He's also babbling constantly and laughs a ton. His favorite chew toy seems to be his fist right now which he constantly drools all over. He still hates tummy time but that hasn't really been a problem because he has been holding his head up since the day he was born. Other than that he loves when I let him stand supported on the counter. I swear if he had a hang on balancing himself he'd be walking already. I love my baby boy!!
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