Trying to Get Pregnant

Twatwaffle Tuesday

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Who, or what, is being a huge mother-effing TWATWAFFLE today?


Re: Twatwaffle Tuesday

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    Ex-stepfather. He is the father of my little brother, who is Autistic & turned 18 in November. Since then he hasn't called my brother once, not even on Christmas (he only sent my mom a text). This really upsets me to see my brother so upset. He called me last night asking why he hasn't responded to his calls or called him. I don't know what to tell him. I just want to kick his dad in the shin and tell him his job as a father doesn't just end because LB is 18.
    Married to LOML: 8/14/12

     TTC #1: Oct. 2014

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    My computer and internet are twatwaffles today. SO SLOW. It's severely limiting my ability to multi-task, which means work is getting severely slighted. Time to get off TB.
    January TTGP Siggy Challenge: Workout Fails
    Love: 2005
    DD: 2007 
    DS: 2008
    TTC #3 since 11/2014
    For the Chart Stalkers: My Chart
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    Happy Birthday @risscabobs‌!

    My DH has a cold. A man cold. And it's the end of the world.
    DD:3 | DS:1
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    My twatwaffle is my health insurance company for making me pay $50 a month for a maintenance medication. I have taken this medication for several years yet they still require a prior authorization (which should be called something else) every three months. I've run out of medication because of PA approvals before. It's an uncommon medication and there is no generic but the insurance company keeps saying my doctor should look at other options.
    If there was a cheaper option I would take it.
    Met 6/5/10, Married 11/11/11, TTC #1 -8/14
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    My coworker! Ugh... is this day over yet?
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    My twatwaffle is my health insurance company for making me pay $50 a month for a maintenance medication. I have taken this medication for several years yet they still require a prior authorization (which should be called something else) every three months. I've run out of medication because of PA approvals before. It's an uncommon medication and there is no generic but the insurance company keeps saying my doctor should look at other options. If there was a cheaper option I would take it.
    I understand where you're coming from. I have diabetes and insulin is hella expensive. Apparently there isn't a "generic" insulin. It sucks balls. Stupid pharmaceutical companies.

    My twatwaffle today is H. He was up all night with a fever, partly delusional and lightheaded and dizzy but won't go to the doctor. (Fever was 103). I had to go to work and hope that he is ok and his fever doesn't go up any farther.
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    @Bluebird44 - you can call your town and have her fined. If it's an ongoing issue they should send someone to check it out.
    Met 6/5/10, Married 11/11/11, TTC #1 -8/14
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    Today I had Jury Duty again. Waited an extra 30 min for the case to start and we all walk into the courtroom and find out it has been dismissed. Spent two days driving to the court house and sitting around for nothing! Love spending my days off that way. Oh well, at least I can now veg infront of the TV and on pinterest before work tomorrow. 
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    I saw the bad reviews on the Google play store. I'd rather have this kind of forum to ask questions on. It's not helpful to be told it's all rainbows and unicorns when you need an honest answer.
    Met 6/5/10, Married 11/11/11, TTC #1 -8/14
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    bl1210bl1210 member
    edited January 2015
    Happy Birthday @risscabobs!!

    My twatwaffle is my diet.  It makes me hungry and grumpy.  I just want to eat what I want and not gain weight!  

    Edited: words

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
    Me: 26; DH:30
    TTC #1 9/14


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    My twatwaffle is my health insurance company for making me pay $50 a month for a maintenance medication. I have taken this medication for several years yet they still require a prior authorization (which should be called something else) every three months. I've run out of medication because of PA approvals before. It's an uncommon medication and there is no generic but the insurance company keeps saying my doctor should look at other options. If there was a cheaper option I would take it.
    I understand where you're coming from. I have diabetes and insulin is hella expensive. Apparently there isn't a "generic" insulin. It sucks balls. Stupid pharmaceutical companies.

    My twatwaffle today is H. He was up all night with a fever, partly delusional and lightheaded and dizzy but won't go to the doctor. (Fever was 103). I had to go to work and hope that he is ok and his fever doesn't go up any farther.
    What the hell is with men and not going to the doctor? One of my good friends severely messed up his back but he refuses to go to the doctor. Apparently living in intense pain is better than a 30 minute appointment.
    Right? Ughh...
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    Or "Try Baby Center"
    This is the one that has always made me think, "I wonder why TB doesn't mind that it's old members (i.e. money drainers, use the tools, ignore the ads) often treat new members (i.e. money makers, eyes that see ads, fingers that click links) so harshly and then immediately point them to a competitor."

    I'm not surprised that this has become an issue. 

    With that said, TB definitely won't be the same without snark and gifs. I wonder how much it will affect membership (and, therefore, ad $$).
    January TTGP Siggy Challenge: Workout Fails
    Love: 2005
    DD: 2007 
    DS: 2008
    TTC #3 since 11/2014
    For the Chart Stalkers: My Chart
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    I'm in cube farm and my co-worker insists on listening to a conference call on speaker phone. It's so annoying and distracting.
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    I'm in cube farm and my co-worker insists on listening to a conference call on speaker phone. It's so annoying and distracting.
    I share an office with a guy who likes to do this but during conversations with his wife. It's really awkward and gross to hear them say "shmoopy" and make kissy noises back and forth. Blech.
    What??? That is annoying.
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    @Pismoduo we have blue tooth wireless headsets, she was using it yesterday and I don't know why she isn't today......
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    Is everyone just really quiet because of the impending doom of niceness on TB?

    My dogs are my twatwaffles today for waking me up every hour last night.

    Yeah is this really going to happen? Its all over the BMBs that TOU is changing. If this becomes another nicey nicey sugar coated sparkle forum I will flip my shit. 
    Seriously?? Hopefully this is not the case. If I wanted flowers and rainbows I would go to babycenter.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2
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    I'm in cube farm and my co-worker insists on listening to a conference call on speaker phone. It's so annoying and distracting.
    I share an office with a guy who likes to do this but during conversations with his wife. It's really awkward and gross to hear them say "shmoopy" and make kissy noises back and forth. Blech.
    What??? That is annoying.
    Can you ask them to turn it off? I've had to get quite frank with some of my coworkers before - but they've almost always taken it well. 
    Formerly known as the ever un-taggable Bridal-Smash.

    PCOS Diagnosis: December, 2011 
    Going off BCP: January 2015
    Actively Trying for First: February 2015
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    I'm in cube farm and my co-worker insists on listening to a conference call on speaker phone. It's so annoying and distracting.
    I share an office with a guy who likes to do this but during conversations with his wife. It's really awkward and gross to hear them say "shmoopy" and make kissy noises back and forth. Blech.
    This made me cringe. I think I would have had to say soemthing.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2
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    One of the directors at work is a twatwaffle. He incorrectly uses ellipses ALL the time and it makes you feel like he's mad at you for something.

    I responded to an email he sent me and he replied with "Thanks.....". WTF am I supposed to think of that??
    My boss does this too. And she wonders why I always thing I am in trouble!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2
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    I had a trip planned to do the Disney princess half marathon in February. Today I had to cancel it. :(
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    My twatwaffle is my client ('s mother, my client is technically her adult child who can't actually talk to me) who apparently expects me to just be ok with practically living at her house.

    I technically work two days here a week plus ~2 weekends a month. I went ahead and took an extra day from one of the other nurses for the whole month of January, so there's three days here a week. No big deal. Then the other weekend nurse went and had surgery for a broken foot and thus far I have worked three weekends in a row with no end in sight. So I am at this house 5 days a week... plus I have another client so I am working long hours at least six days a week. I am putting up with it because I am being nice and I know they need the help. Blah blah.

    So when you text me and you tell me that school is canceled (mom is a school teacher) and you "understand if I don't want to drive through the ice" (I live an hr away up north, DH was adamant I not go in to work yesterday) so I opt to stay home, don't then get huffy with me about how you hope I will be coming in the next day. God forbid you should have to take care of your child for a day while I take care of everything that has been piling up at my house while I take care of yours!

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    Twattful work being so goddamn busy I can't bump... This sucks.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    @wowcheezits, I am sorry to hear about your DD and the bullying. I hope it gets resolved soon.

    Happy Birthday @risscabobs! Enjoy your day!

    @bluebird44, I would confront her directly and give her a verbal warning before you call the authorities. That behavior is just unacceptable.

    I don't have a good twatwaffle today. Maybe I should just be the twatwaffle for always being my own worst fucking enemy. Get it together, Gypsy! :/

    Me: 29 DH: 34 Married 9/8/12 Started TTC 10/01/12
    Dx: Hypothalamic amenorrhea by RE in 2/2013
          Provera + Ovidrel trigger = BFP #1 3/24/13
    DD born 11/12/13
    TTC #2 since 9/01/14
    Tamoxifen + Ovidrel trigger = CP (cycle 3)

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    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Suess

    TTGP January Siggy Challenge: Workout Fails

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    My twatwaffle is my asshole client and his wife who decided it would be okay to show up an hour and twenty minutes before their appt bc he had another appt he had to schedule this afternoon. Like really?? What if I had another client I was meeting with or out of the office?? You don't just show up to your doctor's appt/ hair appt/ dentist appt and hour and 20 minutes early and expect to be seen! Top it all off this asshole tells me " I must of caught that bug everyone has."  ~X( seriously GTFO my office you infected human! Gahh clients who come in for non-urgent appts that are sick and/or people who show up at the incorrect appt time are two of my BIGGEST pet peeves

    I work with gov't services so 9 times out of 10 appts aren't urgent
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    My landlord is a twatwaffle. He held on to last months rent check and cashed this months and last months at the same time. I didn't realize it and now my account is all fucked up. I'm sending money orders from now on. 
    TTC #1 since 8/2013
    DX: Unexplained infertility 11/2014
    Hysteroscopy, D&C 11/17/14
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    edited January 2015
    lilsneezy said:
    My landlord is a twatwaffle. He held on to last months rent check and cashed this months and last months at the same time. I didn't realize it and now my account is all fucked up. I'm sending money orders from now on. 
    My life. FI flipped out on our landlord this morning. We need our own house.

    ETA: I have two checking accounts - one for spending (have a debit card) and one for bills (only checks). This has actually helped a lot. I transfer the rent money to the bills account and then I don't touch it. I used to overdraw my account all of the time until I did this.

    TTC # 1 since 11/2013
    Hysteroscopy 10/28/14 - septum removed
    HSG 10/31/14 - All Clear!
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    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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    lilsneezy said:
    My landlord is a twatwaffle. He held on to last months rent check and cashed this months and last months at the same time. I didn't realize it and now my account is all fucked up. I'm sending money orders from now on. 
    My life. FI flipped out on our landlord this morning. We need our own house.

    ETA: I have two checking accounts - one for spending (have a debit card) and one for bills (only checks). This has actually helped a lot. I transfer the rent money to the bills account and then I don't touch it. I used to overdraw my account all of the time until I did this.
    @briannaecsplan That's exactly what I need to do! 
    TTC #1 since 8/2013
    DX: Unexplained infertility 11/2014
    Hysteroscopy, D&C 11/17/14
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    Thanks for the birthday wishes to anyone I may have missed love titting!
    You better love tit me all the time, all day long!!
    TB is dead.

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    My twatwaffle is the opposite of the speakerphone coworker rant. My coworker came over and told me I was talking too loud on the phone. 1. I was on the phone with a client who couldn't hear well. 2. I doubt I was so loud you couldn't hear your voicemail when it was all the way turned up. Mine makes my ears bleed if it's all the way turned up. 3. Focus on telling off the chatters and laughers in the lunch room or other cubes rather than on me doing my job.
    TTGP Siggy Challenge: Workout Fails


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