October 2014 Moms

Breastfeeding Support and Information


Re: Breastfeeding Support and Information

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    Another bottle prep question from me! Going with the ounce per hour guidelines, I planned to leave DS's caretaker with 4 two-ounce bottles with the intention of feeding every 2 hours during my 8 hour workday. However when nursing on demand, DS will sometimes want to nurse every hour or hour and a half. Can I assume he isn't taking a full two-ounce feeding when they're closer together like that? I don't want to short his babysitter on milk.

    For those already back to work: How many bottles do you have prepared for the day? And how many ounces in each?
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    Another bottle prep question from me! Going with the ounce per hour guidelines, I planned to leave DS's caretaker with 4 two-ounce bottles with the intention of feeding every 2 hours during my 8 hour workday. However when nursing on demand, DS will sometimes want to nurse every hour or hour and a half. Can I assume he isn't taking a full two-ounce feeding when they're closer together like that? I don't want to short his babysitter on milk.

    For those already back to work: How many bottles do you have prepared for the day? And how many ounces in each?

    I give 6 3oz bottles. She only drinks 4 or 5 but I like sending the extra one just in case. I feed her at 5:30a and pick her up around 5pm
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Married 11/5/11
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    keelyd said:

    @cantisa -- I reach down my bra or just grab my boobs from the outside of it while pumping. Occadionally, I lose suction for a second, but I've never found it difficult to do compressions in a hands free bra. (Side note -- I use the Simple Wishes bra.)

    This exactly.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Married 11/5/11
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    @emerald27 thanks :) I did warm up the car but maybe something was off with the suction.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    When does the 1 oz per hour rule increase? I'm worried that LO isn't getting enough bc she eats like a pig when we get home at night. I'm Aldi worried that I won't be able to keep up if she does start taking more during the day. I usually pump 9oz while I'm at work which is what I send for the next day. I feel like I need to add another pumping session but there is no way to. I can't leave my students unattended while I go pump.
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    @theresat858 What do you have daycare do if she doesn't eat 3 ounces in a sitting? Have them offer her the rest at the next feeding? And what do you do with any milk leftover at the end of the day?
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    cmcookaln said:

    When does the 1 oz per hour rule increase? I'm worried that LO isn't getting enough bc she eats like a pig when we get home at night. I'm Aldi worried that I won't be able to keep up if she does start taking more during the day. I usually pump 9oz while I'm at work which is what I send for the next day. I feel like I need to add another pumping session but there is no way to. I can't leave my students unattended while I go pump.

    Like Theresa said, the amount baby gets doesn't really ever increase. Breastmik becomes more calorie/nutrient dense as baby grows, and the components change with baby's changing needs, so baby gets more of what nutrients she needs without increasing volume intake.

    Baby is probably nursing a lot at home right now as she gets used to the transition to daycare. Reconnecting with you at the end of the day is reassuring and comforting. She'll probably relax a bit as she gets used to her new routine, though nursing a lot at home is awesome for keeping up your supply.

    Also, you may pump more and more as you become more effective with pumping. And following Theresa's recommendation of adding some pumping sessions at home to get any extra ounces you need will help too. Good luck!
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    Thanks @Emerald27‌
    I'll try to get a higher yield while pumping.
    How long does the food you eat take to get to the breastmilk? My LO has been bloody diaper free since last Sunday unless the daycare worker hasn't seen it though I told her to check every diaper. She just had a larger amount tonight though. The only thing I have done differently has been eating out last night. I have only dropped dairy but I'm wondering if I need to drop soy too.
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    cmcookaln said:

    Thanks @Emerald27‌
    I'll try to get a higher yield while pumping.
    How long does the food you eat take to get to the breastmilk? My LO has been bloody diaper free since last Sunday unless the daycare worker hasn't seen it though I told her to check every diaper. She just had a larger amount tonight though. The only thing I have done differently has been eating out last night. I have only dropped dairy but I'm wondering if I need to drop soy too.

    Is the blood bright red or darker red/reddish brown? If it's bright, it may be from an anal fissure and not allergy-related. Does she have any other symptoms that are out of the ordinary? Fussiness, any rashes, reflux?

    If you've confirmed a dairy allergy, perhaps something was cooked with/near enough to dairy at the restaurant to cause a reaction.

    Also, "larger amount" means what exactly? Depending on how much, it may warrant a call to the pedi.

    Here's some info you might find helpful:

    And this link contains some great resources for moms going dairy free:
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    FamousEa said:

    This might sound dumb. DS has shortened his nursing sessions over the last 3 days. I'm not sure if it's because he likes the bottle better or if he's snacking. I don't think he's snacking because he will sleep for 3-4 hours after eating, is this normal? Now that I look at what I typed it sounds So stupid but seriously he was wanting to eat every 2 hours until 3 days ago so I was used to him eating frequently.

    Might be 100% normal. Babies do become more efficient nursers as they grow.

    Are you still supplementing? How often? :)
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    Somewhat similar question to sarahML13. I started back to work last week. I started getting uncomfortable around 2 -3 hours from last pump but was only able to get away to pump every 3 - 4 hrs because I was in orientation. Even only pumping every 4 hours I still was able to freeze 32 ounces on Friday afternoon. Will my body eventually produce less to match her needs while I'm gone or will I always overproduce?
    January Snow Fail

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Thanks ladies. There is no way I can get away from the floor every 2 hours like dd eats. Doing it 4 times (12 hr shifts) I think is going to be hard enough, I did buy a hand pump today so hopefully when I start feeling engorged i can step away for a few minutes at least.
    January Snow Fail

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    @Emerald27‌ I remember you saying you nurse your babies to sleep for their naps. Do you ever unlatch them or do you let them nurse and comfort suck as much as they want every time? Just curious.

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    @Emerald27‌ I remember you saying you nurse your babies to sleep for their naps. Do you ever unlatch them or do you let them nurse and comfort suck as much as they want every time? Just curious.

    It depends on whether I want to stay with them or not. If I'm just chilling and laying with DS2 (like if DS1 is with Daddy or napping or it's bedtime), I'll sometimes just let DS2 sleep latched until he unlatches himself. If I want to get up to go do things, or if I just want him to unlatch for whatever reason, I wait until he is completely asleep (limbs limp, deep breathing), I unlatch him and wait a minute, then I get up and let him sleep on his own or just lay with him.

    He sleeps longer when I'm there, latched or not, so I usually listen carefully to hear him start to stir, so that I can hop back into bed with him and nurse him back to sleep. Then he usually gives me another good stretch of sleep.
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    Emerald27 said:


    @Emerald27‌ I remember you saying you nurse your babies to sleep for their naps. Do you ever unlatch them or do you let them nurse and comfort suck as much as they want every time? Just curious.

    It depends on whether I want to stay with them or not. If I'm just chilling and laying with DS2 (like if DS1 is with Daddy or napping or it's bedtime), I'll sometimes just let DS2 sleep latched until he unlatches himself. If I want to get up to go do things, or if I just want him to unlatch for whatever reason, I wait until he is completely asleep (limbs limp, deep breathing), I unlatch him and wait a minute, then I get up and let him sleep on his own or just lay with him.

    He sleeps longer when I'm there, latched or not, so I usually listen carefully to hear him start to stir, so that I can hop back into bed with him and nurse him back to sleep. Then he usually gives me another good stretch of sleep.
    Okay. That is helpful. I wasn't sure if Unlatching her when she is asleep but still latched was keeping her from something she needs. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.

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    Emerald27 said:


    @Emerald27‌ I remember you saying you nurse your babies to sleep for their naps. Do you ever unlatch them or do you let them nurse and comfort suck as much as they want every time? Just curious.

    It depends on whether I want to stay with them or not. If I'm just chilling and laying with DS2 (like if DS1 is with Daddy or napping or it's bedtime), I'll sometimes just let DS2 sleep latched until he unlatches himself. If I want to get up to go do things, or if I just want him to unlatch for whatever reason, I wait until he is completely asleep (limbs limp, deep breathing), I unlatch him and wait a minute, then I get up and let him sleep on his own or just lay with him.

    He sleeps longer when I'm there, latched or not, so I usually listen carefully to hear him start to stir, so that I can hop back into bed with him and nurse him back to sleep. Then he usually gives me another good stretch of sleep.
    Okay. That is helpful. I wasn't sure if Unlatching her when she is asleep but still latched was keeping her from something she needs. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.
    The closeness/affection and extra stimulation are never bad. There's nothing wrong with letting LO sleep latched. Likewise, there's also nothing wrong with unlatching your sleeping LO! :) She'll wake up if she wants you.
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    DS slept more than normal last night and this afternoon. After both long stretches of sleep, I nursed him and then pumped immediately after because my breasts didn't feel empty and I've been trying to build my freezer stash. Last night I pumped 2.75 ounces after nursing, so no issues there. Just a little bit ago, I tried pumping after nursing and was feeling pretty engorged (even after nursing - LO only took one side, which is typical for him). I got only half an ounce from the side he nursed from (1.5 oz from other side), but my breasts still feel engorged, especially the one he nursed from...and getting more painful by the minute. What gives? Is this engorgement from less frequent feeding or does it sound like something else?
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    Adding to my previous post - Is it possible that this could be mastitis? I don't see any redness and I don't think I have a fever or otherwise feel ill. The soreness seems to keep increasing. Both breasts are painful, but one is more painful than the other. I just realized that I used my pump in style pump for the first time yesterday (and again today). I had been renting a hospital grade pump and used only that until yesterday. Could this be a result of the new pump? What should I be doing to make sure this doesn't get worse and hinder my ability to BF? I haven't really had any BFing issues thus far. I'm grateful for that, but I don't have any idea what to do when I do have a problem.
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    One bad day of nursing won't tank my supply right??
    Lilypie - (JrNi)

    Lilypie - (y35Q)

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    keelyd said:

    So angry boob is angry again: Sore, red, firm, yada yada...
    Knowing that this damn thing isn't likely to unclog since all efforts have been tried for months now, any suggestions beyond heat, ice, freq nursing/pumping to keep this thing more comfortable?
    I can get in for an aspiration until next Monday, at which point I'm sure I'll barely be able to hold DS on that side...

    Oh, keely, I'm so sorry! Like you said, heat and ice, and frequent nursing and pumping, are all great things!

    Breast massage and perhaps cabbage leaf compresses might help too. There's helpful info about how to do both in this link:

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    One bad day of nursing won't tank my supply right??

    Right! LO will probably make up for it tomorrow. You'll be just fine. But if you're feeling engorged, offer to nurse extra, dream feed if LO is asleep, or pump a bit. :)
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    Question. I exclusively pump and I find that my nipples are now constantly sticking out and kind of tender/'sore. I thought that would go away with time but I'm almost at three months. Does anyone else experience this?
    January siggy contest - Snow Fail
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    Question. I exclusively pump and I find that my nipples are now constantly sticking out and kind of tender/'sore. I thought that would go away with time but I'm almost at three months. Does anyone else experience this?

    It sounds like your flanges are too big. Are your aereolas getting sucked into the flange as well? Even just a little bit can make them sore. It should only be your nipple.
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    Cantisa said:

    Why do I pump for 15 minutes and barely get anything then the last 5 minutes fire hose? Lol

    It sounds like your letdown isnt happening until 15 min in so only pumping 5 minutes after letdown happens might not be enough.

    @theresat858‌ paging her since she maybe can answer better.
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    Cantisa said:

    Why do I pump for 15 minutes and barely get anything then the last 5 minutes fire hose? Lol

    Try some gentle massage and leaning over and gently shaking your breasts before pumping. Also looking at pictures of LO might help. :)
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    FamousEa said:
    Ok so baby popping on and off the boob- @Emerald27‌ I know you mentioned in the Randoms that it's because baby is more aware of things but DS seems to be legit frustrated. Like pulling on and off, crying and going stiff.

    -----------stuck in box----------

    When he gets frustrated, you can bring him up between your breasts and shhh and pat or rub his back (whatever usually works) to calm him down before trying again. Maybe try some different positions, like laid-back or side-lying in case he's fussing because of forceful letdown. 

    Is he nursing more often? He could also be growing and getting frustrated as he works to increase your supply slightly. Either way, I hope this is a quick phase! :) 
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    Is it normal to only pump about a half an ounce after you get done nursing?
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    BeckyMont said:

    Is it normal to only pump about a half an ounce after you get done nursing?

    Oh yes. Very normal. :)
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    FamousEa said:

    Emerald27 said:

    FamousEa said:

    Ok so baby popping on and off the boob- @Emerald27‌ I know you mentioned in the Randoms that it's because baby is more aware of things but DS seems to be legit frustrated. Like pulling on and off, crying and going stiff.

    -----------stuck in box----------

    When he gets frustrated, you can bring him up between your breasts and shhh and pat or rub his back (whatever usually works) to calm him down before trying again. Maybe try some different positions, like laid-back or side-lying in case he's fussing because of forceful letdown. 

    Is he nursing more often? He could also be growing and getting frustrated as he works to increase your supply slightly. Either way, I hope this is a quick phase! :) 

    I brought him to bed with me and he calmed down, actually we've been doing more side nursing lately so I can also get some rest and I was concerned about my supply since starting bottles, I pump but don't yield much. I'm starting to wonder if he prefers side-lying nursing now...

    It IS a very snugly position. :) My DS will only nurse laid-back or side-lying because I have a very forceful letdown. DS1 got used to it and nursed in every position. DS2 is more sensitive to it. I'm hoping he gets used to it because it would be easier to be able to nurse in a variety of positions.
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    Pumping question- should I be more worried about pumping the amount of times DD usually eats during the day or the amount of ounces?
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Married 11/5/11
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    cmac6186 said:

    Pumping question- should I be more worried about pumping the amount of times DD usually eats during the day or the amount of ounces?

    The number of ounces.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Married 11/5/11
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    Does anyone have any links to reputable resources/studies/journals that support supplementing vitamin D in the mother for breastfeeding?

    I took LO off D drops and have been taking 4000 ui daily once she appeared to have a negative reaction by excessively vomiting after giving her the drops. I read about it on kellymom and on the internet, but my pedi wants me to forward the resources. I'm doing my own searching on the Google, but if anyone has a good resource, let me know.

    Thanks in advance.

    FTM - BFP: 1/23/14 - EDD: 10/5/14 - DD Born 9/13/14

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    Does anyone have any links to reputable resources/studies/journals that support supplementing vitamin D in the mother for breastfeeding?

    I took LO off D drops and have been taking 4000 ui daily once she appeared to have a negative reaction by excessively vomiting after giving her the drops. I read about it on kellymom and on the internet, but my pedi wants me to forward the resources. I'm doing my own searching on the Google, but if anyone has a good resource, let me know.

    Thanks in advance.

    Let me check to see if I have any resources I can pass along. Until you hear from me, call Dr. Thomas Hale at the Infant Risk Center: (806) 352-2519. He'll be able to give you reputable sources to share with your pedi too.
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    @theresat858 I used Baby Ddrops. It wasn't every time I gave it to her and it took me a while to make the connection between the drops and her vomiting. Since I moved to supplementing myself, she has not had any vomiting issues. It might not be the cause, but I am willing to try this method since it just makes more sense to me anyway.

    @Emerald27, thanks for the contact info. I will give him a call.

    Thanks both of you for reaching out to your network for more info. I appreciate it!

    FTM - BFP: 1/23/14 - EDD: 10/5/14 - DD Born 9/13/14

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    edited January 2015
    Here are the two studies referenced in the kellymom source.

    I am still reading the NIH's publications site, but I did find this abstract that was particularly interesting. The study concluded that "Infant levels achieved exclusively through maternal supplementation were equivalent to levels in infants who received oral vitamin D supplementation."

    FTM - BFP: 1/23/14 - EDD: 10/5/14 - DD Born 9/13/14

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    Suggestions for congested baby with an ear infection who now doesn't want a bottle? ILs are watching her tomorrow and if worst comes to worst they can bring her to me at work at 10:30a (I leave the house at 6:15a).
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Married 11/5/11
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    cmac6186 said:

    Suggestions for congested baby with an ear infection who now doesn't want a bottle? ILs are watching her tomorrow and if worst comes to worst they can bring her to me at work at 10:30a (I leave the house at 6:15a).

    Poor baby. :( Can they offer her bottle in the bathroom with tye door closed and a hot shower running? Also, before feeding her, aspirating her nose may help clear some congestion.

    It's often easier for a congested baby to nurse than bottle feed, so nurse as much as she'll let you tonight and before you head to work in the morning. It may help if they can bring her to you to nurse for a feeding too.

    Hope she feels better asap!!!
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    cmac6186 said:

    Pumping question- should I be more worried about pumping the amount of times DD usually eats during the day or the amount of ounces?

    The number of ounces.
    Kind of going off this... if my LO nurses every 2 hours during the day, that would mean I need to pump 4 times during a 8.5-9 hour work day to match his feedings. If I can only pump 3 times, will that hurt my supply, or will I just get a bigger ounce yield per pump than I would if I had an extra session in there?
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    edited January 2015
    Another pumping/bottles question. DS's main daycare teacher is insisting he needs 4 ounce bottles. I've gone over paced bottle feeding and I currently take four 3 ounce bottles. When my H is in town, DS is at daycare from 6:30 to 4:15. Some days he drinks three of the bottles, some days he has the fourth right before my H gets there to pick him up.

    When my H leaves, DS will be at daycare from 6:30am to about 6/6:15pm. Will four 4 ounce bottles be enough? I had planned to take five 3 ounce bottles, but now I am worried he might go through the 4 bottles too quickly. Logically, the number of ounces should be enough. I might be overthinking this. 

    ETA: I always wanted to take an extra bottle just in case. Hence the four 3s. But five 4s seems like way too much and I'm afraid he will go through the four 4s in the same time he had the four 3s. I don't even know if I'm making enough sense for anyone to follow my line of thinking.
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