Trying to Get Pregnant

Late Night Confession

wallflwr926wallflwr926 member
edited January 2015 in Trying to Get Pregnant
I've been posting nonstop and never formally introduced myself. I figure better late than never.

So I am a 31 year old social worker and DH is an almost 40 year old brewer. We were married on 11/11/11 (3 years has gone by fast). We have been TTC since August 2014. I was on BCP for 15 yrs due to reoccurring ovarian cysts. Since I came off the pill, I have had two cycles with confirmed cysts. They were also excruciatingly painful. (So much fun.)
- I was also diagnosed with Narcolepsy about 6 years. I'm doing fantastic on the medication that I'm prescribed but there is some concern from my doctors that it's messing with my cycles.
I've recently started temping and will be meeting with the GYN once I've obtained enough data to determine if further exploration is needed.

Last but not least, I want to thank everyone for all of the great information you've given me over the past couple months.

Whew! I'm glad that's finally done. I felt it was rude to continue being the unknown hotpocket on the boards.

Edit: It's late and I realized I left out words.
Met 6/5/10, Married 11/11/11, TTC #1 -8/14

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