So sorry to hear this. My LO has a cyst on his brain as well and it has been hard not to spend all my time worrying. Like PPs, I've been told this is common and they usually clear up by themselves. I hope you and your little lady get good news. Thoughts are definitely with you.
No mom ever wants to hear that there may be issues with their LO. I hope you get the answers you want in Little Rock and everything is okay with baby. Sending positive vibes and strength to you!
Franco Paul born 6/4/15 at 39 weeks. Mila Francesca born 10/19/13 at 37 weeks. Both born via C-Section after 6 years of fertility treatments, disappointments and losses. Love them!!
Sending prayers. My doctor and u/s tech did mention they look for cysts on the brain just as a precaution but most do go away by birth. Just to give you a little positivity.
My DS had a CHD and surgery at 5 months old. While scary - they can do amazing things these days. That said - I think advanced technology can be a curse sometimes. Hoping all goes away by next appt.
They told me I had soft markers for TS18, which is like Down's but worse, and usually incompatible with living past birth. Naturally I was devastated and I cried and cried waiting for my specialist appointmen.
Appointment came and they found no more markers of concern and I was cleared . Hoping the same scenario happens with you. These things are more common than you think nowadays at anatomy scans. Technology is just getting better so they are seeing more. Doesn't mean they are necessarily right.
Thank you @marybeth080710 I finally called her office to see why she hadn't called me at like 2pm today and they said oh neither her or her nurses work on Mondays slightly upset at first but maybe since she's not in such a hurry that could be a good thing? I'll keep telling myself that
Re: Just got a call from my doctor...
Me (34) PCOS
DH (36) Poor morphology and motility
TTC since 2011
2013 cycles 1, 2, and 3 on Clomid, all BFN
2013 cycles 4, and 5 IUI with Clomid, both BFN
DH and I took a break for several months
7/15/2014 started Acupuncture
7/26/2014 start Follistim for IVF cycle, ER on 8/8, develop OHSS, ET almost cancelled
8/13/2014 ET proceeds on our wedding anniversary, transfer 2 5DB, 8/23 BFP
EDD 5/1/2015
DS2 born 2/22/13
MMC 5/16/14@8w2d
DD due 5/9/15 Please be our RAINBOW
DS2 born 2/22/13
MMC 5/16/14@8w2d
DD due 5/9/15 Please be our RAINBOW
Franco Paul born 6/4/15 at 39 weeks. Mila Francesca born 10/19/13 at 37 weeks. Both born via C-Section after 6 years of fertility treatments, disappointments and losses. Love them!!
Open Heart Surgery @ 5 months old.Happy, healthy, and as normal as could be! We thank God every day.EP/BF for 12.5 months
TTC#2 - November 2012
BFP #4: O'd on CD25 (Aug. 2014). DD May 6, 2015. RCS planned.
Beta@14dpo: 184, 17dpo: 520. 44 hr. doubling time. p4: 54U/S 8 weeks 1 day, 161 bpm
DX: Septate Uterus. Septum resection 6/4/13
Me 33, DH 37 -- TTC since Jan'12 -- Low AMH (0.78) & endo, SA w/ low motility
IUI's 1-3 = BFN, IVF converted to IUI 4/13 = BFN
IVF 1.2: 8R 6M 4F -- 2 blastocysts frozen, FET 8/15 = BFP!!
Beta #s = 445;1,098; 9,545 -- EDD 5/2 -- Team Pink!
Appointment came and they found no more markers of concern and I was cleared . Hoping the same scenario happens with you. These things are more common than you think nowadays at anatomy scans. Technology is just getting better so they are seeing more. Doesn't mean they are necessarily right.
Good luck! T&P for you.