January 2015 Moms

Wednesday randoms


Re: Wednesday randoms

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    @tkr7c9‌ Sorry your version wasn't successful. I'm actually surprised they tried it with you being a FTM. My mfm told me they won't even attempt one on a FTM. I've also read that it's not recommended to do on a FTM.
    My baby was breech up until a few weeks ago. My mw checked on a Monday with an ultrasound. I had tons of movement, and contractions on Tuesday. On Wednesday I went and saw my mfm, got another ultrasound and he had flipped! My belly felt very tender and sore from the day before, so I'm assuming that's when he decided to flip.

    I can't imagine what it would feel like actually getting the version done. My mw pressed on my belly to check size and positioning and THAT was uncomfortable!

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    Good luck! Lots of T&P!


    It's normal to be terrified to be alone with the baby, or it was for me. I know you can do it though, just breathe and when your honey gets home take a minute for yourself!

    You can come Work on my house after you finish @britb618! Anything to help a fellow TFC expel some nesting energy ya'know! ;p

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    I now want McDonald's for breakfast due to this thread lol. Excited to have today off and get some things done. Does it count as nesting if I'm really motivated to write and complete all thank you notes from baby showers? Wrote 16 yesterday and hoping to complete today or tomorrow (probably another 30 to go)......
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    Headache since midnight. Up at least six times to pee (lost count). Grumble grumble.

    At least I can take a nap this afternoon.
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    @britb618 Yea, If I was invited to an outdoor wedding in 20 degree weather, I can honestly say I don't think I would go. But, I get that you don't have a choice. I would not feel bad about leaving early at all.

    We have dinner reservations tonight at a nice, new steakhouse. We have gone out to a nice dinner for NYE for the past 5 years or so, but this might be the last for obvious reasons. I made these reservations 6 weeks ago. I am trying to decide whether I want a juicy steak or prime rib...

    Watch me go into labor this afternoon and not even get to go to dinner.

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    Who else is toasting in the new year tonight with a small glass of wine?! I'm also celebrating making it to early term, 37 wks today!
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    @Mrs_Bennett‌ good luck today!!

    @LaBellaVida‌ count on another for a sandwich :)

    @babystandish I totally have your cold :( I woke up choking on phlegm and peeing several times last night

    @tkr7c9‌ I also had a failed version. Don't be too hard on yourself. The bruising goes a away in a few days.

    @TXUltraRunner‌ totally normal to be nervous but you will do great! Agree with pp when your husband gets home hand him the baby and take a few minutes to yourself.

    DS went to bed at 10 last night and decided 6am was a good time to wake. If I slept through the night that would normally be fine but I'm tired and have a nasty cold. I also have a feeling that DS will refuse nap time today :(

    Hope every one has a great New Year's Eve!!
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    @Mrs_Bennett‌ Yay! Good luck! :)

    @YaMrWhite‌ you can definitely come to my house and nest :) I had a lot of cleaning urges with family here but now I just DGAF.

    No sleep = grumpy me. I have an appointment at 11 and after I'm hoping to pick up some last minute things we didn't get at the shower but I think we still "need." That trip depends on if I feel nice enough to deal with crowds.

    Other than that I'm going to try and motivate myself to organize the nursery...we'll see how that goes.

    On a happy note my husband's friend took the stray that my neighbor befriended, and she is doing great! I'm so happy! I was really worried that we would have to adopt her because we already have 5. My neighbor was not a cat person but somehow this little one managed to get into his heart and after he passed she was so lost. I feel kind of like a parole officer checking in with him about her though lol. She was with us for a long time and I still feel an obligation to my neighbor (whom I've known for a good portion of my life) to keep her safe. My picture update should be coming soon :)

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    My dd1 got her flu shot yesterday. Now she has a fever of 101. I thought they said it was a dead virus? Maybe just a reaction to the shot? I'm going to call the pediatrician. Boo! We might not be making it anywhere tonight.
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    Went to my last hockey game pre LO last night & it wasn't even for my team. Game went into a shoot out so I was out extra late. Had a super delicious, off the frame turkey sandwich while there.

    Didnt sleep much & I feel an afternoon nap is in the cards later.

    37 week appointment in a little bit. Curious to see what the dr says.

    Looking forward to my NYE dinner tonight with my girl friend. 3 courses that will end with a bacon cinnamon roll. My SO is genius for coming up with that one! One of the perks of having a SO who is a chef.

    @Mrs_Bennett‌ good luck!!!

    Have a great day everyone!!!
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    @mrs_bennett - Good luck!

    @txultrarunner - You'll do great!!

    @yamrwhite - you're welcome to come to my house as well.  I will feed you!

    @LuckyPenny1231 - Happy Anniversary!!

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    Had my last MFM appointment yesterday!  Baby is measuring 6 lbs. 9 oz. and they are going to tell my OB office to get me on the schedule for induction at 39 weeks, yay!  Hoping they will let me choose the 19th because my mom already has that day off work.

    Had evil fantasies yesterday about going into labor during school hours and calling the school office to tell the secretary to tell her "boyfriend" to get his ass to the hospital because his baby was on the way.  I have had the school office's number posted as the one I was supposed to call since way back when he wrote it down for me when I was pregnant with the boys.

    Feeling down about NYE, trying to remind myself that I have two boys to kiss at midnight (if they're still awake).  He asked me what I was doing tonight.  Still makes me sick to the stomach to think he might decide to go visit her tonight (though he didn't mention as such when I said "what are you doing?")

    I've been sick for a week now and my sinuses are so congested that my molars hurt and I about coughed up a lung yesterday at my u/s because my throat got dry laying there.
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    I'm so annoyed by my family and friends who suddenly call or text me Every. Friggen. Day. It's clearly to "check in" to see if I'm in labour...I know they are just excited, but faaaack I will call when the baby arrives!!! And no, I will not be giving them a heads up when I do go in labour! The worst part is if I don't answer, they all spread rumours like wild fire that I must be in labour because no one has heard from me...drives me nuts!

    In other news, I still have yet to pack the ever so important hospital bag. I figure if I stop procrastinating and actually gather stuff that this LO won't arrive for another two weeks. However, if I don't pack anything maybe it will make an unexpected arrival before my due date (jan. 6th) am I pushing my luck? Maybe? But I figure if I start having contractions they will come on slow enough that I will have time to throw some shit in a bag lol.
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    @luckylady18‌ I haven't yet, but my doctor says it is completely normal to have spotting after your cervical checks.
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    Hopefully the 19th is available for you!
    Do you mind me asking, are you going to let your STBX into the room while you deliver?
    And wait. ...I knew he was with a secretary, but the kids school secretary!? Is this right, or am I missing something? I thought he was with a secretary from his work!

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    Called the pedi and they can't tell me for sure it's from her shot so I guess our nye plans are toast. Yay...
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    @tkr7c9‌ Sorry your version wasn't successful. I'm actually surprised they tried it with you being a FTM. My mfm told me they won't even attempt one on a FTM. I've also read that it's not recommended to do on a FTM. My baby was breech up until a few weeks ago. My mw checked on a Monday with an ultrasound. I had tons of movement, and contractions on Tuesday. On Wednesday I went and saw my mfm, got another ultrasound and he had flipped! My belly felt very tender and sore from the day before, so I'm assuming that's when he decided to flip. I can't imagine what it would feel like actually getting the version done. My mw pressed on my belly to check size and positioning and THAT was uncomfortable!
    My husband said it was quite the site to watch, I myself wasn't looking but could of course feel EVERYTHING. I don't wish that on anybody. She got her butt stuck in my pelvis and her head was stuck in my rib cage, just no room for her to go.
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    @LaBellaVida I haven't decided either way yet.  I figured I'd at least let him know I was in the hospital since our custody stipulations say we are sharing all health info regarding kids (coparenting) and he should be allowed to see her at least after she is born.  He might wait in the waiting room, I might let him cut the cord, don't know.  He asked and said he wants to be there and I said I don't know.

    He is a teacher.  The secretary is the secretary at the school he works at (that is an hour away from where we live).  Thankfully NOT the school my kids would attend, but it is the school her kids attend.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I was on a cleaning rampage this morning. DH thinks it is nesting....I think our house looks like it exploded from Christmas still.
    BFP #1 7/1/2009 ~ EDD 3/9/2010 ~ Ella Adeline (7lbs 4 oz, 19.5 inches) 3/5/2010 csection (39w3d)
    BFP #2 7/13/2011 ~ EDD 3/16/2012 ~Aubree Olivia (9lbs 1oz, 21 inches) 3/15/2012 VBAC (39w6d)
    BFP #3 5/15/2014 ~ EDD 1/16/2015~Addison Isabelle (9lbs, 0oz, 21 inches) 1/25/2015 2VBAC (41w2d)
    BFP #4 7/20/2016 ~ EDD 3/25/2017 ~ Malachi Mathew (10lbs 0oz, 22 inches) 4/4/2017 emergency csection (41w3d)

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    @jmcmoe I haven't packed mine still either. I just have no desire. But I do know that I don't care how much bleeding I have, I will be wearing some comfy cotton lounge shorts I own because last time I wanted them. I hate the feeling of my thighs rubbing together and they will in my gown.
    Stephanie Ella ~ 6/15/2012
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    We are home, and are struggling to find things that fit baby safely while sleeping. I didn't buy too many newborn things, figuring they would probably be too small/a waste, and now I'm regretting that decision! Looks like a Target trip is in my future today! Baby girl is a peanut. @LaBellaVida‌ - if you hear a knock at your door soon, it's me, looking for a sandwich. Thanks in advance.
    Love Target but watch their sizes, they tend to run big.
    Ditto to this. I would actually suggest looking for a second hand store for NB clothes if you can find one in your area. NB clothes especially are usually in nearly perfect condition since they don't wear them for long. I had the same problem with my son. For the first month he literally had one pair of pants that fit. Even some of the NB size ones we had were just huge on him.
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    Question: I got some free flushable nappy liners with some cloth diapers that I ordered and have no idea what they are for. They are pretty thin so if they were used as an insert I'd probably double them up. Any ideas? I feel dumb and can't think this morning. 

    I used flushable liners once DD was older and eating solids. We don't have a sprayer, so I would use the liners. It worked pretty well to catch the poop and toss. Obviously won't work for newborn poop because it's too liquid.

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    @beckydewell, you and I are both painting and doing laundry today! We got DS a used toddler bed, but it needed some touch-ups, so I'm working on that. DS is helping me paint.

    @babystandish, I don't use cloth diapers, but a boy in the nursery at church had a really thin liner in his diaper (almost like a dryer sheet), and it did a good job of keeping his poop from getting on the diaper. I just dumped the liner + poop in the trash. Maybe that's what it's for. He was about 15 months and eating solids, so idk how well it would work with newborn poop.
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    YaMrWhite said:

    @jmcmoe I haven't packed mine still either. I just have no desire. But I do know that I don't care how much bleeding I have, I will be wearing some comfy cotton lounge shorts I own because last time I wanted them. I hate the feeling of my thighs rubbing together and they will in my gown.

    I definitely will be taking my yoga pants that I had last time...the gowns are so drafty!! Brrrr! I also remember freezing my ass off the entire time I was in labour...it sucked and it was mid March, this time I feel it could be much colder! Today it feels like -18 Celsius outside.
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    Glad you're hanging in, @TXUltraRunner
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    jmcmoe said:

    YaMrWhite said:

    @jmcmoe I haven't packed mine still either. I just have no desire. But I do know that I don't care how much bleeding I have, I will be wearing some comfy cotton lounge shorts I own because last time I wanted them. I hate the feeling of my thighs rubbing together and they will in my gown.

    I definitely will be taking my yoga pants that I had last time...the gowns are so drafty!! Brrrr! I also remember freezing my ass off the entire time I was in labour...it sucked and it was mid March, this time I feel it could be much colder! Today it feels like -18 Celsius outside.
    This is on my to do list today too!

    Now if I could just find my wine purse... I'm not that big into hard liquor anymore, but I'd take a margarita! Who was it who had a margarita maker in here???
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    @elleswarth‌ thanks for sharing about the hospital bag stuff, I stillll haven't packed mine yet and the only things I had ready to go in were cute new clothes and pyjamas. Of course the least useful things!
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    No work today so dd and I slept in until 11am which is amazing. However we are laying in bed still and for some reason she always has her feet all over me and is always kicking me in the belly, boobs or face
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    Making it through work so far! I only have an hour until lunch and then I come back just from 1-3 because we're closing early. It feels good to be up and moving today and I'm not in any pain, which is a nice change! I'm in a satellite clinic providing support to the PCP's for any patients that come in with mental health needs. Several of the nurses have commented on how "low" my belly looks and are eying me like he's going to fall out at any minute. It's funny because to me he feels like he's totally all up in my ribs still but people are so funny about how they see pregnant women this late in the game!

    Poor DH loves NYE and I just could not care less about it, especially this year (pregnant, miserable, no child care with MIL gone... the list goes on). We got some movies from redbox and I said we could order takeout wings (his favorite). I mentioned that I don't care if I stay up until 12. He said he was going to make a fire in the fire pit and sit out in the back yard and drink some beer by himself to ring in the new year... I feel bad enough for him I may try to stay up!
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    I'm sitting in the waiting room for my ultrasound and NST. I hate it when I've got an appt and they are always late calling me back. ~X( I've got things I'd like to do today, and these appointments are long!

    So - I was getting ready this morning. I found like 8 Grey hairs on my head! I'm 30. I'm too young for Grey hair. I of course pull them every time I find one.

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    @LaBellaVida‌ I'm about to be 27 on the 12th and I've had gray hairs since I was at least 16! People at work always comment on them and love to tell me how much worse they are going to get when little lady arrives. I've never pulled them out before since my mom has always told me they'd come back in threes. I have an aunt who was completely gray by 22, so I consider myself lucky to have made it this far with only highlights of gray.
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    soon2bejpsoon2bejp member
    edited December 2014
    @txultrarunner I'm glad to hear it's been a success so far!

    @nah82 You are a much better person than I could ever be. Snuggle up with your boys tonight and try to enjoy your NYE!

    I went to the doc today and my BP was 132/90 and I had protein in my urine.  The results from my 24 hour urine should be back Friday.  She said depending on those results she may have me go in to get induced on Friday (just shy of 38 weeks).  If nothing else, it's nice to have a plan.  Now I just have to figure out how to install the car seat and find my emu oil...

    Edit to add that she stretched my cervix to encourage it to open (I was only 1 cm and 50%).  Wow, that was uncomfortable.
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