March 2015 Moms

Am I big for 28+6?


Re: Am I big for 28+6?

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    etoille said:
    @peledreamsofrain: It's not my job to set up the guidelines for what people should or shouldn't be asking for other mom's casual and self-stated unprofessional opinions on...and I'm pretty sure it's not your job either.
    Thank you person who has contributed exactly FUCK ALL to this board for letting us know how it should work.

    You know what I am going to teach my kid?

    Not to expect relationships to be onesided.  That SUPPORT means giving it as well as getting it.

    You obviously know nothing of this. You can fuck off.  We all are fine right here where we are, we're staying, and we're not changing.  Don't like it, there's the door.
    Sometimes, I'm late to a thread and I see a WK and I'm like "please tell me @etoille found this so I don't have to make a post all late and shiz." 

    I Love You Robert Downey Jr animated GIF
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    I'm just as big and I'm 27 weeks, this is my second pregnancy and I got bigger, faster. Every pregnancy is different! Embrace it, there will come a day when you look back and miss your baby belly!
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    edited December 2014
    janda426 said:
    How the fuck are we the mean people? I told OP to tell those people to STFU Just fuck off WKs. No one even knows who you are until you show up randomly to talk shit like you know us. Go write another butthurt review in the App Store.
    People do that shit. Don't they know TB is more than an app. Nevermind they are just that stupid. Also, the reviews are supposed to be more for the technical aspect of the app. Maybe they are mad because the app isn't a freaking magic 8 ball.
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    I see nothing has changed in this community. Most of the garbage I read here is cyber bullying at its best.
    Some of you ladies act as though you have never asked someone a silly question. Seriously you would all be talking shit if you didn't admit that you have sought advice/opinions from a trusted friend, relative or colleague about an issue you were unfamiliar or inexperienced with.
    Not everyone have people in their lives to turn to for support. Some people may not know someone who has been pregnant and can give advice. Some people may not have a mother in their life to help them through this journey.
    While many of the "silly" questions asked in this community should be referred to a professional, sometimes hearing other people's stories can provide peace of mind until they are able to get the professional answer they need.
    The purpose of this group is for people to come together and share experiences and advice about pregnancy. This app is brilliant and provides so much info especially for someone like myself with baby number 1 on the way. But to be honest, it is ruined by the nastiness and bullying posted by many.
    Where I live, cyber bullying is against the law and a reportable offence. You ladies who continue to embarress, threaten, intimidate and bully a person for asking a question should stop and consider how hurtful, rejected and depressed you may be making people feel. Have you ever heard of depression or suicide??? What about prenatal depression and anxiety??

    This community notice board does not belong to you alone and if someone asks a question you don't like, think is stupid or you can't provide a constructive polite response you should say nothing at all.
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    I am keen to know how you would all feel if your child was bullied at school by an individual or group of people who thought they were stupid or asked stupid questions.
    I'm sure you would be speaking to the school or parents of the children to put a stop to it.
    What if your teenage child joined an online community where they thought they could discuss a topic openly and was humiliated over and over again for asking what someone else thought was a stupid question. Would you be happy about it and tell your child that they should expect this behaviour from people their whole life because it's acceptable?
    And while so many people in this forum think it's ok to post nasty comments would you actually be prepared to say the same things to someone in person? Somehow I doubt it!!
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    TikTak said:

    Can't these people just come and quietly whisk people away to their magical happy bully-free facebook group? Preferably without the misguided lecture?

    If you click your heels together three times maybe you'll get your wish.
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    MauiBliss said:

    I missed the notice that said that as a first time mom, I have to be super emotionally fragile, act like a fuckig moron, refuse to read anything, and also refuse to consult my doctor.

    I'm screwing up at motherhood :(.

    I've already reported you to child protective services for your inadequacies. 

    You'll never take me alive! *gets in bunker*
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    etoille said:

    I missed the notice that said that as a first time mom, I have to be super emotionally fragile, act like a fuckig moron, refuse to read anything, and also refuse to consult my doctor.

    I'm screwing up at motherhood :(.

    It's ok.

    A bunch of us on third tri missed the memo the other day on how it was impolite to tell someone something other than what it was that they wanted to hear.

    It turned out ok.  Those of us who fucked up sat down and had a group flagellation session.  It was a really unique and special bondage bonding experience.

    I'm yoonique because I'm wearing a hair shirt instead. Flagellation is so last year.

    Showoff. I suppose you jumped the gun on nipple clamps too? *pout*
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    etoille said:

    I missed the notice that said that as a first time mom, I have to be super emotionally fragile, act like a fuckig moron, refuse to read anything, and also refuse to consult my doctor.

    I'm screwing up at motherhood :(.

    It's ok.

    A bunch of us on third tri missed the memo the other day on how it was impolite to tell someone something other than what it was that they wanted to hear.

    It turned out ok.  Those of us who fucked up sat down and had a group flagellation session.  It was a really unique and special bondage bonding experience.

    I'm yoonique because I'm wearing a hair shirt instead. Flagellation is so last year.
    Showoff. I suppose you jumped the gun on nipple clamps too? *pout*

    ------fail sauce----------

    No, but I won't tell you what's up my butt...

    Anal beads. You SLORE.
    BabyFruit Ticker 
      imageimageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Whitfry said:

    I missed the notice that said that as a first time mom, I have to be super emotionally fragile, act like a fuckig moron, refuse to read anything, and also refuse to consult my doctor.

    I'm screwing up at motherhood :(.

    You're in good company. I'm also clearly fucking up my first pregnancy by doing research and being well-informed. I feel so ashamed of myself.
    Count me as 3. I should have known better than to be well informed.
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    I can appreciate the turn this thread has taken. I didn't read the WK manifesto but was pleased to discover her concerns were so important that we ended up talking about anal beads. Sounds about right.
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