May 2015 Moms

I would like to make friends

ilovejosh23ilovejosh23 member
edited November 2014 in May 2015 Moms
So I'm finally making an actual intro post! Yay! I'm 26 will be 27 when the baby is born. I'm due May 28th, am currently 11 weeks, and this is my first. My husband and I have been married 3 years and he is the coolest guy ever! Here are 5 fun facts about me

1- my maiden name was the Spanish word for my now current last name! So I basically have the same last name just went from Spanish to English lol
2- I have two fur babies Barney (a wiener mix) and Poptart (papillion)
3- I can lick my elbow even though it's supposed to be impossible
4- I'm a certified personal trainer but haven't worked out in almost 3 months bc of how sick I have been!
5- I like the way new books smell and will go into Barnes and nobles just to smell fresh pages Lmbo!

Anyway I have lurked on here quite a bit and am excited to finally introduce myself!! \:D/ :-h

Edit can't spell

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