Trouble TTC

When people say things...

*pregnancy mentioned*

I posted a status on facebook about having really strange, odd dreams lately.

My very fertile cousin comments and says "I did too when I was pregnant..." with heavy suggestiveness.
I say I'm not pregnant so she says "haha :)" which I suppose was just something to reply, like how people use lol, not really laughing out loud. Just something to say

SO THEN my partner comments "I don't see the humour in that"
he's clearly annoyed but I don't think she meant to be rude. Even so, I sort of feel like my whole day is ruined... :/
People often ask me when I'm having a baby or make pregnancy remarks. I don't want to have to "inform" everyone of our situation but I don't want people to think its okay to just say things like that either.

Anyone had similar experiences?
Me (22) & Steve (23)
Furbabies: Samsung and Greystache
Engaged since Feb 2014
DX: PCOS Feb 2013
Lap for suspected endo: August 2014 - nothing found
Metformin 500mg - attempting to lose a few kgs

Re: When people say things...

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    That is such a touch spot to be in.  If it is someone I am close with, I'd probably take the route of a private email or call saying you'd rather she not make the pregnancy remarks. Otherwise I would probably just chalk it up to them being an idiot when it comes to that stuff, and try to ignore it (unless it became a regular thing of course).

    Either way, I'd probably delete the comment from my FB.  
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    Absolutely. Sometimes it really gets under my skin. There are a lot of people in my family whose story is "oops we're pregnant" and I tend to react poorly to that. I think that it's worth taking into consideration that in general people do not know how to discuss this issue appropriately. Which sucks. A lot. However I try to take a deep breath and find support from people who get it (DH, this lovely online community:-) ) and change the subject with those who don't have support to give.
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    "Oops" pregnancies are so common in my family!
    This particular cousin was a heavily drinker, always at parties and clubs and slept around a bit and suddenly she's pregnant engaged and they bought a house together. Now she has two children under 3 and her life is exactly what I want mine to be. People just don't get that not everyone is a fertile myrtle.
    Me (22) & Steve (23)
    Furbabies: Samsung and Greystache
    Engaged since Feb 2014
    DX: PCOS Feb 2013
    Lap for suspected endo: August 2014 - nothing found
    Metformin 500mg - attempting to lose a few kgs

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    I actually had this happen to me on Tuesday. I was visiting my old boss & we got to talking with another girl who works there. I mentioned my really weird dreams & the other girl just know I was pregnant. Wanted to take me so I "could pee on a stick". Uh, no. I just laughed & said I promise I'm not multiple times & then switched subjects. Dealing with it over the Internet makes it harder since you can't hear inflection in voices or read facial expressions. You could delete it but some people might think you're hiding something or just laugh it off & say "well let's see if I have the same dreams if I eat {insert spicy or weird food combo here} again tonight." It's defusing the situation without just denying it. Hopefully she will get the hint. Sorry.

    Me - 29, DH - 30

    Married 8/2008

    TTC since 8/2013

    9/2014 Progesterone test - Perfect

    10/2014 HSG - All Clear

    9/2014 DH's SA - Perfect

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    I had to delete my FB. It was too hard to bear seeing pregnancies and people hinting around. Out of sight out of mind for me.
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    So sorry, that sounds like a frustrating experience! :(

    First year teaching, a 4th grade boy asked me if I'm pregnant - no, I was just sitting/leaning forward to read you all a story and that's a normal tummy!!

    My mom used to constantly give me that "look" if I said anything about feeling sick, healthy, bad, good - apparently it all meant I might be pregnant. Recently in the middle of an ongoing conversation in a public place I said, "Oh I have some good news!" Who would suddenly remember to announce a pregnancy like that? But she gave me *that look* so hard that I had to say, "I'm not pregnant..." and then go on with it.

    But for the first year or two of TTC, I was probably the one hinting/imagining most that I must be pregnant. Kind of silly. :)

    January 3T Siggy Challenge - New Year's Resolutions

    Me (29), DH (30) TTC actively 54 55+ cycles | All BFNs
    MFI (low everything) | Endo Stage 1 & Stenotic Cervix (treated) | PCO
    Married - July 2008 | Started TTC - Jan 2009RE Visit #1 - Mar 2014 
    IUI #1 ICI #1 - June | IUI #1.1 Laparoscopy - Aug
    IUIs #1.2, 2, 3 - Sept, Oct, Nov (Letrozole) - BFNs 
    IUI #4 - Dec (Bravelle) | IUI #5 - Dec/Jan (Bravelle) - 5 follies + TI - BFNs
    IUI #5.1 - Jan (Bravelle) Cancelled 
    Planning to start IVF in March!
    ***All Welcome***
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    I have had that happen to a few times. I was sick a few months back due to allergies/sinus and made a comment that I hadn't felt good all week. A few people automatically assumed I was a pregnant. Like really??  You idiot. And I cannot count how many times someone has asked me when we are going to have children. I always want to tell them that it's really none of the dang business. We only decided to tell a few close friends and our immediate family about our situation. It is difficult when you run into situations with people who have no idea what you are going through. Some, really mean no harm, but have no idea how their words can just rip you apart. 

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    I had to delete my FB. It was too hard to bear seeing pregnancies and people hinting around. Out of sight out of mind for me.

    I uninstalled facebook from my phone too. It has turned into babybook amongst my friends
    Me: 28 DH: 29
    TTC since July 2013
    September 2013 period still hasn't started since getting off BC
    October 2013 OBGYN prescribed 4 months of unmonitored Clomid
    3 Months of Clomid, ovulated once
    Opted to not do 4th cycle without proper testing found new OBGYN
    January 2014 new OBGYN diagnosed me with PCOS ordered ultrasound
    January 2014 Ultrasound found possible uterine septum
    February 2014 MRI confirmed uterine septum, referral to RE
    March 2014 RE scheduled septum removal for late June
    Benched due to possible miscarriages if falling pregnant, back on BC
    June 2014 Septum Removal surgery, hysteroscopy/laparascopy
    Laparascopy revealed mild endometriosis
    Benched until September 2014 for recovery and healing
    October 2014 - First letrozole, HCG trigger, TI cycle, 18mm follie
    November 2014 - BFP - loss at 6 weeks
    January 2015 - Green light to try again 18mm follie, letrozole, HCG trigger 
    January 2015 - BFP - two ultrasounds and strong heartbeat found on Doppler!!!

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    I too have had to hide facebook friends so I don't see their news feed.  I just get so sad when I see all of these couples having kids - especially honeymoon babies! 

    My patients ask me all the time when I am going to have babies.  I have been with the same patients for over two years and they all know that I am married.  I just say, I have babies .. but they have 4 legs and are furry.  I am more direct with family (who doesn't know my situation) and just say "well it is alot harder than many would think". They then give me that sad look and never bring it up again. But the comments about not getting any younger or so in so wants little friends to play with are getting annoying.  I tend not to comment on FB anymore about how I am feeling because I am tired of "you might be pregnant" comments.


    *** Siggy warning ***

    DH: 31 normal
    Me: 31 tubal disease
    Married 2011
    TTC 2012
    Clomid x 2 with OBGYN: BFN
    IF testing 2013: blocked left tube, low AMH
    March 2014: Ectopic rupture, emergency surgery and D&C.  Absent left tube and now closed right tube
    October 2014: IVF with ICSI #1 - BFP (17r/14icsi/12f - 2ET 10/27; 7 frosties; Nov7 beta #1= 806; Nov10 beta #2= 2738; TWINS!!!!!  EDD late June/early July 2015)

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    We are still DEEP in the TTC closet, let alone the 3TC. It sucks when my mom asks, when is she getting a grandbaby, when will I make her a grandma. Same with the husbands family. At this point I honestly just try to joke along with them. It's easier to do it than talk about what's really going on. I don't even have a firm grasp on what's going on so how can I tell any one else. I just honestly bite the bullet. It's probably not the healthiest thing to do, and everyone's situation is different. For us, at this time I feel it's the best option. =[ doesn't' make it any easier though. I'm sorry, I know it's touchy subject.
    Endometriosis Confirmed 
    2 Large "Chocolate Cyst" Found
    Both Ovaries 
    Post op as of 10-02-14 BFN 
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