July 2013 Moms

CPW: How do you feel about nakedness?

hollandmamahollandmama member
edited October 2014 in July 2013 Moms
Showers in most of Europe's fitness centers are just open, people just get completely naked and shower in front of 5 others (at least). Last week I had trouble with that and I went topless but kept my bottom... then I felt even more awkward because every body else was entirely naked...

Question is, WWYD? How do you feel about it?
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CPW: How do you feel about nakedness? 49 votes

I just looove to get naked in front of others.
10% 5 votes
It's not a big deal if I don't know them.
67% 33 votes
It's not a big deal If I know them.
22% 11 votes

Re: CPW: How do you feel about nakedness?

  • Damn! posted too soon and I couldn't include all answers... 

    well, whatever, just explain here! I'm really curious because I'm considering flashing my c/s scar next time at the gym :P 
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    *Multicultural family raising a multilingual toddler: Spanish, Italian, Dutch and English

  • @maryannespier I love the locker idea, I'm sure G would love it too because he likes getting into him wardrobe every time I open it...
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  • I'd prefer to shower in a private stall and I would be be uncomfortable at first but after a little I'd be fine. Nothing here that no ones seen before.
  • hollandmamahollandmama member
    edited October 2014
    @Clyde013 there are no private stalls :( 

    did you know that many many saunas in Europe require you to be completely naked to get in? No towel, no swimsuit, nothing! PLUS they are mixed most of the times... so not only you should be naked, you are also with men all around... I guess how they can keep the guy down :S 

    Edit: paragraph
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  • I'd probably be uncomfortable in front of others I didn't know and especially men. I'm comfortable in front of my sister and mom and SO and best friends and that's about as far as my comfort zone allows.
  • Meh, I'd shower. I mean, lather & rinse yeah? I don't really care because the majority of people there most likely are there to get clean & go on with their lives.

    I'd be worried about the temperature. I like my showers quite warm. I'd worry that I'd get cold!

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  • Meh, if everyone else there was used to it, I'd probably just shower. But I've never been in that situation so I might change my mind.
  • I could never do. I am very self conscious and will only be naked in front of DH.
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  • I could not do it. Although tons of people have seen my boobs during our 15+ month breastfeeding journey, nakedness still makes me uncomfortable.
  • I'd shower at home
  • econmama said:
    In the proper context, like a gym, I am fine with it.
  • I've showered naked with a bunch of girls when I was a teen at a camp because it was the only option and in Europe people really don't care and it's what they do. I saw lots of nudity in Europe at pools etc. In a similar situation, I probably would be ok with it, but I definitely prefer to shower alone.
  • I also prefer to shower at home, but if I did sports I prefer to shower right away and be already fresh & clean when I get home and there's a toddler wanting to hug and play with me right away... that is why I have this dilemma :P
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  • I'd do it, but I'd be pretty uncomfortable. It would make for one quick shower!
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  • Byjove03 said:
    While not my most favorite prospect in the world, if it's what protocol was I could do it. My modesty since having a baby is approaching zero.

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  • if I'm at a spa or somewhere with public dressing rooms, I usually just change as fast as I can.  I don't shower at the gym because I hate lugging all my stuff there and home again, just easier to shower when I get home.  

    I also hate the fact that at our gym, there's a sign that says no opposite sex children in the changing area/lockers...so it's annoying that I have to coordinate my time in the locker room with when I can get my boys--have to drop them off and pick them up after I'm done there, and if I needed to go back in the locker room for any reason, I'd have to take them back into the daycare??
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  • That sucks! @DenverBride2005
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  • It wouldn't bother me.

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  • No way. I don't even like to be naked in front of my husband. I think I look awful. Maybe after a boob job...Then might have a little self esteem.
  • To be sincere, I just hate my c/s scar... my boobs look horrible too but whatever... it's the scar that I think is gross to see :(
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    Surprise BFP on 11/02/12 EDD 07/06/13 --> Express wedding on 12/29/2012 --> G was born on 07/15/13
    *Multicultural family raising a multilingual toddler: Spanish, Italian, Dutch and English

  • I'm a nudist.

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  • Eh, nudity doesn't really bother me. I spent enough time in locker rooms and such that it's NBD. I'd probably be a bit surprised about a coed sauna or whatever, but if everyone's just doing their own thing I guess I'd just roll with it.
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