July 2014 Moms

Night crew check in!


Re: Night crew check in!

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    lowen83 said:

    I think I went through a colicky spell with LO last night from about 9p-1am. Fussy, sort of crying, nothing but my boob was making him quiet, not the paci, not DH, just the milk receptacles. Then all of the sudden around 1am he was out cold and slept till about 5:45am. Then when I woke I found DS1 asleep on the floor in my room. So even though LO is asleep in his crib DS1 is wide awake and ready to go for he day!
    I should just totally be a vampire so I wouldn't need to sleep!
    Anyone have any experience with colic? This is new territory for me.

    Have you read or watched The Happiest Baby on the Block? It's really helped us. Ton when DD has been fussy and it's things that DH can do as well. I recommend getting. The DVD because chances are, you don't have time to read right now :-)
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    Hey @Lhalliburton‌ did you ever get that apology? I'm still pissed for you!

    Nope. He blamed it on bring tired, even though he's never given DS a bottle without asking me first. I'm still annoyed.
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    I got 6 hours last night!  Not all in one stretch, but I'll take it!  We also gave LO a bottle yesterday since she will be going to daycare in a few weeks and we wanted to make sure that wouldn't be an issue.  She took it with no issues and my DH was able to finally do a feeding and I was able to take a break.  Now I have to pump on a regular basis to build up my supply, but I feel like things are starting to look up for us! Now if I can just get her to sleep 3-4 hours in a row, that would be perfect!
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    DS has eaten every 2 hours and slept very little since 1:30 am last night. I'm wearing out guys. 6 week growth spurt?

    Please sleep after this feed. Please.
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    LenaLove said:

    DS has eaten every 2 hours and slept very little since 1:30 am last night. I'm wearing out guys. 6 week growth spurt?

    Please sleep after this feed. Please.

    I'm the same, except she sleeps all day and has been up the last two nights. Neither my DH nor my mother are any help - my mom nags me that I'm waking her too often to eat during the day and tries to make me space or her feedings, and when my husband comes home from work he let's her sleep on him because he thinks it is cute.

    Are either of them up with me right now? Hell no. Those Assholes are both sleeping while I'm the one up trying to figure out how the fuck I'm going to get this child to figure out day from night, and how long my boobs are going to be able to handle breast feeding for the next year.

    Oh, and there's my five year old yelling for me. Awesome.



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    I'm up for our first feeding at 2:45! I think I last nursed at my inlaws after dinner around 8:30. I went to bed as soon as I got home anticipating having to nurse at the usual 11 or 12. Guess she was tired too! So of course I had leak everywhere! Ugh!
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    So, I've been EBF, but last night DD would NOT calm down and it felt like she had drained me (she didn't, as I could still express milk), but I couldn't listen to the crying anymore and my boons needed a break, so I gave her a bottle of breast milk. She immediately guzzled the 2oz in the bottle and was fussy again. Gave her another 2-3oz and she was out like a light. She slept from 9:30 to 3:00.

    I don't know if I should have tried to wake her to feed her (she's almost 3 weeks), but my body/brain REALLY enjoyed the semi-normal sleep hours.

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    LenaLove said:

    DS has eaten every 2 hours and slept very little since 1:30 am last night. I'm wearing out guys. 6 week growth spurt?

    Please sleep after this feed. Please.

    LO ended up with whatever stomach bug DH and I had earlier in the week and we went through this the last two days. She finally slept more than 45 minutes just now. I had to wake her to eat but she got a solid 4+ hours. (And so did we finally!)
    I had been petty much out of milk though bc if her sudden feeding habit change. so if you have any stored milk try that to see if it will help fill him up and put him to bed. Good luck hope you get some rest soon.
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    I'm up for her first feeding since 11:15! She gave me 5 hours! The first time in 4 weeks I've had that much sleep together. I'm like a new woman! :)
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    DD has been asleep for an hour after feeding (slept from 10-3, got her sleeping by 4) and I'm so tired BUT SO DANG AWAKE.. Lord, hit me with a pan and knock me out.
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    Caroline has been up since her 3am feeding. It's 5:30am and I need to feed her at 6. Hoping she just stays awake for the next 30 minutes and eats and then passes out!

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    I saw waaaaay too many hours on the clock last night. All three kids were in bed, asleep, by 10:00. Like an idiot, I stayed up until midnight. At 2:30, DS2 was screaming for me because he's gotten stuck under his bed (wtf!?) Reacued him, got him calmed down and back to sleep... Baby was up to eat at 3:45 and woke DS2 back up in the process. He whined at my feet the whole time I fed her. Got them both back in bed by 4:45ish (had to lay with DS for a bit). He cried our again around 5:30 but luckily fell back to sleep... And then baby woke up to eat at 6:00 and both boys were up by 6:30. OMG. DH was dead to the world through all of this, btw. Grr. And he has to work all weekend so I'll be alone with the kids. :(
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    We slept from 2:30-6. Yay! (So engorged though she couldn't latch and I leaked all over)
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    We slept from 12:30-5 and then 5:30-8:30! I feel great....my boobs feel like they might explode!
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    H took him after I fed him at 1, and I woke at 5 to nurse! Longest stretch so far! Still fussy, but I'll take it!
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    The Momaroo has saved my sanity. LO sleeps for 2-2.5 hours after every feeding as long as she's moving. I got over 7 hours of sleep last night. I feel human again :)


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    First feeding of the night, made it 11-3 though so no complaints there. I am annoyed with DH though. He's been completely wonderful the entire pregnancy and since DD has been here. But tonight he went to his cousins wedding, which was open bar. Needless to say whiskeys happened and now he's snoring so loudly I hadn't really slept and I can't wake him when he's been drinking.

    Between a screaming baby and snoring husband I'm screwed tonight. Ugh.
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    Another 4am feeding. I forgot to take my contacts out and hoooooly dry eye
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    Up for the first feeding, mind you we all went to bed at 12am. It's been a rough day. Between a dissapointing phone call from my mom, a pounding headache, DS just doesn't want to latch. Thank God for formula, otherwise I'd be a complete mess.

    Anyways, on the bright side my best friends H dropped off a gilder chair that they gave to me. I'm so excited! It's like brand new and it's so relaxing. Ahhhh!!! Ooh and it was free.

    Question of the night: (QOTN): Where is a place that you really want to travel? For me it's always been Greece. It just looks beautiful from pics I've seen. Food, culture all seem to be wonderful. Food I know is, but to be there.....**sigh**.

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


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    Lola825 said:

    First feeding of the night, made it 11-3 though so no complaints there. I am annoyed with DH though. He's been completely wonderful the entire pregnancy and since DD has been here. But tonight he went to his cousins wedding, which was open bar. Needless to say whiskeys happened and now he's snoring so loudly I hadn't really slept and I can't wake him when he's been drinking.

    Between a screaming baby and snoring husband I'm screwed tonight. Ugh.

    I've been there many times. I feel your pain.

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


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    I've always wanted to go to Bora Bora. It just looks so incredibly beautiful and relaxing. I'll never go because I feel like it costs about a million to go but a girl can dream!!

    No kidding!!! That place looks amazing! H and I were pretty curious and looked it up online. Pricing and all that, from what we saw it was like 10k per night! @-)
    Wtf? Hoping that is way wrong! What a dreamy place.

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


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    Yes! My husband and I priced it out for a week in a over the water bungalow.. 26k not including flights which would be insane from NY! So crazy.

    It's like it's made just for celebrities.
    Ahh well!

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


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    We went to Moorea when we were first dating, the ocean was amazing and filled with life. That's a nice memory after 2 nights of bickering with my snoring husband.

    I want to go snowboarding in the Alps, but I don't know about doing that with kids right now. I would like to take the girls to visit DHs family in Germany, but that long of a flight from CA sounds like a doozy. Maybe in 5 years.

    In the short term, we'd like to travel the National Parks and road trip along the West Coast (best coast) with the kids. I've lived in CA my whole life, but there's so much to see and do here.
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    Well we are regressing. The last week LO has only been up twice at night...around 1-2 and then 5-6. Tonight though after she are at 1 I put her down and she sounded like she was wheezing and choking. Straining and irritated. Maybe something I ate? Or reflux? I don't know but I never did get back to sleep because I was listening to her. Decided to change her and now feeding again .... It's not the greatest night that's for sure
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    @Texasgirl81 I can't complain too much because he has been so great. And I'm BF so he can't feed her. But man when she's asleep I want to be asleep not listening to his blissful sleep in my ear! Ugh!

    I would love to do the over-water bungalows! DH and I did some research on those as well. Maybe for our 10 or 20 year anniversary (it's 2 this year ha). I would also love to visit Italy and Ireland. Between the food, drinks and beauty in those countries I could spend a lot of time there!
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    I got a sleep stretch from 11:30 - 2:30, the longest stretch yet. It's not the best sleep though because I have such a noisy sleeper. I know the AAP suggests room sharing until baby is six months old, but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to make that.

    The two main places I'd like to travel are Ireland and New Zealand. But lately all I can think about is going on a booze cruise lol.
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    @kam3100‌ - I hear ya about the rooming in. Most nights I start thinking about moving LO to his own room. But then I think about the SIDS risk and end up deciding I'll keep him in here for just one more week. :)

    I got up to feed LO at 5:30. But I listened to him grunt from 4-5:30. I am hoping I can sleep through the grunting when he's in his own room.

    Also, he woke up, took 1oz and fell back asleep. Our typical feedings are 3-4oz so I know he will be up soon wanting more. Grrrr.

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    ::formerly csmith - regular/lurker since Nov13:: 
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    Ds2 did pretty good last night waking every 2.5-3 hours to eat since 9pm, again it was DS1,who will be 3 in October, who has started waking around 6 am or just before and won't go back to sleep.... I just don't get it. He goes to sleep around 9-9:30 at night ( in the bed at 8:30) and why this last week to ten days he has started waking so dang early! He used to sleep till 7-7:30. Don't know what to do

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    First night checking in. LO will be 3 weeks tomorrow. After a couple of weeks of him sleeping 3-4 hours at a time at night he's turned to waking up every 2 hrs. Really hoping it's just a growth spurt! Glad this thread is around though for all of the late night fun!
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    kam3100 said:

    We are working on the nightime routine now, I'm hoping to get a few hours sleep tonight, it's been a long day with lots of visitors.

    Question: What's one of the funniest things that's happened while you've fed your LO?
    For me one night I sneezed and it scared her so bad, but she still kept her latch. Of course I started laughing so hard at her reaction that she dropped the latch. I'm such a mean mom!

    This happened to me the other day but it was definitely funnier when LO sneezed while latched and gave me a funny look because he bounced off my boob. My mom was there to witness it and we both bust out laughing
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    DS has been asleep since 11, but I started watching TV and now have gotten sucked into a movie. Whyyyy?
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