November 2014 Moms

WTF Wednesday


Re: WTF Wednesday

  • WTF stomach?! I just finished scarfing down quiznos mac & cheese AND an 8" Carbonara sandwhich....why am i still hungry?!
  • @missnacholover‌ I know I'll BE ok but today is just not a good day. Every day something else bad happens whether it's financially, work related, or baby's father related. Feel an ugly cry breakdown coming on :(
    ETA: Thanks for asking and for the hugs though!
    Hang in there, lady! 




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  • WTF blood pressure! Been on meds now for a week and there is no change! Dr thinks it will progress to preeclampsia.  So frustrating!!
  • WTF DH?! Get over whatever is putting you in a shitty mood. DD and I don't need your attitude. You being testy doesn't help my mood or DD's attitude.

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  • WTF Mother-in-Law, everything in my life doesn't have anything to do with you! You don't have the right to think you can do as you please!
    When I post photos on FB you don't have the right to "share" them like you took them!
    I may not be an only child but I don't share well! And stop always acting like Mother of The Year!
    Your son moved out at 13! He raised himself!
  • KUinCBUS said:
    KUinCBUS said:
    WTF, DH?! You took a "nap"... sleeping through dinner with DD AND through her whole bed time routine. You woke up 10 minutes after she went to bed, milled around a bit and then decided to go out to dinner. You got home 10 minutes ago, failed to bring your pregnant wife some food and have been drinking. 

    Annnnnd now I hear you snoring, so you have already gone to bed. 

    How is he still alive?!
    ---quote fail--- Ha! At least he had the good sense to walk home, so he's apprently not gone completely insane. (He knows I would have read him the riot act had he gotten behind the wheel of a car.) I swear though, he REALLY needs to step up his game. Tonight's drinking was unusual but bailing on me and DD at dinner/bedtime was not. I'm so freaking over it! P.S. I wish I could love your comment more than once :x

    I'd be freaking too, especially if it's the norm that he isn't around at her dinner and bed time. I still think you should read him the riot act ;)
  • @tarynleann - Is it just me or does it feel hotter than the last triple digit heat wave we had? Or is it just being more pregnant than I was a few weeks ago.

    Seriously was sweating just walking to my car.

    N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!

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    TTC since 2011
    Aug. - Sept. 2013 - dIUIs = BFNs
    January 2014 - IVF = 3 freezer babies
    March 2014 - FET of AA and AB blast = BFP! Twins! 
    Nov. 7, 2014 - Wilhelmina "Willa" Suzanne (4lb 14oz) and Ari Jose (6lb 4oz) were born via CS
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • @absolutelymaybe‌ it feels way hotter! Like an oven. It has to be all the fires! I thought my shoes were going to melt to the pavement today and My deodorant has totally stopped working at this point, it's so gross!!!!
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