June 2014 Moms

The SS "Is this normal?" Thread


Re: The SS "Is this normal?" Thread

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    Yes there all normal ! U can read about it online. My daughter does the same things & she's almost 3 wks old. Don't they do the Cutest things ever ?
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    JmeJoLee83JmeJoLee83 member
    edited July 2014
    My question is about naps and bedtime. LO has been sleeping since 5pm and it is now 7:30. Should I wake him up so I can put him to bed at a reasonable hour tonight or let him sleep? He hasn't eaten since 4. He is 7 weeks old.

    Posted in wrong thread earlier!
    First time mommy-to-be
    E.D.D. June 1, 2014

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    This isn't baby related, but I have no idea where to put this... but is anyone else having issues with leftover swelling? I still can't get my wedding ring on :( I've already had to have it sized once so I don't want to get it sized again if there's a chance my fingers aren't done shrinking. Thoughts?
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    lest12lest12 member
    Mine doesn't fit yet either @cMichelle0423‌ . 4weeks pp.

    What's just as annoying is that my feet shrunk down and none of my shoes fit either. I have so many shoes!

    I'm not sure when the swelling should stop or if everything is permanently bigger.


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    @lest12‌ I'm 5 weeks pp today, and I also can't fit into my shoes lol at least its summer and flip flops are acceptable for a couple more weeks... pretty sure I was able to fit back into my rings and shoes by this time after my last pregnancy. I don't know what the deal is this time around. I have my 6 week postpartum check up next week so I'll be asking my OB about it.
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    Today I noticed that LO had a lump on her breast right beneath the nipple. It's the same on both sides and when I tried to see how big it was a bit of breast milk came out!

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    @Megan_e_rice‌ my dr told me those are breast buds- leftover hormones from being inside of you. Henry had them, never squirted milk, and they've gotten smaller.
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

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    edited July 2014
    @Megan_e_rice‌ my pediatrician mentioned that at our first appointment. LO had little bumps that have gone away. The pedi said not to be concerned if there was milk because of my hormones. It never happened with LO but it sounds like it is totally normal and nothing to worry about.
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    I wonder if she gets the whole let down thing or if it bothers her :(

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    kaysa2 said:

    My question is about naps and bedtime. LO has been sleeping since 5pm and it is now 7:30. Should I wake him up so I can put him to bed at a reasonable hour tonight or let him sleep? He hasn't eaten since 4. He is 7 weeks old.

    Posted in wrong thread earlier!

    @JmeJoLee83‌ Modern baby books say that the more a baby sleeps during the day, the better they will sleep at night. It is counter intuitive, but definitely works for my DD. Same goes for sleep training later. If you want LO to sleep later in the morning (like, get up at 6am instead of 5am), put them to sleep earlier, not later.

    Really?? I would've never thought to do that. Why does it work that way?
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    Not sure if it fits here.. My LO has started to eat every other hour or more often since monday. She is 6 weeks old today. At first i thought it is just a growth spurt but she seems so unsatisfied after each feeding. I also noticed that she is swallowing much less frequently. Her diaper count is still at around 6. I tried pumping and am only getting an oz from each side when i normally get 2. I know thats not the best way to tell but i cant help but think that my supply has declined. It sucks to see my baby screaming for more when it looks like mommy has nothing more to give. Anyone had that experience?
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    Not sure if it fits here.. My LO has started to eat every other hour or more often since monday. She is 6 weeks old today. At first i thought it is just a growth spurt but she seems so unsatisfied after each feeding. I also noticed that she is swallowing much less frequently. Her diaper count is still at around 6. I tried pumping and am only getting an oz from each side when i normally get 2. I know thats not the best way to tell but i cant help but think that my supply has declined. It sucks to see my baby screaming for more when it looks like mommy has nothing more to give. Anyone had that experience?

    About 3 weeks ago, I felt like my supply was decreasing so I started pumping in between feedings. That helped a little but not as much as I hoped. So I tried some mothers milk tea and now I have an awesome supply. I drank one or two 8 oz cups of it every day for about a week (maybe 5 or 6 days, can't remember). Just make sure you drink it like 20 to 30 min before a feeding, and that you don't drink any close to bed time. Unless your LO feeds a lot at night too. Otherwise you can wake up super engorged. Good luck!
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    DH and I keep calling LO a gorilla baby because he has hair EVERYWHERE! The back and chest hair is finally disappearing but DS has hair on his ears - it totally grossed me out! Anyone else have this? How long does it last?!
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    drby126 said:
    DH and I keep calling LO a gorilla baby because he has hair EVERYWHERE! The back and chest hair is finally disappearing but DS has hair on his ears - it totally grossed me out! Anyone else have this? How long does it last?!
    DD has hair everywhere too- even on her ears. She's 6 weeks tomorrow and none of the hair has fallen out yet.
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    lest12lest12 member
    Sleep and eating wise, LO was doing great. A good feeding was enough to put him down to bed, and we were moving towards 3 hour spans of sleep at night. In the day he was eating every 2-2.5 hours.

    The last few days have been awful. Just wants to eat any chance he gets and sleeping has been terrible. He's so much more fussy, too.

    4 weeks yesterday. Is this a growth spurt? Or does my baby just hate me suddenly? I am at a loss.


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    lest12 said:

    Sleep and eating wise, LO was doing great. A good feeding was enough to put him down to bed, and we were moving towards 3 hour spans of sleep at night. In the day he was eating every 2-2.5 hours.

    The last few days have been awful. Just wants to eat any chance he gets and sleeping has been terrible. He's so much more fussy, too.

    4 weeks yesterday. Is this a growth spurt? Or does my baby just hate me suddenly? I am at a loss.

    My 4 week old just went through the same thing & I assume it was a growth spurt because it only lasted a couple days and today she's back to normal. I hope yours calms down soon too!
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    @kaysa2 that makes sense! He definitely is better about not fighting sleep when he has had plenty.

    So during the day should we be waking them to eat every 3 hours or just let em sleep?
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    Backing up kaysa... our sleep books also mentioned "sleep begets sleep" and it's SO true. My mother's and grandmother's generation believe to not let the babies sleep too much during the day. But now people are realizing that overtired babies don't sleep for shit, so let them sleep during the day.

    My LC also mentioned that the more sleep they get (especially light, active REM sleep) the better. She told me why but I forget. Momnesia.

    For us, there is one critical nap time that makes or breaks how the night is going to go, and that's the evening nap. Right now it's around 4 to 6 or so, which is a really inconvenient time lol. If they hit that nap, they'll sleep through the night. If they miss it, we're screwed.

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    Seriously. Sleep begets sleep. An overtired toddler sucks. No nap days make me want to cry along with her.

    It's the same for a newborn. On the days she sleeps a lot during the day, she sleeps well at night. My friends don't understand why I get so annoyed when nap time is interrupted!
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    Not sure if this the right place for this, too tired to keep looking. Please redirect if needed. My little man sounds super raspy/hoarse when he cries and it breaks my heart. He sounds a bit congested at night too so I'm not sure if it's a cold, but the raspy thing is all day. Anyone else have a little one that sounds like this? What should I do? TIA.
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

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    @jennyd321‌ some babies are just hoarse and that's OK. If he's not in pain, you should be fine. It could also he a song of reflux, as the acid in the throat can cause irrigation. See if you notice any other signs: arching his back, especially after eating, foul breath, spitting up in an unhappy way, etc.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

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    @Lilygrace48‌ thanks for the feedback. I haven't noticed reflux signs that you mentioned, but I did just suck a little bit of snot from his nose, so maybe he has a cold? He has been crying a lot lately so maybe his vocal cords are tired? :(
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

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    This may have already been mentioned but there are seven pages here and I haven't kept up. When does eye goop become an issue? Cora has had crusty eyes since about one week and is now 8 weeks. It comes and goes as far as severity but has never completely crusted shut. How long should it take for the year ducts to clear up?
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    edited July 2014
    My LO has the eye goop issue too. I was told it gets better usually by 6 months to a year.I think it's to do with a blocked tear duct but I was also told it's b/c my LO doesn't tear up yet. 

    eta- I forgot to add my question!
    My LO (who now has acid reflux :( does this thing where she makes high pitched, almost  hiccup like sounds when she gets pissed and hungry. I notice it when I try to burp her, and she is not ready to be burped. Is this just a normal vocalization? Sign of some kind of infection? 

    Being with my LO rocks! DD born 6/13/14.
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    whoberrywhoberry member
    edited July 2014
    drby126 said:

    DH and I keep calling LO a gorilla baby because he has hair EVERYWHERE! The back and chest hair is finally disappearing but DS has hair on his ears - it totally grossed me out! Anyone else have this? How long does it last?!

    @drby126‌ my LO has this too, but so does DH. I presume he will be a hairy beast like his father!


    IF, 5 losses, 1 son, 1 on the way.
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    lest12lest12 member

    MegEL85 said:

    @StrawberryDreams219‌, or another baby wear guru, when I wear J in the ergo she snuggles down to sleep and her chin is low. Like she would if I were holding her on my chest to sleep. Does that break the chin on chest rule?

    If her chin is resting on her chest then yes but if not no. I usually just tilt LO's head back a bit and periodically check and readjust as needed.

    I'm glad this was asked! Another ? - I feel like his back slouches in the k'tan - anyone else?

    Different topic - did anyone else's dr prescribe LO vitamin d supplements?


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    lest12lest12 member
    Oh, awesome! My dr said that but I hadnt heard it before.


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    We were told to give Charlie vitamin D, and we bought it, and I haven't opened the box, nor do I intend to. Its a supplement that is relatively new for babies and I can't see that millions of babies breastfed over the years all needed it and didn't get it. My kids are healthy, I don't supplement. C gets a vitamin because she needs the iron.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

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    Your K'tan might be too big if LO can slouch in it. Maybe wash and dry it on hot/high to shrink it up a bit. If you have a sewing machine you can easily take it in a bit as well.

    J tends to curl up (like a potato bug). We readjust him periodically and I will keep a hand in his back at times to monitor it
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    lest12lest12 member
    @elsa1688 - DS always curls up like this, too.


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    babygabe614babygabe614 member
    edited July 2014
    @lest12‌ We were prescribed Vit D drops as well. My pedi prescribes them for all BF babies (or babies getting pumped BM, in our case).

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    Is it bad to have LO in a swaddle for most of the day? I feel like the only times she's awake is during diaper changes and feeding, and then she's back asleep so I've been putting her in the halo swaddle because she sleeps so much more soundly that way. I feel like a bad mom for perpetually putting her down for naps all day long, but maybe that's just what is normal for this age? She's three weeks.

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    Is it bad to have LO in a swaddle for most of the day? I feel like the only times she's awake is during diaper changes and feeding, and then she's back asleep so I've been putting her in the halo swaddle because she sleeps so much more soundly that way. I feel like a bad mom for perpetually putting her down for naps all day long, but maybe that's just what is normal for this age? She's three weeks.

    I do this too. I figure he wants to sleep, let him sleep and my LO loves the halo.
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    sjn00sjn00 member
    edited July 2014

    This may have already been mentioned but there are seven pages here and I haven't kept up. When does eye goop become an issue? Cora has had crusty eyes since about one week and is now 8 weeks. It comes and goes as far as severity but has never completely crusted shut. How long should it take for the year ducts to clear up?

    And @brooklyngirl46‌
    Put some of your breast milk on a tissue and wipe her eye with it. It will go away with that =]
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    @babygabe614‌ I wish my 3 week old slept during the day. He takes one two to three hour nap and maybe 15 min here and there, but rarely.

    What do you dress your lo in under the sleep sack? Henry hates having his arms swaddled so I have to leave those out.
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

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    I think this has been asked on a thread prior, but I can't remember. LO has white residue on her tongue, first I thought it was milk residue but now I'm not so sure, I tried to wipe it off with my finger and nothing came off. She's gott a small white patch on her inner lip that looks like peeling skin too. She's not fussing while BFing, no issues sucking on a paci or bottle, and I have no symptoms of thrush. So is this normal? Maybe I'm just being a paranoid FTM lol.

    Also @lest12‌ we were prescribed them but idk if I'm going to give them to her, my mom BFed me an my sister in the 90s and had never heard of this so I think it's a new recommendation?

    Baby #1: expected June 2014

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    Also @lest12‌ we were prescribed them but idk if I'm going to give them to her, my mom BFed me an my sister in the 90s and had never heard of this so I think it's a new recommendation?

    Read a section about this in my breastfeeding diet (as in what you eat not how to lose weight necessarily) book. It says the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control currently recommend that all exclusively breastfed babies be supplemented with vitamin D starting at two months of age. A vitamin d deficiency will lead to rickets which is a disease that makes the bones weak causing the child's legs to bow when they are learning to walk. That being said, the author points out that vitamin d deficiencies are pretty rare and usually are the result of a serious deficiency in the mother due to a diet completely lacking in vitamin d paired with limiting the child's exposure to sunlight. Basically, if you are getting enough vitamin d from things like vitamin d fortified milk and baby is getting an adequate amount of sunlight you should be fine. My pediatrician did not prescribe vitamin d supplements for either of my children and I don't think I would have used them if he had. I just don't see it as necessary.
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    lest12lest12 member
    Interesting. I'm going to read a bit more into it... thank you all!

    @kbellizio3‌ - my lo has the white on the tounge and a little on his inner lip. Dr says it looks like a "touch" of thrush which is normal or unconcerning, since baby is fine (eating just fine, no other issues) and I have nothing on my nipples.


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    I wonder if she gets the whole let down thing or if it bothers her :(

    Mine had a little letdown on the 4th of July. I was nursing her and noticed a wet spot on her onsie when we were done! So odd to me
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