3rd Trimester

If they ask one more time....

I swear if one more person asks me if I have decided on a name for baby yet, heads are going to roll! The worst part is that the main offenders of this question are repeat offenders. The ones that I have already told the name ideas that we have for the baby and I have told them that we are going to wait till after baby is born to make the final decision. Why is that so hard to understand?!? Why must they ask again every time they see me if we have decided on a name yet? Each time I tell them we are still waiting to decide and each time they ask again..... We are not going to all the sudden change our mind and decide they we don't feel like waiting and just name him.

Re: If they ask one more time....

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    Because our fertility struggles were so public (our families knew, most of my coworkers and administration knew since I had to have fellow teachers cover my 1st period when I had bloodwork or ultrasounds, which had to be done in the AM), we decided to keep our name a secret between us. We have had SOOO many people continue to badger us about the name, despite us explaining our decision and reason why. One of my friends/coworkers texts me every day with guesses, like I'm suddenly going to be like "ok, you got us!" Seriously, people, back off!!!!

    Like PP said, it's prob all well meaning and just conversation-making but I agree, it's obnoxious, especially people who know better (ie not random person who doesn't know what we have decided about the name).
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    Yup people ask us all the time about the name. We tell them we have a name but will not tell until she is born.
    My MiL asks my hubby all the time. What is the name when is she due.

    Have to deal because she is 81 and doesn't remember.

    Some are like why do you have to wait? Hello because we don't want a lecture on the name we choose.

    Plus it is nice to have one surprise for when she is born. You already know we are having a girl!!!

    Me (40) DH (42).......Married 7/1/11......TTC 12/2013.......BFP #1 12/30/12........EDD 9/8/13
    Spotting,clot 2/15/13 all ok......2/21/13 no heartbeat 11 w 4 d missed miscarriage........2/22/13 DnC :(
    BFP # 2 10.10.13...........EDD 6.19.14

      Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


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    Yeah I know they mean well I just wish people were aware of how many times they ask these same questions and seem to expect a different answer.
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    Oh don't get me wrong-- I completely agree! I've started lying and saying that we haven't picked a name yet rather than explain for the umpteenth time that we want to keep that information between us until LO is born. And then just smile and nod when people make suggestions. Inside, I'm imagining punching them in the face because really, I don't care what you think my son should be named but alas, people don't seem to get that.
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    We are in the same boat. My husband and I have had a name since February, but we want to see our son and make sure the name fits prior to telling everyone. What we have done is come up with the most horrendous name we could muster and tell people that is the name. It usually shuts them up quite quickly (and is a lot of fun for us)!
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    I get that all the time.  I typically tell people we haven't decided and probably won't know for sure until we meet her.  Then people want to know what names we're considering.  DH and I have pretty much picked the name, but are still tossing it around to see if we want to commit.  I'll typically tell people that it's a big decision and DH and I are still discussing it.  I will usually tell people some generic and safe name options that we've talked about, but I usually don't mention the name we're leaning towards.  I don't want opinions unless I ask.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    ADC1979ADC1979 member
    Yeah, that's up there with people asking for a specific due date after I tell them July.  No, sorry, Mr. Creepy General Public Person, I am not telling you my EDD.

    ...and then they want to know the name.  Just no.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    We've decided on a name but, like most of you are waiting until she is born to share. Because we chose not to share one of DH's Aunt's has just picked a name that she calls the baby all the time. In person, on Facebook, you name it. I don't know why but it bothers me so much! Maybe mostly because I don't particularly like the name and I don't want people thinking that is what we are actually calling her!

    I can't think of a nice way to tell her to stop (even though I know she is "kidding") so I just grit my teeth and bear it.
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    That would def bother me! So presumptuous! My MIL tried proposing nicknames to call the baby until he is born and even that irritated me-- if anyone is going to choose what to call my son, it'll be me and my DH. Why do people think they have any entitlement to someone else's kid (or details about said kid)?!

    Apparently there was a segment on Today or GMA or one of those shoes yesterday about pregnancy etiquette (for those who aren't pregnant) and included things like never asking the name, if you were trying to get pregnant, etc. I'm thinking of YouTubing it and sharing it with everyone I know.
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    people just don't know what to say sometimes, and don't realize nothing would be better for everyone!

    I educated my colleague today that saying 'are you sure it isn't twins' is just rude and implies my bump is too big which I don't appreciate

    people will always ask about the sex/name - I just say we're not saying ti lthe birth - on both. It's dh's and my baby and our decision  on whether to share that info now or later!

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    I had friends who were expecting their second child.  They did not pick a name until the baby was born, so their first child (late toddler age) randomly decided to call his unborn sibling "Rump" until then.  For both of my pregnancies, I sometimes tell people I'll be naming my child Rump.
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    It doesn't get better after they are born.  Random strangers want to touch the baby, know the name, age, etc.  I was to the point that I was going to start asking people for their name, dob, and social security number if they kept asking.  I even had one woman (who I had never seen before) ask if he could have a candy bar.  He was four months old.  I said "no".  So she gave me and DH one.  Apparently she keeps a stash of candy on her to hand out to kids and their parents.  Yes, I threw the candy away when we got home.  
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    Usually it goes like this...I get asked if we picked a name...I tell them we aren't certain, but we have one we like...I tell them... Then they either shake their head, tell me they don't like it and/or give me a bunch of suggestions.
    Um...I don't give a shit if you like the name we picked, and I'm defiantly not going to name my baby a name some random neighbor or coworker decided for me.
    I've had people follow up to see if I asked my husband if he liked the name they picked... um really temporary, part time office assistant that I work with once a week, do you think I'm going to name my daughter India/Skylar/Parker because you suggested it?
    I've been told that I'm probably having twins by the same coworkers for months now, even after I've explained that I've had several ultrasounds, and get a heartbeat reading detecting only one baby at each appointment. One coworker asked to see my ultrasound. These aren't close friends, they are people that work in the same building as me. I'm pretty easy going and roll with things, but it does seem odd to have so much interest.
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    My latest answer to the question is about a dream I had that we named her Molly. I have no plans to name her Molly (though it's growing on me as I retell the story), but it provides the conversation topic that is comfortable for both of us.

    Before that, I would tell about how we are looking for a name with Austrian roots, but that I have no idea what that would be (outside of my MIL and the girls in The Sound Of Music). Again, sort of answers their question in a way that invites conversation.

    But yes, I too, find it a strange question to ask a pregnant woman.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    askidaskid member
    We are keeping our name a secret until she's born which is driving people nuts! My best friend refers to her as nugget which drives me nuts. Just deal with the fact we want to surprise everyone with the name we chose. I appreciate everyone's good intentions, but we don't need everyone's two cents on our daughter's name. 
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    NADA-HNADA-H member
    you think that is bad!

    We actually told our friends and family the name that we chose for our daughter yet they keep telling us about other names and how we should consider them because they don't like the name we chose?!!!!!!

    my answer to that "We already chose a name" and "How about you name Your kid that once You are having kids?"

    people are just weird sometimes!
    God Bless You my Little One
    Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
    Farida, at 8 weeks
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    Lol I think I found something worse than people asking what I'm going to name my son. After I gave birth my MIL who already knew the names we had picked out and were making our final decision from looks as my baby and say "I think he looks like a Kyle" I just wanted to face palm as this was a name we weren't even remotely thinking off....
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    We got lucky and actually have an answer for this ridiculous question: As a joke, DH came up with a VERY antiquated man's name and said boy or girl that's the baby's name So now when people ask us if we have a name, we say YES! And tell them the name I get lots of shocked looks and "um...ok?" Faces It's great :) One minor snag: now that everyone in our family knows this name, I fear it may become an actual nickname for my baby! Hahahaha I guess there are worse stories behind nicknames...

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    This cracks me up because my SIL is doing the same thing, she calls baby girl Gertie or Phyllis...no idea why and it's kinda annoying, thankfully I'm sure it will stop once she is born and they know her name.  People are just odd...all bets are off when you're pregnant, people can say whatever whenever. 
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    I know your pain completely!! We have decided on a first name, and have decided we want two middle names for her, but we haven't narrowed down to what yet. And it isn't public what her name is, besides with family and close friends. And people who know the baby's first name still ask me on a regular basis if we've decided on her name for sure. -.- Ugh talk about frustrating!!
    ~~~My baby girl is due November 4th, 2014~~~
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