
PLL Books - Deadly (Spoilers)

@GotGingy  (And anyone else who would like to discuss the books)

I was able to finish "Deadly" this weekend.  I really liked it, and I loved the way that they tied Helper "A" to all of the girls.  I have been suspicious of all the aliases, because any time a new character comes to Rosewood, you have to suspect them. But, I wasn't expecting that twist.  What did you think of the book?

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Re: PLL Books - Deadly (Spoilers)

  • Yes, I noticed that too.  The only one that I thought seemed fishy in this book would have been the bartender, and that was only for a fleeting second.  I love it when I don't figure it out ahead of time.  Now that Nick has been caught, I wonder who she will get to help her next.  I just hope that it isn't Noel.  And, I wonder if Nick will end up turning on Ali.  

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  • All it said about Iris was that they found her tied to a tree somewhere.  She was still alive, I think.  I wonder if Nick is the only one she saw, or if she saw Ali too.  Not that anyone would believe her, but it would still be nice for someone else to back up the girls' that Ali is still alive.

    I also wonder if Melissa will be a target again in the next book, since she was very present towards the end of this book.  Foreshadowing, maybe?  Hmmm, maybe Ali will enlist Wilden somehow.

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  • Totally jumped in (spoilers be damned) and now I need to read the rest of the books. Awesome.


  • I love these books. I was.shocked by the twist. Toxic cones out in June! I'm excited to see where she takes the series


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  • Rae1105 said:
    Totally jumped in (spoilers be damned) and now I need to read the rest of the books. Awesome.

    Yes you do!  Get to it, woman!

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  • @angelashly, I am ready for June now!  For some reason, I was thinking that the next one wasn't coming out so soon. That is great news!

    @GotGingy, the Iris thing was easy to miss.  It was really like one sentence.  A lot of Iris build up, with no real follow up.  Maybe next book.

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  • That is a good theory.  She has spent time with the girls, so she knows things about them, for sure. She could even pretend to help them, when really helping Ali.  

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  • So, I'm not a reader at all. I hate it. But y'all know I'm completely hooked on the show. Do you think I could get hooked on the books easily, too? What is the name of the first one? I need to get it on my Nook.
    DD {6.13.10} & DS {5.19.12}
  • Holy shit, I didn't realize there were 16 books. I'm scared! I've only read two books cover to cover (well, at least ones that weren't for school).
    DD {6.13.10} & DS {5.19.12}
  • You should read them, these books are really easy reads.  I read the last one over the weekend, and I am not a fast reader.  

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  • I think Iris is going to be in the next one. I think she may help the girls by being buddy buddy with Ali so the girls will think she is team Ali.

    Have you ladies read The lying games from her? They were good too.


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  • Me too @GotGingy‌ I finished the first season one day during a Marathon, but didn't care enough to keep watching


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  • I never read The Lying Game, but I loved the show and was upset when they cancelled it without giving any answers at all.  I read the synopsis of the book, and it sounded a lot different than the show, so I was scared that I wouldn't like the books.  Maybe I should read the books.

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  • Completely different @suziqnc‌


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  • That is why I didn't read the books.  I had already starting watching the show before I found out about the books.  I could tell just from the blurbs that they were really different from the show, so I didn't read them.  You girls have made me think I should read them now.

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  • I agree @GotGingy‌ she has a way with writing her mysteries.

    She has another series starting in May. It's called The Heiress


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  • I haven't read any of her stand alone books either @GotGingy‌


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  • GotGingy said:

    @dubwife79 said she's also read it.

    I really liked it, too.  I love how she's somehow pulled these twists.  They're so much more clever than the show.  I never would have suspected all of those characters, but looking back at the book, she made sure to mention each of them at least once in Deadly.  Even when it didn't seem to have anything to do with anything, like when Emily was reminiscing about her summer being pregnant.

    I liked it too. The books really are so much better than the show. There's only 2 more right? I can't wait to see how she pulls it all together.
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