March 2014 Moms

You never think it would happen to you... Then it does.

Hays0770Hays0770 member
edited March 2014 in March 2014 Moms
Contractions started at 6pm Wednesday about every 30 min. Being my first I was very cautious to even call them true contractions. They got tougher and settled in my back when they came every 15 minutes around midnight. Slowed down a whole whole bunch by 6am so I went to work still. I could talk thru them and everything. Around 2pm Thursday it got to be every 12-15 minutes of pains I had to deep breathe to pass. So I finally called my mom to come help finish up the day and do sub plans for the next day. I was too chicken to just show up to L&D so I called my doc and she had me come in to be checked. I had dialated to a 3 since my appointment on Tuesday. We walked the halls to progress and it didn't work so we went home with me on an ambien to hopefully get some sleep since this early labor could continue for days. I got home at 7 and all hell broke loose. I couldn't do anything other than crawl around the house to shower and such. My pains were coming almost on top of each other by 8:30 so we decided to give it until 9 and then head back to the hospital. At 9 I forgot myself and gave a little push instead of breathing thru and my water broke on the floor where I was laying (more like writing in pain) hubby immediately packed back up.
We got back to hospital and they checked... I was complete 10.

Re: You never think it would happen to you... Then it does.

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