May 2014 Moms

Moving May Moms(to be)

I know there are a few of us on here that will be moving while we're in the 3rd tri or very shortly after baby arrives... next month we're moving to another state (DH has been gone since September but I am getting transferred with my company next month)...we'll be staying with his parents until we find/close on a house. Due to this, we have NOTHING for the baby. I feel so completely unprepared but really, there's nothing we can do! This is just more of a post to commiserate... who else is in the same boat? Or maybe you're NOT moving and still have nothing done? Feel free to join and make me feel better ;)

Re: Moving May Moms(to be)

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    We will be moving to another state when baby is only a month old...ugh. I'm a planner so I'd love to have his nursery set up (even tho I know he won't be in it much at first) and be settled into our new home before he arrives! It's just not possible tho.  Thankfully we will have people to help us when the time comes.  I'm just not looking forward to packing and moving with a newborn. 

    Before long it'll all be taken care of tho! We can do this, we aren't alone! :)

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I know the feeling! I just want to be settled before he gets here...but I'm aware that just might not happen. One day at a time, right?
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    We are moving at the end of march. Having my c-section may 8. I am going nuts not being able to set things up and get prepared. It's going to be worse when I am trying to set up the house while 9 months pregnant!
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    I'm 25 weeks and in the middle of a 2800 mile move. I'm a planner so I hated not buying anything and I'm so excited to start getting stuff in a few weeks! Hopefully there will be great sales to find.
    TTC#1 since Dec. 2010- 12/2011 Hyperthyroid with Grave's
    10/2012= DX unexplained IF
    IUI #2- 4/25/13- BFP 5/9/13- CP
    IUI#4- 9/3/13- BFP 9/17/13- EDD 05/27/14
    First ultrasound 10/8/13- 7weeks 130bpm
    12/23/13 18 weeks 152bpm BABY GIRL!
    Annabel Rose
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    We are hopefully closing on a house at the end of this month then will be spending 2 months fixing it up. Our current lease expires April 30th and I am due May 4th. I am worried that the house will not be ready to move into (it needs a lot of work) by the time I go into labor and am worried about having to pack up the apartment/unpack at 9 months preggers.
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    We should finally be closing next week and moving in on the 22nd.  So we will at least have a couple of months to get things ready before he comes.  But I still feel like I have absolutely nothing done!
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    We will be moving this month or next. Just to a bigger place ( and we are still looking ) not looking forward to the move but I also can't wait to start getting the baby's room together
    Pregnancy Ticker
    photo 60020120725ELE036.jpgphoto IMG_18642013130584_zps06545ab5.jpg
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    Oh ladies...I feel your pain!  We are scheduled to close on a new house April 1st (due date May 14th) and it is just killing me to not be getting the nursery ready right now while I'm still feeling great.  I know there are much worse problems to have, but for those of us who like to plan and be prepared, it's tough having to wait!  It'll all work out though- hang in there!
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    We started the house hunting process about a month ago, thinking we would just start looking primarily to get an idea of where we really want to be.  In our minds, we saw ourselves closing on something in May (I'm due the 31st).

    What actually happened was we looked at properties for about a month, found a house we really liked, and wound up putting an offer in this past weekend.  We are officially under contract and will close on March 21st - WAY earlier than we had originally envisioned.  

    It's super exciting to finally be able to start planning the nursery, and know where we will be bringing this kiddo home!  Now that I can envision what room the nursery will be in I can finally get started.  I haven't even ordered a crib!  Eek!  I'll go this week to pick out a paint color, and the builder is going to have it done professionally for us.  Once I get that done I need to pick out fabric to have our rocker-recliner recovered to match everything.  Then I'll finally feel like I'm making some progress!

    Good luck ladies...I know this is going to be a bit of a harried few months for all of us!
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Ugh.  I moved a month before Asher was due.  I was so done.  I ended up packing by throwing a lot of stuff away, I just couldn't deal with it.  You all have my sympathies. 
    Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling

    PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
    Clomid, Metformin, Ovadril, PIO, P17 Iron/Platlet Tranfusion

    My Spring Babies! 
    <3 Angel Baby   Elisabeth Adelle  April 2008 <3
    Asher Benjamin  April 2010
    Lola Aisling  May 2014
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    We finished our cross country move last month and we'll be moving again after the baby comes. Hopefully our move hold out until August though so she'll be a little older and I'll be more healed! It sucks but at the same time I think I've gotten used to it. We've moved 7 times in the past 5 years! My opinion is to treat your current home like home. We'll only live here for 7-8 months but I still decorate and plant flowers and decorate a nursery or whatever I want. Just because we won't be here long doesn't mean I don't want it homey feeling.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Ugh.  I moved a month before Asher was due.  I was so done.  I ended up packing by throwing a lot of stuff away, I just couldn't deal with it.  You all have my sympathies. 
    That is how I pack when I'm not pregnant.  We shall see how this goes.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    OP, could you go with items for now that are easily transportable, like a Pack N Play for a crib for now, things like that? Perhaps you could order these items online and ship them to your IL's home so that you don't have to move them 2-3 times, and if you have LO while staying with them those items will be there ready for you. Then when you get into your new home, you can start working on LO's permanent room, while still using the PnP and other items until you get larger, permanent fixtures.

    We aren't moving, but DH travels for work on the road and we live in an RV on the road so I will be doing a lot of back and forth travel, and living in an RV that is way smaller than my house which = storage is at a premium. So while we do have a fixed room in our house for LO, I did choose easily transportable items for our registry so they'll both fit in the back of my SUV and store well in the RV: Pack N Play will be used downstairs at home and then as the crib in the RV, and we picked one that has a soft organizer hanging off the side with a hamper and a few storage shelves; Rock N Play will be in our bedroom at home and can be in RV bedroom; a basic high chair that folds up pretty slim; a stroller that collapses and sets back up very easily; and so on.

    photo May2014jpg photo MomTatWhiteNew40jpg

    It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
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    RedInLove said:
    OP, could you go with items for now that are easily transportable, like a Pack N Play for a crib for now, things like that? Perhaps you could order these items online and ship them to your IL's home so that you don't have to move them 2-3 times, and if you have LO while staying with them those items will be there ready for you. Then when you get into your new home, you can start working on LO's permanent room, while still using the PnP and other items until you get larger, permanent fixtures.

    We aren't moving, but DH travels for work on the road and we live in an RV on the road so I will be doing a lot of back and forth travel, and living in an RV that is way smaller than my house which = storage is at a premium. So while we do have a fixed room in our house for LO, I did choose easily transportable items for our registry so they'll both fit in the back of my SUV and store well in the RV: Pack N Play will be used downstairs at home and then as the crib in the RV, and we picked one that has a soft organizer hanging off the side with a hamper and a few storage shelves; Rock N Play will be in our bedroom at home and can be in RV bedroom; a basic high chair that folds up pretty slim; a stroller that collapses and sets back up very easily; and so on.

    That sounds stressful too! We've purchased the pack n play and we have a bassinet being handed down to us that will be used for LO the first couple of months regardless of the location. MIL purchased the crib and dresser (her gift for us/LO) and fortunately the company she purchased them through will store them until we have a permanent home. We will make due, it's just the uncertainty that's causing some anxiety but I suppose that's to be expected. I know it will all work out, I just wish there was more I could do to "nest" or feel like I was prepared in some fashion. I just want to hit the "fast forward" button and be settled in a houe with all of our stuff =)
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    We are also planning on closing in mid-March and are still in contract. We are planning on renovating the kitchen and bathrooms and not sure how long that will take, but we are starting to look into contractors/renovators now so the minute we close, they can get all the approvals and start getting stuff ready so the place is done and we can be moved in before our due date of May 5! Not to mention we are completely redoing our place so have to find new furniture, interior decorator etc. It just seems like way too much to do in such a small amount of time.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    We moved Jan 1 out of state and it was so stressful. I can't imagine doing it now or later in the pregnancy, props to all you mama's!
    We are also living with DH's parents until we scope out the area and see where we want to buy. And because, rent free! LO won't have a nursery/room to her self while we are here and it's killing me not to be able to set up a space for her. 

    As far as moving goes, I think what saved us was starting the packing early. We started as soon as we knew we were moving, so ~4 weeks ahead of time. We just did a little everyday (like, 2-3 boxes) so that we (I) wouldn't get overwhelmed. We also made a pile in one room of things we  weren't sure what to do with (maybe keep, maybe toss, who knows?) so that we didn't have to make many decisions right away. Then I just chipped away at that pile when I would make a decision on something. 
    Also, making sure we had help when we got to the new house. I was completely useless in unloading the truck and DH could have really used help there. We ended up getting the neighbors to help with our furniture. We had just completely spaced about setting up help on that end!
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    We are going to look at a house tonight. If we like it we'll be listing ours and moving if it sells before the other one does...  So, we might be joining you movers!  If not, I will be somewhat relieved about not packing at this point. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Mommy to three beautiful boys! 
    Benjamin Michael 5/17/10
    Lucas Gabriel 3/26/12
    Graham Jonathan 5/1/14

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    Last fall we moved house out on to our land and we are currently doing a bunch of renos. We planned to be out there by now, but as expected with building plans we have been delayed. I am hoping we're out there before LO gets here but at this point who knows. I will say I'm glad this is happening with DD2 not DD1 because I would have been flipping out if this happened before DD1 was born. Second time around I know we have everything we need and it's really not too difficult at first so I'm more relaxed about not having everything moved and settled.
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    I hear you. We have been looking at homes and plan to move before LO is born. Unfortunately, my H thinks that we have until May 8 to move. The house we really, really wanted was sold, so I've had to put my foot down and we are going to look at a house for rent tonight. I don't mind renting for a few months if it means we have a room for the baby sometime within the next month. Even moving in mid-March is making me twitchy. 
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    So glad I'm not the only one!!! We're in the middle of a short sale & have no idea when we'll close!!! Originally we were told April but now I highly doubt that's happening!!! I'm totally stressed over it, haven't even ordered furniture for the nursery & don't plan to until we have a closing date. It's all super frustrating too because we aren't even saving any money by dealing with the extra BS :( Trying to stay calm & go with the flow but we have started packing boxes & throwing things out to prepare. Good luck everyone :)
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    Well... our lease is up at end of April and we still haven't narrowed it down to lease or buy. So. I think we are going to look at potential buys for the next month and approach our landlord about going month-to-month if we actually find something, otherwise just start looking for leases mid-Mar? Blargh. We just kind of have a pile of baby junk in the corner of one room.

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    We are moving in July all the way from Washington state to Massachusetts.. I'll have a lot of the small stuff and a nice pack and play we will be using til we move for sleeping but it's stressful because our apartment here (we are military) is tiny so there is no room to do a nursery if I wanted to and then move it 2 months later. Frustursting. I'm just happy that the July move is to my husbands hometown and he has a huge amazing family to help us get settled in! So I'm bummed but there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
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    We will be moving cross country when baby is two months. As a result, we've decided not to purchase any nursery furniture or have a nursery. Literally we have all things baby tucked in my closet and in a storage closet for now.

    I feel your pain.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    We close on our old house tomorrow! Still searching for a new house, found one that looks promising but is a bit higher than we wanted to spend. Well check it out this weekend.
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    Long time lurker...

    Moving 6 weeks before the baby comes into a new house from my mother's house.  I have some scattered stuff, but no crib yet.  We will be hiring movers and unfortunately, DH will be doing a lot of painting and small repairs ahead of time.  GL to you!

    And just as an AW moment, I started school this past week too.  Crazy!
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    I'm moving next week and honestly the last thing I am even worried about is baby stuff. I'm SO stressed out due to finances and just moving in general. I think most of us can agree moving is NOT fun and extremely stressful and I'm already a mess to begin with. If it weren't for some kind friends and family, I wouldn't have what I have for the baby now. I have run across some great deals so I pick things up as I go, but little DD has no where to sleep right now she is sharing a room with us and we decided on a fully loaded pnp to save room but we haven't gotten it yet. Once again due to finances. We want to be moved in comfortably sitting pretty before we spend anymore...

    It's a BOY

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    EDD is May 2, lease is up May 31. We are moving from east TN back to mid TN. Uhm, not a clue where we will actually end up, but glad to be going home.
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    We are still looking for our house and hope to close sometime in April. I really don't want to move more than we have to so have bought nothing (we have a few outfits from Christmas and that's it). If all goes well, I'll probably have about 3-4 weeks to buy everything and set up the nursery before she's here. And really this means I will be pointing and DH will be painting, assembling, moving, etc.
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    We are house hunting as well but will have to move to another apartment if we don't find anything. We have a lenient lease so I'm trying to decide if it would be better to move before or after considering our rent right now is really cheap!
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    I'm not moving but haven't gotten much.
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    We were actually planning on moving during this pregnancy, but MH has yet to find a new job :(

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    We are in the same boat! We bought an apartment late last year, but were just able to get possession recently (long, crazy, NYC real-estate story). Now we're mid-renovation and expect to move in at the end of March. I have nothing for this baby except for a swinging seat thing my friend gave me! I'm trying to pack boxes now while I feel well, and will power through nursery set-up once we're in. I'll have almost 2 months before the due date, which I hope will be enough time.
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    Nice to see lots of us in the same boat. I'm moving from New England to Colorado early April (due May 20). So far I have a pack n play, a carrier, car seat and a few clothing items.
    So far I have packed up some of my clothing that does not fit anymore but packing just sucks! I have thrown out a lot of things to avoid having to pack/move it all.
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    I feel the same! We are house hunting to get out of a 1 bedroom apartment and I feel so behind not having anything for the little guy!
    DS born 6/2/14 #2 due 5/31/16

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    We just moved this past weekend, into a house with my sister. So my whole family was here helping, and it didn't seem like I had to do much. The guys in the family did all the heavy lifting, my hubby did most of our packing, but we still have to finish getting the rest of the stuff from our old apartment this weekend, which means putting it in boxes, and bringing it and putting it in the basement here.

    After a few months if we still haven't used it we'll be having a yard sale and selling stuff. My sister has a lot of extra stuff too, so she's planning on doing that as well. In the mean time we haven't gotten a lot for baby boy yet, but we got the crib, which is being stored at my parents for a little longer until all the boxes are out of here and we're more organized, but I am planning on going and doing some shopping this weekend at BRU because I got an old car seat to trade in and am going to get our travel system so that we have that at least. Most of the rest I'll wait to get until after my baby shower whenever that is.
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    We close next week and hope to move the next week. DH wants to paint the entire house before we move in. Hope that will happen. I am excited to get baby's room ready! I don't have anything yet, except a box of clothes.
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    I know how you feel. I have absolutely nothing done! We moved from Florida to Ohio the weekend before Thanksgiving. We are planning to build a house, so we moved in with my parents. We finally picked a lot and builder, and now we know that the house won't be started until this summer. So, it won't be finished until probably just under a year from now. Yikes! Our DD will be 2 in March, so I've baby-proofed my parent's downstairs and setup a place for her to play. Luckily my parents already had a crib and changing table setup in the spare room, for when the grandbabies spend the night. So, that's become DD's room.

    We'll break out the baby stuff for DS just before he arrives so that there aren't too many items cluttering up my parent's house. We're putting a pack 'n play on the first floor and a bassinet in our bedroom upstairs. I started a large plastic bin of clothing for the new clothes I bought DS. That's honestly all I plan to do -- the minimum to get in place what DS will need through the summer. Then, we'll take it from there. I know there's a lot more to be done (like, where will DS sleep once he outgrows the bassinet, if DD is still in the crib), but this should hopefully get us through the next several months...I hope!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    momthatliftsmomthatlifts member
    edited February 2014
    Can I add that I feel really bad that my husband is going to have to move everything himself? We have bought a lot of furniture that is in boxes not yet put together that is just way to heavy for me to risk. Including a new couch. And our apartment is on the second floor! There are obviously boxes and stuff that I can help with but I feel awful that he is going to have to carry a large majority of it and it's just going to be a long day for him. OK I just needed to say that . Poor guy

    It's a BOY

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    We are *hopefully* moving to a new state just after baby is born.  My husband is applying to PhD programs and a few jobs, so hopefully something works out because they are all great steps in his career.  If not, we will be moving to a larger home (we rent) just before baby is born.  Either way, we're moving.  We are having another boy, so we already have most of what we need, but the fact that I can't prepare a nursery for him right now is killing me!
    Me: PCOS   DH: No issues

    August '16-January '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI/TI = BFN
    February/March '17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = BFN
    April '17: Menopur + HCG + TI (due to too many mature follicles) = BFN
    May '17: Took off due to cysts
    June' 17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = Cancelled due to 8+ mature follicles
    November '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI= BFN
    December '17: Menopur + HCG + TI= BFP!!!! Due August 2018

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    We close on our house in two weekS and have to be out within 15 days from there. We are house hunting but it's not going well so far. At this point, we are going to take advantage of those 15 days, live with my parents for a couple weeks and if there's nothing on the horizon, we will get an apt for awhile!
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