August 2012 Moms

Altering Ferber?

How have you altered Ferber fit your family's and LO's situations?  And how sucessful were you with these alterations?

  • Longer or shorter intervals.
  • parent stay in room
  • pick up to comfort (in stad of just verbal comfort or hand laying)
  • paci use
  • bedtime versus naptime

Just curious.  Thanks in advance!

My Journey to Motherhood
Me 36, DH 42
7.5 years of TTC ... It never gets any easier.

Baby Girl # 1
TTC Since January 2009
Reproductive Endocrinologist diagnosed us "Unexplained Infertility".
After 3 years . . . 3 IUIs . . . and 3 IVFs . . . our miracle GIRL arrived on August 6, 2012.

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Baby Girl # 2
TTC Since June 2013
Got pregnant on our own without Fertility Treatments - January 2016!  Thank you snow storm Jonas!
EDD 10/15/16
At 20-week anatomy scan found IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction), and very low Amniotic Fluid.  Now, I'm High Risk and have weekly ultrasounds to monitor fluid and growth.  If baby runs out of room or is too growth restricted, they will deliver ASAP.  My current goal is to make it to 28 weeks!   

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Re: Altering Ferber?

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    we did shorter intervals. I did 5 min, 6 min, 7 etc. I started at 5 min each night

    We use it to put her to sleep, but we don't use it to drop night feedings, she still wakes 1-2x (mostly 2) at night to eat, she eats and then goes back to bed drowsy and mostly asleep after bottle. 

    We have done it for 7 days I think. for the last 2 days, we haven't even needed the intervals, because she is asleep before the first 5 min are up

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    really the intervals dont matter, you can go in after two minutes, then go to 3,4,5... as long as the time is increased each time.   You have to do what YOU feel comfortable with, or you wont be consistent.  Night feedings are harder.  We actually let DD drop her night feeding on her own, we just kept making sure that she was full when she was awake, about 30 oz of formula per day as well as a couple solid meals. 

    I have read, though, if you do want to drop the night feedings, you do it in shorter intervals.  Say LO nurses for 10 minutes usually, You do 10 min the first night, 8 min the second night, 6 the third night, etc, until you run out of minutes.  Like I said, we let DD do it herself, and it has worked out well, so I have no complaints.

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    We did shorter intervals, but made sure we weren't in the room. We would give him his paci, rub his head or cheek, say goodnight and close the door. He is really good now at getting himself to sleep now (within 10 min) and doesn't usually cry, but babbles or talks himself to sleep. We started with bedtime and now we are working on naptime.

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