May 2014 Moms

Public bathrooms


Re: Public bathrooms

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    I hover. But I don't pee on the seat either. I usually have to pee so bad I don't have time for the liners lol
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    edited January 2014
    awc1986 said:
    At New Orleans airport the toilets have an automatic cover dispenser. Every time you flush, it rotates around and replaces the old cover with a new one. Genius.
    Those are the best. It makes me very happy when I go to a random public restroom and they happen to have those. They should have them everywhere.
    I mostly sit because I have very bad aim when I hover. Now the thing that annoys me the most about public restrooms are people who put the seat cover down after use. 1) I really don't want to touch it to put it back up, 2) you never know what kind of surprise awaits when you do lift it up. I don't care if you're a control freak and NEED the toilet seat cover down at home but PLEASE leave it up when you're out.
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    cjeanie810cjeanie810 member
    edited January 2014
    Haha I'm one of those control freaks who has to have the toilet seat down at my house (I never put anyone else's or public one's down though for the same reason as pp doesn't want to lift it up).  But our bathroom is so small and I feel like things (tootbrush? phone? I don't even know...) could easily just jump in there and ew...that said, I'm a sitter, all the time.  I only hover if it's a forced porta potty situation because those things are nasty. 

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    The only reason I would ever hover is when it's the only option, by which I mean a Turkish toilet. 

    I'm not bothered by the hovering with the eastern toilets. I am, however, bothered for some reason by the fact that I have to manually flush with a pot of water. I just don't want to have to LOOK at it for that long. Ewww.
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    kramja01 said:

    I sit, but I'll wipe the seat before hand if I see anything. I hate dim bathrooms because it sucks so much to not see anything on the seat and then sit right in someone else's pile of pee.

    This is me exactly. Im a sitter. Im also a public bathroom pooper, no matter where I am. I will hover if I heaven forbid, have to use a porta-potty.
    I will pee in the woods before using porta potties.

    Maybe this should've been my FFFC, but I used to pee in the woods all the time. DH and I are (were, for me, since I got pregnant) pretty avid trail runners and hikers, so it you are out on the trails for any length of time, the urge will eventually arise. I even had my designated "pee stops" on certain trails where DH knew to stop and wait for me. (Mind you, these are very rural, rugged trails, not some paved bike path or something). I have no shame. It is a hella lot more comfortable jogging down a steep, rocky slope with an empty bladder!
    I grew up partying in the woods. I have peed in the woods more times I can count. Also, fairs and dirt track races are notorious for gross bathrooms. That's where a 4 door vehicle and a spotter comes in handy.

    ...Are you peeing on a car at the fair?  Behind a car?  Out the window of a car somehow (spotter to hold on to you in that case I guess)?  I can't figure out why "4 door vehicle" is part of the equation.

    Open the doors, squat between them while a friend watches for anyone coming.

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    SS because it depends on the bathroom.... And the time of day (they are cleaner in the mornings haha). Also depends on how tired I am.
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    RE: the TP question.  

    I'm a scruncher.  More curvature and surface area on scrunched toilet paper means more likelihood of conforming to all of the "nooks and crannies" for a better clean.  I fold paper products (or wipes or towels) when cleaning a flatter surface, or something with a lot of liquid that requires a greater suspension power than 1 layer would provide alone.
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    Total scruncher (no matter the brand), which I usually use too much of the nice stuff because of it.

    Flush with my foot.

    I sit.  Don't care.

    And is it just me, or does it weird you out when you sit and the seat is still warm....

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    Unless it's peed on by a hoverer, I sit.

    If everyone just freakin SAT there would be no splatters and the seats would be so much cleaner!!

    I'm not sure what most people do with their butt cheeks that makes them worried about sitting, but considering the fact that mine rarely see the light of day i'm pretty sure they are one of the cleanest parts of my body. i don't hover over the seat of the bus when i'm wearing shorts. i don't wear a short skirt and then hover over my seat at the ball game. i honestly don't see the difference when it comes to the toilet. you go IN the toilet, not on it.  

    they only get dirty because of hovering!

    Preach it sister!! I used to hover until I became a lab tech and found that after culturing our college toilets they were much cleaner than my toilet at home. And numerous articles that prove it's almost impossible to catch something from a toilet seat unless you rub your vagina all over it. Butt cheeks are usually the only thing that touches. Now if it's a nasty bathroom I will put down a tp nest, but that's just my little paranoia. I figure if I can smell the bathroom before I walk in its not being cleaned nearly enough.
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    Total scruncher (no matter the brand), which I usually use too much of the nice stuff because of it.

    Flush with my foot.

    I sit.  Don't care.

    And is it just me, or does it weird you out when you sit and the seat is still warm....

    I do get weirded out when the seat is still warm. Also, as a lab tech I get weirded out when specimens arrive still warm: urine, stool even blood. Warm blood completely grosses me out and I've been known to get faint about getting warm blood on my hands (in the even of an accident or something not in the lab) even though I work with blood everyday.

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    Hoverer here.  I've noticed just about all the public bathrooms have pee already sprinkled on them, and that usually stops any thought of wanting to sit on someone else's leftover pee after that. :D  But I'm also super anal-retentive so...
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    I can't handle all the pee that I regularly find all over the toilet seats in public bathrooms. Yuck! Therefore, I can't sit my bare butt on that thing. I was surprised how many people sit on it! Good for you guys for being so relaxed. I'm paranoid about that stuff.
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    ajsweeton said:
    <snip>  And numerous articles that prove it's almost impossible to catch something from a toilet seat unless you rub your vagina all over it. <snip>
    Well, jeez, take all the fun out of it, why don't you.


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    I just sit. I used to hover when I was young and spry, but I'm too damn lazy now. I used to HATE port o potties until I started going to horse shows. Nervous bowels on cross country day will cure anyone of port o fears. 

    I've also peed in horse trainers, stalls, and took a dump on the side of the road in the middle of BFE after eating bad Carl's Jr. Thank God for baby wipes. 
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    I have yet to master the hover maneuver! So I either have to cringe and sit straight on te seat or use the covers if they're available. I agree that there's no harm in putting ur ass cheeks on a sorry toilet BUT my mind still doesn't appreciate it much haha
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