Toddlers: 24 Months+

Potty Training

My son will be 3 in Feb, and he took to peeing in the toliet quickly. In fact he's only had 2 pee accidents. Going poo in the toliet is another story, he refuses...and we let him poo in a diaper because we don't want him to get constipated. I've tried bribery, affirmations, rewards...nothing's working. Any suggestions? He goes to daycare in underwear and has yet to poo there either! Help!

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    smiling76smiling76 member
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    I agree with JenandJeh--- daytime vs nighttime training--totally different

    and the "pushing" them will only make them more freaked out.  It sounds like you've tried all of the rewards.  One thing that helped my older one was the Potty time elmo video---I know it sounds silly, but it did.  And also a "big" piece of candy--so something they normally don't get (like even a fun size candy bar type of thing rather than a few M&Ms). 

    The other thing is that once they actually poop in their big boy undies--they'll not like that and remember to go on the potty.  Yes, it'll be a mess--but I bet it only happens once.  I definitely recommend going right to big boy undies rather than pull-ups.  That is what we ended up doing for both boys and it worked great.  The pull ups only enabled them--and was good practice for pulling up/down--but reality is that they don't really "learn" from them. 

    Oh--and I know this sounds dumb but because he picked out his fave undies (characters)--I remind him that Jake and the neverland pirates do NOT want him to poop on them.....he laughed but I think it actually helped.


Re: Potty Training

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    @sarah- my son is so sneaky about going poop, he'll do it right at bedtime when we put the diaper on for the night. Are you going to put your son in underwear over night? My son is always dry in the morning so I may put him in underwear at night, with a waterproof undrrsheet.
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    Keep in mind that day training typically is mastered long before night training.  Some kids get it both right away, but others take longer to night train.

    Anyhow, back to your original post, I would not pressure or turn it into a battle.  The more we pushed with DS1, the more stubborn he became.  Once we just stopped talking about it and got off his back about it, he decided he was ready and day/night trained basically overnight.  He was 3y and 3m which I'm sure is unacceptable to most people on here but is actually well within the realm of normal for boys.  We battled from 2.5 until probably 3 and then loosened up around 3.  He was in pullups at school and would pee on the potty at school but never at home.  

    Good luck and just try not to turn it into a battle!
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    I had a neighbor tell me their grandson was having issues pooing in the toilet so the parents let him wear a diaper, but cut a hole in the butt so he could poo on the toilet with his diaper on. After a while he was pooing no problem. I have yet to try this but sounded interesting.
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