June 2014 Moms

Is there any way to avoid stretch marks?

I really don't want any stretch marks on my tummy after I give birth. Is that possible?

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Re: Is there any way to avoid stretch marks?

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    Nope. You'll get them or not. Nothing can be done to prevent them.
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    Ha. I wish
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    You better hope you have a lot of elasticity in your skin. I was blessed and have stretch marks everywhere else but my belly.
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    My sis with 3 lil ones sent me a bottle of Elemis Japanese Camellia oil. She has olive skin and had no marks... I have fair skin and apparently need to not only rub it on my skin 24/7 but take shots through out the day.
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    flerlgirl said:

    Yes. On the first day of your 20th, 23rd, 31st, and 34th weeks of your pregnancy, find a mall with a Banana Republic in it. Go into the Banana Republic. Purchase a cardigan (any color will do) in the clearance rack. DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE. I cannot stress this enough. Take it home with you. Find a trash can that is safe to burn items in. Throw three sheets of blank printer paper in the trashcan and light them on fire. On a fourth sheet, draw a picture of a beautiful lizard and throw it in the can. Dip the cardigan in the blood of a virgin from Poughkeepsie and dance slowly around the trash can counterclockwise while singing the national anthem. Drop the cardigan into the fire inside the can. Put the lid on the can. Roll the can down your street while wearing only a pair of mismatched socks. High-five yourself - you will now be stretch-mark free!

    ...Your obviously bored
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    rmjones15 said:

    or you could just not get pregnant. 

    Thanks for the remark
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    What everyone else said. My dermatologist told me it is genetic so to not fret over it. I didn't even bother with lotions or creams because my skin wasn't dry and I didn't care much either way. Now, if I ever get skinny again, you can be sure I will be be drowning in self tanning lotion! lol
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    If your destined to get them then you will...lotions and oils just help you to not itch and to keep your skin moisturized. It's very much in your genetics for the most part if you get them or not
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    SB1991 said:

    I really don't want any stretch marks on my tummy after I give birth. Is that possible?

    QFP. :)

    Questions with lack of common sense get crazy fun answers from awesome bumpies.

    Also, best way to avoid stretch marks is don't allow your weight to fluctuate, ever, and never get pregnant. Stretch marks are just something to expect. You're growing a human. Your belly is going to grow and stretch. Therefore stretch marks.
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    JNerd said:

    SB1991 said:

    I really don't want any stretch marks on my tummy after I give birth. Is that possible?

    QFP as I can see this getting a DD.
    I didn't see your QFP and did it as well expecting a DD. Hahaha. Anyone else noticing at least* one DD a week? If not more?
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    I am dying laughing at work-this was a perfect time to read this! @flerlgirl -going to buy my cardigans tomorrow!! :D

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers'>.

    Our little peanut..

     BabyFruit Ticker'>.

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    joules235 said:

    Uh oh here we go...

    The newbie is getting offended in true newbie form.

    Yea I am a newbie first time mother I wasn't trying to get pregnant by any and everyone. Exit my post :-) Thanks.
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    I know lots a women who did not get any stretch marks after birth. Your obviously offended because you probably already had stretch marks before you got pregnant. Thanks again.
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    Sorry that your offended too but if you don't have anything nice to say don't say nothing at all. Thanks for the remark.
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    Awww how cute. It was a question if you couldn't answer you shouldn't have responded. Exit... Thanks
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    Grow up.
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    Your boring me. (Yawns)
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    Girl go somewhere I'm not trying to compete with you over jokes, I don't want to be a comedian. You sound like your having a horrible pregnancy. That sucks.
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