Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Dread going back to work!

I never thought that I would want to be a SAHM. I've always been dedicated to my work outside the home and it has always been a huge source of pride in my life. While I could have the same pride being a mom, I always imagined that I would want something else aside from my most important job as a mother. I was wrong. If given the chance today, I would stay home in a heartbeat! I have about 5 weeks left of leave and I am already stressing about going back. Daycare is not an issue. My DH is going to be a SATD. This is a far better option than daycare, without a doubt, but there is a side of me that is jealous that he will have this time with her and I will not. Logically, this is the best situation. Emotionally, it is taking a toll. I know I must sound like a piece of work, being jealous of my own husband. I am just not ready to leave her. Any others out there with SAHDs or any other ideas on how to make my back to work adjustment easier? Thanks!
Can't figure out the signature thing, so here's the short, short version.....first daughter born on November 10, 2013. She was conceived through the magic of IVF after 2+ years of TTC.

Re: Dread going back to work!

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    i never thought i'd want to be a SAHM, but i definitely changed my tune after my LO was born. sadly, it is not an option for us. we can't get by comfortably on only my husband's income. so i can't offer advice with the jealousy issues since we are both working. i am able to only work part time for a few months which is helpful. i just went back about 2 weeks ago. my son is only 11 weeks old. i won't lie, it's been kind of rough being away from him. but coming home to my sweet, smiling baby after a long day away is the best feeling in the world :0)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker>

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    I am also dreading going back to work!! I go back February 3rd. It makes me want to cry just thinking about it. My LO will be with my sister and mom so I know he's in great hands, but it still makes me sad! I used to always say I would never be a stay at home mom like my sisters and now I understand why they are! It makes me jealous too! But we are trying to buy a house and me staying at home isn't an option. But at the same time I am anxious to go back to work and start brining home a pay check again! Hopefully the transition is easy!!
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    Monday will be my first day back to work. Someone I trust will be with her m, t & every other wed. My husband has her every other Wednesday and every th, f. And I am insanely jealous. I've already cried twice about starting work. I love work too & would do anything to stay home with her.
    Pregnancy discovered at 12 weeks 12/2007 - D&C at 13 Weeks due to partial Ectopic pregnancy/Body rejecting pregnancy. Last Pregnancy - EDD August 2013 TTC Our first miracle baby.
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    I go back to work on Monday as well. I'm incredibly jealous of SO. There is no opportunity for me to stay home. SO works evenings so he will be with her during the day until 4 and from 4 on I will be with her. I'm excited to get back to work with my students, but part of me wishes I could be home with LO. I don't want to miss anything.


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    I always thought I would want to be a SAHM, so the fact that I have to work bothered me at first. But really it was the weeks leading up to going back to work that were the worst. Once I actually got to work and realized that she was ok being away from me for a few hours I enjoyed myself. I can have adult conversations at be social with other people besides my LO.


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    I am so glad I posted this. I knew I wasn't alone in my feelings. Thank you all for sharing.
    Can't figure out the signature thing, so here's the short, short version.....first daughter born on November 10, 2013. She was conceived through the magic of IVF after 2+ years of TTC.
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    With DD the 1st month, to transition I used PTO to work PT and got permission to work from home mornings. Then the 2nd mo I worked FT at the office and that was tough (high stress job). The 3rd month my boss suggested a trail period of "reduced FT" - 32h and it suited us, so I have done so ever since (DD is 2 yo). DH is a PT SAHD as long as his business covers PT DC. So each wk, DD is with DH 19 hrs, at an in-home DC 16 hrs and with me 10 hrs. I've heard babes can readily form 3 attachments; seems DD is happy with the situation. I also get envious of DH and dream of being a SAHM moreso. We're doing ok; I know it will change up when 1st grade starts.

    Unexplained IF/RPL

    TTC#1 2003 BFNs, 2004-2009 imageimageimageimageimage 5 angels above

    2010 IVF-PGS-FET#1, DD b. Aug-2011 image

    TTC#2 2012 BFNs, 2013 FET#2, DS b. Nov-2013 image

    TTC#3 2015 BFNs, FET#3 image (my 6th and last angel above)

    Journey Complete.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I must be crazy. I could care less about grown up interaction lol...
    Pregnancy discovered at 12 weeks 12/2007 - D&C at 13 Weeks due to partial Ectopic pregnancy/Body rejecting pregnancy. Last Pregnancy - EDD August 2013 TTC Our first miracle baby.
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    Going back Monday and have been dreading it for the last six weeks :(
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers.
    image image image. image
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    OMG I know the feeling. I have to go back feb 3rd.I'm already depressed. On top of that my company is planning to move so I need to look for another job during the whole transition... I wish i could be a SAHM. 
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