August 2014 Moms

Aug '14 PGAL Weekly Check-In @)-->-----


Re: Aug '14 PGAL Weekly Check-In @)-->-----

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    Pink021 said:
    @mdarketo - yes I've lost weight (not that I'm too concerned since I'm not a size 2 to start with). I am also starting to have trouble getting enough fluids. I've been drinking considerably less the last few days, so I know I really need to watch that.

    I'm so glad your appointment went well!
    Try some gatorade to get your fluids.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image  image
    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    EDD (if this is your first time on the check in): 8/12
    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 7 weeks, 6 days, blueberry
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): I am feeling ok....I have made it about to the point when I had a m/c (in Sept of this year) and I am trying to be really positive about it, but I am scared, of course.
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: 1/7 is my first ultrasound!
    What's been going down this past week: Just recovering from Christmas....trying to figure out how next year our holiday doesn't have to revolve around so much....STUFF.
    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution? Hubby & I are not going to do fast food matter how convenient it is.

    Just wanted to add...I appreciate this outlet. After my m/c I found it was hard to be excited about a BFP like I was the first time, and that upset me. Trying to be positive and I know having a place to chat about it will help. Thank you!

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    @ChoicesMom - I started my queasiness in the evening as well, about the same time you are.
    @almcconnell1680 - Welcome to the board!  @janbc06 was asking about oral progesterone.  Maybe you can give some advice?
    @Familyhugs922 - Welcome to the board.  That’s a great resolution.  I'm glad we can be here to support you.  There are many of us that have these reactions with a BFP after a loss.  Hopefully you'll allow yourself to be more excited as you pass your milestones.
    @kountingsheep - Welcome to the board!  FX for you u/s tomorrow and your first every great news u/s.
    @MrsDeo - Ugh, I'm sorry about your spotting.  FX for you appt Monday.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image  image
    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    I'm also pgal but not on the list. Due Aug 11. Just want to say hi and thanks to all for the great support! I have a follow up u/s this Thurs... 2 weeks ago my 6 week OB found 1 heartbeat, and yet another sac, yolk sac and fetal pole but no hb on second, yet? Checking viability on Thursday and recheck baby A. It's been so tough waiting, but I have passed my milestone at 6 weeks with previous m/c. Ahhhhhh!
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    First check in for me!

    EDD (if this is your first time on the check in):   8/23/14
    How many weeks/ what fruit are you:  6 weeks 2 days, sweet pea!
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally):  Physically I feel mostly tired... sleeping in a lot while I am on Christmas break and keeping up the work out habit is hard!!
    Emotionally I am ok - excited to be pregnant again after a loss at 39 weeks this summer. I got through the first trimester just fine last time, but that still doesn't keep the worries away!
    Upcoming appointments or milestones:  First appointment is January 10th. Hoping for a heartbeat on the ultrasound since I'll be 8 weeks by then. The days leading up to appointments sure pass slowly!!
    What's been going down this past week: Told families and friends at Christmas even though it's early. Our loss was so horrible we wanted to share our positive news!
    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution?  I never really make resolutions - I'll be thinking about this one.

    I love reading everyone's updates. Thanks for sharing!

    first son stillborn 7/20/13 at 39 weeks due to Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
    It's a girl! Baby Anna was born August 3, 2014!

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    edited December 2013
    Thanks @mdarmetko!

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 9 weeks, green olive
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Physically I felt a lot better last week, but the food aversions and morning sickness is coming back this week. Lovely. Emotionally, I'm getting more worried. I'm dreading telling more family without knowing for sure everything's okay, but I can't really tell just my family and not DH's so I'm stuck.
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: My next appointment is the 16th. Really hoping I can pick up the HB on my doppler before then. It was so nice to hear it when I was pregnant with DS.
    What's been going down this past week: Just got back from my parents' house. The 14-hour drive home was just as nasty as expected. DH & I agreed that when we visit them again we'll either fly or drive ourselves, because as nice as my sister and her boyfriend are, they don't understand traveling with a toddler. This week we're visiting MIL for a few days, going to a wedding, and frantically trying to get ready for college to start again for DH & me on Monday.
    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution? Getting rid of stuff so my house is less cluttered! We moved this summer and still have boxes. I'm ready to just get rid of stuff so I don't feel like I live in a hoarder house...

    ETA: Found the heartbeat with the Sonoline tonight! Woo! That's a week earlier than I was able to find it last pregnancy... that said, it's definitely harder to find starting out with a less-flat belly :P

    BFP #1: EDD 8/29/11, MMC 1/14/11. BFP #2: Damien Isaac born 12/16/11. BFP #3: Rowen Cole born 7/28/14. BFP #4: EDD 9/16/16.


    baby blog

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    @Erin0303 - Welcome to the board!  Good luck at your appt Thursday.  Hopefully the second baby has caught up!
    @mmsweeney1 - Welcome!  Sorry for your late loss this summer. FX for a hb next Friday!
    @MorganElise511 - Thanks! It's not without effort :P I know what you mean about telling people (can't keep mouth shut) and then getting nervous.  After telling more people over the holidays, I was convinced I must be mc this weekend.  Turns out I'm a fool.  Oops.
    @spacedolphin11 - Have you used the doppler yet?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image  image
    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    @bkroxfan003 - Good luck at your appt tomorrow.  Sorry you are feeling so crappy.
    @Elbug - I'm so glad you are feeling better, both physically and emotionally. My next appt is an NT scan too (1/23).  I can't wait until I'm not so nervous to go to appts.
    @LiaMadi1 - That's a really good new year's resolution.  I may steal it.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image  image
    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Emotionally drained. My best friend, who was also pregnant and due 1 day behind me, just had her 2nd u/s today and there was no HB. I am heart broken for her.

    Upcoming appointments or milestones: MONDAY!!

    What's been going down this past week: We've been traveling so not much! Just ready to say hello to 2014!

    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution? To complete Pinterest projects!


    BFP #1 5/26/11 - said goodbye to our DD at 13w on 7/29/2011 

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    BFP #2 12/16/11 - Chemical Pregnancy
    BFP #3 1/21/12 - Welcome Zoey Paige - 9/23/12! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
    BFP #4 11/27/13 - STICK BABY!
    married 7.26.08 

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    mdarmetko, H and I joke about how we raise our children will probably be very similar to how we've been raising our dogs... it's worked so far, so we figure it'll for for the kids, lol!

    The other day, we were hanging out with our 14 month old niece, and H had walked with her into another room.  He asked me to "call" for our niece, just like we do at home with the dogs (we often ask the other to call the dogs away from what they are doing) instead of redirecting or moving her himself.  We had a pretty good laugh about that :)

    BFP#1 6/27/13  EDD 3/5/14  MC 7/16/13
    BFP#2 11/25/13  EDD 8/4/14

    It's a BOY!

    Baby Blog

    BabyFetus Ticker

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    mdarmetkomdarmetko member
    edited December 2013
    KaleMonstermdarmetko, H and I joke about how we raise our children will probably be very similar to how we've been raising our dogs... it's worked so far, so we figure it'll for for the kids, lol!

    The other day, we were hanging out with our 14 month old niece, and H had walked with her into another room.  He asked me to "call" for our niece, just like we do at home with the dogs (we often ask the other to call the dogs away from what they are doing) instead of redirecting or moving her himself.  We had a pretty good laugh about that :)

    I guess I'll find out, but I don't really see how "training" your kid can be
    that different than training your dog :D Oh man, am I going to get heat for that comment?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image  image
    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    I am 9 weeks today! My baby olive :) Physically I am fine. On and off symptoms. Fatigue is still strong but I am still on progesterone. . . Emotionally as good as can be. Will probably continue to be a nervous wreck until my appointment next week on January 9th. I think if I get by that ultrasound I will finally feel safer. I did pull out my doppler but no luck. I knew I was early for it. A bit disappointed but not freaking out. This past week I have been busy with the holidays adding to my fatigue!!! I don't have a New Years resolution! :)
    BFP #1 4/6/09; EDD 12/6/09; miscarriage 4/10/09..............BFP #2 5/3/09; DD born 1/9/10........BFP #3 12/15/12, EDD 8/31/13; baby stopped growing at 5w3d; natural miscarriage..........BFP #4 2/8/13, EDD 10/20/13; missed miscarriage discovered 9w2d; d/c.......BFP #5 10/22/13, EDD 7/8/13; miscarriage 10/28/13..... BFP #6 11/19/13; DS born 7/29/14 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red51\green51\blue51;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl280\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker} {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red51\green51\blue51;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl280\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker}
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    This is my first check in :-)

    EDD (if this is your first time on the check in): 8/4/14
    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 9 weeks, a grape ( which I could totally eat right now)
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Physically I'm good. Emotionally, I'm a maniac and cry and scream for no reason. 
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: 2nd OB appt on 1/2/14 unless we get the 18in of snow that we may get on Thursday
    What's been going down this past week: I told my mom and step dad and dad and step mom on Christmas. I'm an only child so it's a pretty big thing. On new years day we plan on telling some friends. This is all so exciting :-)
    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution? My resolution every year is to try to lose weight. I think this year it's to get my house in order. I have a pretty big house and a whole lot of stuff that I don't want/need/use. It's definitely time to clean house and get rid of all the crap stuffed into my closets. I would also like to do something crafty with my wedding dress. I'm just not sure what. 
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    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 8w3d / raspberry

    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): physically some nausea, really tired, and not much appetite. Emotionally - now that we've told our families I'm even more freaked out! Now there are so many people we'd have to tell if something bad happens and we're only 8 weeks along... :(

    Upcoming appointments or milestones: still nothing until the 9th

    What's been going down this past week: we told our families over Christmas and even though I'm even more terrified now, it was pretty emotional and exciting! Our mothers sobbed and they were great surprises. :)

    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution? 

    December Siggy Challenge:



    Pregnancy Ticker

    Married 05/22/10
    TTC since April 2011
    BFP 02/21/13, EDD 11/06/13, CP 02/26/13
    BFP 04/01/13, EDD 12/29/13, M/C 05/29/13
    BFP 11/26/13, EDD 08/08/13 - Please stick jellybean! 


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    @heatherbee I'm so sorry! Lots of t&p your way.

    December Siggy Challenge:



    Pregnancy Ticker

    Married 05/22/10
    TTC since April 2011
    BFP 02/21/13, EDD 11/06/13, CP 02/26/13
    BFP 04/01/13, EDD 12/29/13, M/C 05/29/13
    BFP 11/26/13, EDD 08/08/13 - Please stick jellybean! 


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    EDD (if this is your first time on the check in): Moved to 8/20

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: I am 6w6d today. Guess that makes me a sweet pea
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Today I had a perfect appt. Still with my RE at this point, but I heard a strong heartbeat of 127 and baby is measuring 6w5d which is right on track. It was at this appt in my last pregnancy where we started to get some indication that something wasn't quite right, so it was a tremendous relief to get pretty much all 'A's on all the benchmarks. I finally exhaled.

    Upcoming appointments or milestones: Final follow up before graduating to the OB in two weeks.

    What's been going down this past week: This week has been all about mentally preparing for today's appt.

    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution - I don't really have a resolution this year, but gimme a minute and I'll think of one.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


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    @mhiester314 - I'm glad the bleeding  has stopped.  And don't worry, never TMI in here.
    @beedub519 - Welcome! Good luck at your appt Thursday... if you can make it.
    @SaranJonathan - Sucks that you weren't able to get anything on the doppler, but understandable.  Glad you aren't freaking out.
    @smgarcia15 - I'm so sorry for your friend.  Hopefully you can be a source of support.  I was due close to my best friend when I had my first loss.  Thankfully her pregnancy didn't bring me bad feelings and she has been my biggest support through my loss journey.
    @soupthespian5 - I understand about being more nervous that you told the family, but what a great reaction from the moms!
    @VelvetElegance - Great appt today! So happy you heard that heartbeat!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image  image
    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    @mdarmetko thanks for the follow up!! I agree that you are a great check in leader! My u/s actually got moved up to tomorrow ... Less than 12 hours now, can't wait...pins and needles!!

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 8w2d - raspberry!!
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): same. Tired, crampy (which has me scared!!), sore boobs, nausea but no puking
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: U/S tomorrow - praying for good results!
    What's been going down this past week: Enjoying the holidays, eating, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping
    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution? Hmmmm, probably save more money. So bad at that...need to get better in time for bebe!
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    KelDel1021 good luck at your appt tomorrow!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image  image
    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
  • Options

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 6 weeks/little sweet pea
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): feeling mostly good, sore boobs, slightly nauseous, grumpy. Mentally much better this week!
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: last time, we found out at 8 weeks (I had a bad feeling for awhile) that we lost the baby at 5 1/2 weeks. This time around I am much more positive! so that is sort of a milestone!
    What's been going down this past week: busy with family in town
    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution? Don't have one yet!
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    mdarmetko I just wanted to say you are so amazing for doing this and keeping up with all of us. You are seriously amazing.  Thank you for the support. 


    BFP #1 5/26/11 - said goodbye to our DD at 13w on 7/29/2011 

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    BFP #2 12/16/11 - Chemical Pregnancy
    BFP #3 1/21/12 - Welcome Zoey Paige - 9/23/12! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
    BFP #4 11/27/13 - STICK BABY!
    married 7.26.08 

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    Looks like I am out :-( Started bleeding last night and believe I passed the sac this morning. Just had blood work done and of course they had to try 4 times to get the vein.....seriously, bad luck! Hopefully 2014 will bring us some better luck! 

    Best wishes to all and a happy healthy 9 months (or less for some of you)!

    BabyFetus Ticker image
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    kinsquared I'm so sorry you have to go through this again.  Take good care of yourself. (((hugs)))
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image  image
    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    @kinsquared - I am so sorry ((hugs)) .

    KelDel1021 - Any update? 
    CafeMom Tickers

    Pregnancy #3 after two prior losses in 2013

    EDD 8/18 

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    I was feeling a lot better and thought I was over the worst part. Then the vomiting reared it's ugly head this morning.

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 8w4d/raspberry
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Emotionally I'm ok. Physically I'm exhausted.
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: I have an appt Monday the 6th
    What's been going down this past week: Just working myself to the bone. Idk how much longer I'll be able to do this. I'm so tired.
    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution? My only resolution really is to eat healthier and start walking/doing some light exercise.
    9.08.12 BFP! | 11.01.12 MMC Discovered at 12 weeks| 11.06.12 D&C 
    11.25.13 BFP#2| 4.07.14 TEAM PINK!!!|EDD 8.8.14 Please be our Rainbow Charlotte Grace <3
    7.01.15 BFP#3| 10.06.15 TEAM BLUE!| EDD 3.02.16
    PgAL/PAL always welcome

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    @luvbrettnizzy - Glad you are feeling much better!
    @ashx3renee - Ugh, I'm sorry you're feeling so crappy.  I bet it helps you feel better emotionally though :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image  image
    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    @kinsquared I'm so sorry for your loss:(
    blighted ovum 5w3d 10/11
    Aidan Russell 8/7/12
    missed m/c 8w6d 11/1/13
    Shane Ryan 8/25/14
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    @kinsquared--so incredibly sorry.
    Actively TTC since 01/11
    Me: 06/12 Dx w/ IR PCOS (rx 2000 metformin) DH: SA all clear; looking good
    06/12-10/12- Clomid/Femara + trigger + TI + P4 = 3 BFNs, hysteroscopy, polypectomy, D&C
    11/12 - 7.5 mg Femara + trigger + IUI + P4 = BFN
    12/12 - Surprise BFP ectopic (MTX 01/13)
    04/13 - Off the Bench! 7.5 mg Femara + trigger + IUI #2 + estradiol + P4 = BFN
    05/13 Clear HSG-5 mg Femara + Menopur + trigger + IUI #3 + P4 = BFP ectopic (MTX 07/03 & 07/11)
    07/23 emergency lap to remove ectopic mass and left tube
    10/13 5mg Femara + Menopur + trigger + TI(follie on left/no IUI)=BFN
    11/13 Same as above but BFP!
    Beta #1 12dpo-51     Beta #2 15dpo-178
    12/5- There's something in my ute!!
    Keaton Alexander is here 07/24/2014 !!
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    EDD:   8/11/14
    How many weeks/ what fruit are you:  8 weeks 2 days, raspberry!
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally):  I'm still exhausted and queasy most days, though I haven't vomited since Monday, so hopefully things are getting better there? My spotting is super rare this last week, and I can pretty much name what type of strain caused it most times (spoiler alert, it's usually because I try too hard to poop). Emotionally, I can finally feel myself starting to relax a bit.
    Upcoming appointments or milestones:  Either the 7th or the 21st. I'm not sure if that first one was ever cancelled after I got squeezed in for an early US before Christmas. I should probably look into that.
    What's been going down this past week: We told our immediate families on Christmas, and our really close friends when they were over for NYE last night. I definitely still rocked my sparkling white grape juice, though.
    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution?  I made a couple of priorities instead of resolutions for next year. I want to focus on God and my family a little better than I did last year.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 9 w, 1d
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): H was a saint and, unbeknownst to me, called my doc to get me zofran. I haven't really been using it because of the constipation side-effects, and I've already got my bowel issues going on. Speaking of which @mdarmetko, I'm calling doc tomorrow because it's getting worse. Not sure if they can really do anything, but I'd really rather not be shitting blood!
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: Appts are forever away, blah.
    What's been going down this past week: I found baby's heartbeat on my home doppler. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find it since, but I did record it on my phone.
    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution? I didn't really have one until today. H and I got into a fairly heated argument, and he confided in me that he often doesn't feel loved by me. This breaks my heart. I'm definitely not as physically affectionate as I was when we were dating, but our lives are COMPLETELY different now. Still, I know I can do a better job, and he spoils me rotten with how much he takes care of me, help with our son and tries to provide for our family. So, this year, I'm going to make a conscious effort to be more affectionate and loving with H -- I need to spread it around a bit instead of giving it all to DS!!!
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    MeganEMcG5 Have you tried any other methods to relieve constipation?  I'm assuming the effort you are putting forth from the constipation is causing the issue, correct?  I found that a little bit of caffeine (I drink a cup of black tea) and dried apricots have set things in motion for me.

    As for you new year resolution, this is great.  I really think that what you put into a marriage and how you act towards your husband totally affects how they respond back to you.  If my husband tells me I'm not acing lovey or I'm ragging on him a lot, I make a big effort to be nicer and it's amazing the positive change that takes place in our household.  Good luck with your resolution!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image  image
    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    @mdarmetko it fluctuates between diarrhea and constipation (sorry!!!) there's some strain when it's the latter, but not excessive. I'm sure my diet isn't helping, though I haven't cut out caffeine. I might try the dried apricots or just try to incorporate more fruit in general. I'm sure doc will echo that.

    Since getting pregnant with DS we went from an essentially care-free, newly engaged couple to married parents. I think the loss of that "care-free life" has affected me much deeper than I have admitted, and thus our relationship. I always wanted children, but assumed it would be the "traditional" way and that I would have more time to enjoy being young. I'm hopful that I can turn things around...even though I honestly didn't realize they needed to be. Thanks again for the support!!!
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    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 6 weeks, sweet pea
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): physically I feel okay, still bloated all the time and I swear yesterday I was feeling RLPs. Emotionally i'm having a hard time. I've been spotting and going to doctors to check up on it and the doc saw a sac but no fetal pole but they said it could still be early. I got a blood test and I go back today for a follow up blood test so i'm hoping things are okay.
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: Appts today and next Thursday.
    What's been going down this past week: Besides spotting and doc appts, we had a great Christmas and New Year's with the kids.
    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution? Don't really have one. I'm always trying to be more healthy overall, so i'll just stick to that for this year.

    @kj808 - 8/25/2014 - How was the big reveal to your families? We didn't reveal yet. Don't plan on revealing until February as long as all is going well.
    May '15 January siggy challenge:
    * Me: 33, DH: 34 * Married 11.10.06 *
    DS 10.2.07 | DD 7.27.10 | 4 angel babies
    BFP #7 | EDD 5.15.15 | It's a BOY!
     BabyFetus Ticker  
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    @kinsquared I am so very sorry for your loss. Sending you ((hugs))

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
    Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
        HSG = All Clear
    BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
    BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

    BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
    May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
    05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
    June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
    May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
    08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
    Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
    Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

    My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

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    kj808 I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress too much.  No fetal pole is TOTALLY normal before 6 weeks.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    mdarmetko said:
    @luvbrettnizzy - Glad you are feeling much better!
    @ashx3renee - Ugh, I'm sorry you're feeling so crappy.  I bet it helps you feel better emotionally though :)

    @mdarmetko it definitely does ease my PgAL brain!
    9.08.12 BFP! | 11.01.12 MMC Discovered at 12 weeks| 11.06.12 D&C 
    11.25.13 BFP#2| 4.07.14 TEAM PINK!!!|EDD 8.8.14 Please be our Rainbow Charlotte Grace <3
    7.01.15 BFP#3| 10.06.15 TEAM BLUE!| EDD 3.02.16
    PgAL/PAL always welcome

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    Ahhh.... Second u/s dine with! All I was hoping for was at least one baby of good news (vs the two that were seen 2 weeks ago.) and we got it. Baby A is measuring right on track with string 176 hb, but no sign of baby B at all. Looks like he got absorbed completely. I was a bit shocked there was no trace of it, seeing as there was a fetal pole and yolk sac and I never bled, but that's what we found and I truly feel blessed regardless. On to the next milestone.... Which I guess leads into the discussion or question of genetic testing or maternity21, etc. Not sure I'm ready to figure that out just yet :)
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    Had my graduation and last US at RE today... Lil Pea measured a day ahead again at 9w4d with hb of 182. It was bittersweet but so relieved!
    Actively TTC since 01/11
    Me: 06/12 Dx w/ IR PCOS (rx 2000 metformin) DH: SA all clear; looking good
    06/12-10/12- Clomid/Femara + trigger + TI + P4 = 3 BFNs, hysteroscopy, polypectomy, D&C
    11/12 - 7.5 mg Femara + trigger + IUI + P4 = BFN
    12/12 - Surprise BFP ectopic (MTX 01/13)
    04/13 - Off the Bench! 7.5 mg Femara + trigger + IUI #2 + estradiol + P4 = BFN
    05/13 Clear HSG-5 mg Femara + Menopur + trigger + IUI #3 + P4 = BFP ectopic (MTX 07/03 & 07/11)
    07/23 emergency lap to remove ectopic mass and left tube
    10/13 5mg Femara + Menopur + trigger + TI(follie on left/no IUI)=BFN
    11/13 Same as above but BFP!
    Beta #1 12dpo-51     Beta #2 15dpo-178
    12/5- There's something in my ute!!
    Keaton Alexander is here 07/24/2014 !!
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    EDD: 8/10/14
    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 8 - Raspberry
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Tired and Nauseous but starving at the same time.
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: Next U/S at 10 weeks.
    What's been going down this past week: I have been exhausted with the holidays.  Now it's time to recover myself and my house.
    GTKY: What's your non-pregnancy related New Year's resolution? Be more active aka actually use the tredmill in my basement for walking untill it's warm enough to get back outside.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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