Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Does anybody regret NOT vaccinating their child?


Re: Does anybody regret NOT vaccinating their child?

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    And before someone comes in yelling at me, Jonas Salk, a really super amazing person in history, invented specifically the polio vaccine, not all vaccines.  

    It's worth repeating: Don't be an idiot, vaccinate your kids.
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    It is known that there are ingredients in the vaccines that do cause cancer, as well as ingredients like the aluminum that are used as preservatives in the vaccines that are causing forms of autism in children. I have been doing research on many of the vaccines, and I find that some of them (in my opinion) aren't necessary. What is the importance of giving your child the HepB vaccine from day 1 in the hospital when it is something only adults can get? My parents only had their kids receive some of the vaccinations required and none of us have ever had any issues. I don't know how we can go from getting a few vaccines as kids in the 80s and having over 20 vaccines they want us to give our kids now. Pharmaceuticals craving money.
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    brinmoyer said:
    It is known that there are ingredients in the vaccines that do cause cancer, as well as ingredients like the aluminum that are used as preservatives in the vaccines that are causing forms of autism in children. I have been doing research on many of the vaccines, and I find that some of them (in my opinion) aren't necessary. What is the importance of giving your child the HepB vaccine from day 1 in the hospital when it is something only adults can get? My parents only had their kids receive some of the vaccinations required and none of us have ever had any issues. I don't know how we can go from getting a few vaccines as kids in the 80s and having over 20 vaccines they want us to give our kids now. Pharmaceuticals craving money.
    That's funny. Because they've found a difference in visual tracking of autistic vs. non-autistic children as early as 2 MONTHS.

    Here's another link that talks about eye contact in infants between 2 and 6 months:

    If vaccines cause autism, why are they finding significant differences in children at 2 months (waaaaaay before all those 20 vaccines and waaaaay before the MMR vaccine). And no- adults are not the only ones who can get Hepatitis B. It's a lot worse if you get it as an infant- it can lead a chronic infection. 

    Me:27, DH:28 - DX: MFI, varicocele repair Nov 2011 
    Post-Op SA: Count- 15 million, Motility- 75%, Morphology- 3% 
    IVF with ICSI - Stimming 10/4/12 - 10/13/12, Lupron Trigger
    ER 10/18/12, 12 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 5 fertilized
    5 day transfer 10/23/12, 3 frosties
    Beta #1 11/5/12: 453, Beta #2 11/7/12: 1,013, DD born 7/19/13
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    Just one example: 
    "Formaldehyde has been classified as a known human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and as a probable human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency."

    You know that the foods you eat, when metabolized by your body, make formaldehyde?  And much more of it than is found in a vaccine dose.  Are you going to stop feeding your kid because food makes formaldehyde?
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    All the additives can be scary, but working in a hospital I see too many kids admitted for things that could've been prevented. We had a little one die from the flu last year and that was enough to make me a believer in vaccines.
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    I have never commented on anything before but this is something I feel strongly about, I think that it's unfair for anyone to criticize another persons parenting style/choices.

    As with anything in life, especially today's world, there are so many choices about anything and everything!

    Vaccines have there pros and cons.

    Pros are obvious, there is a very good chance you child will not catch any of the diseases they've been vaccinated for but vaccines are also not 100% effective. This helps stop the spread of these diseases to others. BUT think . . . how is it fair to force a parent to put something in their child's body that they are not comfortable with?

    Cons . . .
    These are some of the ingredients in vaccines that you may have given your child:
    Monkey kidney cells (which used to be untested and spread serious diseases from the primates)
    Aluminum (in extremely high amounts that has never been tested on the effects of infant or adults kidneys and other essential parts of the body)
    Cow fetal blood
    Blood/cells of aborted human embryos
    formaldehyde (yes it's a very small amount)
    other preservatives that are not meant to go into a body, especially a little body like the one's of our babies.

    Our personal decision was to only vaccinate for common and serious diseases. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing choice and for certain vaccines (like Hep B) if it is possible to wait until the child is older and bigger, their body will better handle the ingredients in the vaccine, then they will also have a choice in the matter.

    I think it's time we stop fighting about the matter and take time to consider others choices and support others!

    God Bless you and your family!
    I think it is VERY unfair of you to criticize my decision not to put my children in car seats. I have done my research and I believe that my baby is much better off sitting with a regular seatbelt instead of a carseat, or in my arms, and you have no right to criticize MY choice. 
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    missyjg said:
    Let me just tell a brief story. Once upon a time there was a healthy, vibrant and intelligent woman full of life and spunk. She was 6 months pregnant with her second child. She had never had the chicken pox, herpes simplex virus, bad enough to get an immunity. This beauty started feeling ill. She ended up spiking a fever of 106. Very long story short, this woman, my beloved sister, had herpes simplex encephalitis. Yes, my 33 y/o sister had half of her frontal cortex and all of her temporal lobe taken out. She died on that operating table, not in the physical sense, but she was never the same. This engineer went from complete and total independence to requiring 24/7 care. All from the chicken pox. So the "we survived it as kids" argument is a load of crap. All diseases are dangerous and if I can protect my child from the life my sister now lives, you bet your ass I'll do it !! I miss my sister every day.
    Thank you for sharing and reminding me to get my chickpox vaccine and possibly saving my life. 
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    Here let me answer your actual question. No I do not regret NOT vaccinating my son. My sister and I were never vaccinated either and are very rarely ever sick. I think it's a personal choice and HATE when people think they know everything about this. My 2 yr old son is very healthy and was nursed till 19 1/2 months.
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    If you are concerned about the ingredients, talk to your pedi about it. Maybe discuss an alternative schedule or delayed vaccines. You can also look up the brands available. The different types (single shots vs cocktails) and what is in them. Some people (myself included) choose to delay. Others choose to go with an alternative schedule (an example is splitting up the vaccines in different months to spread out the intake of aluminum). Regardless, it is never a bad idea to discuss with a doctor and do research yourself as long as it is unbiased and sticks to the facts. Some of the more common diseases have fewer ingredients in the vaccine than some of the less common ones, but know about it and the concentrations of the ingredients before freaking out.
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    etoille said:

    yeah.  I'm SUPER worried about speaking kindly to people who have zero regard for the health and welfare of others.

    Where did you come from? Because I love you.

    photo crunchy_zps41233998.gif
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    trudibell said:

    I don't regret vaccinating my son.  My mother almost died of the measles when she was a child.  Polio was devastating.  I'm a pretty crunchy, cloth diapering, baby food making, anti-chemical mom too, but there is virtually no legitimate reason confirmed by a scholarly peer-reviewed study that what little harm a vaccine does to a child outweighs the positive of preventing deadly diseases.  Don't be an idiot, vaccinate your kid, to forgo a vaccine because of a unsubstantiated belief in a risk of whatever condition later on in life is not just irresponsible to you and yours, but to the rest of us too.  

    Took the words out of my mouth! To those in favor of not vaccinating, of whom have "done their research", please post your legitimate source. I.e. A published peer reviewed scholarly study.
    Internet research is clearly more accurate and reliable! It's great when stupid people fill their heads with internet "research "...
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    Those who elect not to vaccinate due to non medical reasons and internet "research" deserve to live with each other on an island. I pick Alcatraz. Because it is not a "personal choice" it is a decision that can directly impact others (hence the references to stop signs, etc.) I also think it should be published whose "personal decision" it was not to vaccinate, (like a sex offenders registry) because my "personal decision" would be to keep my kids the hell away from yours.
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    Kasia7 said:

    Just one example:
    "Formaldehyde has been classified as a known human carcinogen
    (cancer-causing substance) by the International Agency for Research on
    Cancer and as a probable human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental
    Protection Agency."

    My mother has a formaldehyde would not believe what things you touch everyday that have formaldehyde in the. One example, money!

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    angvanilinaangvanilina member
    edited January 2014
    We need to vaccine our children because the more people that don't the more likely there will be outbreaks of diseases that can tremendously impair a child for life and can even kill them.  There have already been severe outbreaks in areas where people are refusing vaccines.  The 
    mmr vaccine is just a coincidence.  I have worked with children with Autism and when a child gets their mmr shots is about the same time they start developing more advanced language skills.  So that is about the time parents and drs first start noticing signs of autism.  Don't let people that prey on the fears of parents fool you into thinking that vaccines are bad.  Women in other countries would give anything to be able to vaccinate their children so they can live to adulthood. 
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