Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Does anybody regret NOT vaccinating their child?

I know many people don't think twice about vaccines, it is just automatic for a lot of mothers and fathers to vaccinate. I have been questioning vaccinating my 4 month old son. I have done research after research, and I am not doubting that vaccines prevent certain illnesses. I am curious to learn about the long term side effects vaccines have on our babies. 

So I am asking all you parents out there what your opinion is on NOT vaccinating... 
Is there any parents on here that did not vaccinate and regret it? 

Re: Does anybody regret NOT vaccinating their child?

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    I also did tons of research and in the end I only vaccinated my LO for diseases that are very serious, common and could be lethal. Thinking about what goes into vaccines beside the actual vaccine it scares me knowing my baby will have that inside her little body. Also, in many countries in Europe there is less vaccines, but there isn't more cases of diseases so what is the point?
    I know a few people that did not get any vaccines at all and traveled to Africa, Asia etc... and never got sick.
    It doesn't mean that I'm not worried my LO will get something, but I just think it's better for her to gain immunity in natural way.
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    Oh, and I don't think it has anything to do with being irresponsible, you do what you think is best for your LO. Because is it really responsible to give your LO vaccine with ingredients that one day could contribute to their cancer?
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    It's not vaccines that cause cancer, but some of their ingredients. If you just research ingredients you'll see that some of them are not that pleasant four our bodies. Also, I said that I do think we should vaccinate for things that can be deadly for our LO. I only think there is too many vaccines these days and some of them are not essential.
    I (like many other kids) had mumps, chicken pox and flu when I was a baby and I survived. These are not as bad or dangerous. (And how many cases of polio there was in US in past 10 years? try to google that...)
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    LEMSA said:
    Oh, and I don't think it has anything to do with being irresponsible, you do what you think is best for your LO. Because is it really responsible to give your LO vaccine with ingredients that one day could contribute to their cancer?
    Because a small, minute amount of preservative/chemical given in age appropriate doses before the age of 12 will cause cancer. NOT the sun causing melanoma, unprotected sex contracting HPV, smoking, drinking...or genetics. It's the vaccine. Right.
    70% of all cancer is environmental causes, not the genetics.
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    This is my first time venturing from my bmb to this board but I wanted to add...
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    ...and this one is a little more intense with PIP but it is a fact of life...
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    This has got to be MUD. No one with any common sense would even contemplate not vaccinating. If it is real, OP YOU NEED YOUR HEAD EXAMINED!!!
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    I think it's irresponsible to not vaccinate.  I would never forgive myself if DS died of something he could have been easily vaccinated for.
    This!!!!  Things like Polio are not around for this reason.  These illnesses still exist!!!  Without the vaccinations, they will become prominent once again!  I can understand a flu shot ...  those are hit or miss on protection.  But Geeze!  Please re-consider getting the standard shots for your child. 
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    Well, I'm late and going to say it anyway... OP Vaccinate... it's like the only thing to do.  You would feel like a piece of shit if your kid died or suffered long term consequences from a preventable disease.

    To @kasia7 you're an asshat dude, vaccines do not = cancer.  STFU. 

    My MIL was bed ridden for I believe 2 years as a small child, Polio... yep.  Another friend of the family... could barely walk until he died early in life (50s) ... polio... It's still out there... if you don't vaccinate (willfully not because you can't) you are putting the herd immunity at risk.  Yeah, it is definitely completely irresponsible NOT to vaccinate.  Get a fucking clue.

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    jennmejennme member
    edited December 2013
    We are vaccinating. Just starting on a slow schedule..there's an idea...
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    trudibell said:

    I don't regret vaccinating my son.  My mother almost died of the measles when she was a child.  Polio was devastating.  I'm a pretty crunchy, cloth diapering, baby food making, anti-chemical mom too, but there is virtually no legitimate reason confirmed by a scholarly peer-reviewed study that what little harm a vaccine does to a child outweighs the positive of preventing deadly diseases.  Don't be an idiot, vaccinate your kid, to forgo a vaccine because of a unsubstantiated belief in a risk of whatever condition later on in life is not just irresponsible to you and yours, but to the rest of us too.  

    Took the words out of my mouth! To those in favor of not vaccinating, of whom have "done their research", please post your legitimate source. I.e. A published peer reviewed scholarly study.
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    Kasia7 said:

    I also did tons of research and in the end I only vaccinated my LO for diseases that are very serious, common and could be lethal. Thinking about what goes into vaccines beside the actual vaccine it scares me knowing my baby will have that inside her little body. Also, in many countries in Europe there is less vaccines, but there isn't more cases of diseases so what is the point?
    I know a few people that did not get any vaccines at all and traveled to Africa, Asia etc... and never got sick.
    It doesn't mean that I'm not worried my LO will get something, but I just think it's better for her to gain immunity in natural way.

    Er. What? Europe has eradicated many diseases due to a strict vaccination schedule. Therefore, vaccinations for those diseases are no longer required. If I remember correctly, Europe also requires vaccines when traveling out of the continent to make sure said diseases stay eradicated. Whereas the US allows its citizens to travel anywhere in the world unvaccinated and potentially return with diseases.

    By your logic those in Central Africa should not be vaccinated for Malaria, because here in the US the Malaria vaccine is not part of our routine schedule and we don't have Malaria problems.
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    edited December 2013
    I never reply on these forums, I just read opinions. Usually. But here I need to say something. I'm not going to say that anyone is an idiot... but that I'm shocked at how hateful some of your responses have been. There is a loving way to say the facts, give your opinion, or prove a point. You don't need to make any one feel terrible about themselves. After all, I highly doubt any mom who browses forums about their baby in their free time are going to be the purposefully- neglectful type. So yeah, let's keep the hateful words to ourselves. Would you want your child reading what some of you mom's have written? Come on!!!
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    Hmmm. That's too bad.
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    All I was saying is there is a kind way to speak. I have my opinions on the matter, I vaccinate (although not blindly, we've done our research). But, OP, don't feel stupid at all for having questions... they are good questions and worth researching. My piece of advice would be to search out some of the less-biased research out there. And yes, I think I'd regret it if I didn't vaccinate. That's why I ended up choosing to.
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    @nicb13 - just bc someone speaks kindly doesn't mean we have no backbone. Gimme a break. There's a civil way to have discussions.
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    All I was saying is there is a kind way to speak. I have my opinions on the matter, I vaccinate (although not blindly, we've done our research). But, OP, don't feel stupid at all for having questions... they are good questions and worth researching. My piece of advice would be to search out some of the less-biased research out there. And yes, I think I'd regret it if I didn't vaccinate. That's why I ended up choosing to.
    Oh? You've done your research? As much research as the CDC and AAP did when they developed the recommended vaccine schedule? How many trials did you do? How many participants per trial? How many of your studies were published in per reviewed journals?
    Amen sister. I hate when people say they've done their research and decided not to vaccinate. Clearly you didn't do enough research. And sources like and some random blog you found does NOT count as research. 

    I just had a 2 day argument with someone about this the other day. So honestly, if anyone has any "research" they'd like me to TEAR APART and tell you why it's inaccurate, please let me know. I hate this argument.

    Me:27, DH:28 - DX: MFI, varicocele repair Nov 2011 
    Post-Op SA: Count- 15 million, Motility- 75%, Morphology- 3% 
    IVF with ICSI - Stimming 10/4/12 - 10/13/12, Lupron Trigger
    ER 10/18/1212 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 5 fertilized
    5 day transfer 10/23/12, 3 frosties
    Beta #1 11/5/12: 453, Beta #2 11/7/12: 1,013, DD born 7/19/13
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    Oh, and I don't think it has anything to do with being irresponsible, you do what you think is best for your LO. Because is it really responsible to give your LO vaccine with ingredients that one day could contribute to their cancer?
    What the hell? How the fuck do you even pull vaccines = cancer out of your ass?
    WHAT?! You don't know about the cancerous monkey kidney cells in vaccines? Or the aborted fetuses? Clearly, you should do your research. 

    Seriously though- those are 2 arguments I had to go against recently.

    Me:27, DH:28 - DX: MFI, varicocele repair Nov 2011 
    Post-Op SA: Count- 15 million, Motility- 75%, Morphology- 3% 
    IVF with ICSI - Stimming 10/4/12 - 10/13/12, Lupron Trigger
    ER 10/18/1212 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 5 fertilized
    5 day transfer 10/23/12, 3 frosties
    Beta #1 11/5/12: 453, Beta #2 11/7/12: 1,013, DD born 7/19/13
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    I think @Kasia7 doesn't want to play anymore.


    BFP 01/05/2013. EDD 09/18/2013. Low Progesterone. Gestational Diabetes. Rh Negative. Baby Ky-Mani born 100% healthy 09/17/2013. TTC#2 12/2013. BFP 02/01/2014! "Baby RaggaMuffin" due 10/07/2014.


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    All I was saying is there is a kind way to speak. I have my opinions on the matter, I vaccinate (although not blindly, we've done our research). But, OP, don't feel stupid at all for having questions... they are good questions and worth researching. My piece of advice would be to search out some of the less-biased research out there. And yes, I think I'd regret it if I didn't vaccinate. That's why I ended up choosing to.
    Oh, sweet fancy Moses. Someone has a serious case of the herp derps. BTW - you may not want to use your work e-mail as your user name.



    BFP 01/05/2013. EDD 09/18/2013. Low Progesterone. Gestational Diabetes. Rh Negative. Baby Ky-Mani born 100% healthy 09/17/2013. TTC#2 12/2013. BFP 02/01/2014! "Baby RaggaMuffin" due 10/07/2014.


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    I have never commented on anything before but this is something I feel strongly about, I think that it's unfair for anyone to criticize another persons parenting style/choices.

    As with anything in life, especially today's world, there are so many choices about anything and everything!

    Vaccines have there pros and cons.

    Pros are obvious, there is a very good chance you child will not catch any of the diseases they've been vaccinated for but vaccines are also not 100% effective. This helps stop the spread of these diseases to others. BUT think . . . how is it fair to force a parent to put something in their child's body that they are not comfortable with?

    Cons . . .
    These are some of the ingredients in vaccines that you may have given your child:
    Monkey kidney cells (which used to be untested and spread serious diseases from the primates)
    Aluminum (in extremely high amounts that has never been tested on the effects of infant or adults kidneys and other essential parts of the body)
    Cow fetal blood
    Blood/cells of aborted human embryos
    formaldehyde (yes it's a very small amount)
    other preservatives that are not meant to go into a body, especially a little body like the one's of our babies.

    Our personal decision was to only vaccinate for common and serious diseases. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing choice and for certain vaccines (like Hep B) if it is possible to wait until the child is older and bigger, their body will better handle the ingredients in the vaccine, then they will also have a choice in the matter.

    I think it's time we stop fighting about the matter and take time to consider others choices and support others!

    God Bless you and your family!
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