June 2014 Moms

let's brag on our men...


Re: let's brag on our men...

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    I'm a teacher and correcting papers has been tough because I've been so tired. The other night while staying up late correcting he made me a cup of my favorite tea! It's the little things...
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    @LoHerrim omg root beer and gummy worms sound so good now!
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    My husband run after our 2 year old when hes home and it means the world to me, I know its a given that he should but him tending to her needs while im hibernating is so helpful. He gets my drinks for me. And watching HGTV, which i love and he thinks is terrible, ( he puts it on for punishment for our 2 yrs old.) but he puts up with my wants and needs and its nice. 

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    LoHerrim said:
    Oh and he apologized for his lack of comment the other night about me being fat. He said he thought I was being sarcastic.
    Haha, this is totally me-- love how you accept it as a given that he should've contradicted you. If I say I'm fat --especially now when I quite clearly AM fat-- please speak up and say "no, baby, you're pregnant and beautiful!" If you don't, you only have yourself to blame for the teary, ridiculous consequences... 

    I actually love this thread... it's easy to get pregnancy-emotional, but THIS was the thread that really made me cry. Lots of us can be not-so-positive about our SO's. It's just too easy to overlook the good stuff (which, for most of us, hugely outweighs the bad stuff) and get bogged down in the "if he were perfect he would..." bullshit. It's this real stuff that matters!

    My DH is patience incarnate no matter how big a pain in the ass I am. And that's saying something. He rubs my back to put me to sleep, and takes care of all the chores I don't like without a word of complaint. I can't wait to take on the rest of this adventure with him by my side. I'm so lucky!

    I loved reading all your stories of wonderful SO's and what makes them supermen (or superwomen). We all sound so happy and blessed-- this is definitely a feel-good thread. Keep 'em coming!


    Karen + Tim  8/17/13
    BLUE baby on the way 6/17/14
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    I love this thread, too. DH and I have had a bit of a rocky road so far this pregnancy because he wasn't as ready as I was for the baby--we were both thinking it would take longer to get pregnant with a history of IF in both our families.

    My DH can't connect at all to the baby yet; he doesn't have any sense that it's "real" (that's what he says) and I know it makes him really sad and scared. I know it will hit him when the baby's here (or, we're both hoping, at the a/s when he can really see LO), but he just feels really disconnected from the whole process. He keeps saying he's afraid the baby won't love him, and it breaks my heart.

    Even with all that fear and sadness, he spends at least 20 minutes in the baby section of every store with me every.time.we.shop. I mean, seriously, we've gone all the way through the baby section of Target at least 10 times by now. Nothing has changed. But he walks with me and pretends to get excited, even though I know he's still kind of in shock. I really love him.


    "And all the house elves came to help, and THAT was the day Voldemort was defeated!"

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    This is very nice! with other women it's always easier to complain about DH and get validation when we are annoyed, but it feels hokey to go on about how he is wonderful, like artificial bragging, so we don't do it often. But I love hearing us boost up our men! He is my sweetie, makes me feel like a teenager with butterflies when he smiles, and we have so much fun, laughing every day. And he's pretty cute too! :)
    Married my Sweetie 8/21/04
    BFP 10/8/2013
    Miss Camryn Marie arrived 6/20/2014


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    My hubby has been so wonderful through this pregnancy.  He has picked up all the slack in housework that I can't finish due to sickness/caring for the other two.  In the evenings, he comes home and plays with our kids, leads bedtime, then cleans up while I work or rest.  I am starting to feel more like a person again and slowly easing back in, but he has not rushed me.  Most importantly, he has been there to calm my fears over this unexpected pregnancy, and has never acted like this is something we cannot handle.  He told me that his biggest concern of this pregnancy is not finances or having the babies, but loving me well.  That simple sentence has melted me and stuck with me for weeks.  I just adore him.  
    DD- Born 03/09/2010
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    I had a huge melt down last week about gaining weight and not fitting jeans.
    He left a few mins later saying a buddy needed help with his truck or doe thing so I got even more upset saying something like "IM A GLASS BOX OF EMOTIONS!" And he laughed at me which at the time angered me even more.
    So he left, I went on to Facebook and blasted him.
    So immature but I was so annoyed.
    Anyways he came home with 11 bags FULL of different sizes of maternity jeans/dress pants.
    So after I apologized like crazy for being so irrational, we got a couples massage and had an amazing dinner :)
    It's hard for him to see me being so emotional since even on my period I'm not all that emotional. I'm half Russian, I basically just get angry lol.
    He's awesome.
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    katekat8721katekat8721 member
    edited December 2013
    Every other day or so I tell my husband he is the true hero of this pregnancy. He does most everything for me with no complaint (and no asking b/c he knows I won't ask lol). I was on pelvic rest for an SCH, and once that cleared up I was just so, so exhausted with growing babies lol. Now he's a huge help with getting ready for Christmas.

    He does the dishes and takes out the trash every night, so I don't gag in the mornings. He decorated our whole house for Christmas for us. He does the laundry. He does the grocery shopping and he puts away the groceries if I'm not there. He does about 50% of the cooking and he takes care of all things yard and dog related. He spent about an hour yesterday rubbing my shoulder that had huge knots and was bothering me. He is freaking awesome. He was like this before the pregnancy too, though it's really ramped up since becoming pregnant.

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    The hubby did laundry last night without me even asking so that I "would have panties to wear today" :) and that was after he unloaded our entire camper from our trip this weekend and put everything away DURING the cowboys game while I sat on my butt looking at baby stuff online.
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    Love this! My hubs is a rock star. With me having ms all day and working at a very stressful job, he been cooking, cleaning and bringing me food whenever I feel like I can't get off the couch. He also plays with our 4, almost 5yr old son when I can't make it out of the bathroom. He let's me sleep in every Saturday morning. He will also just take our son out for a couple hours just so I can have some quiet time. Most recently I have been wanting a sectional so all three of us could sit and lounge together, well Friday we surprised me with our new sectional. Love him more than he will ever know!!
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    I'm loving this! We really need to appreciate what our men do for us! My hubby has been so sweet he calls me on his way home and asks me if I'm craving or if I want anything from the store. Over the weekend we got about 8 inches of snow so I got up early to go to the barn and take care of the horses I went outside to clean the snow off my truck and it was running and warm and he cleaned all the snow off! But my favorite thing he is doing is every night when we go to bed he puts his hand on my stomach and asked how our baby is doing, I love him more then anything!
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    My hub and I have been doing great lately! He loves to tuck me in for a nap and encourages me to rest whenever I'm tired. He says nice things about me when he knows how insecure I am right now about my skin. On Friday night he turned down going to a brewery and didn't complain one bit because he knew I didn't want to go and watch everyone else drink or be left out. He painted the nursery, and started reading a book about pregnancy to commiserate with me! I cried yesterday for stupid reasons and he was very understanding and didn't make fun of me or blame it on my hormones (which I hate).

     I haven't needed too much help as I've been feeling great, so it's the time he spends with me I appreciate the most. The other day we were discussing how he is behind at work due to unforseen circumstances, and whether or not he should start pulling really long hours. I told him, work is the most important thing and I'll be fine for a few weeks on my own, no problem! He said work is not the most important thing and he needs to and wants to be home with his pregnant wife. It doesn't sound like much but the way he said it almost made me cry.

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    LoHerrim said:
    LoHerrim said:
    Oh and he apologized for his lack of comment the other night about me being fat. He said he thought I was being sarcastic.
    I typically am SO not like that. But I was feeling incredibly insecure at that moment. This pregnancy has made me feel and act crazy! But usually if I say something self degrading, H is all over it.
    Haha. Maybe that's why he didn't know to jump on it! He's spoiled by you generally being a rational woman. Mine is certainly NOT spoiled that way-- which is why he's good about the "you're not fat, you're pregnant and beautiful" stuff. I'm an insecure mess about my expanding... everything. 


    Karen + Tim  8/17/13
    BLUE baby on the way 6/17/14
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    My DH has been so supportive the entire time. I don't think I have had a single thought or complaint against him, yet. I have had terrible MS and fatigue without relief...he brings everything to me so I don't have to move when I am miserable. Even now at 16 weeks, his support hasn't lost steam. We have been together for 12 years and married for 6 years...yet I am still reminded of what a good decision I made and how lucky I am to have him. I know he will be an amazing dad and I can't wait to watch him flourish as a father.


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