June 2014 Moms

let's brag on our men...

it is so common to get into conversations with ladies about how "difficult" the other sex can be---normal to complain... but as I sit here on the couch with my legs crossed, sipping my drink and eating guacamole, while watching tv, my hubs is laying hard wood floor in our guest room/will be nursery. what a man!

Re: let's brag on our men...

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    My DH has been extra helpful with cooking and cleaning, he always puts our two boys to bed, but he helps me cook at night, always brings home things Im craving, and when I burst into tears for no reason he stops whatever he is doing to hold me and cuddle me until I feel better. Also, because he is a carpenter and he's going to get all the Codes and Requirements that apply to cribs so he can build our baby's crib himself and make sure its completely up to codes and conduct. Which I think is super sweet he's so busy with his own company, plus his ft job, and is still going to build the crib because I thought it'd be a really sweet story for our first baby together, that daddy built the crib and his two big brothers helped mommy decorate it and what not! (:
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    DH has had a busy semester between work and school, and he just finished finals this week. I thought he'd relax for a week or so, but he's jumped right into getting our nursery ready. He's made me a couple "folate-rich" soups since my BFP and is always willing to make a late-night McFlurry run for me. He's a good one :)
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    my husband has been so wonderful
    with this whole pregnancy.
    the ups and downs of it for me.
    i got depressed shortly after finding
    out i was pregnant.
    not about the baby, but more so
    about possibly losing the baby.
    i have been struggling with this
    thought since my loss earlier
    this year and just wanted to finally
    get out of my first trimester.
    i will be 14 weeks this coming Monday
    so i'm finally starting to feel
    more okay with the pregnancy.
    he has been so supportive and
    hands on when it comes to looking
    at cribs, paint colors for the room,
    even the cutesy stuff like baby clothes.
    his excitement, love and support
    have been so amazing!!
    i am so extremely blessed and
    thank God for this man everyday ❤️
    happy to be his wife and his
    baby mama ❤️
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    My hubby is so awesome and I can be so mean to him. He's doing everything in his power to help me be comfortable and make it through this pregnancy with a smile on my face. Im always fighting him in his efforts but at the end of the day I'd be lost, malnutritioned, a harzard to me and the baby, and overwhelmed. I understand why God made Adam and Eve for each other; they're incomplete without each other. God knew what he was doing when he gave me Daris.
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    My hubby waits on me hand and foot, prepares the meals, and makes sure the house is clean and the laundry is done - every single day! He's the best.
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    DH has been doing all the dishes and cooking, he does so many awesome things for me but my favorite is when I start kicking and tossing around at night due to RLS he wakes up and massages my legs till they feel better.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    My hubby has just been awesome and very understanding of how sick I've been feeling this pregnancy. He also lets me have my cravings most the time lol!!
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    My husband has always treated me well, but since we found out that I'm pregnant, he's stepped it up on so many levels.  I basically get to dictate what we eat for dinner every night (he asks me what the baby wants for dinner, lol).  I get massages and snuggles upon request.  I get infinite patience with my tempestuous moods and hormonal breakdowns.  And he takes care of most things around the house just so I don't have to.  

    Besides that, he's just over the moon about having a baby and it's wonderful to see.  I always thought it was such bullshit when people said pregnancy brought them closer together, but it's definitely been true in our case.

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    My hubby is so awesome. I'm a work from home/Stay at home mom. I am so thankful that he works everyday, provides for us and has killer insurance for all 3 (4!) of us. Almost every day when he gets home from work, he hugs me and says "Thank you for taking care of our son all day" and ignores the fact that I don't have time to clean the house during the day. He then immediately launches into dad mode and takes care of our son for the rest of the night so I can have some me time.

    He also rubs my feet every. single. night!

    He also went out in the rain and cold tonight to get me a McFlurry. True love!!

    BabyFruit TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Mine has been extra amazing since we got pregnant. He doesn't let me do anything anymore although of course I am still hard headed. Hehe! He's just the sweetest and everything we do is based on what I want and feel like. What to eat, where to go, what to do, etc. He always asks me how I'm feeling and always makes sure I'm always feeling my best (even though that's impossible when pregnant). I love him so much! I'm forever grateful for him being mine.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Cooks elaborate meals every night (although tonight he surprised me with a pizza from a place we used to go to for dates when we were first dating...awww so sweet);  never complains to my "honey, can you get me..." requests from the couch, always understanding even though I have maybe done 20 minutes of housework since I got pregnant, foot massages...as I wrote this he just wrapped up the last slice of pizza for me. 

    Due June 29, 2014

    June 2014 Mommies' January Signature Challenge: Throwback baby pic

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    My hubby is wonderful, I couldn't ask for someone better to spend this time with. He makes or at least gets me dinner every single night and doesn't complain when I want him to make the same thing day after day. He takes care of the dishes and the cats since everything still makes me gag. He brings me snacks when I'm simply too lazy or tired to get off the couch. He starts my car so it can warm up every time I leave the house. He hasn't complained once! I could go on and on about how wonderful he is!
    BabyFruit Ticker

    June '14 February Siggy Challenge
    Picture of DH and I on top of Mayan ruins, Altun Ha, in Belize

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    Hubs is great normally..but now that I've been pregnant he has taken on the role of pretty much everything.  He cooks almost every night, helps get my laundry up and down stairs, cleans, takes out trash/recycling, does the dishes..I can't even name it all.  I am super lucky he is so amazing!
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    The other night we put up our Christmas tree and I had a full scale pregnancy meltdown because it was totally crooked in the stand and it was so big, there was basically no room for water for the damn thing. I went into our bedroom and slammed the door like a five year old and flung myself on the bed. Hubby didn't come after me and the house was very quiet for a while- come to find out, he, after working a 12 hour day, went out in the freezing cold and snow and got to Home Depot 3 minutes before closing to buy a bigger tree stand so he could spend another hour getting the tree perfect in the stand so his wife would be happy. He is such a keeper.
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    My DH is an amazing man and will be an amazing father, I just know it. Lately since it is absolutely freezing here in MA he walks our dog every morning and every night and doesn't complain and every morning when he takes the dog out he starts my car so that when I get in its nice and toasty. Hes also been doing the dishes and dinner especially in my first tri when I had NO energy! but now I am getting it back and I'm excited to make him dinner all the time and show him how much I have appreciated all the help . He is the absolute best and it really is the little things that matter.


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers'>.

    Our little peanut..

     BabyFruit Ticker'>.

    image'>. Visit The Nest!'>. Visit The Nest!'>. Visit The Nest!'>.

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    As I lay here in bed looking on tb, DH is at the laundromat. Taking care of a weeks worth of laundry. But he cuddled upon request before leaving. :)
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    The sweetest thing my DH has done is rock a "rally beard". We had a previous mc and this time in support of us getting through first tri he hasn't trimmed since Oct. After our last appt I told him he can officially trim :)

    He's also very reassuring, calm and supportive whenever my pgal brain acts up. I'd go crazy if he wasn't there saying "everything is fine, I'm not nervous at all."
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                      DH and I in front of our first house - Aug 2013
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    I seriously LOVE reading this thread!

    My DH has been so sweet and supportive and just seems to know exactly what I need lately. I tend to be a very "I'll do it myself" type of person so it has been hard for me to relinquish control, not carry around heavy things (I typically do all the Christmas decorating myself, for example, which requires me to crawl in and out of crawlspaces, carry heavy boxes, etc.) and he's been super understanding of how that is hard for me to let go of but still takes care of me and makes sure I am not doing anything "dangerous" at the same time. I kind of love how he is doting on me, holding my arm in the parking lot so I don't slip on the ice, making sure I'm comfortable, not complaining when I pass out on the couch at 7pm every night... it's all just incredibly sweet.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I love this thread!
    I didn't think I could fall any more in love with my husband, but since we got our BFP I am more and more enamored with the incredible man I married. Not only is he over the moon about baby and so excited to be a father, he's taken over all of the house work- dishes, cleaning, cooking, etc. because the smells have given me major nausea and then extreme fatigue set in. 

    Best of all, though, when I'm having a hormonal breakdown (which seems to happen a lot because I'm a perfectionist and having m/s and exhaustion put me weeks behind in work and errands makes me feel really terrible- I know- good practice for me letting go of expectations because I'm sure baby will interfere with this outside the womb too!) he will hold me and massage my feet and tell me I'm amazing and doing the most incredible thing in the world. He reminds me that I'm enough for what I am, not what I do and he prays with me and holds me until I feel better. That, especially now in this crazy pregnancy roller coaster, is the greatest act of love he could give me!
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    DH has been super awesome throughout the whole pregnancy, really good about helping around the house, cleaning and cooking and all that.  I had a tough week at work this past week and I totally snapped at him yesterday for not responding to my email (lame on my part).  Instead of getting mad at me, he brought me home a card and a Barnes and Noble gift card.  Definitely made me feel much better!
    BFP 12/30/12...MC 1/13...TTC again 6/11/13...
    BFP #2 9/28/13....EDD 6/7/14

    imagephoto 1a59b4ac-19a8-49a0-9708-9916e05c4da6_zps5a5904c3.jpgimage
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I just love this thread - great idea! This month has been really hectic at work as we close out the firm's fiscal year and my loving hubby has been the primary one to keep the house clean, makes me coffee and/or breakfast each morning, rubs my achy back, and is my no. 1 cheerleader during this exhausting time! He also keeps up with our date nights so we stay connected as a couple and not just new parents. I am falling in love w him all over again!!
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    What a great thread! 

    My DH is great . . . he isn't particularly "handyman" around the house, but last weekend he tore out the closet in the soon-to-be nursery and we had a new system installed. I was pretty proud of his work! 

    He also goes and gets me McDonalds for breakfast on the weekends.

    And he's incredibly excited to be a father, reminds me how "cute" my pudgy belly is, and tells me what a great mother I will be. 

    Love that man!
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    I can't say enough about him. He cooks, cleans, shops, plans meals so that I can rest. He's wonderful when I'm emotional. He comes to all the doctor's appointments and asks questions. I feel so incredibly taken care of and loved and lucky. There's no one else in the world I'd rather go to the movies with, hang out with, or really be around. I had a rough time of life early on, but I always think he is the one aspect where I won the lottery, and I wouldn't change it: for all the pain I've had, I have this incredible person to share my life with that gives it every ounce of joy, meaning, and comfort. 

    The other day I said, "I don't think I could do pregnancy alone." To which he made a Murphy Brown joke, which I appreciated.


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    DH is normally very helpful around the house. We have our division of chores and on his random off days throughout the week he would scrub the house. Now he's been doing my normal chores since I've been so pooped.

    I came home the other day to 4 clean loads if laundry folded and ready to be put away in our bedroom. He got down on his hands and knees and scrubbed our kitchen floor. He's cooking more often and getting me whatever he knows I like at the grocery store. Because he knows I am hungry all the time but too lazy or tired to cook lately.

    We've been out to eat a few times and he always tells DS that mommy and the baby get to pick. Because he knows there was only so few things I could keep down in my early pregnancy.

    And with the snow we've had lately he will often clean off my car and start it up so it's warm when I get in.

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

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    lscal20lscal20 member
    edited December 2013
    May I add that hubby is cooking steak and coconut shrimp for us right now? Mmm :-)

    Edit for spelling
    BabyFruit Ticker

    June '14 February Siggy Challenge
    Picture of DH and I on top of Mayan ruins, Altun Ha, in Belize

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    I can't say enough great things about my DH. He is seriously the most amazing person I've ever met and I ask myself daily how I got so lucky. Some things off the top of my head: he always let's me take a nap when he gets home from work, even though he works hard and probably just wants to relax, he is truly an equal parenting partner. He does all our cloth diaper laundry, actually he does all our laundry in general. He does about 80% of the house cleaning etc. he is just awesome
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    My husband is chauffeuring me to and from work today so I won't have to clear snow off my car and so I won't have to drive in the snow. He also was going to take dog for his morning walk today because it was so cold but I insisted on taking him myself. He's also been doing just random things for me that he's never done & he won't admit it but I know he's doing them just cause I'm pregnant.
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