Mmm...not I want a hard cider with black current. Haven't had it as good as they make it in England though since I was there 11 years ago. Never heard of wine gums? Are they sold in the States anywhere?
Last pregnancy my major symptom was the sorest boobs ever. Like, so bad I had to stop my students from hugging me too hard. This is also a PMS symptom. This pregnancy, nothing. Also, I'm a terrible liar. My FFFC: I wish they hurt so that I could make DH stop trying to touch them during sexy time. I never find it to be a turn on, and am a little sad I don't have the excuse right now.
Hey BPaws, if you like black currant have you ever had Ribena? It's a popular british black currant drink (DH and I buy the syrup concentrate that you then mix with hot or cold water).
ETA: Apparently it's an Australian drink, but is very popular in the UK.
It's the only juice of any kind I drink!!! I go trough one container every two weeks! I LOVE the stuff!!! I mix it with lemon extract as well- it's heavenly. I love mixing it with hot water and lemon. I could drink the stuff forever.
Why does the Midwest have to have such boring food? I want to drink this!
"Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."
TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.
I side eye the shit out of people who won't touch a drop of wine or sushi, and freak out over deli meat but see no problem with consuming fast food, soda, artificial sweeteners and other junk.
This was my SIL completely. Wouldn't eat a single piece of seafood (even though we all explained to her that there were only a few kinds to avoid), but she would seriously eat a fast food burger with extra bacon, fries and a milkshake for breakfast a couple times a week.
My Dr. told me to eat Salmon weekly or take fish oil. She also told me to eat what I could stomach and to be super cautious of where I got my sushi if I was going to eat it. I love her
13 yr old boy with ASD, ADHD and PICA, 11 yr old boy, 3 yr old Girl, & baby Girl.
Oh I have another one. My DH is super strict/paranoid about all things pregnancy-related. But he hasn't read any books or done much research yet. So sometimes I stretch the truth a little bit in order to get my way.
"My friend who works at the Mayo Clinic told me........."
Oh, and I fully intended to continue highlighting my hair throughout this pregnancy (after doing some research), so I didn't even ask my doctor about it. I didn't want to hear her opinion if she said no. That's pretty flameful.
There are at least 2 people in this group that live within 10-15 minutes of me, and another that grew up within 10-15 minutes of me. This freaks me out that I may know them in real life.
I love your tortoise pic! Used to have one.
rachoochoo2 In defence of name picking NOW, I thought 9 months was enough time last time, yet my Dh was still emailing and looking furiously during my labor (he was "in charge" of finalizing a name, and I was 10 days late). it took me two months to name my cat ..."Kelder Cat" (dutch for cellar cat...which is where he spent his first couple of months, pretty original for the time spent:/ ) I want to be settled on a few names before the wonderful day this time
@tealowl OOH NO, now same edd's and the fact they were having sex when I was will be forever implanted in my head. gross!
I feel like lately every time DH speaks I want to punch him. It makes me feel really bad because I love him but if he tells me to get up and do something one more time, I may just flip out. Is he growing a human being that is literally exhausting him while working 12 hour shifts at the hospital to graduate? Nope. Didn't think so!
I feel like lately every time DH speaks I want to punch him. It makes me feel really bad because I love him but if he tells me to get up and do something one more time, I may just flip out. Is he growing a human being that is literally exhausting him while working 12 hour shifts at the hospital to graduate? Nope. Didn't think so!
And you would be completely justified if you did! My reply if I ever feel like he thinks I'm laying around too much is "I'm growing a human...what are you doing?"
The Comcast remote, guide and on demand interface make me irrationally angry. Engineering and software programming have advanced so far beyond this, and yet, they're still back in the 90's. I've had TiVo in my living room since 1999, I know there are better options out there. Why can Comcast not improve this train wreck. Seriously, I want to smash my bedroom tv as a result of their shit work.
1. I hate it when people think being pregnant literally means you're "eating for two." In reality, you need an extra 300-400 more calories per day than usual... which is like 2 granola bars, a bowl of cereal + a banana, a yogurt with some granola, a piece of fruit with some peanut butter, etc. Just because you're pregnant and have cravings, it doesn't mean you should double the portions of your meals.
2. I really dislike names that are common, but uncommonly spelled. For example, Melyssa, Kristopher, Christen, Branndi, Ashleigh, Cydnee, etc. I just feel like that poor child/ person is going to go through their entire lives correcting the spellings of their names. It's not creative or special, just a PITA in my opinion.
ETA: This is probably more of a UO post, but I missed it yesterday!
1. I hate it when people think being pregnant literally means you're "eating for two." In reality, you need an extra 300-400 more calories per day than usual... which is like 2 granola bars, a bowl of cereal + a banana, a yogurt with some granola, a piece of fruit with some peanut butter, etc. Just because you're pregnant and have cravings, it doesn't mean you should double the portions of your meals.
2. I really dislike names that are common, but uncommonly spelled. For example, Melyssa, Kristopher, Christen, Branndi, Ashleigh, Cydnee, etc. I just feel like that poor child/ person is going to go through their entire lives correcting the spellings of their names. It's not creative or special, just a PITA in my opinion.
Unless you're this sexy man. *swoon* Kristoffer gets a pass in my book, because maybe his parents are super awesome and have amazing musical taste.
I feel like lately every time DH speaks I want to punch him. It makes me feel really bad because I love him but if he tells me to get up and do something one more time, I may just flip out. Is he growing a human being that is literally exhausting him while working 12 hour shifts at the hospital to graduate? Nope. Didn't think so!
My DH bitched at me this morning because his laundry wasn't done. Oh and this was right after I hurled up stomach acid into the toilet.
I keep forgetting to eat. I have alot going on and am feeling a little nauseous at all times, so I just keep forgetting to feed myself. Which is totally out of character, because I usually eat all day. My coworkers always tease me about it. This morning I looked up at the clock and it was 11am and I thought, hmmm, I guess I should eat something.
Here is my confession: Women who offer me home remedies for MS make me ragey and stabby beyond all belief.
If I complain about morning sickness it is because I have not been able to keep anything down for more than 12 hours. Anything less than that is a "good" day. I take zofran and phenegran around the clock. If that isn't helping your "real ginger candy" and "soda crackers with ginger ale" and sea bands aren't going to help. Don't suggest it to me and for the love of God don't tell me how bad your morning sickness was because you threw up once a day for four weeks. Eff that. I throw up multiple times a day for 9.5 months.
I actually had someone suggest to me that I sniff lavender and lemon essential oils while I was still puking with IV zofran pumping through my veins. Just don't even.
I am really annoyed about the amount of people on this board who are non-vaxers. You realize your kid can get POLIO, right?? I feel like it's some horrible trend, and it needs to go away. Herd immunity people, herd immunity.
Everytime I read non-vaxes I think it says non-waxers and I'm like who gives a sh!t if you wax or not!?
I am silently freaking out about the HF&M disease thing and am having flashbacks to my first pregnancy and being overly paranoid. Now I don't "feel pregnant" and am realizing I'm acting like one of those FTM I make fun of.
If there was a previous post about this, I missed it. I just wanted to say that I caught HF&M from one of my students right after I found out I was pregnant with DS. They ran a thousand tests to be sure it wasn't anything else, and in the end, DS turned out fine. Also, it was hilarious to me that my mom thought I had caught Hoof and Mouth disease and wanted to know when I had gotten close enough to a sick cow to catch it.
But just because you have the same EDD as someone doesn't necessarily mean you even ovulated at the same time, let alone had sex at the same time. My FFFC is that my friend's daughter is really not cute. I hid her on FB because I got tired of seeing her kid's face in my newsfeed constantly. She thinks she is a photographer and thinks her kid is perfectly adorable so apparently all she does all day is take photos and share them.
FFFC - When I see someone with the same EDD as me, I think:
"Whoa, they were totally having sex at the exact same time I was. Gross."
@Tealowl - my DH's birthday is less than a week from my EDD... I have had the thought that his parents had to have sex around the same relative time we did to have DH when they did. Not quite the same, but it still creeps me out little.
My daughter's birthday is July 9th, and I'm due July 10th. I can't wait for the day they do the math and realize that I have a really good time on my birthday each year lol.
1. I hate it when people think being pregnant literally means you're "eating for two." In reality, you need an extra 300-400 more calories per day than usual... which is like 2 granola bars, a bowl of cereal + a banana, a yogurt with some granola, a piece of fruit with some peanut butter, etc. Just because you're pregnant and have cravings, it doesn't mean you should double the portions of your meals.
2. I really dislike names that are common, but uncommonly spelled. For example, Melyssa, Kristopher, Christen, Branndi, Ashleigh, Cydnee, etc. I just feel like that poor child/ person is going to go through their entire lives correcting the spellings of their names. It's not creative or special, just a PITA in my opinion.
ETA: This is probably more of a UO post, but I missed it yesterday!
You would really hate my middle DS's name. It is Kristoffer. and is a nod to his Scandinavian heritage. I hate names that are spelled wonky just because the parents are trying to be different. IF it is a legitimate spelling of the name, I am fine with it.
13 yr old boy with ASD, ADHD and PICA, 11 yr old boy, 3 yr old Girl, & baby Girl.
I had a sex dream about zombies and some girl I was going to make out with. Let's just say there was some awkwardness sexytime with her on the steering wheel... and then she grew a weiner. WTF was that!!!
*SIGGY* Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia. 5lb12oz 19" #2 due Christmas 2016.
FFFC - When I see someone with the same EDD as me, I think:
"Whoa, they were totally having sex at the exact same time I was. Gross."
@Tealowl - my DH's birthday is less than a week from my EDD... I have had the thought that his parents had to have sex around the same relative time we did to have DH when they did. Not quite the same, but it still creeps me out little.
My daughter's birthday is July 9th, and I'm due July 10th. I can't wait for the day they do the math and realize that I have a really good time on my birthday each year lol.
DS and this LO will be 6 days apart according to my EDD. A little freaked out...
1. I hate it when people think being pregnant literally means you're "eating for two." In reality, you need an extra 300-400 more calories per day than usual... which is like 2 granola bars, a bowl of cereal + a banana, a yogurt with some granola, a piece of fruit with some peanut butter, etc. Just because you're pregnant and have cravings, it doesn't mean you should double the portions of your meals.
2. I really dislike names that are common, but uncommonly spelled. For example, Melyssa, Kristopher, Christen, Branndi, Ashleigh, Cydnee, etc. I just feel like that poor child/ person is going to go through their entire lives correcting the spellings of their names. It's not creative or special, just a PITA in my opinion.
ETA: This is probably more of a UO post, but I missed it yesterday!
You would really hate my middle DS's name. It is Kristoffer. and is a nod to his Scandinavian heritage. I hate names that are spelled wonky just because the parents are trying to be different. IF it is a legitimate spelling of the name, I am fine with it.
I am sure that people think we were trying to be cute and you-neek with DS's name, which has a non-traditional ethnic spelling. He's named after my grandpa, but I have heard people side-eyeing and making comments about how we "slaughtered" the name. Oh well.
I totally ate sushi last week, loved it, don't feel a twinge of regret and I'm quite certain the omega 6s were great for baby! That said, I did get DH to test it first for freshness first.
Sometime earlier that week I also had a Big Mac and sipped some soda. I totally missed the fries and won't deny myself next time!
But just because you have the same EDD as someone doesn't necessarily mean you even ovulated at the same time, let alone had sex at the same time. My FFFC is that my friend's daughter is really not cute. I hid her on FB because I got tired of seeing her kid's face in my newsfeed constantly. She thinks she is a photographer and thinks her kid is perfectly adorable so apparently all she does all day is take photos and share them.
It was a joke, jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.
"Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."
TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.
FFFC - When I see someone with the same EDD as me, I think:
"Whoa, they were totally having sex at the exact same time I was. Gross."
@Tealowl - my DH's birthday is less than a week from my EDD... I have had the thought that his parents had to have sex around the same relative time we did to have DH when they did. Not quite the same, but it still creeps me out little.
My daughter's birthday is July 9th, and I'm due July 10th. I can't wait for the day they do the math and realize that I have a really good time on my birthday each year lol.
DS and this LO will be 6 days apart according to my EDD. A little freaked out...
DD' birthday is 7/6, and my EDD is S/O's birthday - 7/25. S/O's mom and I love being fertile in October!
"Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."
TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.
You would really hate my middle DS's name. It is Kristoffer. and is a nod to his Scandinavian heritage. I hate names that are spelled wonky just because the parents are trying to be different. IF it is a legitimate spelling of the name, I am fine with it.
I am sure that people think we were trying to be cute and you-neek with DS's name, which has a non-traditional ethnic spelling. He's named after my grandpa, but I have heard people side-eyeing and making comments about how we "slaughtered" the name. Oh well.
Family names always get a pass in my book. My Oldest's middle name is Sartor after a great great (add a lot more greats) grandfather of mine.
13 yr old boy with ASD, ADHD and PICA, 11 yr old boy, 3 yr old Girl, & baby Girl.
Ok, this is absolutely ridiculous. And I have since totally made fun of myself. But, my feelings were somewhat hurt that no one congratulated me in my intro post. LAME!
Ok, this is absolutely ridiculous. And I have since totally made fun of myself. But, my feelings were somewhat hurt that no one congratulated me in my intro post. LAME!
ETA: I have no idea what happened to my post.
Welcome! I'm sorry, I've gotta admit, I'm intro posted out. They're all blurring together and my eyes are crossing. Congratulations on your pregnancy, and welcome to the board. My feelings would be stung too, even though it's admittedly silly.
Ok, this is absolutely ridiculous. And I have since totally made fun of myself. But, my feelings were somewhat hurt that no one congratulated me in my intro post. LAME!
I can't see what you said. Did you call me lame? Because I totally am!
Ok, this is absolutely ridiculous. And I have since totally made fun of myself. But, my feelings were somewhat hurt that no one congratulated me in my intro post. LAME!
I can't see what you said. Did you call me lame? Because I totally am!
It deleted for some reason. I just rewrote it. I'll allow you to call yourself lame, because I named myself BigLewZer
Ok, this is absolutely ridiculous. And I have since totally made fun of myself. But, my feelings were somewhat hurt that no one congratulated me in my intro post. LAME!
ETA: I have no idea what happened to my post.
Welcome! I'm sorry, I've gotta admit, I'm intro posted out. They're all blurring together and my eyes are crossing. Congratulations on your pregnancy, and welcome to the board. My feelings would be stung too, even though it's admittedly silly.
And yeah, I can see how for those of you who have been here a few weeks already all the intro posts start to become mind numbing.
eta: I totally call myself names. I use to call myself a lush. Not anymore! Ok, well I did have one tiny sip of the good scotch to celebrate. Call the pregnancy police!
@deltadawn89 - better late than never - welcome and congrats! I try to write on most of the intros because I think it is nice to be welcoming, but I have definitely noticed some of the posts have blurred! Sorry to have missed yours!
Thank you!
I hope you guys don't think I was fishing for congratulations. I just figured it was a good confession
Also, people did answer my question about pregnancy apps--so that made me feel welcomed.
Ok, this is absolutely ridiculous. And I have since totally made fun of myself. But, my feelings were somewhat hurt that no one congratulated me in my intro post. LAME!
Most of us don't open those posts anymore. Congratulations!!
@deltadawn89 - I'm with @biglewzer that even though there have been so many intro posts, I would have been ever so slightly butthurt if no one had said hi or congrats. Definitely a good confession.
FFFC - When I see someone with the same EDD as me, I think:
"Whoa, they were totally having sex at the exact same time I was. Gross."
@Tealowl - my DH's birthday is less than a week from my EDD... I have had the thought that his parents had to have sex around the same relative time we did to have DH when they did. Not quite the same, but it still creeps me out little.
Oh thanks for that Summerlovin! My DH's birthday is 3 days after my EDD. Not a mental image I need right now.
Although my poor DD, wait until she's old enough to figure out that her Dad and I conceived her younger sibling practically on her birthday! According to my BBT I O'ed the day of her 3rd birthday party, which was 2 days after her actual birthday and we had OOT guests staying with us (yay for stealthy sexy time!!).
Ok, this is absolutely ridiculous. And I have since totally made fun of myself. But, my feelings were somewhat hurt that no one congratulated me in my intro post. LAME!
Most of us don't open those posts anymore. Congratulations!!
Why does the Midwest have to have such boring food? I want to drink this!
"Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."
TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.
BFP 11/10/13, EDD 7/25/13 - stick little owlet!
13 yr old boy with ASD, ADHD and PICA, 11 yr old boy, 3 yr old Girl, & baby Girl.
"My friend who works at the Mayo Clinic told me........."
"One of my books says it's fine to............"
rachoochoo2 In defence of name picking NOW, I thought 9 months was enough time last time, yet my Dh was still emailing and looking furiously during my labor (he was "in charge" of finalizing a name, and I was 10 days late). it took me two months to name my cat ..."Kelder Cat" (dutch for cellar cat...which is where he spent his first couple of months, pretty original for the time spent:/ ) I want to be settled on a few names before the wonderful day this time
@tealowl OOH NO, now same edd's and the fact they were having sex when I was will be forever implanted in my head. gross!
GIFSoup" /img>
DD 1 10/2012
CP 9/2013
DD 2 6/2014
CP 3/2016
BFP 12/8/2016
1. I hate it when people think being pregnant literally means you're "eating for two." In reality, you need an extra 300-400 more calories per day than usual... which is like 2 granola bars, a bowl of cereal + a banana, a yogurt with some granola, a piece of fruit with some peanut butter, etc. Just because you're pregnant and have cravings, it doesn't mean you should double the portions of your meals.
2. I really dislike names that are common, but uncommonly spelled. For example, Melyssa, Kristopher, Christen, Branndi, Ashleigh, Cydnee, etc. I just feel like that poor child/ person is going to go through their entire lives correcting the spellings of their names. It's not creative or special, just a PITA in my opinion.
ETA: This is probably more of a UO post, but I missed it yesterday!
My DH bitched at me this morning because his laundry wasn't done. Oh and this was right after I hurled up stomach acid into the toilet.
He may never have sex again.
Here is my confession: Women who offer me home remedies for MS make me ragey and stabby beyond all belief.
If I complain about morning sickness it is because I have not been able to keep anything down for more than 12 hours. Anything less than that is a "good" day. I take zofran and phenegran around the clock. If that isn't helping your "real ginger candy" and "soda crackers with ginger ale" and sea bands aren't going to help. Don't suggest it to me and for the love of God don't tell me how bad your morning sickness was because you threw up once a day for four weeks. Eff that. I throw up multiple times a day for 9.5 months.
I actually had someone suggest to me that I sniff lavender and lemon essential oils while I was still puking with IV zofran pumping through my veins. Just don't even.
Everytime I read non-vaxes I think it says non-waxers and I'm like who gives a sh!t if you wax or not!?
You would really hate my middle DS's name. It is Kristoffer. and is a nod to his Scandinavian heritage. I hate names that are spelled wonky just because the parents are trying to be different. IF it is a legitimate spelling of the name, I am fine with it.
13 yr old boy with ASD, ADHD and PICA, 11 yr old boy, 3 yr old Girl, & baby Girl.
Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia. 5lb12oz 19"
#2 due Christmas 2016.
Sometime earlier that week I also had a Big Mac and sipped some soda. I totally missed the fries and won't deny myself next time!
I won't judge you, if you don't judge me!
"Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."
TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.
BFP 11/10/13, EDD 7/25/13 - stick little owlet!
"Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."
TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.
BFP 11/10/13, EDD 7/25/13 - stick little owlet!
13 yr old boy with ASD, ADHD and PICA, 11 yr old boy, 3 yr old Girl, & baby Girl.
This was the order of my initial reaction of ultrasound today:
1. Glad the baby is OK
2. I am so happy there is only ONE baby in there.
Most of us don't open those posts anymore. Congratulations!!
Oh thanks for that Summerlovin! My DH's birthday is 3 days after my EDD. Not a mental image I need right now.
Although my poor DD, wait until she's old enough to figure out that her Dad and I conceived her younger sibling practically on her birthday! According to my BBT I O'ed the day of her 3rd birthday party, which was 2 days after her actual birthday and we had OOT guests staying with us (yay for stealthy sexy time!!).
@deltadawn89 - Congrats and welcome! Hopefully it is better late than never :-)
My feelings would have been a little bit hurt too.