November 2013 Moms

Late November EDD'ers Come In


Re: Late November EDD'ers Come In

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    I am due the 22nd. I feel like this baby is never going to come out but I know he needs to stay where he is for a few more weeks. This weekend we are installing the car seat and getting it checked. (our hospital offers car seat inspections) 

    I havent packed a bag for myself or the baby , but this weekend i would like to wash some of the baby clothes 
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    Due the 16th, but LO is "plastered to my cervix" as my OB says. Already 3 centimeters, so she's more than welcome anytime now. :)
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    I am due November 20th, went for my check up yesterday and my belly has started to drop doc said he can feel his head is way down there, he is leaning more twoards November 15 but said he could come any day now :) still have to get the car seat in the car but have washed the clothes and bottles, so just a few other odds and ends to do. Bags are packed and ready to go :) I'm hoping he comes earlier then the 20th, doc also discussed taking me out of work early due to swelling :-/
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    Due the 24th! Still need to install car seat, pack bags. Doctor won't check me until next weeks appt! Been having BH but nothing too serious! Totally ready for my baby girl though!
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    I'm due the 21st and hope I can keep her in there just one day past that so that she'll be a Sagittarius! My household only has room for one crazy Scorpio and that'd be me! We're pretty much set except for a full stock of diapers.
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    11/30 here. Still have to get the car seat installed and a few things like the pnp assembled but other than that I feel pretty good. My basic hospital bag is set to go with the exception of the items I need out of it until the time comes to go in like my make-up, clothes are washed and put away, room is set-up, etc. I probably could do with prepping myself some freezer meals too.
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    Nov 19. No internal checks yet. Not aware of any BH or any other type of contractions, though I was apparently having them during our Perinatal visit last week. My blood pressure continues to be elevated (yesterday 140/107) but no protein in samples, no swelling, headaches, or vision changes and little guy looked good. He is head down and low enough we cant get any pics of his face. As long as my Doctors continue to not know what to do with me about my blood pressure, I anticipate continuing working until I go into labor.
    We are pretty much just waiting on him at this point :)
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    Due November 25th and I've yet to have any contractions or indications that this kid plans on vacating the premises before then (which is fine). As far as my to-do list, would love to get some freezer meals prepped, buy some more postpartum gear (nursing bras, etc...) and finalize the nursery, which is about 90% done.  
    BFP#1 10/19/09, m/c 12/5/09, BFP#2 2/03/12, m/c 2/12/12, BFP#3 3/18/13, LO born 11/22/13

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    I'm due on the 30th!!!! It seems so far away:(( I'm already so uncomfortable and can't sleep!
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    I'm due November 20th. I agree there are still plenty of us that are still pregnant since tomorrow is the first day of November! Just wait until there are more threads about babies and pp than about pregnancies. 

    I have been having BH ctx for months now, but I did have prodromal labor Tuesday night from 11 pm to 3 am where ctxs were anywhere from 2 minutes to 11 minutes apart. I gave up at 3 am and went to bed after soaking in a bath. At my Wed. OB appt. I was neither dilated nor effaced. I also think my LO moved higher! He keeps floating up and down. Engage already! My OB will let me go to 41 weeks, but since I'm going for a VBAC, she can't induce me. It's either I go into labor myself or c-section. So, I have to make sure I do a LOT of walking and sex, and just bought a small stability ball for bouncing on. I never went into labor on my own with DS1. I'm getting nervous. I really don't want another c-section.

    The only things left to do are to install car seat, get it inspected and pack hospital bags. Our diaper bag is pretty much packed.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


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    I am due 11/17. It feels so close but so far away! The nursery is close to being done, almost everything is washed and put away, the furniture just needs to be rearranged a little bit and the room vacuumed. I don't have any hospital bags packed yet, so I should probably do that. I may actually do that today. We have the carseat it just needs to be installed. As far as when I'm going to go into labor, I have no clue. I have been having slightly stronger contractions recently than the BH but not consistent enough to probably do anything. And I can definitely tell that my pelvis is starting to get loose because yesterday and today it feels like its trying to split in two! But it is quite possible I could go late, especially with this being my first.
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    EDD is 11/28, but baby (Team Green) has been breech/transverse for the last couple of months.  I have weekly sonograms, due to low PAPP-A found during first trimester screening, so doctor was worried about IUGR, but at this week’s appointment, baby is measuring two days ahead, and was estimated to be 6 lbs, 1 ounce.  We have a c-section scheduled for 11/22, unless baby flips to head down before then. We were going to try a version (anyone had one before), but I think I’m chickening out on that.

    Nursery is done, with the exception of some finishing touches, which is a good thing, because at the moment I’m more interested in napping than nesting. 

    Sending positive thoughts to all of you!

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    Hello all!
    I have an EDD 11/21, we are basically ready for him anytime.  Bags are packed, nursery mostly done, car seat installed.  I have a sh*t ton of thank you cards that I would like to finish before he gets here.... If only I could bring myself to do them.  I have been contracting on and off for days but no real progression or increase in intensity.  I am so ready to go into labor so that I don't have to go back to work again for 10 weeks.  I work in the ER and my shifts there are getting pretty painful.  
    Same sex couple, Married 8/6/11
    Baby Oliver born 11/27/13

    TTC stats with donor sperm...
    IUI #1 with trigger, 1/4/13 - BFN
    IUI #2 with trigger, 2/1/13 BFN
    IUI #3 with tigger, 2/28/12 BFP EDD 11/21/13
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    Due the 24th, c-section, Dr says he might make his appearance anytime, tough.
    Last day of work today!!! Lots of BH but nothing more.
    24th seems so close;)

    Good luck to all mommas!!!!!
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    Due the 18th.  My last baby went to 41 weeks, so I don't feel in a hurry to get things done.  I know this one's not necessarily going to be the same, though.

    DD born 07/2011 DD due 11/18/2013
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    I'm due 11/23 last week I was dilated 1cm and her head was engaged. I go back tomorrow and I feel like I will probably be dilated more by the amount of discomfort I have down there. Most of my contractions happen at night when I'm sleeping so who knows how bad they are. I just feel them when I get up to use the bathroom. I'm a deep sleeper ; ) Although that is slowly changing since everything is uncomfortable. I have a feeling she may come early but I hope not bc nothing is ready....
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    I'm due 11/23, finished all my shopping today! Washed all my clothes and the bag is packed! Now I wait (for what feels like forever).
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    I am due Nov. 28th but have a RCS scheduled for the 22nd. I'd be very surprised if I made it until then. I constantly have BH but at my exam I was totally sealed up so they aren't making any changes. My husband doesn't arrive until Nov. 8th (he is stationed in Hawaii still) so in my head, the longer I waited to wash clothes, etc I wouldn't be twiddling my thumbs waiting on him. After he gets here, she can come on whenever!!! I cannot install the car seat properly by myself since we decided to skip the infant seat and get the convertible seat. That sucker is HEAVY!!
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    savannahd87savannahd87 member
    edited November 2013
    I'm due on the 22nd, started internal checks today 0 dilation and 50% effaced but I feel like it will be a long time before our baby girl makes her appearance. We still need to finish our nursery..just a closet door and some shelves left to install. I have zero freezer meals prepared and some little baby things to pick up still. I feel a bit like a slacker, no big nesting instincts kicking in yet. Glad I have DH keeping things on track.
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    I'm due 11/21, I'm 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. The doc said it could happens anytime now, I'm not too worried. I feel I have a week or two left. Come 11/11 I'm doing everything I can to get her out. I don't want to go past my due date.
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    I'm due 11-28.. I'm pretty sure that my to-do list would make you cringe! haha I'm a procrastinator though, so it's not surprising to me. Just a little overwhelemed at times. But that also comes with having a toddler, working full time, and being really pregnant! I'm sooo over being pregnant though! (of course, I don't want her to be early, so I know I have to deal with it!)

    HP super sirius

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    Due date is 11/25 but we are being induced on or around 11/18. No progress at check on Monday, had weird stuff going on for the last couple days so went back today but check out ok. Still have to pack bags, put Lo's clothes away and wash more, finish making a couple diapers and prep the remaining diapers. DH needs to paint the changing table and clean out her closet and paint it.

    I am still loading the freezer down and doing my squirell shopping (stocking up) so the pantry is full, freezer is full, etc...

    The only thing in my hospital back is 2 rolls of TP... LOL! I have my priorities!

    Car seats are installed, crib together...

    I just really wish I has the gumption to get the whole house good and clean one more time before she arrives.

    Waiting on that last burst of go go juice before she makes her entry!
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    I'm due the 16th... hi.

    I need to finish my hospital bag, but after being there for a week I don't even want to think about it. And honestly while I was there I didn't use anything DH brought for me except the chapstick. That shiz is for real. My lips were like crusty little nasties. 

    I think I just need my Ergo infant insert and to put the batteries in her RnP.
    BLAD reppin'

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    I'm due 11/19.....not a whole lot going on physically.  The nursery is all set up, clothes washed, freezer meals taken care of, car seat installed, and hospital bag is packed.  The only thing I need to do is vacuum the nursery and wipe down the blinds.....the waiting around game has started!  
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    I'm due the 29th...sigh...I still need to pack my bag, install her carseat, and buy a few other last minute things. I just keep saying to myself she'll be here before I know it! Good luck and I hope your delivery is smooth!
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    Due the 20th and moved in with SO a week ago, so we are still unpacking/cleaning.

    His roommate moved out yesterday (which will now be baby's nursery) so we haven't even done anything with his room yet. Definitely have our work cut out for us.

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    My EDD is the 27th but I'll be induced the 19th but it seems like it's taking forever!!
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    Im due november 28th, but would be happy for him to arrive any day now
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    Hello...I am new here my EDD is Nov 16... It feels like it is taking forever.
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    I am due the 23rd, baby is very low but nothing is happening. I have my temporary nursery ready until the new house is finished beginning of December but there are still some things on my list like prep some frozen meals, get the car seat inspected ...
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    Due the 25th will be induced tomorrow the 4th was hoping he'd be a late baby till at least the 1st so he can have a December bday like his momma but no luck haha atleast I get to hold my LO soon!
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    11/25 here. It sounds like a long time away until I think for a moment about all the job-related work I have to do before leave. Then I cry.

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    Due on the 26th. All baby stuff is done (nursery, shopping,etc) only things left are car seat. Installation and wrapping up some work related items. Currently dealing with nervous excitement
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    11/22 and finally got some things checked off the list and almost all nursery furniture is purchased and assembled. I feel it in my bones I'm going to go late, so I've been really irked with everyone telling me for weeks it could be "any day now." Like, can I get to term before we start wishing labor and delivery on me?

    Trying to convince hubs we need to install carseat early. He keeps asking why now and why not after we have the baby during our hospital stay. "Because! Now! Inspection.... just do it!" is my best response.
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