I met with my Dr. today and he is sending me to a fertility Dr. for testing. I have an appointment in 2 weeks for my consult. He said something about doing blood tests to check my hormone levels, then an u/s to check my tubes and a few other tests. The appointment was a blur. Of course I cried b/c I'm a big baby but I'm looking forward to finding out if something is wrong.
I know most of you have been to a fertility Dr. What was your first appointment like?
Re: And so the testing begins....
Me: 32 DH: 31.
B/W: good. SA: good.
November 2012: Paratubal cyst found during U/S.
January 10, 2013: Lap removed paratubal cyst and Stage 2 Endometriosis.
3 cycles of Femara + TI = BFNs
June 2013: Femara 2.5 mg, Gonal F Injects 37.5 IU, Menopur, trigger + IUI = BFN
July 2013: Femara 2.5 mg, Gonal F Injects 75 IU, Menopur, trigger + IUI = BFP!!!!
Beta 1 @ 11 DPIUI = 76. Progesterone = 27.3
BFP 8/16/2013 // EDD 4/28/2014
Jordan Samuel born April 19, 2014. 6 lb, 12 oz and 18 inches long.
CLICK ME!!!11!!1111!!
This, why did your doctor refer you to a specialist? I only ask because most cases they wait at least a year before referring.
"Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles ... it empties today of its strengths"
-Corrie Ten Boom
Hmmm... Now I really am curious as to why the OP is seeing a specialist so soon. As for me, I was just hoping she wasn't serious because I'm only on month 4 since stopping BC and TTC. But it is what it is. Thanks for confirming that my doc is giving good advice.
If I recall, she first posted under A.C.Soup!! and was panicking immediately because she conceived sooooo very quickly with her first two (first month maybe?). Then called everyone mean and bitchy and started several new threads trying to apologize. OP, are you charting?
From my internet stranger perspective, your anxiety level with routine TTC seems excessive.
TTC#1 since May 2012. Low AMH, High FSH.
Factor II (Prothrombin) Mutation
TTGP Award Best PIP 2013 & 2014
My Chart
Oh yes! I remember that now. Thanks!
Yep, I remember her. I was wondering if anyone else did too.
First of all, it was not a post and run. Today is my hubby's birthday and I had his whole family over for dinner. We have been "trying" since January but I've been tracking my cycles for over a year now. I have a short LP and short cycles. I'm charting and shared those with my Dr. today and he agreed I have a LPD. My Dr. told me after 6 months of actively trying he would talk to me about testing. Yes, my boys were conceived on our first try and I was very lucky. My thyroid has been acting up which the Dr. said can also cause short cycles and short LP. I've also had two c- sections which they said could lead to scar tissue so they are going to do an u/s to check.
I thought this was a place to come for support?
My Dr.d told my that Clomid would help with my LPD but that he would rather me get my hormones and tubes checked before putting me on something I may not need.
Thanks for being so sweet.
I couldn't change my info on my other name from 4 years ago, so I had to change it. I knew I was lucky with conceiving so easily the first time around but a lot has changed since I had my little one. My health has been up and down and so has my anxiety.
This is a board about trying to conceive, whether not its been one month or two years, first baby or fifth we are all here for the same reason. It wouldn't hurt to be a little more kind to people. Some of you are so nice and some of you are just mean girls. This is a place to go for guidance and support, not rude comments that are hurtful.
Soup - My Dr told me the same thing. Try for 6 months and if no luck come see him. I hope everything is ok for you when you blood work and u/s comes back. GL!
People come to this board for a variety of reasons. Those reasons may or may not be the ones you listed above.
Trying to get knocked up since June 2012 ~ Dx: PCOS
BFP 7.24.13 ~ EDD 4.2.14 ~ m/c 9.16.13 @ 11w4d
BFP 5.4.14 ~ EDD 1.12.15 ~ stick little bean!
TTGP 2013 Best Blog ~ Fruit ~ My BFP Chart
I think its safe to say people don't come on here just for the snarky comments or to get flamed . Some people have been on here longer than others so they have a seniority attitude but we all started out here as newbies and I'm sure ya'll didn't like getting the rude comments either.
Didn't you say, just a few days ago, that this was your first month charting? Am I reading that wrong?
I'm sorry for being an assshole, but it's easier to help people when they're being honest.
Was skimming through your blog. Why are you on progesterone? It gives me pregnancy symptoms and I hate it. Emotional, tired, sore boobs!
This was my first month charting for an entire month. I had started charting months ago and my little one was getting up twice a night and my big one was getting up at 5am so I wasn't getting a solid 3 hrs ever so I had to stop charting. I've been using OPK's also and was tracking it that way. My cycles have been clock work for 11 months now...same thing every month!
I'm working on getting my thyroid under control which I have been for months. They suggested putting me on clomid for my LPD but he thinks it would be smart for them to check my tubes for scar tissue since its common for people who have had multiple c-sections.
My appointment today was with a different Dr. in the practice.
Me: 32 DH: 31.
B/W: good. SA: good.
November 2012: Paratubal cyst found during U/S.
January 10, 2013: Lap removed paratubal cyst and Stage 2 Endometriosis.
3 cycles of Femara + TI = BFNs
June 2013: Femara 2.5 mg, Gonal F Injects 37.5 IU, Menopur, trigger + IUI = BFN
July 2013: Femara 2.5 mg, Gonal F Injects 75 IU, Menopur, trigger + IUI = BFP!!!!
Beta 1 @ 11 DPIUI = 76. Progesterone = 27.3
BFP 8/16/2013 // EDD 4/28/2014
Jordan Samuel born April 19, 2014. 6 lb, 12 oz and 18 inches long.
CLICK ME!!!11!!1111!!
I definitely stayed around for the snark. Do people like getting flamed? I have no idea, I imagine not. Is it necessary sometimes? Yes.
I have been here for over a year. Do I think I have a seniority attitude? No. I actually stay out of the thick of it most of the time. I'd like to think I give support to those ladies I've made friends with and offer advice and information to those who need it. But the "this board is a place for support" phrase really gets under my skin. Most of the time it's said by people with 10 posts who haven't made any connections/friendships with other ladies on this board. It's a you've got to give to get it type of situation.
I'm on progesterone because my RE and I felt it was a good option given my history of heavy spotting before my period. I don't enjoy the side effects, but it is what it is.
Trying to get knocked up since June 2012 ~ Dx: PCOS
BFP 7.24.13 ~ EDD 4.2.14 ~ m/c 9.16.13 @ 11w4d
BFP 5.4.14 ~ EDD 1.12.15 ~ stick little bean!
TTGP 2013 Best Blog ~ Fruit ~ My BFP Chart
I actually think people have been extremely tolerant and have laid off through a lot of self-centered posts.
There are lots of boards out there that have different vibes to them and everyone has to figure out the right fit for them. I only have experience with FF forums and TB. I happen to like both but understand the difference in Board tones.
You may notice, if you lurked more, there there are certain, predictable behaviors and posts that will get flamed on this board (nearly) every time. And I have to say that you just seem to have hit a lot of those triggers in a very short timeframe.
Without being snarky at all, with your level of questioning and what seems like a desire for "babydust" answers - you really might want to check out the FF forums if you want blind "support" and since honest but blunt answers seem to upset you a lot. But, that's for you to decide.
ETA: quote duplicated
TTC#1 since May 2012. Low AMH, High FSH.
Factor II (Prothrombin) Mutation
TTGP Award Best PIP 2013 & 2014
My Chart
I'm not lying about anything. I've been nothing but honest and would just appreciate honest answer without all the snarky nonsense.
My original post was about testing done at the Dr.s offices and not ONE person answered my question. Instead I got "she got pregnant soooooo fast with her first two" and "i'm crazy for going to a fertility dr."...
What reason would someone have for making up such a story?
I've been around these boards for years, mostly lurking, and have def. seen made up stories and lies. I just don't get that vibe from Soup.
(I could be wrong...)
Soup...sorry I can't answer any of your questions, I don't have any experience with what you asked about.
son#1 born 6/2010
son#2 born 4/2012
son#3 born 7/2014
THIS is your first post on TTGP. Poor choice.
Hi hun-
I just wanted to wish you the best of luck. Don't worry about what a random internet message board has to [unsolicitedly] suggest about your medical needs, I'd trust my doctor over an internet forum any day of the week. And if you have a feeling that your doc IS jumping to testing too soon [as others have suggested], see another doctor for a 2nd opinion. I went to 3 different OBGYNs regarding my cervical issues just to be sure I wasn't being pushed into the most dire circumstances necessary and it turned out they all told me to do the same thing my original doctor suggested. It was a pain but it gave me reassurance. Not every doctor in this world is out to get people. Keep your head up and good luck! XO
I'm checking them out now...
ETA: I see what you mean. The one about how much babies cost gets me - yikes!
I would much prefer comfy cushions to sit on. Please and thank you.
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How about a hammock?
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