
Starting to prefer bottle over breast?? Help!

I've been back to work for a month now and she gets about 2 (occasionally 3) bottles a day while I'm gone. I ebf when I'm home. But this week I noticed she hasn't really been eating as much for her night feeding, which I shrugged off. However I worked a split shift today a went in a noon and she would not take the breast for her afternoon feeding, she was screaming like crazy and even after I would calm her down she would still refuse. (even though I know she was hungry) My husband had to give her a bottle soon after I left. I'm trying not to over think this... But everything has been going so smoothly with bf for the past 4 months so I'm worried!!! We use a slow flow nipple, and it takes about 20 min for her to eat one.. I felt like I was doing everything 'right'. Sorry this is so long.... Does anyone have any suggestions or advice??? Tia!  

Re: Starting to prefer bottle over breast?? Help!

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    How old is your LO? Once they're 3-4 months, you can start using a cup to feed them (I guess this really depends on your caregiver's comfort level, too). My LO never took a bottle, so we only used cups once I returned to work, when she was 5-6 months.

    Another thought- and this would depend on your work situation, etc- is to take a nursing vacation, and just snuggle up with LO for a day, letting her eat from the breast on demand.

    If you can't find a solution that you feel is working, you could always go see an LC or stop by a LLL meeting- they would probably have good advice. GL!!


    ETA: There is also way better advice in this thread:

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    I have the same problem...I've switched to Breastflow bottles, and we've only ever used the slowest flow. It seems to have helped because now she'll at least nurse while awake for the first couple feedings of the day. Before she would scream and fuss just as you described, and only want a bottle. I don't give her a paci as much, and I dream feed her whenever I can (before I go to bed and during naps) This is only on the weekends since I work full-time. While she's sleeping, if she's sucking on her paci, I'll just take it out and insert my boob. At night when she won't nurse, I get her to nurse now by giving her an oz in a bottle, inserting the paci, then she's calmed down and will nurse. At 4 months they start getting distracted too, so try and nurse in a dark quiet room, and different positions. I've heard many have luck with the side lying position. I have to put LO in my lap and lean over her and dangle my boob in her face! But whatever works! 
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    As soon as I saw your title I told my self I HAD to respond to your post. I'm not sure how old you LO is but my son is 4.5 months and we are literally getting over this "nursing strike"! He stopped taking the breast cold turkey last Saturday, a week ago. Talk about frustration...Shortly before I went back to work we had switched him over to the medium nipple. When I went back to work hubby was feeding him and I would BF at night/early morning. As of Saturday he wanted nothing to do with the breast. I tried everything like tricking him and trying to sneak my nipple in after he's been sucking on the bottle. DID NOT WORK!!! Wednesday I told hubby no more medium nipple! So all his feedings were with the slow nipple and Thursday I had success, he was sleep nonetheless, but he did latch! Friday I went in late and he latched twice!! Saturday after letting him cry it out a bit a shoved my nipple into his mouth while I rocked him and he latched on repeatedly. This morning at 4:15am he went straight on the breast and nursed himself back to sleep. Now I'm pumping.

    Believe me when I say this, these nursing strikes are rough!! I questioned everything!! What I ate, the detergent/fragrance I used, the soap/lotion/deodorant I wore, the position he was feeding in and even my supply. From what I've read this is very normal. I think my issue was milk flow and he was used to getting instant gratification from the medium nipple. Keep giving her the slow nipple and ALWAYS offer the breast first. The best advice I got during this phase was giving baby a little bottled milk to take the hunger edge off then trying to breastfeed!! That worked like a miracle!! Keep it up...keep it up...keep it up!!! This too shall pass.

    I know this can be even more difficult but try leaving all frustration out this phase! I think baby can sense our emotions and they can become uneasy about nursing. Yes, it's easier said than done but it helps. Try playing with her for a little. Tickle the side of her mouth with your nipple express some milk on you nipple before offering it to her.

    Stay strong!! 

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