September 2013 Moms

b!tchfest monday?

We did this last week, so I'm posting it again this week..


This isn't directed at any one person, but if I see one more post about "is it okay to gain weight?" I'm going to lose my mind.


Also, we don't need an individual post every time someone passes their GD screening.  There have been plenty of posts that have legit questions with them, and I have no problem with that... but holy cow ladies!


What else have you got?  Let's hear it ladies? 


We said goodbye to our sweet Taylor Ashley on August 8, 2012.We lost baby Noelle on May 1, 2015

Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!

Re: b!tchfest monday?

  • My gripe made it into its own thread, but basically I could ring DHs neck. I would really like it he would consider the amount of stress he puts on me! If he could just take responsibility for SOMETHING right now, that would be great.
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  • My two year old is being the biggest pita today. And its raining cats and dogs so not much I can do with her. I want cookies but selfish hubby bought his knowing i hate them. That is all.
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  • Thank you for starting this thread!  I know I've vented about this before, but SERIOUSLY the guy that sits on the row next to me at work, must you clip all your fingernails at work every week?  it disgusts me!  and how can your fingernails grow that fast? 

    Also, other annoying people at work, why must you constantly ask me when I am coming back to work or how long a maternity leave I am taking, etc?  It's none of your business!  And I don't even know yet, so stop freaking asking me all the time!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Toby, my furry baby
  • YES! YES! I love you, OP! I am so ridiculously tired of seeing the GD and weight gain/loss posts!! I swear I want to toss my computer every time I see one (which is what, 10x a day?). STOP THE MADNESS!

    (clearly, they've pushed me over the edge)



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • imagerevlaurawittman:

    This isn't directed at any one person, but if I see one more post about "is it okay to gain weight?" I'm going to lose my mind.

    AMEN. I used to respond with such patience to these, but lately I just sort of want to be really snarky in response.

    I mean, seriously. We are growing life here, gaining some weight comes with the territory, everyone knows it, and it's what we all signed up for. Why even step on your scale? What is even the point? It's not like you're on a diet. Let the doctor determine if you've gained too much weight. They'll tell you, I promise.

    Hazel 7/08  -  Genevieve 8/09  -  Wesley 9/13
  • Oh, and dear (male) coworker, if you say one more word about pregnant waddles, I will go off on you. I get that we're friends at work and all, but your "maybe she should try walking front to back instead of side to side" comment about another coworker got me annoyed (mostly because I'm sick of listening to you and your stupid-azz jokes in general).

    And to the person that cleaned the fridge and threw my lunch away (on a weekend when food service is limited on the hospital campus).. thanks for making me cry like a baby in the bathroom.



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Agreed on the GD and weight gain posts. I also feel like we've seen a lot of "my H is a douche" for whatever reason. Maybe my H is just awesome, but sometimes I question how people even like their spouses with a lot of these posts.

    Personally? I have to go to Mexico for work on Wednesday, and I don't really want to. I just got back on May 31st and am going back again the last week of the month. It's just a lot of travel and being away from home.
    BFP #1 - Mango - 6/11/12, EDD 2/22/12 Natural MC 7/15/12
    BFP #2 - Nacho - 10/14/12, EDD 6/20/13, MMC 8 weeks, D&C 11/16/12
    All testing shows both H and I are perfectly normal. Baby Nacho had triploidy. 
    Back to normal business December 2012
    BFP #3 - Froggy - 1/15/13, EDD 9/27/13 TEAM GREEN
    It's a girl! Alice - Born 9/20/13, 8lbs 2oz

  • I hate DH's job! He's been working out of town on and off for the past 5 months. He's coming home Friday and we'd planned to do a 3D ultrasound next week. Now he has to go back to work, and he'll miss the ultrasound (I'm thinking I should just cancel instead of go alone) and likely our baby shower next weekend and my birthday the week after. I feel bad getting angry at him, but it sucks. I've been on my own the majority of this pregnancy and feel like I'll be the only one around when the baby is born as well! I'm sure tomorrow it won't seem like as big of a deal, but right now I'm grumpy and emotional!  

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    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageravenclaw1:
    Agreed on the GD and weight gain posts. I also feel like we've seen a lot of "my H is a douche" for whatever reason. Maybe my H is just awesome, but sometimes I question how people even like their spouses with a lot of these posts. Personally? I have to go to Mexico for work on Wednesday, and I don't really want to. I just got back on May 31st and am going back again the last week of the month. It's just a lot of travel and being away from home.


    This.... seriously.  My husband can be a moron sometimes, but he is a wonderful husband and father and I would honestly be lost without him.  


    We said goodbye to our sweet Taylor Ashley on August 8, 2012.We lost baby Noelle on May 1, 2015

    Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!
  • imagestarinyte:

    This isn't directed at any one person, but if I see one more post about "is it okay to gain weight?" I'm going to lose my mind.

    AMEN. I used to respond with such patience to these, but lately I just sort of want to be really snarky in response.

    I mean, seriously. We are growing life here, gaining some weight comes with the territory, everyone knows it, and it's what we all signed up for. Why even step on your scale? What is even the point? It's not like you're on a diet. Let the doctor determine if you've gained too much weight. They'll tell you, I promise.


    Me too!  But today I'm feeling super snarky, and I've reached a breaking point.  


    We said goodbye to our sweet Taylor Ashley on August 8, 2012.We lost baby Noelle on May 1, 2015

    Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!
  • Had to work with two nurses again today because another unit was short and pulled one of our nurses. When I finally thought I was caught up, the fricking unit MD showed up near the end of shift and wrote a bunch of new orders. Then while i was charting on all these new orders, I had one of my elderly male patients approach me with his pants undone,  threatening to report me to the administrator because I "promised to put ointment on the rash on his balls" this morning. Uh, no I did not but guess what I ended up having to do before I clocked out? Granted the man does have rashy balls but couldnt one of the nurses I reported off to this evening do it so I could go home?  So I'm finally home and my ankles are swollen 3x their normal size because I barely sat down all day. *sigh* I need ice cream in my life right now.
  • imageaverettgirl:
    Had to work with two nurses again today because another unit was short and pulled one of our nurses. When I finally thought I was caught up, the fricking unit MD showed up near the end of shift and wrote a bunch of new orders. Then while i was charting on all these new orders, I had one of my elderly male patients approach me with his pants undone, nbsp;threatening to report me to the administrator because I "promised to put ointment on the rash on his balls" this morning. Uh, no I did not but guess what I ended up having to do before I clocked out? Granted the man does have rashy balls but couldnt one of the nurses I reported off to this evening do it so I could go home? nbsp;So I'm finally home and my ankles are swollen 3x their normal size because I barely sat down all day. sigh I need ice cream in my life right now.

    Ew. That is all.
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  • I had to drive home from the OB in a freaking monsoon. Now, I have a headache which is probably due to the stress of driving in the madness. I know we do not have it nearly as bad as those in the Midwest, but I'm so over these bleeping storms for all of us! 

    Also, my cervix shortened from almost 4 to 2.6 which pisses me off. All the bed rest and water intake and still it shortened. It could be worse, I know. I'm just a control freak that isn't liking not being able to control these things! Also, A keeps her head right up against my cervix! She needs to get the heck out of there. 

    And why would you drive like a moron in a car that advertises a business? I've seen this more and more. Really?? Who wants to hire a douche that can't drive? 

    I'm glad this day is almost over. 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Had to work with two nurses again today because another unit was short and pulled one of our nurses. When I finally thought I was caught up, the fricking unit MD showed up near the end of shift and wrote a bunch of new orders. Then while i was charting on all these new orders, I had one of my elderly male patients approach me with his pants undone, nbsp;threatening to report me to the administrator because I "promised to put ointment on the rash on his balls" this morning. Uh, no I did not but guess what I ended up having to do before I clocked out? Granted the man does have rashy balls but couldnt one of the nurses I reported off to this evening do it so I could go home? nbsp;So I'm finally home and my ankles are swollen 3x their normal size because I barely sat down all day. sigh I need ice cream in my life right now.
    Ew. That is all.

    Ew is right. The joys of being a nurse. Very rewarding profession but some days, especially since I've been pregnant, I wanna run screaming out of that building. Today I almost did lol. 

  • "You look good" Um yeah I don't ive gained 50 lbs no need to say this to me especially with that look on your face!
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  • imageravenclaw1:
    Agreed on the GD and weight gain posts. I also feel like we've seen a lot of "my H is a douche" for whatever reason. Maybe my H is just awesome, but sometimes I question how people even like their spouses with a lot of these posts.

    I agree with this. I see it on FB all the time. Everyone has gripes about their DH, and little stuff is fine to say, but some people take it overboard. Personally, I'm of the mindset that your fights/issues with DH stay between you and DH (or a counselor, if that's the case).. they don't get broadcast to the entire world just because you're upset.

    And to the same point, I don't understand people that drag their parents in to their fights with their spouse. (i.e. the "I talked to my mom and she agrees that you're being an azz about this" type things).



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I am so very frustrated with my coworker.  He can be such a d!ck.  He is the only guy in our department and he thinks that he's our boss.  He seriously wants to tell everyone else in the department what to do, he takes stuff away from us (if the boss is copied on) so he can look at a super star, and if anyone disagrees with him he yells at us.  It drives me bonkers.  I don't need this stress.  I don't even like my job.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Tickerimage
  • imageravenclaw1:
    Agreed on the GD and weight gain posts. I also feel like we've seen a lot of "my H is a douche" for whatever reason. Maybe my H is just awesome, but sometimes I question how people even like their spouses with a lot of these posts.


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I hate that my DH doesn't offer help with DD when he can see I'm struggling.  I'm getting uncomfortable and I would love for him to wrestle with her to get her dressed just once without me asking.  He's been doing work in the nursery, which is great, but I haven't had a break from DD and we are driving each other crazy.  Add to that he's working late tonight and I'm not happy.  I usually rave about DH but I feel like he's being insensitive lately.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Married 12/8/07 | Sleeve Gastrectomy 10/19/09
    BFP#1 DD born 3/9/11 | BFP#4 DD born 9/20/13
    BFP#2 6/21/12, M/C at 5w2d | BFP#3 11/27/12, M/C at 6w6d
  • I just hit 26 weeks and I've had to be put on Zofran. Like wtf... I need to start lurking the first trimester board because of this bullsht??... thank you morning sickness... thank you.


    BFP 01/05/2013. EDD 09/18/2013. Low Progesterone. Gestational Diabetes. Rh Negative. Baby Ky-Mani born 100% healthy 09/17/2013. TTC#2 12/2013. BFP 02/01/2014! "Baby RaggaMuffin" due 10/07/2014.


  • imagerevlaurawittman:

    This isn't directed at any one person, but if I see one more post about "is it okay to gain weight?" I'm going to lose my mind.

    THANK YOU!!! I worry enough about how much I've gained without seeing that someone is worried about gaining about half or less than half as much as I have. I know I shouldn't look at those posts, but I can't resist them, either, and then I just feel bad. 


    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

     Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • Thank you OP! seriously!!! the worst is most of the "I went for my GD test" followed by "I passed", is mostly from newbies that none of us know!

    Urgh - don't get me started on the weight gain posts:  I don't even look when I go to the OB, I get on the scale backwards: I asked them to tell me if it is an issue.  I just stopped throwing up last week, and I am growing a human ffs.


  • imagerevlaurawittman:
    We did this last week, so I'm posting it again this week..nbsp;This isn't directed at any one person, but if I see one more post about "is it okay to gain weight?" I'm going to lose my mind.nbsp;Also, we don't need an individual post every time someone passes their GD screening. nbsp;There have been plenty of posts that have legit questions with them, and I have no problem with that... but holy cow ladies!nbsp;What else have you got? nbsp;Let's hear it ladies?nbsp;

    Hah I literally just posted about passing the GD screening.... Sorry ladies, DH is in his man cave, DS is napping, and I'm bored!!
  • imagerevlaurawittman:
    We did this last week, so I'm posting it again this week..nbsp;This isn't directed at any one person, but if I see one more post about "is it okay to gain weight?" I'm going to lose my mind.nbsp;Also, we don't need an individual post every time someone passes their GD screening. nbsp;There have been plenty of posts that have legit questions with them, and I have no problem with that... but holy cow ladies!nbsp;What else have you got? nbsp;Let's hear it ladies?nbsp;

    Hah I literally just posted about passing the GD screening.... Sorry ladies, DH is in his man cave, DS is napping, and I'm bored!!
  • I'm so sick of working with incompetent idiots who do nothing but sit there with their noses buried in their computers. DO SOMETHING. You're being paid to work.... So work!!

    Also I want to slap the 15 year old who just gave me my drink in the drive thru. I ordered a vanilla coke not the attitude ok snot!?

    I love the world. And all the wonderful people in it. Smiley.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I have another fingers have swollen just enough that my rings don't fit comfortably on me. I hate not wearing my wedding band and engagement ring. I love wearing these rings and what they symbolize.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Tickerimage
  • Here's one from work. There's this woman that is in management and I don't know how old she is, but she's at least in her thirties, and she talks baby talk. I don't understand how she can talk like that and sometimes act little girlish at the same time and be in the position that she's in, or just the fact that she's an adult and talks like that. She's a nice person, and I don't really have much interaction with her, but it just annoyed me today. 

    And it's not all the time she talks like that, so it's not her natural voice or anything. 


    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

     Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • imageWishing35:
    "You look good" Um yeah I don't ive gained 50 lbs no need to say this to me especially with that look on your face!

     For what it's worth, my best friend gained 50 pounds during her pregnancy and I still thought she was beautiful :) I bet you are too!

  • imageravenclaw1:
    Agreed on the GD and weight gain posts. I also feel like we've seen a lot of "my H is a douche" for whatever reason. Maybe my H is just awesome, but sometimes I question how people even like their spouses with a lot of these posts.

    I would say the majority of the time I don't like my spouse. So that is probably why I post so many vents about him!
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  • Number 1: I HATE it that people stare at me when I ride my bike! I can't possibly be the first pregnant lady they've ever seen ride a bike. I actually had someone roll down their window and say, "You shouldn't be riding!" the other day.

     Number 2: What is with the term "side eye"? Is this something people say in real life? I have only ever heard it on the bump, and I think it is straight up weird. 

  • Sorry to be one of the "weight posters" ... it was from a few weeks ago and mostly I was just feeling like a big blob, not really concerned about weight.

    I am a teacher and just got my assignment for summer with 3 other people that aren't familiar with the age group...ugh, and they just watched me carry around supplies while they sat there. Thought I was going to start screaming at them. OH, and the a/c was broken, yuck!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm so tired of people posting about the stupid GD test on this board! It's getting just plain old. I get that you're nervous or that you didn't pass or whatever, but it has just been Now whenever I see a post with GD in the title I skip over it without a second glance.
    DH and I are both 25
    Married 8/18/12
    Baby Jack's EDD is 9/18/13
    photo 229108e9-b31e-41b9-80f6-d27bce908989_zpsa243562b.jpg
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • If one more biitch says "wow, you're really small" I will end up in jail. Seriously, fvuck you. Maybe you got huge while you were pregnant, thats fine, thats how your body reacted to pregnancy. I happen to think I carry very nicely. I dont need to explain every fvucking time that my boys are growing just fine and depsite me looking small I am measuring at 42w. Go fvuck yourself.

     Seriously, its like "oh you're pregnant with twins? You're so small"

    me:"Well I didnt know I was supposed to blow up like a balloon the day after I found out. You're an idiot."

    That is all.

  • imagelaurelannie:
    If one more biitch says "wow, you're really small" I will end up in jail. Seriously, fvuck you. Maybe you got huge while you were pregnant, thats fine, thats how your body reacted to pregnancy. I happen to think I carry very nicely. I dont need to explain every fvucking time that my boys are growing just fine and depsite me looking small I am measuring at 42w. Go fvuck yourself.nbsp;Seriously, its like "oh you're pregnant with twins? You're so small" me:"Well I didnt know I was supposed to blow up like a balloon the day after I found out. You're an idiot."That is all.
    Haha, well you looked plenty pregnant in that photo you posted the other day. By all means, go cut a b!tch, I bet you'd have an awesome mug shot. Hehe.

    This is why I effing love you!

  • imagerevlaurawittman:

    Agreed on the GD and weight gain posts. I also feel like we've seen a lot of "my H is a douche" for whatever reason. Maybe my H is just awesome, but sometimes I question how people even like their spouses with a lot of these posts. Personally? I have to go to Mexico for work on Wednesday, and I don't really want to. I just got back on May 31st and am going back again the last week of the month. It's just a lot of travel and being away from home.


    This.... seriously.  My husband can be a moron sometimes, but he is a wonderful husband and father and I would honestly be lost without him.  

    Ditto... this.  I'm not saying this to brag about my own, although he is great.  I know husbands aren't awesome all of the time, but come on.  Your DH is the ONLY person on the face of the earth that you CHOSE to be related to. 

  • I wanted to slap the pregnant woman who was smoking and swilling beer after beer today where we were swimming!

    Really?? I mean really???
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  • imageBellodomani:
    Number 1: I HATE it that people stare at me when I ride my bike! I can't possibly be the first pregnant lady they've ever seen ride a bike.nbsp;I actually had someone roll down their window and say, "You shouldn't be riding!" the other day.nbsp;Number 2: What is with the term "side eye"? Is this something people say in real life? I have only ever heard it on the bump, and I think it is straight up weird.nbsp;

    Omg. I hate the term side eye! I never heard it before this board either. I wish people would just say "I'm judging you" It sounds more honest.


    We said goodbye to our sweet Taylor Ashley on August 8, 2012.We lost baby Noelle on May 1, 2015

    Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!
  • imagestaceymack:
    I had to drive home from the OB in a freaking monsoon. Now, I have a headache which is probably due to the stress of driving in the madness. I know we do not have it nearly as bad as those in the Midwest, but I'm so over these bleeping storms for all of us!nbsp;Also, my cervix shortened from almost 4 to 2.6 which pisses me off. All the bed rest and water intake and still it shortened. It could be worse, I know. I'm just a control freak that isn't liking not being able to control these things! Also, A keeps her head right up against my cervix! She needs to get the heck out of there.nbsp;And why would you drive like a moron in a car that advertises a business? I've seen this more and more. Really?? Who wants to hire a douche that can't drive?nbsp;I'm glad this day is almost over.nbsp;

    You need to tell those girls to behave!!! Keep getting rest and hydrating as much as you can. I know it's so frustrating now but the end result is so great! Thoughts and prayers for you lady!!!


    We said goodbye to our sweet Taylor Ashley on August 8, 2012.We lost baby Noelle on May 1, 2015

    Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!
  • Forgot about the stupid mockingbirds that have taken over my yard. We planted a tree for DD and these freaking birds have nested in it and keep dive-bombing us in the yard. Made DH's head bleed the other day when he was taking out the trash! DH says he doesn't want to do anything about it because of "kharma" with our LO. Jeesh. If one of them comes at me or DD, I am seriously taking them down!
    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagestaceymack:
    I had to drive home from the OB in a freaking monsoon. Now, I have a headache which is probably due to the stress of driving in the madness. I know we do not have it nearly as bad as those in the Midwest, but I'm so over these bleeping storms for all of us! 

    Also, my cervix shortened from almost 4 to 2.6 which pisses me off. All the bed rest and water intake and still it shortened. It could be worse, I know. I'm just a control freak that isn't liking not being able to control these things! Also, A keeps her head right up against my cervix! She needs to get the heck out of there. 

    And why would you drive like a moron in a car that advertises a business? I've seen this more and more. Really?? Who wants to hire a douche that can't drive? 

    I'm glad this day is almost over. 

    Sometimes I call the business right then and there and complain.  I give them the license number and the street direction etc...Instant cure for road rage.

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