September 2013 Moms

b!tchfest monday?


Re: b!tchfest monday?

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    I hate that my DH doesn't offer help with DD when he can see I'm struggling. nbsp;I'm getting uncomfortable and I would love for him to wrestle with her to get her dressed just once without me asking. nbsp;He's been doing work in the nursery, which is great, but I haven't had a break from DD and we are driving each other crazy. nbsp;Add to that he's working late tonight and I'm not happy. nbsp;I usually rave about DH but I feel like he's being insensitive lately.

    This DH is great but I have been sick the past few days and DD has had her mommy ears on and refusing to listen. He sees her doing the same things I do can he just not step in say something to her before I have to especially after he sees she is not listening to me and frustrated.
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    Hubby an ahole every time I ask him to do something for me like throw the trash out or help me keep the house clean because we have three children that make messes including him he pretends not to hear me he starts playing play station or walks away to the window like I'm invisible. And when I scream and say why the hell you act like you can't hear me he tells and says " I heard you already leave me alone" I mean how am I supposed to know he heard me if he doesn't respond when I talk to him . It's not like he even has a job or some place to be that he can't help me get things done! Don't worry ladies when he's especting dinner I'm gona act like I asked him if he wanted and he just didnt respond so I assumed "he heard me" lmaoof stressing me out for no reason like he's a first time father or something !!!
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    I am a crabby Katie lately. so this is a vent-ish response. and will be long with many complaints. 

    I feel like I got punched in my ribs, right below my bra... its swollen, it had a mild bruise for a day and now, for the fifth day it just hurts. nothing so far has helped. (heat, cold, massage, stretching and the two pain things my doc told me I could take.) 
    This means no Yoga. because only doing two poses isn't fun. and the rest hurt so I can't be tranquil

    My twins have gone from well positioned (a was head down, b was breech (butt up)) to a being breech (butt down) and b being head down. 

    I have to have ANOTHER flucking 2 hour echo for the twins, but this time I get to check in to the hospital and go through all their red tape in order to get it done. My Mom will be there and I will probably be asleep since they only had time in the early afternoon, when I sleep... 
    I am not able to reschedule because it would put me outside the "optimal range" for the scans and I'd rather feel like *** than risk anything on the boys.
    OH, and the only day they could do it is the same day I'm doing my GD test. 
    I wish I could take a day off, but that won't happen because I have to save as much PTO as I can so that I have any form of a maternity leave.

    My main docs apparently "forgot" to move me onto my tri-weekly schedule, so I'm skipping it and going to every other week. yay. I feel like a lab rat. 

    I was just told that I will probably be advised to get an epi, because twin b's heartrates are "an indicator that he can go into distress easier." (and I'm of the "get the twins out healthy, tell me how best to do that without me needing a csection" camp) 
    My doctor was awesome about it, I told him my main reasons for not wanting it and after looking at my back, he assured me that my spine looked good and there was a very small chance for a mistake that can injure my spine. (it was my main concern since spinal stenosis runs in my family and I don't want to trigger anything)

    I put in a ticket at work last week because I can't log in to our ticketing system. They never set up my new username... I finally hear back today that "I can just call to have my password reset" great. but its not a password reset that I need... and really it took 4 business days to tell me this? So if I get any tickets tonight I'm SOL, because I can't log in to the system and I'm alone. 
    I put in the request LAST WEEK so that this wouldn't be a concern.  

    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
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    Agreed on the GD and weight gain posts. I also feel like we've seen a lot of "my H is a douche" for whatever reason. Maybe my H is just awesome, but sometimes I question how people even like their spouses with a lot of these posts. Personally? I have to go to Mexico for work on Wednesday, and I don't really want to. I just got back on May 31st and am going back again the last week of the month. It's just a lot of travel and being away from home.


    This.... seriously.  My husband can be a moron sometimes, but he is a wonderful husband and father and I would honestly be lost without him.  

    Ditto... this.  I'm not saying this to brag about my own, although he is great.  I know husbands aren't awesome all of the time, but come on.  Your DH is the ONLY person on the face of the earth that you CHOSE to be related to. 

    That's why I was SURE to say I found my DH Fail to be flucking hysterical. Because I love him but he doesn't always think through what he says. :) 

    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
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