2nd Trimester

Meal After Baby (For Fun)


Re: Meal After Baby (For Fun)

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    Italian hoogie and would love a beer.  

    Second, ill move to the seafood... :-) 

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    mmm... st. arnold spring bock...
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    Goat cheese.  I want it in something, on something and by itself.  Also brie and crackers.  Soft cheeses, how I miss you! Oh! and a bagel with cream cheese and lox! yum :)
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    Just the other night I was out for dinner with my husband and sad about all the things I couldn't have on the menu, so I said to the baby that "As soon as you're out, Daddy's going to bring Mommy an entire chocolate cake at the hospital!" I'm also a huge fan of tiki drinks and a new tiki bar has just opened up in town, although I suppose I'll have to wait a while to head out on the town. :)
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    Abig bowl of cookie dough!!
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    so maybe i do fall in the norm, but i can't wait to have a thick, juicy medium rare steak and a tall icy bud light :) 


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    so maybe i do fall in the norm, but i can't wait to have a thick, juicy medium rare steak and a tall icy bud light :) 



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    My last pregnancy I stayed away from all soda even caffeine free because of the chemicals! So as soon as I had my baby I wanted a large glass of iced coca cola soo bad! The nurse said I should wait because I had a c-section and it will make my stomach up set.. But I didn't care.. It was so worth throwing up afterwards haha
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    with my daughter i had a big iced coffee and mcdonalds, after this one i think some coffee, a pepsi and a nice big seafood platter because ive been craving seafood for a while now lol
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    Screw food, hand me a Beer ! As long as I don't end up woth pre-e again (& thus all the meds), my first meal will be a liquid lunch.

    "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." -- Dale Carnegie
    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." --Thomas A. Edison
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    I am foreign born and we use guiness stout for lactation, just to let you know if you do not have enough milk get guiness mix it with coke or pepsi to taste, just do not overdo it you will have enough milk for your baby way better than fenugreek. lol
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    I told my SIL who asked me what I would want that I wanted a huge super sonic breakfast burrito and two large onion rings from sonic and I wanted some wine later.



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    I want a sub... I live in NJ and I love our pizzeria subs!!! I'm missing them like crazy! Oh and I'd love to have a nice glass of RED WINE!! ooooo0o0o and a Iced Coffee would also be wonderful.... hahahaa I'm only 11 weeks preg. I've got a long way to go but I can dream can't I?
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    Oh, me too: sushi! A new place just opened up on Cura?ao and I've been reading rave reviews. We were just there for a visit and I was drooling every time we drove past Chopstix...

    I've heard that we ca n have tempura sushi, but I'm not taking the chance. Nor am I too familiar which places are good here in Aruba.

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    OMG!! I think I want sushi and chilli cheese fries and some oysters and a mango maragarita (on the rocks)!!!! Oh and a soda I think it's the nastiest stuff ever right now but I'm sure that will change cause I'm tired of juice and water.  lol I am looking at my answer and I'm like I sound pregnant
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    Jimmy johns. 
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    I agree with the ice cold beer!!!!
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    OOOO...being a Philly girl, I'm gonna say I want a cheeseteak with fried onions from Delasandro's and to drink a Lava Flow (a strawberry daiquiri and a pina colada mixed together.)  Yum.  Cant do any cheesteaks right now because of the heartburn.....
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    me too!


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    call me crazy but after 37 weeks of no fast food i really wanted a big mac and frys!!!  And i plan to get them this time lol
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    Toshi6Toshi6 member
    I'm so with you on the Sushi. We were going to go out for sushi b4 we found out I was pregnant, but oh well. I want a nice frosty margarita with it. Then, because I know I like to eat, and that won't fill me up, I will also have whatever anyone brings me.
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    With my first daughter, I told my mom that it was her responsibility to bring me a foot-long tuna sandwich with avocado and the biggest iced tea she could find.  I haven't yet decided with this pregnancy yet, but it might just involve sushi :)
    December Siggy Challenge:

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    I have GD, and my WHOLE pregnancy I've wanted a strawberry frosted donut from dunkin donuts. So hopefully when Wyatt gets here, someone will bring me my donut, and a mocha frappuccino. lol<3
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Definitely sushi and a big glass of white wine.  2nd meal will be an Italian sub, which I've been craving ever since I found out deli meat is on the no-no list.

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    A rainbow roll, an italian grinder and an ice cold BEER....I can't wait!!!
    Me 39, DH 40. Married on 9/18/2010 and have been TTC since. IVF # 1-7/13/2012, 15 retreived, 6 fertilized, 2 transferred, 4 frozen. BFP Natural MC 9/10 IVF#2, FET - 12/3/201 2 - 3 transferred, BFP! Natural MC 12/25/2012 IFV #3, 2/27/2013 - 3 transferred, BFP! TWINS!!! Loss of one twin 3/20/13.One sticky hanging on!Pregnancy%20ticker



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    Most looking forward to sushi!!! Mom can't wait 
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    HAPPY HOUR! haha...can you bring a new born to happy hour?? lol...jk jk jk
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    A margarita. I haven't skipped much else, but actual hard liquor and a plate of raw tuna would be great. Of course it will be December, so maybe not the best time for it!
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    I would have to agree I want my Sushi!!!!
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    I want queso and chips!!! I am not due until middle of February so i have a LONG wait.
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    I too want the SPICIEST sushi I can get my hands on!

    Along with a huge cold cut sub with lots of mustard, bologna and lettuce.


    OH GOSH, the excitement :) 

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    I would want a giant frappe and a full carne asada dinner. With extra avocado. Plus, a nice cold landshark beer with a lime on the side....AND one of those layered frozen drinks (pina colada/margarita/daquri)! haha

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    I would LOVE the turkey burgers that the hospital had after my 1st was born (they changed them before my 2nd was born)

    I would love to be able to eat a normal meal now (still dealing with morning sickness at 16 weeks).


    DS1 born 11/3/06   *   DS2 born 3/29/08   *   DD born 3/15/11  

    Scarlett Mae born 1/14/14                         Our family is now complete!


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    A spicy italian footlong from Subway and a glass of wine :) except I plan to breastfeed so the wine probably won't happen!
    Met DH: 2.5.2008
    Engaged: 4.9.11
    Married: 9.22.12
    Baby Girl J Born: 1.23.2014 via c section - Due with Baby #2: 5.27.2016
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    I will want a frozen rita with a hot dog with manwich and shredded cheese
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    r0zzr0zz member
    salmon nigiri and octopus nigiri.
    craving sushi like a demon
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    I can't decide.  Sushi... or a huge italian submarine sandwich from an authentic Italian deli.  
    December Siggy Challenge:

    A Charlie Brown Christmas


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    This thread is awesome, haha!

    There is a place close to my work (which just so happens to be the hospital I'll deliver at) that makes spicy tuna bowls that are TO DIE FOR that I think about at least once a week.  I'd like one of their spicy tuna bowls and a glass of Riesling!!

    Our Baby Girl, Emma, changed our lives forever when she was born 12-19-13 <3
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    I eat what I want...pregnant or not. I've had sushi 2x in the last 2weeks, some raw others cooked. I also eat deli meat on a regular basis. Oh and I had a ceasar salad that was made fresh when we went out to eat last night.

    So I guess I'll be looking forward to having some type of alcoholic beverage...but being it'll be the dead if winter here I'm not sure how bad I'll really want it compared to now when it's summer.

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